Eagle Valley news. (Richland, Or.) 191?-1919, November 21, 1918, Image 8

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    i i
E. & W. Chandler
Different Store
Sale of Millinery
All of our Milline'fy at one-third off
It 1 cf A v'ii&f A largc -inc of Cm"islmas Cartls
s J Ubl Jrl 1 1 VCU. suitable for our boys over there
The army style in khaki color
Our delayed line of
also Rubber Footwear,
Men's and Boys' Caps,
and BLmkets
Largest Line
ever shown
1 M a . U " J 1 US 1 J 1 . a l . i Ji ' - H
trouble tiaver.
'Ho was always trying to save him
self trouble.".
"And did bo auceccd?" .
'Xjw. Uo lias eavpd.up, a whole-dot
nvV1(han ho can talw care of."
'Vasltln'gtoa 8Ur.
Underwear just in
of Knit CAPS
in this Valley
No Money Sense
You often hear the remark that
"So-and-So is very well educated
and quite competent but he has'nt
any 'money sense.' "
I Ana it is true tr.at a man may
be ever so well educated an ! still
duct a business. He is shy on
business training and business
experience. We maintain that
the best way to got in touch with
the business world is by doing
business through a bank, thereby
becoming familiar with al' busi
ness methods and touching el
bows with business men, because
nearly all business men conduct
their business through the bank,
ad) Eagle Valley State Bank
New and Corrected Addresses
of Our Boys in Service
Allen C. Wiight,
299 Aero Scjdn.,
Air Service Radio School,
Pittsburgh, Pa.
George L. Trickel,
(1079124) 349 Aero Squadron,
American Air Service,
Am. E. F., England
Nazarene Church.
Sunday school at 10 a. m.
Prayer meeting Wednesday at
7:30 p. m.
Preaching services Sunday at
11 a. m. and 7:30 o. nr.
Tire public invited to all services
Earle L. Perry, Pastor.
Mrs. P. 0. Sluehcll TclU How She Cured
Her Son of a Cold
"When my son Kills wus nick with a
cold last winter I gave him Chamber
laln'e Congh ItemSdv. I.t helped hifli at
onco and quickly broke up his cold."
writes .Mrs. P. O-Stiieholl, llomef City,
Fa. This remedy lias been in nto for
many yeara..jtq coou qualities have been
fully proven by many thousands of noo.
pie, It is pleasant and safe to take.
MONEtf .TO L6AN or .real
estate; twelve hundred dollars at
8 per cent. . Short or loner time.
Jnqiilre at'tfiis office.' n'd
Below wo give extracts from
tetters received by Mrs. White
Duke of Pino Valley from hor
thro sons who are serving urdor
the Stars and Stt'ipes.
France, Sept. 12, 1918.
I am in the bust of health and
happiness. Had n fine time on
mv birthday but hope I will bo
home to spend my next birthday.
I am getting the E. V, News and
P. V. Herald and sure liko to
read tl e letters from the boys in
services. Claud is in Franco but
have not seen him yet.
Oct. 7, 1918.
I am well and enjoying life. It
has been raining here but it is
not coki; the grass is green every
where. The only thing I can see
is soldiers, there are lots of them
over nere now and they all
there is no place like
old U. S. A. and 1 say the same.
Makis no dift'eience what we
think of France, it is nice place
but not like" America, but we are
over Hero lor a purpoao anil we
will stay until the job is finished
awl men we will no crossing tne
pond again. The happy days will
begin the day we land on Amer
ican toil, no rr-atter wlier- just
so it is in the U. S. A.
Private James F. Duke,
Supply Co. m, q; m. c.
A. P. 0. 710, Am. E. P., Franco
Somewhere in France. Aug. 15.
Everything is fine and dandy,
am getting all I can eat and plen
ty of exercise and that is all any
body can wish for. Like this
country fine but the people aro
frir behind the times, they do
everything quite different from
America. We had all kinds of
sport coining over the pond;- hud
a band on our l.oat. I don't think
I will ever fearn to talk French.
I have a time trying to learn; I
have a dictionary and when 1 talk
to them 1 look the words up in
it. It is great sport.
Pvt. Claud L. Duke,
Co. D, 3G1 Inf. N. A.,
UrS.A. P. 0. 77G,
Am. Ex.-Fdrce, France
Camp Fremont, Calif., Oct. 11th.
We have been practicing Bhoot-
ing the past week the target
grounds are five or six miles out;
we ride Out and walk back and it
is some hike and makes a fellow
sweat some. Some of the boys
look like they h'acf fell in a creek
when they got bpek to camp
We expect to bo transferred in . a
few dayB.
Camp Mills, N. Y.
rirfnded here 0. K. feeling fine
had a nice trip and saw lots of
country. I couldn't write very
well on the train so wailed until
I landed. ,It is pretty cold here
evenings and mornings but warm
and fine in the middle of the day,
Pvt. George 11. Duke,
iCo..E. 12th Inf.,
American E. F., Franco
Ranch For Sale Will sell a a
bargain either 80a without buifd-
inga.or boi-a, acres witti goou
hpuse, good well a'f door, lumber
oq ( grpurid for barn. Will tfell
without any paynTont down put
wantothei4 security' with mort-
gage , on, rancn. . muse retire.
G. W. Martin, Richland.'
Buy W.S.S. tiiia'month.''
Allies Flflht Germans on Ground
Ho Mado Famous,
Cnmpnlona Today Havo Many OtflK.
Ino PolnU.of Similarity to Thoid
Fouoht by the Great Roman
. Over tlio name ground whoro Caesar
fought nearly !t.HH) yearn hbd, mid
with many Implement of war romnrlc
ably like tlwsd utfed by httf army, tho
iilllua aro Hfihllnir the rionuaiiH today,
nays n writer In PIltsburKh Did
patch. 'Ihe fdo Ih the wline In cruelly
null In nverbeiitliii; nature, iih tiny
neliool boy or Klrl who bun read tho
conmieittnrle.i of Jhereat ltoiunn gen
eral can tell yml. How hlntory ropealH
ItMcIf and how Important as well
ns Interesting Ih tho study of tho
Lathi hingutigo become mIiicu the war
Ih llliiNtrated In telling fashion by it
elailrul exhibit In the University of
In the exhibit, which was nrrnnged
tinder the direction of It. L. Ullmaii of
tho State Chmsical nsoclatlon, la n
model of n bcldgo biilll over tlm Itblno
by Caesar. It wim made from tho di
neriiillon elvon bv Cnpwiir.
The bridge Is almost exnetly lltto thft'
temiiorary bridge the xoldlent lit
l'lattitburg nro now being taught to
fnnko ami on whlrh they expect to
cross tho IthliiQ as they go Into the do
main of the litdJcr.
The Unman nnlllfttn, tmed to throw
etonoH nt the enemy, Im made exactly,
on tfifi same principle as the machine'
lifted today to throw trench homh$.
Jlodorn springs now take the place of
tho twisted rawhide with which mo
mentum wiim obtained by the llomnn
machine. A model of the Itomaii bal
llstu in In tho exhibit.
On the wime principle Ih tho entiir.
pult, lined by the ItommiH to ulioot ar
rows. .Several of the weapons uwotl by
tho Iloman soldlcrx, Inrltidlug nwonl
and Hpenr, foretnnnerrt of the biiyonet,
ore niueh lllo tho used in tho pres
ent war. Models of till llioso are In
this exhibit. . There are also models
Of tho llomnn noldler and of tho sol-
,dler of today, Imlli wearing headpiece
of metal much alike.
, The boy who Is rending C'ncar can
toll yoii that Holms, whoso wonderful
cathedral has been destroyed by thh
(ermnns, was named from tho Itaml
tribp mentioned by Caesar add that
HolHons takes Its name from I he .Sues
siones. tribe, conquered by Caesar. Tho
Commentaries are full of names made
familiar by .the war golnij on today
find tho schoolboy rends with nddeit
interext how Caesar defeated Arlovls
tufi, king of the flermnns, mid won
cither triumphs on tho snmo battle
front as that of tho allies today. Tho
wolf holes be describes aro much llko
Oio traps used to ensnnrc and bewilder
the enemy no.
Other arlleles In the exhibit mado by
studeniK show what it wealui of Ito
man tradition ban been handed down
to us. The Iloman fasces, shown on
the now United fitates dime, Is tho.
original of tho mace, tho symbol of
power, used by tho speaker of tho
house of representatives. Tho fnsccs
in turn, had Its origin In (he stlckA
taml by the Itomnns (o Hog offenders
and tho ax Used by thorn to cut of(!
(he heads of tho worst ot them.
tho Halt, the Dllnd and the Maimed.
Tho largo number of men, women,
girls, nnd hoys Ih Orcnt Hrltnln who
are receiving wages they never dreamf
fit befoTo tho tvnr, nro not nlwnys un
mindful of tlio wants of others. In
fact, many of tho "world's sad defe
nds" aro benentfng substantially by
the good times of their more fortumitd'
brethren. Instances of It nr6 very no
ticeable In (ho ftlnelc country. On.pny
day, In tho particular region, may bo
xoen wnliderlng to n convenient "pitch"
the malm, (ho hnlt, and I lit) blind, flonlo
havo musical instruments which they
perform upon. Others sing, some iro
blind, and others aro minus a limb.
They all havo caps or other reeeptaelou
for coppers, When tho works gateil
nro open, and tho workers comd fortlf
with pockets full of money, there 'I?
rr variation In tho music which can
bo described ad weird. Hut Is Is n
great tlrno for tho musicians. Them
fa n continual "clinic, clink," Into the,'
caps or tho poor folk until thd lust
worker has passed their lino.
LOST-Gold. Waltham Watch
atid. W4l..Smitit'&SorUoh,, Kc-
wrtrd if loft at NdvVfl oflko,
6n IQfin.
, it was hi .pie nnr parior or tne upon
ten noBi Tho subject was the rlsdi
fat Both
In tho price of beer, and the innij'i
who had Ids glass of cider until 1
. A' .A. . ...A A . ... l
u was mo very uesi utx no nati ever
, "Since tho rl.sp In tho price of beer
I havo not drmjtfttny at all, and tlio
money I have saved has put me oil
my leci -yes, iiuriy put me on my
feet," replied tho gargler of apple
Jnlce. "Well," said tho landlord, "come to
think C that, It's put me on my feet,
too for since this 'ere bloomln' tax 'an
come luto.eperutlon, I've 'ad to sell
my 'orso an' trap I" Itrltlsh I'arni nnil
to Do Away With "Ruah Hour."
In order to prevent the rtifdi of
workers the llrltlsh hoard of trado
tramways committee suggests that In
diiNtrhil concerns should "Mnggir"'
their times of opening null closing. Ily
takliiK on and dlHcharglng work peo
ple at Intervals of ten miniitis or m
tho cars could bo worked mure eco
iioadcally and there would be a con
tlminuH strenm of pasK ngct-i, Ins't-ul
of tho tirMnt rush at eeiinin hmu '
What You W;nt
For Sale or Trade, For Rent,
Wanted lo Buy, life.
ESTI'AY- Hnvo yt-nrlinrf lllley
in my pttsture. Otiernuu have
same by paying pnature bill and
for advertising. II. L. , Zolgkr,
New H.idgo. ndS-tf
Lost A kodak, Suitable re
ward if loft at Nows oliieo.
Found Weed chain for auto.
Owner will call at Roland Woods
ranch, identify property and pay
for this adv.
HARNESS Four sets double
harness, new and complete for
sale cheap at E. & W. Ciiaudler'j.
Just arrived, a lino of ji ivy
and army sweaters, just what
ycu havo been looking for.
ad E. & W. Chandlor.
NOTICE-! will not till biios
for anyone but injself next year.
Chester Miison.
See thoBO nifty
hair hat bands
at Raley's. ad
Notice - PartietJ who paid cash
for Fourth Liberty Loan Ronds
may secure thou, now by enl'injt:
at tho Eagle Valley State Bank.
Fino bunch of Dairy Cows mid
Heifers for sale. S. Tarter,
Sparta, Ore.
LOOK 1 havo for sale at a bar
gain C J acres of sago brush land
under ditch; near Richland; ditch
stock go&3 with land. If cleared
this winter and sowed to grain in
spring, crop will pay for place.
Snap for yo'U. C. E. 'Ihorp.
your subscrip
tion ut onco and
not miss a copy
Why not send
th News to a
soldier friend?
Vou dait give him no Xmas,
present that will he more ap
and Avoid t$ (W