Eagle Valley news. (Richland, Or.) 191?-1919, November 21, 1918, Image 7

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Tnko StillM to flliHh Kidney mid
noiitrnllze irritating
ICtilnoy mill nimbler weakness result
from urlo ncld, says a noted authority,
Tho klilnoyH filter thin field from the
blood mid pns It on to tho blwldor,
whoro It ofton remains to Irritate and
InNutno, causing n burnlnj?, scalding
HonRotlon, or sotting up tin Irritation
nt tho nock of tho bladder, obliging
you to nook relief two or threo times
during tho night Tho sufferer Ih In
constant drond, tho Avntor passe
Hoinotlini'H with n scnldlug sonsntlon
and In very proftina; again, thoro In
difficulty In avoiding it.
Illaddor weakness, mont folks call
. It, bucnuno thoy can't control urina
tion. Whllo it is uxtromoly annoying
and somotlmos very painful, thin In
really ono of tho most ilmplo allmontn
to overcome. Oot about four ouiicob
of Jad Halts from your pharmacist and
tako a tablospoouful In a glass of
water before breakfast, contlnuo thin
for two or throe dayn. This will nou
tralUo tho nclds In tho urlno no It
no longer In n nourco of Irritation to
tho bladder and urinary organs which
thon act normally again.
Jad Salts In Inexpensive, harmless,
and Is made from tho acid of grapes
and lemon Juice, combined with llthla,
and is usod by thousands of folks who
nro subject to urinary disorders caused
by urlo acid irritation. Jad Salts Is
splendid for kldnoys and causes no
bad effects whatever.
Hero you have a ploasant, efferves
cent llthla-water drjnk, which quickly
relieves bladder trouble
(Conducted by National Council or tho
Hoy Ucouts of America.)
Itching Burning Skins.
For cczcmnM, rashes, Itching, irrita
tions, pimples, dnndruir, soro hands,
and baby humors, Cutlctira Sonp and
Ointment nrc supremely effective. For
free samples nddrcss "Cutlcurn, Dept.
X, Boston." At druggists and by mall.
Soap 23, Ointment 29 nnd CO. Adv.
Whllo Hovernl boys ivcro in swim
mlng In tho Tennessee river near
Knoxvlllo, two of tho number became
Imperiled nnd cried for help. John
nnd Tnuxo Yule, both of whom nro
boy scouts, quickly responded to tho
John Yule succeeded In reaching ono
boy nnd bringing him to tho shore.
Tnuxo Yulo went to Louis Hnsgcll's
Assistance. He states that they went
down twice, but ho was nblo to bring
tho terror-stricken lad to tho mirfuce
In both Instances, nnd believed they
were safe, when young Ilasscll, ngatn
frightened, throw his lower limbs
about his rescuer, nnd they went to
tho bottom,
Tho splendid heroism nnd hazarding
of their own lives, as exemplified by
tho Yulo brothers, was commended nnd
they did everything possible to save
their friend, hlmNcIf n much-beloved
Scout Kxccutlvo J. M. Qoro says
that Tnuxo Yule would undoubtedly
linvo saved Ilassell If tho drowning
boy had not secured n scissors lock, n
thing never before thought poufblo
when tho rescuer hnd 'the life-saving
arm lock.
Tnuxo Yulo Is an accomplished
swimmer nnd only n week before hnd
saved a boy from drowning in the
Tennessee river.
Why "Behemoth Survives.
Tho books of tho Now Tcstamont
wore originally in Greek; thoso of tho
Old Testament, of course, In Hobrow.
"When tho first "authorized version"
of tho Illblo wnu framed, early In tho
seventeenth century, tho scholars who
undertook tho work of translation
woro puzzled to Identify soma of tho
scriptural beasts, Tho crocodile was
unknown In Kuropo at that porlod,
and, not having oven heard of Uio
hippopotamus, thoy let tho Hebrew
word "behemoth" stand.
Get tho Genuine
and Avoid
n Every Coke
BEHNKH. WALKED, at Portland, North
west's blcseat business colleBO over
whelmed by calls for trained young; men
and women. Knroll now. Take a count
aad a position assured. Btenorrapby tele
trophy, accounting, shorthand, bonklni,
rcrretartal etc. writ for catalogue.
Wwwmm Granulated Eyelids,
if LI I Ky ln(UmJby epo
" sure to Son, Dos) and Wind
bE? m quickly relieved by Murine
rVftS EyeBemedy. NoSnWtlng,
Juit Kye Comfort. At
Vour Drtigcliti or by null 60c per Dottle.
For nook ol Ibe Eye free write bu
Morlno Cyo Romody Co., Chicago.
wew Houston Hotel
Slith and Hvctctt SU.. PortUnd, Ore.
Kour MoeV from Union Deuot Two tilocki
from New I'oelofflce. Modrrn and fireproof
Over 100 guuldo iwnu. Katee 75fl to S?.0O
Hides, Pelts, fcc&" Wool & Mohair
V. Wu) A vn Viri. Wrfa fx Plki M
the h. r. NOtrroN coMrANv,
If.lli anil JfahnKA Bleu lVtVILml. Clra
BoatUe, Wuh. llelllnglmm. Wih,
Veal, Pork, Deef,
Poultry, Butter, Egg
and Farm Produce,
to the Old IlelUbte Kvenllng homo with a
record of 411 yuan, of Bquurn Dealing, and
45-47 Front Street, Portland, Oregon
iBBBaJNanlguuk'' Hs7V3FHafrS jgPft
bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbIbbbbbK LbbbbbbbbbbV (
jaBiiiiB .
This Boy Scout Is on Park Conserva
tion Work and Is Holding Down
His Pott Well.
Thousands of Hoy Scouts of Amer
ica nro enjoying their wonderful
camps all over tho country. For the
tlmo they will forget nil nbout cities,
sidewalks nnd civilization in tho joys
of swimming, bontlng, mountain-climbing
nnd athletics of all kinds. Instruc
tion In scouting will bo mingled with
theso sports.
At all of theso camps, tho scouts nro
having a good time, whllo gaining in
health, self-reliance nnd everything
that helps them to bo prepared for the
unselfish patriotic scrvlco which Is
tho heroic dream of every truo scout
In khaki.
Surplus vegetables from tho many
war gardens in Klngsvlllc, Tex., nre
gnthercd, picked nnd shipped to tho
mess oftlcers nL tho nrmy camp by
tho boy scouts of that city.
Tho nrmy ofllclnls aro very apprecia
tive of tho movement. Tho garden
owners nro glad to contrlbuto vege
tables, nnd tho scouts nro glnd to as
semble them.
In flomo Instances they gather them
from tho gardens, lco them if neces
sary, puck them in hampers and
bushel crates nnd express them. Tho
government pnys tho transportation
charges nnd provides now hampers.
P. N, U,
No, 47, 1018
Pnwtuckot (It. I.) scouts nro endeav
oring to flccuro tho removal of United
States flags which huvo been flown
until they wcro bndly tattered, and In
doing so linvo come up against tho
problem of what to do with theso
woruout flugs,
They huvo asked for suggestions,
Ono olllclal Is working out a symbolic
ceremony to ho used.. . ,
Prisoners Worked Without Armed
Guards and Without Special In
docementc of Reward.
Without n slngto attempt to escape,
an averago of '10 negro convicts were
maintained for (en months In tho Ful
ton county (On.) honor camp conduct
ed under tho observation of the United
Stutes oillco of public roadH nnd rural
engineering and tho United States pub
lic health service. This notwithstand
ing tho fucts that tho convicts wcro
worked without armed gnurds, with
out exceptional conditions as to hours
of labor, without special rewards or
other unusual inducements to good
behavior nnd with the camp located
near a trolley line and within 11 miles
of tho city of Atlanta, from which
most of tho convicts were sentenced, a
condition admitted by all competent
authorities to bo most unfavorable to
tho successful operation of an honor
Tho methods of discipline contrast
ed sharply with thoso practiced In the
other camps of tho county, stato and
section. So far as enn be learned, sim
ilar methods never have been applied
to any convict camp In the South, and
for this reason the success of the sys
tem Is ono of the most striking nnd
important results of the experiment,
which appears to demonstrate conclu
sively that there is little foundation
for tho belief that negro convicts are
amenable only to the discipline of
locks, schacklcs and lash.
In this camp no guard was armed
and no convict was shackled ; the only
building locked night or day was the
commissary. Plain gray clothing was
substituted for convict stripes and tho
uso of tho whip was prohibited. In
placo of negative measures, order, se
curity and obcdlenco were obtained by
tho posltlvo measures of attractive
food, light, airy quarters, clean and
comfortable beds, reasonable, kind
treatment and grenter privileges. Dur
ing tho day on tho work tho constant
menace of tho gun mis removed and
Repairing Concrete Road in Georgia.
tho men worked under tho foremen as
free men work. Instead of putting the
men "on the chain" Immediately after
tho evening meal, In this camp they
were permitted to remain outside the
building, rending, smoking, playing
quoits or baseball until dark, or In tho
niessroom to enjoy a phonograph which
was provided for them. Saturday nf tor
noons, during the summer, were holi
days, nnd the tlmo was devoted to
baseball nnd other games.
Hindi1 lufrnetlotu Of tho rules, dls
obedlcnco tUld unsatisfactory work
were punished by dcmerlting the of
fender. When tho number of such de
merits exceeded tho established limit
tho convict was returned to tho county
headquarters camp to bo placed again
under tho more rigid discipline of ono
of tho other camps. Attempted es
cape would have been punished In n
Blmllnr manner, but It was unnecessary
to administer any punishment for this
causa during the ten months tno enmp
was under observation.
Tho full measure of tho success of
tho system of dltsclpllno is realized
when It Is understood that no attempt
was mado to hold tho tnon by rewards
of money or allowances of "good tlmo"
grenter than thoso grunted to other
county convicts. Tho only mousuro of
this kind was tho granting of tho cus
tomary ration of tobneco. This was
used at tho rate of nbout one-qunrter
pound por convict per week,
Tho morale of tho forco was excel
lent, With few exceptions tho men
were content with tho treatment they
received, nnd freely expressed their
appreciation of It, not only In words,
but In a willingness to work nnd n
prompt response to orders, such as is
observed seldom In convict camps.
Why Compare Beef and
Coal Profits ?
Swift & Company has frequently stated
that its profit on beef averages only one
fourth of a cent a pound, and hence has
practically no effect on the price.
Comparison has been made by the Federal
Trade Commission of this profit with the
profit on coal, and it has pointed out that
anthracite coal operators are content with
a profit of 25 cents a ton, whereas the beef
profit of one-fourth of accent a pound means
a profit of $5.00 a ton.
The comparison does not point out that
anthracite coal at the seaboard is worth at
wholesale about $7.00 a ton, whereas a ton
of beef of fair quality is worth about
$400.00 wholesale.
To carry the comparison further, the 25
cent profit on coal is 3 per cent of the
$7.00 value.
The $5.00 profit on beef is only V4 per
cent of the $400.00 value.
The profit has little effect on price in either case,
but has less effect on the price of beef than on the
price of coaL
Coal may be stored in the open air indefinitely;
beef must be kept in expensive coolers because it is
highly perishable and must be refrigerated.
Coalis handled by the carload or ton; beef is deliv
ered to retailers by the pound or hundred weight.
Methods or handling are vastly different. Coal is
handled in open cars; beef must be shipped in
refrigerator cars at an even temperature.
Fairness to the public, fairness to Swift &
Company, fairness to the packing industry, demands
that these indisputable facts be considered. It is
impossible to disprove Swift & Company's state
ment, that its profits on beef are so small as to have
practically no effect on prices.
Swift & Company, U. S. A.
Sage Tea and Sulphur Turns. Godden Tells How It
Gray, Faded Hair Dark I May be Passed in Safety
and GIossv. 1 ana v-omrorc
Almost everyone knows that Sago
Tea and Sulphur, properly compound
ed, brings back tho natural color nnd
lustro to the hair when faded, streaked
or; gray. Years ago Uio only way to
got this mlxturo was to raako it at
homo, which Is mussy and trouble
some. Nowadays wo simply ask at any
drug store for "Wyeth's Sago and
Sulphur Compound." You will get a
largo bottle of tbls old-tlmo rcclpo Im
proved by tho addition of other in
grodlonts, at very little cost. Every
body uses this preparation now, bo
causo no ono can possibly toll that
you darkened your balr, as it doos it
bo naturally and. ovonly. You darapon
a spongo or soft brush with it and
draw this through- your hair, taking
ono small strand at a tlmo; by morn
ing tho gray hair dlsappqars, and after
anothor application or two, your hair
becomes beautifully dark, thick and
glossy and you look years younger.
Wyeth'B Sago nnd Sulphur Compound
is a delightful tollot requisite It is
not intondod for tho cure, mitigation
or prevention ot dlsoaso.
Oloom spoils 111 hoalth. When ho
comos snooping about your promises,
don't entertain 'him. If ho insists on
staying, throw him out.
, 1
Fremont, 0. "I was passing through
the critical period of life, being forty-
six years ot age ana
nau all tno symp
toms incidenttothat
change heat flash
es, nervousness, and
was in a general run
down condition, so
it was hard for ma
to do my work.
Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Com
pound was recom
mended to me as the
best remedy for my
troubles, which it
surely proved- to be. I feci better nnd
stronger in every way sinco taking it,
and Uio annoying symptoms have disap
peared. "Mrs. M. Godden, 923 Na
poleon St, Fremont, Ohio.
Such annoying symptons as heat
flashes, nervousnsss, backache, head
ache, irritability and "the blues," mny
bo speedily overcome and tho system
restored to normal conditions by this
famous root and herb remedy Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
If any complications present them
selves writo Uio Plnkham Medicine Co.,
Lynn, Mass., for suggestions how to
overcome them. Tho result of forty
years experience Is at your service unu
your letter held in strict confidence.