Eagle Valley news. (Richland, Or.) 191?-1919, November 21, 1918, Image 2

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    3k V VWS Jt
Brief Resume Most important
Daily News Items.
Events of Noted People, Governments
and PaciGc Northwest and Other
Things Worth Knowing.
Robert A. Van Wyck. former mayor
of New York City, is dead in Paris.
Tho whereabouts of Ludwlg III,
King of Bavaria, is unknown, accord
lng to a dispatch from Munich.
Two women named Simpson and
Smith are reported dead and 15 to 20
other white DeoDlo Injured as a result
of a tornado which lato Saturday
struck Prague, Okla.
Senators opposing child labor have
agreed upon a proposed amendment to
the war revenue bill which will provide
a prohibitive excise tax of 5 to 10 per
cent on products of child labor.
President Wilson will be Invited to
lay tho cornerstone of tho proposed
monument at the mouth of tho Glronde
river commemorating the help given
to France by the United States in the
That the small army of draft evaders
now In Mexico need expect no clem'
ency from tho United States Is the
announcement mado by G. T. Jones,
chief special agent for the Department
of Justice.
When tho city council of Long Beach
attempted to mako kissing in public
a crime it acted arbitrarily and in
violation of the constitution, according
to a decision at Los Angeles by Super
lor Judge Willis.
Minnesota will remaln"wet." Com
plete official returns announced by
Secretary of State Julius A Schmal
showed that the proposed dry amend
ment to tho state constitution failed
by 756 votes at the general election
November 5.
Norway lost during the war 831
vessels, aggregating close on to one
and a quarter million tons, accord'
ing to official statistics. In addition
33 -vessels of approximately 69,000
tons were damaged by German sub
Advices from Hungary say that
Count Karolyi, president of the Hun
garian National Council, has made the
assertion that Rumania declared war
on Germany in order to force the Ger
man Field-Marshal von Mackensen to
disarm his men.
' Bombers attempted to wreck the of
fices of the Youngstown, Ohio, Tele
gram shortly before midnight ThurS'
day. A bomb placed just outside the
pressroom exploded, breaking windows
and crushing doors and otherwise dam
aging the building. The Telegram has
been strongly pro-ally.
Major-General Beaumont B. Buck
and Brigadier-General John G. Barrett!
and 400 veterans, many of them wound'
ed, arrived In New York Saturday
morning from France. When the ship
steamed past the Statue of Liberty at
dawn the men lined the rail and cheer
ed themselves hoarse.
A sensation in California railroad
circles developed Saturday when it
became known that D. Mi Folsom,
director of fuel conservation on this
coast, has recommended to Washing
ton that the mountain divisions of the
Southern Pacific railroad bo electrified
as soon as "practicable.
Almost the first action of the war
department after announcement of thoK
signing of tho armistice with Ger
many was tho cancellation of all army
draft calls, under which rnoro than
300,000 men had boon ordered to on
train for camps before November 30.
Tho American army hud reached a
total strength of 3,701,077 when hos
tilities ceased Monday, according to
official figures at the war department.
Of that number 2,200,000 had been
pent to France, Italy or Russia, The
remainder woro under onus ut camps
jiT.thli country,
. i
Large Part of Navy Taken; Occupied
Territory to He Evacuated.
Washington, D. C Nov. 11. Tho
strictly military terms of tho armistice
are embraced In 11 specifications,
which Includo tho evacuation of all In
vaded territories, of tho German
troops from tho loft bank of tho Rhino
and tho surrender of nil supplies of
Tho terms also provide for tho
abandonment by Germany or tno
treaties of Bucharest and Brest
Tho naval terms provide for tho sur
render of 160 submarines, 60 destroy
ers, 6 battle crulsors, 10 battleships, 8
light cruisers and other miscellaneous
ship 8.
Ml allied vessols in Gorman hands
aro to bo surrendered and Germany la
to notify neutrals that they aro freo
to trade at onco on tho seas with tho
allied countries.
Among tho financial terms Included
are restitution for damago dono by tho
German armies; restitution of tho cash
taken from tho National Bank of Bo!
clum nnd return of gold taken from
Russia and Roumanla.
The military terms includo tho sur
render of 5000 guns, halt field and halt
light artillery; 30,000 machine guns,
3000 tlamo throwers and 2000 air
Tho surrender of 5000 locomotives,
50,000 wagons, 10,000 motor lorries,
tho railways of Alsace-Lorraine for
usq by tho allies and stores of coal and
iron also aro Included.
Tho Immcdlato repatriation of all
allied and American prisoners without
reciprocal action by tho allies also Is
In connection with the evacuation
of tho left bank of tho Rhino It Is
provided that the allies shall hold tho
crossings of tho river at Coblcntz, Co
logne and Mayencc, together with
bridge heads In a 30-kIlomctcr radius,
German troops, are to retire at once
from any territory held by Russia,
Roumanla and Turkey before tho war,
The allied forces aro to navo ac
cess to the evacuated territory either
through Dantzlg or by tho River Vis
tula. Tho unconditional capitulation
of all German forces In East Africa
within one month Is provided.
President Wilson Issued a formal
proclamation at 10 o'clock this morn
ing announcing that tho armistice
with Germany had been signed.
The proclamation follows:
"My fellow countrymen:
"The armistice was signed this
morning. Everything for which Amer
lea fought has been accomplished.
will now be our fortunate duty to as
sist by example, by sober, friendly
counsel and by material aid In the ca
tabllBhment of just democracy
throughout the world.
Washington, D. C, Nov. 11. By
order of President Wilson Provost
Marshal-General Crowder today direct
ed the cancellation of all outstanding
draft calls, stopping tho movement
during tho next five days of 252,000
men and Betting aside all November
calls for over 300,000 men.
Secretary Baker announced that, so
far as practicable, all men who have
been called and who have not yet com'
plcted their training, will be immedl
ately turned back to civilian life.
Fight In Berlin Goes on.
Basel. Fighting between revolution
ary forces and Imperial troops was
still going on in Berlin Sunday morn
Tho strugglo which began Saturday
evening, broke out afresh at 9 o'clock
Sunday morning.
Hlndenburg Gives Up.
. London. Field Marshal von Hlnden
burg has placed himself and tho Gor
man army at tho disposition of tho
new people's government at Berlin,
says a dispatch from tho. German capi
tal by way of Copenhagen.
Final Shots Fired at 11.
With tho Amorlcan Army on tho
Scdun Front. Thousands of American
heavy guns fired tho parting shot to
tlio Germans at oxactly 11 o'clock
Monday morning.
em a rin.i nn?rc i
Stato Treasurer-elect O. P. loff Jul
R bo known this week that tho "slato"
fur positions coming under tho np-
polntlvo power of his offlco has. boon
decided upon, but declined to mako It
public, saying that this will bo dono
shortly before ho cntora upon his how
duties next year.
Government orders halted Bhlpmoul
of tlvo tons of fruit pits and nut Bholls
assembled by tho Hood Rlvor organiza
tion from eastern Oregon Rod Cross
chapters. L. S. Alusworth, In charge
of tho shipment Intended for manu-
factura of gas-mask charcoal, has boon
Instructed to sell tho pits and Bholls
for fuel.
Rosohurg officers have rounded up
halt dozen youngsters who had cs
tabllshod "hoadquartora" In a cabin
on tho hill back of that city, whence
raids on fruit cellars nro supposed to
have boon mado by Uio gang. Whon
confronted with tho ovldenca somo of
tho youngor boys, It Is said, confessed
to tho raids.
Tho approach of winter Is heralded
by tho announcement that tho Hood
Rlvor-Parkdalo automobile stage, op
orated by a Hood Rlvor livery con
corn, has discontinued servlco until
next spring. Tho auto stago buses
slnco last May have been' making
rouud trips, dally between hero and
upper valloy points.
Fourth-class postmasters have been
appointed in Oregon as follows: Col
ton, Clackamas county, Charles P,
Hunter; Crystal, Klamath county, C.
O. Brown; Odessa, Klamath county,
Miss May Klnkald; Rodno, Marlon
county, Mrs. Marie E. Parker; Throo-
nlnes, Josophino county, Mrs. Flora A.
Regardless of the fact that 140 con
vlcts nt tho state penitentiary wcro
inoculated for tho disease, 125 of them
aro now Buffering from tho Spanish
Influenza, and the institution Is prac
tically convortcd into a hospital. Thrco
deaths havo been recorded thoro from
tho disease, although a majority of tho
cases aro said to bo light.
Tho first report of tho accldont to
B-urrcl Davis of Prinovlllo that ho was
shot by Professor Evans' gun was an
error. Davis' death was caused by
tho explosion of his own gun, which
was discharged under water after ho
fell from tho boat. Tho chargo toro
Its way through tho barrel near tho
breech and struck Davis over tho
Tower extended to tho supremo
court to call to its assistant threo
circuit judges of tho stato to sit as
part of that court when it Is doomed
necessary and also power extended to
tho chief Justlco of tho supremo court
to direct circuit judges to sit in any
county of tho stato will bo asked by
tho committeo on law reform created
by tho last legislature.
Formal charges woro filed by Coun
ty Superintendent N. A. Frost, of
Washington county, asking for tho rev
ocatlon of the teaching certificate of
Clarenco Phillips, who a few weeks
ago was discharged as a teacher at
Beaverton by tho school board upon
allegations of Immoral conduct A 17-
year-old Portland girl is Bald to bo
involved In the charges. Tho trial has
been set for November 23,
That a general curtailment In tho
production of spruco for alrplano ma
terlal In to ho mado by tho govern
ment'lmmedlately, ns a result of tho
termination of tho war, is indicated
by telegraphic Information received by
tho North Bend mills and lumbor con
corn revoking all existing contracts
for spruce. Tho ordor probably will
result In causing a temporary reduc
tion of output of two of tho mlllB of
that city.
Finis was wrltlon last week to tho
part that spruco and fir forests of tho
Pacific northwest havo played In tho
war, when ordors woro IsBued by tho
spruco production division to ccaso at
onco all activities in aircraft work
among tho camps and mills. All ship
inontH of spruco and fir cants to tho
lingo cut-up plant ut Vancouver, Wash.,
woro halted by tho ordor, while no
inoro alrplano material shipments nro
to bo mado. Similar orders stopped
nearly all logging operations, and In
structed that falling of alrplano tim
ber wuh to causa at onco.
- -
Obscrvnnoo of Thanksgiving Was
for a Period Not Popular
In Southern States.
N tho South Thanksgiving dny wan
practically unknown until 1853. In
that year Governor Jones of Vir
ginia scut ii letter to tho stato legis
lature urging a recognition tho day
that ho might Ibsuo n proclamation ror
lt observance; hut ho was ndvlHcd
thnt ns most of tho citizens of tho
stato regarded this day ns "n relic of
Puritanic bigotry," ho ought not to
urge Its observance.
Two years later Governor Wise. im
successor of Joiicb, without nuking d
vlco of tho legislature, Issued a proc
lamation, and tho people, generally
throwing nsldo their projudlco, ob
served tho dny.
In tho next year. 1853, eight gover
nors of southern states Issued procla
mations after tho model of Now Eng
land, calling upon their people to oh
Rervo the last Thursday In Novcmhor
as n day for thanksgiving. Rut tho
Civil war was nt hand, nnd the bit
terness engendered In tho long contro
versy over slavery caused many vio
lent opponents of tho North to oppose
tho proclamation, becnuso of tho in
troduction of n "Yankee custom."
Undoubtedly our prosent Thanksgiv
ing day has Its prototype In the Ply
mouth thanksgiving festival of 1021.
fit has been asserted repeatedly that
the Plymouth festival was suggested to
tho Pllcrlms by tho Jewish "Fenst nt
If tho Plymouth festival has Imme
diate kliiHhln with Minllnr events in
tho past. It has analogies with tho har
vest homo of England. Tho Pilgrims
wcro familiar with tho English cele
hrntlon. nnd many of them, no doubt
had participated In It. Tho dominant
mark of each was tho Joy over tho in
gathering harvest.
Tho chief dlffercnco between tho two
was tho want of ceremony nt Plymouth
that characterized tho English festl
vnl. In somo iarts of Ennland the
merrymaking was around tho "Nod
dlngshcnf," or "kern baby," and in
many places tho last load of the har
vest was drawn to thu barn in u wagon
called tho "hoch cart." In front went
plpo and tnbor, and around It gathered
'tho reapers, men and women, singing
joyously a8 they proceeded. At Ply
mouth there was no ceremony. There
was no harvest Rone so familiar In
tho fnthcrland:
Hero's health to the liarlay mow:
Here's n health to the man
Who very well cn
I3oth harrow nnd plough and iow,
Red sumac flames across the hill
And in each wood-fringed hollow,
The autumn breeze among the trees
Calls. "Follow, follow, followl"
The pumpkins gleam like vagrant gold,
The grain is silver shining;
The very clouds a we unfold.
To show a rosy lining I
Red sumac flames across the hill
Where fading sunlight lingers,
And points the way for me to stray,
With soft, enchanted fingers
And as I stand beside the way.
The world seems throbbing. living
And there I feel God's love today,
And thank him for Thanksgiving!
Chriitlan lliraU
Landlady (at Thanksgiving dinner)
Wo should ho thankful for small
Hoarder (looking ut siiiull turkey)
We liuvo to be.
Over Seas for Freedom.
LET us bo glad together that the
passionate lovo of freedom that
made the Pllorlm Fathere set
all In fragile thlpe to brave the un
known terror of the inhotpitnoio new
Rnnlanct eoaat la drlvlna US back OVOT
tho teas In drendnnughte to fee the
known horrors of modern warfare.
When that eplrlt dlea there can be
no moro thanksgiving In America. A
lonn aa thla tnlrlt lives It la always
Thanktglvlng day, whatever happent,
or whatever we may havo or may not
have for dinner.
Let us give thanks thnt years of
proiperlty and fatness, years ot pence
and security, have not served to make
in entirely fornot that unlet WO lOVO
freedom more than life, we aro a).
rendy ono dead; unlets we know
the difference between rent peace and
elflih security, we aro nlrendy a con
quered people.
Lot us give thnnks for our strength,
our wealth and our opportunities gar
nered under the protection of even
dnwnlng democracy, and for tho
chance to pour them out without stint
for tho spread of democracy to every
corner of our world.
This Year National Rejoicing Is
Alloyed With Thought of
Glad Sacrifice.
iO a very great number of us,
especially tho . fathers and
JSk nwiftinrit mill wK'pm nf thn Unit
ed States, Thursday will bo ono of tho
most realistic Thanksgivings wo havo
over spent. At last, after many yearn
In which this national holiday was
nothing moro than that merely, In
fact, un occasion for feasting nnd gath
ering nnd pleasure-seeking this dls
tlnctly American day Is to mean some,
thing very real and Intimate to us alk
Just what messago nnd bencllt It
brings to us will depend largely, If not
wholly, upon ourselves. And thu char-
actcr of our appreciation of tho bless
ings that havo come to uh will meanuro
thu depth of our patriotism and lovo
of country.
Wo aro not of thoso who believe tho
whole Hacrlllco belongs to thu man who
has gone away to light. As much In.
somo cases even more bravery and
courage and devotion to' duty and to.
country havo been necessary on thjS
purt of thoso who remained behind. .
And wo are certain that those who
stop at homo will, on this coming
ThnnkHglvIng, realize more completely)
than they havo hcrntoforo that tho cull;
Pato has mado upon Amorlcan man-,
hood nnd womanhood is Indeed an op
portunlty for Horvlco, not morely n
dluagreeahlo duty to bo shirked If pos
sible, For only If tho mon In tho
rankH, nnd equally tho men nnd worn
en at home who support and encour
age them, enter this war In such u
spirit of glad, eager socrlllco will It
over bring uh moro than disappoint
ment and regret and terrible loss.
Ho lot Thursday bo a day of glad,
.new, nut of Horrow, Let your tears, '
If tears I hero lie as you sit besldo the
empty chairs, bo evidences (lint your
heart rejoices In tho realization (hut