u 1 a - .11 ...I I. I , . . I 1 Eagle Valley News Straight, Trutlital, Direct C. E. Thorp Entered as second class matter Due 12. 1912 at the post oilieo at 1 Richland Oregon, undor act of March 3, 1S79. Momlior Qrogon State SUBSCRIPTION $2.00 Six months - - .50 SAMPLE COPY ONE YEAR - - - JHREE MONTHS -i RICHLAND, ORE.. THURSDAY. NOV. 21. 1915. Vol. 7, No. 2 Demure Little Goat There With the Hatpin. ys a Result a Very Surprised and Dis consolate Don "Stood Not Unan the Order of His Going," but ' Fled Hastily. My Xancy Is ns trim nnd charming n little goat ns you ever wish to sec. Sho wears a fnwn-colored cont with cream trimmings. Jms coulldlns way;, and yet n gentle diguity, withnl, which should protect her. Since she dedicat ed herself to tending the yearling colts In the barnyard sho has seen little of the outside world. Indeed she is one of the least sophisticated of her kind. I had a right to be alarmed when a dissolute vagabond of a dog leaped "oyer the fence and began harrying the colts ; much more was I troubled when i bfancy arose from n siesta in the. hay ' loft and lightly dropped from the bay ,jioor to the ground. For that degen erate collie fastened upon her a lust ful eye; the twitch of his nostril boded ill from the start. And yet he should have misdoubted a creature of such gymnastic ability, however much she smelied like a simple sheep. He boldly approached her; she tried to discourage his attentions and sec a good example to the colts by main taining a cold and unseeing gaze. Ho came tho closer. Kow she stepped away, stiffly, very much on her dignity. IIo followed up. She stood still, ob trusively turning her back to his ntten ' Hons. This disconcerted him ; he had planned to cut-ii her by the throat. Cautiously he edged over tb the side; she let him come. He gathered him self to leap upon her. Then as ho arose, she flashed about; he landed with Ids diapluugm poised on her slen der horns. A fatal" Injury was not within her power, but it was not needed. lie sprawled to earth with an anguished yelp, lit running, nnd cleared the gnto at his second hup. That was no gay deceiver, no masterful betrayer, self confident of his allure, that fleeting form which spurted gravel behind each .eager stride. Nancy watched It go. There seemed nlmost an expression of regret In her amber eyes; s'. o twiddled an Impatient tall, then, primmer than ever, went to finish her nap. liut u diversion had been welcome In the virtuous monotony of her days rnd the good old hatpin trick worked tig;. In. John Brock in De troit Free Press. Insisted Neighbor Was "Devil." She was a motherly old soul who .wore glasses and she Insisted, vche .montly, that "that woman next door trns n rpf.mlnr iT. vf! " And when the police conrt com .plaint clerk as': d her to explain fur ther she sold: "She's a splrltunllst. She sits up nil night putting evil ..thoughts into my head. She won't let jne sleep." It was a declaration that mado the -woman next the motherly old soul at the counter open one eye wide In ..amazement. That woman couldn't open both eyes, for her husband had blacked and closed one. Tho complaint clerk tried to soothe the motherly old woman, but she kept on Insisting that her neighbor snt up nights transferring evil thought from bedroom to bedroom. She wanted something done, she said, for, as she Insisted over and over, "No decent per son can do that" The clerk hnd to humor her and It was a long time before he finally got rid of her.-i-DetroIt Free Press. j Buy W.S.S. this month. Editor Udttorinl Association" , 1.00 FKDK Stato of Ohio. City of Toledo. ' Lucas County, so. Franlt J. Cheney makes onth that !, la senior partner of the Jlrm of V. 0. Cheney & Co., UoIiir business In the Cltj of Toledo, County ami State nforeaaM. nnd that said nrm will pay tht sum o ON'K HUNDHKD DOLLARS for each and even- oa of Cutnrrh tliut eiinnot he cured bytheuw of HALL'S CATAUUIl MEDICINR. FRANK J. CIIEN'KY. Sworn to beforo mo nnd subscribed In my presence, this Ctli day of Dembcr, A. D. 1SS. A. -N. OLKASON". (Seal) Notary lublie. Hall's Catarrh Medicine U taken In ternally nnd acts throuch the Hlood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System. Send for testimonials, tree. F. J. CHRNKY & CO.. Toledo. O. Sold by all drusrtrlsts. TSv. Hall'n Family I'ills for constipation. PRINCESS IS NURSE This picture of Her Royal Highness, Princess Mary, only daughter of their majesties, King George and Qucou Mary, shows her In the garb of a Itcd Cross nurse. Uor Royal Highness has commenced her duties as a Red Cross nurse nnd Is serving ns a probationer at the Hos pital for Sick Children, London. DIES AS FOE FLEES British Aviator Killed in Triangu lar Fight. Salvation Army Truck Driver Figures In Tragic Air Battle at the Front. Farls. Dying In tho arms of a Sal vation Army supply truck driver at the front In France a British aviator who hnd Just been crashed to earth In a desperate trlnngiilar bnttlo In tho sky had tho satisfaction of witness ing the defeat of his German antag onist by a French piano Just before ho drew his last breath. The struggle, according to a report renchlng hero occurred recently Just behind the allied lines In France, nno was witnessed by Ransom Oifford, elghteen-ycnr-old son of Col. Adnr. Glfford, head of the Salvation Army for New England, and residing In Iloston. Young Glfford was hauling supplies to hutments along the line, when sudden ly three big planes circled Immediately over his head and opened up n terrific fight. In a short tlrao one piano shot down ward In flames nnd crashed to earth less than 100 feet from GIfford's truck. The young Salvationist ran, to tho Wreckage, and atter jlesperatoeffort4 PSISiMMMMNV1NafTaMSSnSIMHl' L'SfrlcAled tho broken utul Mocilhijr uvl jftor, wjio wis still nllvo. Two French fcoldlors. who hnd been concealed nenr by rnn up, ami notlnc tho condition of tho nvlntor, rnced off In different tactions for n doctor nnd ninbtihtnco, j Young Clifford bold the dyliiff nlrimm In Mr nrinfi, enabling him to llo buck, nnd with fnst closing eyes pizo ut tho con Met still rnRlni: Immedlivtely over tticlr liend.i, Tho French piano put the Oer nnn to rout, whereupon tho ICukIMi lighter with n smllo relaxed nnd ex hired In tho nrms of tho Salvationist. Clifford states that for u month ho 1ms not hnd Ids shoes off, nnd Hint this Is no uncotumon occurrence with tho supply drivers. Ho spent 21 hours utj der his truck on n uubscqiwnt trip when It rnp off the rood Into n ditch, with shells dropping nround It nil day nnd lmjf tho night. ELOPE, THEN DIE TOGETHER Chief of Police and Nelnhbcr's Wife Carry Out Suicide Pact. Rochester, N. Y- Kljncr Fish, chief of pollco of Mncedi'ii, and Mrs. Muter I'holps, who wore found shot (o death In tho woods nenr Spencorport on Thursday, loft their homes on July 8. Fish, his wlfo nnd their two small children lived opposite to Mr. nnd Mra. I'holps In Mucedon. Fish represented the Standard Oil and Phelps is n barge canal operator. Mrs. Phelps was a fre quent visitor to tho Fish home, itU though Mrs. Fish protested ngnlnst her visits. ' Mrs. Phelps was driving Fish's nil tnmohllo on July 7 and crashed Inti) another machine. Fih took the car to Palmyra nnd wanted to have It repair ed Immediately. As this could not bo, done, ho and Mr. Fish returned to Macedon. He nnd Mrs. Phelps left there on tho trolley at four o'clock nnd nothing wus heard from them until the finding of their bodies. Mrs. Fish nnd her children have gone to tho homo of her fa their In Clifton Springs. v ucnrio rnrT ntiinrr nened uncHi urittuoc FOR WAR PROFITEERS Manchester, conn. James j Velch has n hen which lays A, freak eggs once u week. They f are usually of large slxc. Tho Y latest one, n doublo egg, mens- ured 8V& Inches In clrcumfer- X enco nnd 7I Inches around the f center. In tho center of tho larger egg was n smaller one, y tho shell of which was harder ft than the one outside. ( Army Terms. An army corps is G0,00r men. An infantry division 19,000 men An infantry brigade 7.000 men Kcsiment of infantry 3,000. A battalion is 1-000 men A tompai y is 250 men. A corporal's squad is 8 men. A field battery has 195 men. A firing sciuad is 20 mTi. A supply train has 283 men. A machine gun battalion has 296 men. An engineer's regiment has 1.098 men, An ambulance company has GO. A field hospital'has 55 men. A medicine detachment 13 men. A major general heads tho fie'dj army ana also eacn army c.rps. A br'gadier general heads each infat-try brigade. A colr.ru 1 heads each rgiment. A lieutenarff co'onel is pext in rank below a. colonel. A majV headjB a battalion. A captain heads a company. A lieutenant heads a platoon. A sergeant is next bolow a lieutenant. A corporal is a squad officer. Our article in last week's issue advocating that laws be passed prohibiting emigration from tho countries that have been fighting the allied nations and deporting all men in the United State3 who still retain citizenship in enemy nations, seems to have met with general approval judging from the compliments we have receiv ed. If you believe inI"America for Americans" help the work along by talking the matter over with your friends and neighbors. Give Thanks Thursday, And for your Thanksgiving Dinner let u$ supply you with Fresh Groceries of all kinds Sweet Potatoes Cranberries Celery Dates Nuts Olives Pickles Oysters Shrimps Clams 1 Cookies Candies SAUNDERS BRO'S. eaooaooeGGoceoessocedssTOasoscsctxcooesGoecQGssoooct Ike always n man was foolish to buy plug of tho Gravely class when ho could get a big plug of ordinary tobacco for the same money. But one day Bill gave him n chew of Gravely just two or three email squares. Then Ike got the pure, sat thou. PEYTON BRAND Real Gravely Chewing Plug each piece, packed in z pouch NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. (ruhlicher.) Department of the Interior. IT. 8. Land Office at I.atirando, Oro Kon, Nov. 8th. 1018. Notice 18 hereby tilvon that Andrew .1, Alton, of Durban, Orition, who, on Nov mnbi-r 5th, 1016, mnlo Additional Home tt!Hil lintry, No. 01IS1I. or V. BHtjf, Section Ii8, nnd Wi MVt4', Section 27, Townxhii 11 Konth, Kuiiku II Kant, Wll litinutto Moridian, linn Mod nntlooot in tfiition to rnako tliroo-yeur front, to tnliliI claim to tho IniidnhovcdL'ncrilX'd, hcffiro A. Jl. Cornhn, Jr., dork of Coun ty Court, ut Hiikfr, Oroxon, on tho 0th dny of January, 1010. Clitlinnnt nnnioo hh wltnuseitst O. it. din Imiin and Wrun Criup, of Darken, Oiiiu'un; William Ooff und William Nor rln, of linker, Orison, C. S. Pitmi, Hcslstor. First publication Nov. .'), 1013. I.HPt publication Doc Ml, 101H. Notice of Filing Final Account Notico is hereby mven that by consid eration of tho County v'ourtof tbofJtato of Oropin for Ilakrr County, by mi oritur in ail (i it nil unlurud therein on tho 10th day of November, 1018, In tint ruatU-r of tlm ontatu of ThninaH II, Crunall, Do coaeei, that tho Una! account of C K. Ashby, AdminiHtratrix of uald eataio, will bo heard on tlio'JIinl day of Decern, her, 1018, at tho hour of ten o'clock in tho forenoon, and nil peraonB having ob jeetioub to wild llnal account aro hereby required to lllo thoHanm with tlio county clerk of linker County, Oregon, on or bo foro eald dato or thuv will bu forovcr barred from beliiK heard thereafter thereon. Dated this Kith day of Novum her, 1018. O, H. AHhby, Administratrix of tho Kntato of Thomas II. Comiall, Deceased, J. It. Mcealck, Attorney for Administratrix, 1 i November, 28 j I s a s ft tsfying Gravely taste. It lasted so long, you can't tell him nowadays that it costs him anything extra lo chew Real Gravely. fet furthtrthot't wfiy ytit X tan (tt (lie coed llt tf thtt dan cflolatn vrllhoul txtra (tit In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Baker County. In the Matter of the ) Notico of Kdtatu of W Until Hun- l-llin nett. Deeeimed. ) Final Account NOTICKIS UKUKUY tilVKN that tho undcrKlu'ned ban fllixl her final report in tho alxivo entitled cauoo and that tho County Court. of linker County, Oregon, has not Monday, tlm With day of Novom her, l'JIB, at tlm hour of ten o'c'ock A. M., bm tbn tiiiie, and tlm Countv Court Itoom In Ilin Cnuutv Court IIouho of tlm City of (taker, Ilakor County, Oroeo'i, nH the plitco, when and where mild limit roi port nnd all multern connected therewllh and with uald entnto hlmll oomc on for ' final hcnricK and diitermluatioii. All pemons linvlnu objectioiiH theroto Hball then and tliero appear and mako thu ftiimo. Dated thin Kith dnv of October, 1018. JAN 15 1IKNNI5TT, Adminlhtrutrix of tho im'aln of William lioiuielt, lain of linker County, Oru- KOIl, DeceaMfd. Dato of llrt publication Oct. 21, 1018, Dato of hint iiublication Nov. 21, 1018. VULCANIZING I have installed n new plant and am prepared lo vulcanizo anything that it is possible to re pair in 'that manner (oven hot water bottles and rubber boots) CASINGS and INNER TUBES a specialty. All work Ruaran teed satisfactory. W. E. HOLMES, , Plant at Uichland Auto Co.-radv 3"' 'J