Eagle Valley news. (Richland, Or.) 191?-1919, November 28, 1918, Image 4

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Hjffiighi) frulhtuh Olivet
C. b. Thdrfi
Entered as second class Matter
Mclllaild drcgdn; ilridcr
Moihllor Oregon sUto
. $2.00 six MdNTijl
: - .no sAilrfcEctir
RICHLAND, OUli.. THURSDAY. NoV jaU?i& Vol. T, No. &
Would link east and wisf
Proposal to Make the American Ejcbo.
dltlonary porce In China. Pr'ac
ttcally a Student Army.
Under the agreement entered Into
between the poor'nnd Ciiln,a fpllpwr
lnj; tlie Boxer tforjsjjig th 19Q0, the
United States jjpYernment was P4
fitted to kerj an, jjiedltIonary force
pf about 2JX$ men jn China, says Mil
lard's Bevleyv This forco Is stationed
at Tientsin and Fekln, abput l.GOO ruen
being stationed at tho .fprincr place
and the rest stationed as a legation
guard in Peklu. It lias npw been pro
posed to the American government nt
Washington that the, rcgujar army
troops stationed at . Tientsin be re
called to America for service In France
nnd their places taken, by a contingent
of the same number pf men who are
now In training In America a,t the vari
ous cantonments under the provision"
pf the selective. draft. The iK:i "Ur
inated with MaJ. Arthur Bassr it. -v
advocate of the army contiuf,
-Tientsin, and formerly United st"-'
district attorney, of China. Under til
plan suggested by Major Bassett th
contingent tif Tegular army troops now
In China should be returned to Ameri
ca nnd sent to France, as the men de
sire, and in their place the United
States government should send out
1,500 men specially selected from the
standpoint of education and training,
who would be available, tipon their re
tirement from service in China to en-
gage in trade or other activities in
China and the .far East. Major Bas
sett would select: the; now men for serv-i
ice in China largely from the great
group of college graduates and stu
dents who have been drafted for serv
ice in France. lie would bring these
men to China and, In addition to their
regular army drill, he would have them
;. instructed in the Chinese language
nnd in the customs, history and tradl
Hons of the country f and at stated In
tervals he would have them make trips
Into all parts of China for study and
Investigation. In short, these 1,500
men would receive a three years' col
lege course on China, so that upon
their' retirement from the service they
-would be nt liberty to engage in trade, .
missionary, educational or nny other
I -t . I 1 ......
'activity they desired In the far East,
' or If they desired to return home they
"would possess Information regarding
China that would be of the highest
"Value to China. The plan has been ap
proved by the American chamber of
"commerce and other ganizatlons In
'China and has been .oiended to'the
'state and war departments at Wash
ington. It Is also certain that Oils
Van of a citizens' student army In
'China would be welcomed by China,
for It would be of the greatest possible
assistance In bringing about a better
'understanding and mutual Interest be
tween East- and West, something very
""necessary If the future peace of tho
world Is to be malntained.-
When He Got Practice
Flatbush They say our neighbor
who has gone to the war Is "wonderful
In Jumping over wire-entanglements
and other obstructions.
Bensohhurst Well, he 'ought to be
'expert at it. You know, hls'wifo used
'to do housecleanlng stunts four times
u year. "
Her Short Stilt His Lof(g'One.
Mrs; Styles Isn't "her dreas:a poem?
characteristic that I ehjoy in poems.
'"What is that, pray?"
"It's short." t ;
x,. 1
Buy War Saving Stamps
tic. i2, iflid At lIUj p6sk dillcS nt
act ot Mai-ell 3; iS7h
Kditoruil Association
State. attO&k)CUy. of Toledo,
, l.uros County,- s. f r . i t
I i .Ftnnltf J iCtKifoy ni!Hcj wtt that b
Ctienay jti. Co,u.lolntt feuslitai Imtb ClUr
oCitTulodo. County and fltatfl aforuaalil.
nctl.ttbit s-lld Ilrm wttl -py tlirunt ot
nml tv'erx cuan of Catarth tbut cannot bt
turJbMJlo usojftt HALL'S CATAKRIt
mbdigTnr. -Vkank J CKKNUY. ,
Sworn to befnrr me and subscribed In
my nreAiee, this 6th daj on Dmber,
(Seal) r Notary l'ublicn.
i HalTs Catarrh Medicine l taken In
ternslly and' acts thniuxli. ttw Illqod on
the Mucous-Surfaces of the System. Send
for testimonials, free. i "
' V J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo. O.
Sold by all ilwcr1U, Jv ' .- .
Hall's Family rills for constipation.
Build Warehouses to Cost $218,-
"- 1 flj
Being. Ea
Permanent Structures
tabllihed at .Chicago
and Other
Tr ' ). "'" -if,. r
WnshlngtonVaEchotisa construc
tion, completed, ur.m process of, .build
ing, planned to. facilitate he speedy
handling, of materials, nt stbrairey points
for use otothe army. -.Inyo vo9 ail ex
penditure iof approximately .$2JS,000.
000, the wnr .department announced.
When completed ;the projects wllUpro
vide about 33,fl00,00a saunro.fcet of
,varehouso,. space, additional wliarv.es
Jnnd piers, arid Improved harbor berths
nt various .points. ..
With fcvsi exceptions, thej.var de
partment announcement says, the
projects lire permanent, structures of
concrete, brick and steel, c-The build
ing' is being .done under tho -supervision
of the construction division of the
army. -t.
Warehouses havd been completed at
Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, ..iBnltlinore,
Hoboken, Jeiferflotrr ille, Ind. ; Port
Newark, N; J;;Americus, Oa.; Chicago,
Dayton, O.; BJchmond, Va.; Snn An
tonio, and Mlddletown, Pa. Construc
tion is underway at-New Orleans, Bos
ton. Brooklyn, Chicago, St. Louis, Phil
adelphia, Newport News, Little Rock,
t 'Ark. ; Schenectady, New Cumberland,
Pa.; Columbus,. O.; Charleston, S. O.,
n n .1
and Norfolk, Va.
r During the fiercest of the flglWoa; In p, battle, id Franco British Wounded
on the way to hospitals were carried' past th(i lines of the French. Aa ho
pusses tho trenches filled with: mbehldo underd In action this 'wounded
Tnmmv. InteroBted, has raised hldnhead to watch1 Ills Kronen cousins hclD
hold-the Hun. vAwoy at the rcaw lri
... . . - ....... I A. . 1
corraiea wmie ineir naera wait lao command to aumuro
Nbtlcc of Ajipoliitmcnt of
In tho County Court ol tlib SUt'o bf Urc
Kon lor Maker County. . .
Ih tho Matter ol the lUloof Milry Ann
KlrliV, II.'cuhbisI. , . ....
Rotjbo, U HoruVJc kU i-Ii that by humid
crntlop ol thd nbovn onUtlml couit, hy
piilor tnadn Anil enU-ri'd tllorbln on tho
IRUi day ol Novemht-r, A. I). 1018. V,
V. Kirby wan duly npnnlnkod ndlnlnlfl
trnlor m tlio. i!tnlo Slary Aim Kirby,
Into ol raid coliniy and nWt Ilcrin
All porconn Ijhvmp valid cliiiiiN U
ad.ostnlo ara liorobv reilnlred to nre
cut tho ttiiuo to trtiil -idiiilnlwirutor, with
nroncr voucherp, tit IiIh Jlqtmi In Hlcb
nnd, Oregoh, within mix liiiihtllB front
the iliUo til this notloo.
Dated thts L'lttdny ol November, A.
' , v. Vv. ftuihV, ,
. AdmlnUtrntnr pi tho Estrttu ol Mary
Aim Krst.y,,)eu-lti.fd , .
J. H. Me.lck, Attorney (or Atlinihia
'fotpr. . ,
hrst.PuhHcfttlbh NcV. -A, lllrt.
Ust publication Dec 'JO, 10)8.
In h toity toart of ttsc State of Oirfm
for ftc Ccuniy of
it) Xtw MatjVr.oI t)iu linVnto J ..hll
Notij'o Is Ilrp)iy u,vtui UiiH. tho (in
duraltfned has bc;n appoIuttHi by tho
(.'ou,it uirt ol tlm Statu ol OfUoi lor
ItiiKer County i trui aduiinlatrtitr.lx ol
tl(ti.fiJtuto ol I nunc II McQor', Jnto ol
ljnltr County, Orefjon Uoceaved,. and
has qltnliuYd. iis.Hiich iidhiUiPrttr Atrlx.
All.Hcwnfl ln vim; olillniM nKidiiet vald
csUttu ant lioruby not i tied to present tho
,iuu)(i. W.opejly verlOtsi ,as iy law ru
)ijiri;u.o inu unuureuvu pi.jiwit al
ley Avenuti, or to her nttornoy, C T.
(i(x)vvin, at li s ollicf.i In tbu Soinincr
Iiiddlnir.jaJI in tho City u( llakur, Hukur
CouotvMOreKon, the name to bo prwont
ed u-ttJiih.Blx months. from tlm ditto ol
the.Urtd uMlcrttlpn qf this nptlce.
Dated thl8.2Ti.th day ol Rovvin1 . 1018.
AdminlHtratrlx ol tlm ustntn ol isiiae II.
MuCord, DvceasLI.
C. T, fJODWlN, Attorney fori Hstato.
KirHt.pUbitcatlon Npv.8,'1018.
Ut publication D.-c. SO. 1V18. .
Nazrehe Church'.
Sunday school at 10 a. ni.
Prayer mcot'itiff Wndneadpy
7:30 ). rr.
Preachlhpr serviced Sunday
11 n. m. and.. 7:30 p. m. , .
The public Invjt'fcd to all surices
tfetrFe L. Perry, Pajstor.
Why not send
the News to a
soldier friend?
You can give him no Xmas
psent that will be more ap
your subacrip
PTlYV ti" tonceand
T notmiBsacopy
thoo wood6ia Wiry- horsa can ba scon I
, . I .t 'A
Cold Weather
is here and we are
you with all the
keep your body Warm.
Stag Shirts Shoes
Complete Stock of Groceries
Exclusive Agents Mr Gossard Coricts
the Fellow who Wt
zrguea mm Jim
the 'other night
ran up against (lie 'stock
. Jim knouSa tobcicco. And
cforche gotlfiro'ugh, Jim
made the fellow admit
ith at Pvqal Gravely tastcA
octtcr ana gives
jTaction you can't get out
of ordinary tobuccrJ. A
Real Gravely Chewing Plug
each piece packed in i pouch
Dcnnrtmcnt of the Interior. t
U. ,S. Lund Office at LuUrandu, Ore-
tron, Nov. fHh, 1WH.
Notice is hbtaiiy ulven that Andruw .1.
Allen, ol Dtirkee. Orcuou. who. on Kov-
umber 5th, HitC, made Additional Hohio-
steiid Jiutry, ro, OMHll. tor .Iii5 r5H;tf,
Section 'J8, and HW'XX, Section 27,
Townhlilj 11 Sonth. lionets -II Kant, Wil
lamette .Meridian, has Mud notice of In
tention to mitkii three-veur Proof, to es-
tabliMli claim to thu iundabovuueNcrlucii,
beforo A. II. Combs, Jr., Clerk of Coun
ty Court,, uMIaker, .Oregon, on the 0th
day of .Iimtiury, 1010.
Clniniant.nariius ss witnesses t O. It.
Hindinun and Wren Crisp, of Durkeu,
Otcgon ; Willlntn Goff and William Nor
ris, of Baker, Oregon.
C. S. Duiin, ReclsteK
First publication Nov. '.') ,1018. ,
Unt publication Dec. 10, 1018.
Notice of Filing Final Account
Notice is hereby given that by consid
eration bi thu County Court of the fttuto
of Oregon for llakir County, byanoUlnr
made and entered therein on tho lOtli
day of November, 1018, In tho matter ol
tho esta'tu of 'i'hoinna II, Ccnnall, Do
ceaped, that Ibe final account of C 15.
Aclibv.' 'AihnlniHtratrix o. said estate.
will bo heard on thu 2Hrd d'ay of Decern-
ncr, 101H, at the iiour of ten o'clock In
tho forenoon, and HlPpersons havinc ob-
jectlonb to fiaid llnu account are hereby
required to llo tho same with thbeouhty
elerk ol Ilaker County, Oreuoii, on or he-
fore said date or (her will be forover
barred from, being heard 'tliorcaltor
thereon. Dated tlilsIOth day of Novolr,.'
bor, 1018. , . .
, 0. B. Asliby,
Adnilnlatratrli ol tho Kstatil o( Thomas
ii. uonnaiiuueceasea .. -J.:
H. iloeslclt, Altorrioy for Adtiiinla-.,
pfei)ared to supply 1
things necessary to I
. Sweaters
'df Ins Ufa
small chow ot Grrivly lasts
much IonRcr that it
costs nbthirigcVrn to chew
tins ciass qi iquacco.
T ,
rri furlhirrrfba f ""f
ton tHJhi ttod taitt pf thh (tail
of loiactx wlthtut txlri ceit.
In the County Court of the"
State of Oregon for Baker
i i County.
In tlie. .Mutter ol thu ) Notion ol
ICstJite ol. Wlillnui lleu- j l-iliii
uett, DereiiHedi I l iniil Account
Ihu undersluned ban lllcd lur llnal report
In tbu above untitled fniinii and (hut thu
OolintyvCourt ol linker Coiiiity, Ort-u'tm,
has net jMomliiy, thu I'oth day u( Novum
ber,.l(lr!, nt tint hour of tun nVock A.
til., nti thu tiino, ilnd Ihn Cauptv Court
Uooin In tho County Court. lloUxo of thu
City of lUker, Iliilier tioiinty, Oreiroi, as
tlio placu when mid wheru said Until re
port and till niattitr.H coniiccUed tlii-rxwltlj
and with miid est it In sliiill come on for
lliml hcRf h:g am) iletiTtiiiniitinti.
. All DitriioiiH hiivinv' oblfctioiiH tliuritn
Hiinii men unci inurn appear ami
the ennuis , ,
Duted tills inth-ilav of Ih'tnber.
.lANi; IJKNM'.n , .
Administratrix of tlM im'nl.i t( Wllllaul
BcnnoU, hitlt bf linker County, Ore-
KOi), Duceaoud. ,
Date ol llrnt pi)llcatlon Oct. LM, KlIH.
Date of laot ilibllfutloh Nov. 21, 1018.
I have installed u new plant
and am JjrGpr'cd to vulcanizt)
anytiing thai it is possible to" re
paif inlthat manrler (oven hoi
watWhAtlps and rubber boots)
8j?ec Mft - All work guaran1:
teed satisfactory.
ant at KichU'tit Auta Co.kdv