Eagle Valley news. (Richland, Or.) 191?-1919, December 19, 1918, Image 5

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    Santa Claus
yjjl be at my house f
next Wednesday.
Whoop-ce !
r 0000000000000000005
A Merry Christmas to nil.
Only FOUR more shopping days
jjeforo Christmas.
Ittiy Jewelry for Xmas pres
ents at Richland Drug Store. ad
Over one hundred cases of flu
wore reported at Homestead last
ftuy an IJastman Koc'ak for a
Christinas present at ltichland
Dnig Store. - ad
liminiu Thompson hud his right
eye badl) injured when splitting
wood Tuesday morning.
Oranges. Lemons. Cranberries,
Celery. Head Lettuce and Sveet
Potatoes at Haley's. ad
. Ait eight-pound boy arrived at
the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Craitr, Saturday night, Uec. Mth.
Ix)uis 1. Wright, HB, and Min
nie A. Hansen, 10, both of Sparta,
wtirc granted a license to wed
last week.
No public program of any kind
will bo given in JCagle Valley on
Christmas. Even the plans for
an out-door community celebra
tion were abandoned.
A shortage of gasoline in this
section has compelled auto own
ore to fall back on the horse as
a moans of locomotion.
Special Price? to Xmas program
committees on assorted candie?,
oranges, nuts and pop corn.
iv 1 Prank Clarke.
A letter received Saturday from
Rny Taylor, written after the
armistice was signed, stated that
he had come through the last
battles without a scratch.
Don't put olf your Xmas shop-
off until the day before. Do
it now wiiilo thn stocks arc more
(omnlete. Como in, we have
almost everything you need.
ml 12. & W. Chandler.
Tho Hod Cross program giv.en
Sunday evening at the Methc
ilist. church was worthy, of a hv
larger audience than was pre
ent. Tho talks by J. C. Howen,
Elmer Holman and J. M. Chneo
were of exceptional merit.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy.
Tlilu U nnL Olilv (lilt) ()( tlltl best nml
iiwttt otllcliint inodlclno for coughs, colds
uiul croup, but Itt iiIho pleasant and enfo
to tiiitti, which Ih important when medi
clno inimt ho given to chlldrun. Many
mothers havo gtvon it thulr uniialltlcd
, . n. . liver and keep ono'a body In a healthy
Buy Xmas Chocolates at KicnJcomiition," writes Mrs. Uonjaniiu
Ihnd Drug Store. ad
''WhorVB your.button?''
Buy Xmn3 Cigars at Richland,
Drug Store ufl
Take every precaution against'
spreading tho flu.
A number of Eagle Valley men
have gopp to Homestead to work,
Mrs. W. E. Uaird is entertain,
ing the W, II. M, S. this alter
boon, Hunting and fishing licenses
for 191Q ma np.v be sepured at
the News oflicj.
George Meek, a former resi
dent of Hobincllc, died of Hu at
Buhl, Idaho, last week. '
Come in and see our beautiful
assortment of men's ties.
ad Saunders Hro's.
Dave Heard, an old time rcsi
dent, died Tuesday at his home in
Sparta, a victim of pneumonia.
The Oregon Dairymen's Asso
ciation will hold its annual meet
ing next year at Ililisboro, Jan
uary M and ir.
Full assortment of new crop
almonds and walnuts, high grade
box chocolates and Xmas candies
at Frank Clarke's. ad
Miss Iowa Roddick .'of Hobinr
ette has gone to Caldwell, where
she will spend the winter at tho
home of her brother, T. J
Jimmie Cooper received a tele
gram trom wasmngion, v. u,
this week slating that his brother
Henry was killed on Monday,
October Mth.
Mr. John Weaver of Cald vell,
Idaho, was in ltichland the first
of the week, li'ilding series of
prayer me?tins with tho local
Seventh Day Adventists.
Christmas Cheer. Celery, Let
Luce, Cranberries, bweet Pota
toes. Mince Meat. Oranges, Le
mons, Hannnas, nuts and candies.
E. & W. Chandler.-ad
Win. Carnahan, Aaron Densley
and Hobt. Coble, accompanied by
Joe Kusby of Upper Burnt River,
arrived in the Valley Friday night
with JUG" head of choice yearling
steers recently purchased by
Walter and Carson Cover.
The solicitors for the Red Cross
membership drive are meeting
with groat success and report
that they lnve met but very few
people who refused to dig up
dollar, in fact, nine out of ten of
oar citizens expressed their will
ingness to give more if needed.
.A Chip Off the Block
A boy just naturally tries to
follow in Daddy's tracks. It is
natural for him to want to do
things like Daddy does.
With this fact in mind do you
not think it would be a very good
thing for your boy to have a bank
account and learn to do business
liko you do? We believe that al
children should be taught early
how to open an account at the
bank, deposit their savings and
nav their little bills by chock.
We take special interest in the
accounts of our youthful dent sit
ors. both girls and boys, und try
to teach them the correct way to
make their transactions.
ad) Eaglb Valley State Bank
Stomach Trouble and Constipation.
ThoMo who uro alllleted with stomach
troublii nml constipation should rotul tho
following: "I have never found anything
ho good (or stomach trouhlu ami consti
pation ns Chamberlain's Tablets, lliavo
tikod thorn off and on now for the past
two years. Tlioy not only rouulato tho
nittnn nf tl in bowols but stlmulato thu
Iloopor, Auburn, N. Y.
t'ol. Kirby is on tho sick list,,
iVuy Manicure Sets at Itjchland
I Drug Store ad
Tho Hi tic twin girls of Mr, arjd
Mrs. M. A. Bennett are quite ill,
Cranberries, sweet, potatoes,
candies, nuts; figs, dates, etc., at
Saunders Bro's. ad
Harney Alexander left Sunday
or Eugerio to visit with a broth
er who is seriously ill.
Mrs. R. A. Hammond of Sparta
recently suffered a paralytic
stroke and is in critical condition,
Will winter 12 or 15 head of
cattle that are not breechy, at a
Will ll lUt-'. VJ. 1. IUUI nil, ini.ll-
and, Oregon.
Mrs. Belle BennehofT has been
appointed District Deputy of
the Pythian Sisters for )istrirt
No. 8 of Oregon.
Mrs. Fred l Thompson and
daughter have gone to Portland
to meet the husband and father
who is returning homo from
Camp Lewis.
Owing to so much time lost on
account of the flu, the schools will
have but two (lays vacation for
the holiday season December 25
and Jununry 1.
A letter from Mel Thompson,
written since the war ended,
stated that he was 0. K. and was
doing guard duty at a gas supply
station in France.
A new postoflice building is be
ing erected on the Connall pro
perty at New Bridge. The build
ing now used for the postoflice
will be occupied by Mr. Arno'd of
Sparta as a general merchandise
The Baker Democrat says: "A
fine specimen of humanity would
be the man or woman, if you
please, who would refuse to plunk
down a f'ollar to have their name
recorded on the Reel Cross mem
bership roll."
New and Corrected Addresses
of Our Boys in Service
Francis W. Herr,
U. S. Naval Training Camp,
Hospital School, Goat Island,
San Francisco, Calif,
Pvt. George R. Duke,
Co. E, 12th Inf., 8th Division,
Camp Stuart, Va.
Richard W. Moody,
572 Casualty Co.,
Camp Lee, Va
Pvt. Harry E. Mason,
12th Inf., Co. C.
Army Supply Base,
Norfolk. Va.
Sergeant W. C. Tuttle,
Headquarters Detachment,
Engineers Troops,
Camp Shelby, Miss.
Chamberlain's Tablets.
Chamberlain's Tablets, am intendinl
especially lor stomach troubles, bUiotm
noes ami eonetinntion. and havo mut
with much success in tho treatmunt of
thoKo disoapca. Pooiilo who havo suffer
ud for years willi stomnch trouble and
have been unablti to obtain any perma
nont rulief. havo boon completely cured
by tho usuof thes i) tablet?. Chamber-
Iain's Tablets aro alno of Rreat valuo fo'
billoueness. Chronic constipation may
bo permanently cured by taking Cham
berlain's Tablets and observing tho plain
printed directions with eacn Uottlo.
Buy Pyralin Ivory at Richland
Drug Store. ad
saved starving people I
This i$ the
Store for Gifts!
Gifts that everyone will like to
We have gifts for the whole
Hosiery and Neckwear for the men !
Glassware, Crockery and Fancy i
Vases for the Ladies.
Handkerchiefs, a special shipment f
from New York, for all tfie family. $
TOYS tor the children. I
Come in and see our lines. f
Raley's Cash Store
McDowell Bros. & St John
' Bee Keepers Supplies of all kinds
Hives, Supers, Cards, Foundation, etc. f
All orders filled promptly
Write, phone
C. C St. John, Manager,
Thus Every Red Cross Canteen Becomes a Bit of Home
for Our Soldiers in France. .
What could possibly be moro glad -
Dins than the slsht of real Amerl-
can doughnuts, hunks of luscious pie,
real hunks? Nothing unless It might
be tho sight of an honest-to-goodness
American girl. And tho combination
of Iho three, nnd maybe a couple of
mugs of good hot coffeo thrown In for
good measure nobody but 11 really
tired, lmrdworlced Yank can really ap
preciate this food for tlio gods and
comfort for tho henrt of man.
"It ain't tho coffeo nor the plo nor
the doughnuts, not even tho pretty
girls," said ono young soldier; "It Is
tho sight of n woman who looks llkp
your mother with her little enp ft
trltlo nskow sometimes, and maybe a
lock of hair straightened out of curl,
Just liko motlmr used to havo hers
como when slip was hurrying too hnrd
that's tho thing that makes a fellow
glad he happened to bo with this par
ticular bunch. And when thnt woman
says, 'Here, sop, havo another pleco of
pie I' it goes right through your henrt
nnd makes you feel that If you over
do get back to the old. U. S. A. again
you'll not forget mother's birthday and
you'll remember to say the kind things
every single day of yaur llfo."
Tho Red Cross serves tho Inds of all
tho nations, of course, but It Is par
ticularly partial to tho khaki clad
youths with n bit of slang and tho call
for tho matches and the cigarettes.
They are the ones who oppreclato tho
American crackers nnd Jam.
There are tho canteens closo to tho
trenches, of course, and tho huts where
the men may go aud batho nud hnvo
hielr clothes freshened up, nnd the
Celery, oranges, lemons, etc.,
at Kendall's. ad:
Buy Cigar and Cigarette Hold
ers at Richland Drugstore. ad
and satisfaction guaranteed
or call for prices.
Richland, Oregon
' railroad station canteen service, and,
the big canteens with tho writing
rooms nnu snowers nnu unranra, uuu
lounges whero a fellow can rest a
while, but tho boys who have been
there lpsist thnt they lovo the llttlq
rollIiiK canteens that Just naturally
spring up whero you least expect them
most of all.
Many well known names are on the, .
lists of canteen workers, for Amerl:
can women wore quick to seize tho op:
portunlty for service. Tho poorest
soldier on his lenvo may bo served by
an Ajnercon woman whose hospitality
was formerly dealt out by her mnld?
nnd butlers nnd whoso guest lists In
cluded only tho most fashionable
names In the social register. Now It
Is she who hands over tho pie with,
her own hnnds nnd then gnthers un
the dishes yes, and oftentimes washes
them when help is scarce, for they,
havo to bo washed nnd mndo ready,
for the nest lot of soldiers nnd ono .
cannot disappoint tho boys who aro .
never too tired to respond to tho cnir
of duty,
Another part of tho canteen sen-Ice .
Is the "store," whero tho soldiers nro .
supplied with their needs, where ,
things they have lost lu tho heat of
battle are replaced, tooth paste hand
ed out, razor blades, towels, tooth-.,
brushes, all sorts of things, not forget-,
ting tho post cards to send homo audi
tho ever wanted packages of cigar,
Taking It all In all, tho canteen does ,
far moro than nit tho stomachs of tho .
men It put something worth whllo,
Into their heaVtw.
A box of stationery or u few
nice handkerchiefs would be ap
preciated by any lady. See oiih;
line.. Raleys.r-ful