Eagle Valley news. (Richland, Or.) 191?-1919, December 12, 1918, Image 4

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C. E. Thorp. . .
Entered as Second dads matter
Richiand Oregon! underact of March 3 187Q. .
Monbfr Oregon Stnto
$2.00 SIX MONTHS --
Population of tho United States
Asked to Stand Up and
Be Counted.
I had n friend once named Old WU
Spear. ViO was tho curator nnd found
er of the Johh.Qutncy.Adnms Memorial
In Qulncy, Mass. He conceived the
Idea of nifeklug, the-house Into a me
morial and, with his senilis as o col
lector of old furniture, tilled It with
tilings to see.
People came from everywhere, and
nt twenty-five cents apiece they went
about to sec the thlnps UlU had col
lected and hear Bill talk.
' Kill felt very suprior to most col
lectors. "Just collectors," Bill said,
"collect anything.'
-. Bill uuually could six people up when
they came In the. .door, but yrhen he
wasn't quite sure about people, and sus
pected he didn't want io .bother with
them very long, he used.Jo take them up
.to the attic to elie them tip' quick. He
would show them a bushel basketful of
omethlnK they couldn't quite see. and
then he would wave his hand with a
flourish and say In an Impressive tone
as they -.looped to look closer, "This Is
the Largest Collection of Burnt Matches
.Jn tho World!"
Hundreds of collectors didn't break a
smile. BUI said, and iust looked awed.
Then Bill knew, of course, that he !
needn't bother to show them his best
Some of the people who are proposing
to go out Into the streets Rod Crosu
Christmas Roll Call Week and gather up
everybody- to Join the Red Cross, seem
-to think that- the main thing there Is
to tell people about the Red Cross Is
that If they pay a dollar to belong they
will belong to the Largest Collection of
People Who Have Paid One Dollar In the
I felt a little superior to this at first
and began thinking how I wouldn't do It.
But when I began thinking what the
biggest Collection of People In the World
could do by JnK being the, biggest and
-by all wanting the same thing with a
different one dollar. It bocame lmpres
lve. . It would even be Impressive If forty
million people In America all wanted the
same thing with the same Dollar!
All wanting the same thing would be a
nation praying all the grown-up people
of a nation with their little half con
scious children round thorn praying!
The dollar a man Joined with, would
hot be a mere one dollar. The dollar
would be a receipt to every man In
America that 39,S99,99 other men or
women belonged to him, and that- he be
longed to them In getting what he want
ed for three million sojdler boys and for
their children at home.
1 Forty million people all the grown-up
'people In this country Pick out three
'million men and say to the three million
men they have picked out, "You go and
die for us, you go and' be saviors of the
world and die on our crotoea for us I"
' Then what do the forty million dof
' It would be be something If we would
'all line up the whole forty million o(
Us to a man, with our little pallid Insipid
'speechless dollar bills In our hands from
Maine to California' Christmas Week and
'use our two dollar bills -a year as ballots,
stand up In line and be counted and
cable to the men across 'the teas that
'we vote'Cne carfare once In two weeks
to stand by them, to stand by the1 souls
'and bodies of the children of the men
who have made a standing offer to die
On our crosses for us I
Who wants to be left out of this line
by Christmas Eve7
What man would, want to be iood up
In a row of those who are left out White
'all of the children of the world file by
and look at him, while the little children
'of nine hundred thousand dead men In
Xngland file by and took at him, or the
'children of the soldiers of France giving
tne'ir lives to protect the -skyscrapers -of
Hew TorkT
. yr that ajstUi u a44 not JaWjl k
Fae News
Dec. 12, 1912 at the post oilko at
Kditorml Association
DEC. 12, 191& Vol. 7. No. 5
Catarrhal Deafness Cannot Do Cured
by local applications, as they cannot reach
tho tllientU portion of tho tor. Thero Is
only ono way to euro catarrhal O&'ncas.
end that It by a constitutional rttncUy.
Catarrhal D.fncaa la cauitd by an In
named condition of tho mucous lining of
the Kuttachlan Tube. When this tube Is
ln.tt.ituf d-you hare a rambling sound or lm
lrtct hcirlnc. and when It la entirely
c'ted. Ueafnos Is the result. I'nteis the
Inflammation can be reduced and this tube
restored to Its normal condition, nenrlns
will be destroyed forever. Many caaca of
drarneu are cauacd 4y catarrh, which la
aa Inflamed condition of the mucous sur
faces. Hall's Catarrh Medicine acta thru
the blood on the mucoue surfaces of the
.Tf will give One Hundred Dollars for
any c of Catarrhal Deafnett that cannot
be cured by Hall's catarrh Medicine. Cir
culars tire. All Drucelete. 75c.
F. J." CHENEY & CO.. Toledo. O.
many cRftilrcn. VthhX man who let TilmS
self bo left out would feel safe In his
pwn house with his own children climbing
up Into .his lap believing In him snfo
with hid 'own baby pulling on his face,
jabbing his email trustful .flats In his
eyes tf he let himself be left ilutT
Of course. It seems a little like n
mockery to cablo over to Frnnco Christ
mas Hve that wo give one carfare onco
In two weeks to the children of tho men
we picked out to die for us, but It would
be -a start.
Nobody ncedu to think It would be a
big thing Just to belong to the lied Cross',
but It Is going to bo a big thing to be
left out.
On the roof of the-. 'Pavilion Hclle
fue, near St. Cloud, Is n most Interest
Ins hospital for soldiers who lmvo been
"gassed." The Pavilion Kellevue Is
the former home of Isudorn Duncan,
nnd Is lu chargo of the American1 lied
Cross. '
1 Lieut. Wilfred n. Day of Niagara
Falls, N. V., Is In chnrfie of this hos
pital, which, trents only those who lmvo
been KasseuYnnd Is the first hospital of
Its kind to be established. Lieutenant
TJuy has visited every country that
was In the war, except Bulgaria nnd
Turkey, qn'd has worked In each one.
During a recent visit to Worcester,
England, ho was received by the Lord
ilnyor and honored becnuso of his
jivork, and tho Queen of Houmnnln con
ferred honor upon him, commending
him for his work among the wounded
and destitute of. her country.
Our obligation to our own soldiers
nnd sailors and tho privilege of minis
tering to the sick nnd wounded, of
feeding the hungry, housing tile home
less and rebuilding the waste places of
bur nssoclntcs In the war, call the cm
tire American people to tho support of
he Kod Cross spirit now aii never fie.
fore. Tho money to be raised In mem
bership dues is secondary. It Is the
jrplrltudl phase that Is Important, for
Jt will show the suffering people of
the. world' that the American people
Will seo them through their experience
to the very end.-
Remarkable Tactics.
In 'ground,, flying" turtles the pilot
nets mainly on his own personal In
itiative, and lie must be prepared to
attack the enemy wherever he may bo
found,, eltller; with Wombs, grenades,
darts or mnchlnc-guti lire. Thus Ger
man officers In charge of ammunition
dumps have every reason to fear the
approach of British "low fliers." The
fear of machine-gun Arc Is even greut
cr, una whole, German regiments have
been decimated and demoralized by
British nlrplunee.
How to Prevent Croup.
In a child that is subject to attacks of
croup, the first indication of the diwi'iico
is hoarseness. GlvoClmmberlairjV. Couuli
Kemcdy as soon as the child becomes
hoar no and the attack may he warded oft
and all danger and anxiety avoided,
Buy W. S. Si
Notice of Appointment of
In tliu County Court of tho Stnto of Ore
koIi for linker County.
In tint Mitti.;r of tliu Ketiitouf Mnry Ann
Klrhy, Dt'C'swl.
Notice Ik hereby ulvcil Unit hycatishl
urutlon ol tho above entitled coutt,, by
outer mad nnd outer i'd therein on tliu
1Mb day of Kov.-jjilier, A I). 1018, W.
W. Kirby mi duly appointed itdinlnt.
trntor ol thu tstnle Miry Ann Kirby,
I uty ol yitlit county nnd Mate, PecenstHl
All perroni having valid claims au'tiliiHl
said es'atu ht hereby, required .to pros)
eul the ramo to raid HiluiinlMrntor, with
proper voiu'lii-rt'. nt hi home in ltlcli
land, Oregon, ultlilu cix months from
tho Jntu u( thin.mitlro.
DiUetl thin L'let day of November, A.
l) 11H8.
Administrator of tho Katnto of Mnry
Ann Kirby DeerHM-d
J. 11. Memdck, Attorney Jor Adminis
trator. Kirst jm'tlicittlon Nov. i!8, 1H18.
Ut publicnt on Dec -n, ItHM
Soldier Simply Could Not "Till0
His Prisoner.
But Though There Wat an Impedi
ment in His Speech, Hls Comradei
Found Thero Wat Nothing
WronQ With His. Courage.
lie was tho "baby" of tho company.
This sobriquet wan not applied la
Irony. Ills comrade.') had dubbed III til
this because of his youth mid an Im
pediment of cpcccli. Ho couldn't pro
nouuce hls C'u, K'u nud S's, especially
when those cousounntu wero tho Unit
letter of the word. And consequently
his conversation had tho sound of ti
three-year-ohl. Hut those of his mates
who had poked fun nt him ono day
learned that though IiIh speech und
manner; might bo childish, thero was
stern stuff bcncutlu
During tin allied attack tho platoon
of which the "baby" was n member
was held Up In an old trench by Bocho
machine gun lire and snipers. Tho
"baby" discovered an enemy sniper to
it shell hole and reported him to his
"Go out nnd get him," ordered tho
lieutenant. ,
Obeying' orders; over the top tho
"baby" crawled, nnd creeping up be
hind tho Hun, forced him to surrenders
Unablo"to bring- hldi hack, he took
away all his ammunition nnd crawled
back to hlo.owii lines ngaln.
"What thai I do with him?" tho
"baby" nsked the lieutenant. '
"Better kill him. ho's probably trot
hand grenades und a' gun hidden nbtut
him and we're In too ticklish a posi
tion to be bothered 'with prisoners,"
nnsw'ered the harried ofllccr. ,
Out again went tho "baby," all
primed for tho execution. Tho Boclio
saw him coining, dropped to his kneesi
clnsped his hands' In prayerful en
treaty and begged for mercy a habit
of the Boche aHcr they have exhaust
ed all their ammunition killing nnd
wounding all tho Americans Ihey can.
Twice tho "baby" raised his bayo
net to run the Hun through. And
twice the renewed entreaties of the
terrified German sniper made him hes
itate. Finally, vylth n gesture of de
spair, ho ordered the Hochc to crawl
ahead of him to the American line.
Kenchlng.lt; the "bhby" put his priri
entir In a dugout Then ho, wfnt In
search of his lieutenant and reported:
"Lieutenant;, T.tnh't till "that d'-
Boche, (.Ir, PieqHo get tdnieono clso
to till him." '' " ,
Tho officer couldn't help laughing,
find sent tho "baby" back to his post.
An hour later tho "liaby" was wountT
ed by another sniper nnd ordered to
tho dressing station Ifi tho rear. v
"He's all broken upt, nlr, becnuso ho
couldn't carry out tiles lleutchnnt'fl or,
dors," said hfs 'comrade to tho Ameri
can Bed Cross vVorker Inahc dressing
station. Prom a Red Ctobs Scrap
Book. '
X Eighty 'million of men can-
not bo A&ketx out or prouuction -r
for four years without lasting
losses of ykld. tt will be years
before their flelda recupcrutc,
farms are restored and herds ro-
Hlrirkofl. fiavt food.
4, '. -J. v "J -!i-'4"'
Buy Fountain. Pens for. Xmn8
at Kichland DHiff Slbre.-ad
i Xmas
This season's gifts vlll be more in the line of useful and
wearable articles than In the past; and you will
find our stock most complete. We Invite you
to call and make your purchases early.
You will find numerous
J old and young; gifts that will b'c cherished and doubly
I appreciated by the recipient because of their usefulness.
Should you be undecided as to what to get for a
relative or friend, we will be glad to assist you in mak
ing appropriate selection.
Among other specials for the holidays we have a
large assortment of fancy1 articles in ivory, framed pic-
a . t . li lts
lures, toys, hooks, naniiKcrcnieis, nnnons, win goou.s,
ties, etcv also canities, nuts,
Exclusive Agents for Gossard Corsets
Youd hardly
know Pete
Xvas chewing
Yet ho lays ho gets
more satisfaction out of
his small chew of Gravely
than.ho ever got out of a
big chew of ordinary tor
bacco. "Real Gravely has
a pure, rich taste," says
Pete. "It's sweetened just
enough, and one small
Real Gravely Chewing Plug
each piece packed in a pouch
Department of the Interior.
U.S. Und Officii nt I.uli ramie, Oru
gon, Nov. 8th, 1018.
Nbtlcti is li:Kii)j' given that Andrew.).
Allen, nf Durkee, Oft eon, who,, on Nov
ember njtli, llMri, made Additional IIdiih
dteud Kntry, No OMSIl. lor KjiSJiS,
Section 28, and Nt6 bV'H, Section 'J7.
TowiiHliij 11 Bonth. Hnncu ll Kant, Wit
lamettti Merldinu, lias tiled notice of in
tention, to make three-year Proof, to -tabliiih
claim to the laiidnliovedeflcriliyl,
before A 1). Combn, Jr., Clerk of Coun
ty Court, 'ut .linker, Ori-Ron, on the Olli
day of January, 1010.
Claimant iintnen rh wltticnecs : O. It.
Iliniliiiun and Wren Crii, of Durkc'o,
OteKon; William Gpff and William Nor
rl, of liaker, Oregon.
. C. H. Dnnh, ItettlBter.
First puhlicadon Nov. 21, 1018.
Lust imbllcation Dec, 10, 101R.
Notice of Filing Final Account
Notlco is hereby Kiven lliut by coiihUI
oration of the County Court of the fUatu
of Oregon for Halter County, by uti order
made and entered therein, on tliu llllli
,day of Novombcr, 1018. in the matter of
the ematu ol tiiomno u. i;rumtn, iu
1 i ..... .1... ...4 ..l i l..
cenKCd, mui inu iiuni utcuunt m i,.
Aatil.v AiltiiliilHtmlrlic n. sitld tlgtntu.
will bo hcarll oh thu 23rd tt'ay of liecem!
Der, 1IMH, at me nour oi ten o ciock m
thu forenoon, and nil jiersonH having oh
jectlonh to enld final account nry lioreby
required to file tlio Hiimo with thu county
cleik of Ilaker County, Ori'iion, on or bil
foro said dato or Ihey will lie forever
burred from bolnc tiearil, thnrQiilter
thereon. Dateil this Kith day of Novem
her, 1018. . .
. 0. H. Antitiy,
Adniinlstratrik of tho Kstato of Tlioiildg
II. Cntinall. Deceaied.
J. 11. MuBtlck, Attorney for Adminis
articles suitable for gifts for
figs and dates.
chow holds its good taslo
so long. 1 figure that this
class of tobacco costs mo
nothing extra maybeess
than I'd havo to spend (or
ordinary plug."
fM furthtrlhat't wAy jtos)
Von ft tht IoJ latU Mi dii
lotatt Kltheul iMlra ml.
In Itic County Court of the Slate of Oregon
. for the Couny of Baker
In tlio MivttK'Of tliu Khtutu i v,.t. i
tSUS "' Mct'im"'f
Noiice is )lrohy (ilvuu tiittt tint un.
dt'rsluni'tl has been aiipolnted by tho
County Court ol tliu Mate of Orejon for
'liftKehC'duhty ah the mlinliilntratrlx of
tilt) t'Stato ol Isaac II. McCord, hitu ol
Ilaker County, Oreuon, .ieccacid, and
iniH iimlllliil iin Niich adiuiniHtratrix.
All niTBoiis haviiiL' jlaluiH iluiiiiiBt Haid
eatatu am tiereliV nulifled lo pretieut tliu
J.. .....I.. . ill I ..!. I... I.....
.riulrlsl.'th tiu tindcrAltrnl'd nt lailll Vnl
ley Avenue, or to her attorney, C. T.
ti(Hiwiti, nu li h oiiU't'H in thu nommur
Uiiiljlii, all In til ii, City of liaker, Ilaker
County, Ortvbl, tile idiiht.' to bp present
ed wllliiu six months from thu Unto of
thu 11 rut publication of thle notice.
Dated tllla tli day ol Novem-'er, 1018,
n . ii ti i i. . iifim. ii
..I, iwiui.j.1'. n, iucv wiw,
.AtluilniHtratrlx of the etttattt of !aau H.
. NcCord, Deviiased.
C. T. OOnWIN, Attorney for Kstato.
First puhliciUloil Nov. L'H, 1018.
Last publirutlon Dec. 'ill. 1018.
.1 have inaiulled ii new plant
and am prepared to vulcanize
unythinp, that it Ib possible to re
pair in that manner (oven hot
water bottles and rubber boOtB)
a specialty. All vvdrk tfU&ntn.
teed batlafoctory.
Plant at Richland Auto Co. nbV