Eagle Valley news. (Richland, Or.) 191?-1919, November 07, 1918, Image 4

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    Eaale Valleu News
Sfraight, Truthful, Direct
C. E. Thorp
Entered as second class matter
Richland Oregon, under
Member Oregon Statu
- $2.00 SIX MONTHS
Three months
4 . mtwsgsg
"Good morning, papa,"
ays the Crown Prince to
WBheltn. "The United
War Work Campaign has
gooo ovei1 the top."
Asd What Wilhelm an
wntra in reply is some
thing that no father should
Mjr in the presence of his
ablest che-ild.
1 i
- iaJtfMrjd the United 5tat6s Ex
'k .change Ideas. (
lelind Empire Owes Its Systems of
Technical Eduoation to an Ameri
can, and In Return Has
, Taught Us Much.
The arrival here sometime ago of n
mission of eljtht ofixers of rank and
distinguished record from Japan Is
proof of at I ast tv,o things. It wit
nesses to tlif steadfastness of tlio na
tional charu'ter, In seeking prorcs
Slveness as well as progress; and to
Japan's purpo.su to keep in the fore
ground of invention and achievement,
remarks New York Sun. No other
nation realizes- wore keenly that In the
rivalry of civilization the old must per
petually be renewed. There can be no
standipg stl.I.
From the dawa of history Japan lias,
excelled In lino and dainty work, ller
museums Illustrate the fact that her
craftsmen Invented and adapted. A lit
tle more titan a real, not a poetical,
"cycle of Cathay," that is, sixty years
pgo, according to oriental reckoning,
the hermit nation suddenly found hcr
bclt in the market place' of the world.
Though at first dazed, resources of
tnfnrt nnrl mntprlnl worn not Inrlslnf
' ' - , 0.
Age-old taste, skill, experience and '
reserve armies of trained craftsmen
were at hand. Foreign teacherS con
ferred no gift of, brains or secrets of
canning. The;, simply pointed out the
new path's and taught the modern
methods of meeting the nation's needs.
As early as 1801-C3, after three years'
labor, our p,wn Raphael Pumpelly, still
among us in vigor, revolutionized min
ing mottjbds In Japan. When, la 1868,
the lh'Ojdse Inward political struggles
between the old and, the new were over,
and Japan had a truly national govern
ment, tl jo alertness of her people to the
new equation supplied a striking fea-
re In the history of modern educa
te ' ,
At n date vrben in Europe manual
f;jd technical training was still new,
J ad among us the Rensselaer Polytech
nic school at Troy was a lonely vet
Aran, Tola and Harvard were at be
jtinnlng.s in this form of education, And
even the Massachusetts Instituto of
Technology a baby, Japan bad started
(n the race. Even before the depart-
Bent of education had been created,
e neceuitj; of Japan's training Hot
Dec. 12, 1912 at the post odice at
act of March 3, 1879.
Editorial Association
THURSDAY. NOV. T. 1918. Vol. 0. No. 52
, Slate of Ohio. City of Tolodo.
I.ucas County, ss.
Kranlr. J. Cheney makes oath that
i Is senior partner of the firm of I- J
Cheney A Co., riolnt; business In the CIO
of Toledo. County ami State aforesaid.
nn.1 that wild arm vlll pay the sum ol
1 nnd t-vory case of Cat.irrh that cannot tw
rnred by the use of II VI.I8 CATAKIUI
Rworn to beforo mo ami subscribed In
, my presence, this Cth iliy of December.
a. d. lsss. a. w. at.i:.aoN,
(Seal) Notary Public.
Hair Catarrh Medlcln.- Is taken In
ternally and nets through the IIUkxI on
the Mucous Surfaces of the System, Send
for testimonial, free.
K. J. CHKNEY & CO . Toledo. O.
Fold by nil druggists, 71c.
Hall's Family Pills for constipation.
own engineers, cliemTsts it ml musters of
applied science was pointed out to the
important government. The newly
elaborated scheme dividing the empire
into eight great educational districts
was, with the curricula, submitted tb
nn American for criticism. Ho noted
the serious defect of no provision for
technical education. A long letter out
lining courses of technical education
and addressed to the Dal Jo Kuan, thti
supreme council, fell ris spark upon
powder. The department of education
Was created and a technological school
started simultaneously lli Tokyo. The
system hns ever since that time had a
healthful development.
In addition to the eight universities
and 37.S10 lower schools, of all sorts,
there are now in operation under the
government eighteen technical schools
of the higher order, requiring n four
years' course after graduation from the
middle schools, while those under lo
cal or private auspices number many
more. It was settled at court, by the
United Stntes minister In Yeddo, In the-
case of ltaphael Pumpelly, that an en
gineer, civil, mining, or mechanical,
Was a gentleman arid eligible to audi
ence of both the president of the Unit
ed States and the emperor of Japan,
liver since, the olllclal and social status
of a ninn trained to use his hands nnd
brain In unity has been secure in the
mikado's empire. At least two score
of Americans have received imperial
decorations for promoting technical
science In Japan.
Nothing but good can come of mu
tual exchange of Ideas. What the Jap
anese have borrowed from us Is In the
limelight, and we boast of It; what
hundreds of American Inventors and
seekers for knowledge have found In
Japan nnd taken as loan is cryptic and
untruiwpcted. Yet our debt Is none the
less real. It Is well"for the two civili
zations to enrich each other. If, In ad
miring legend, King Solomon set thu
mechanic on the throne to signify the
basis of his realm's wealth, none the
less should both republic und empire
honor the technician who unites power
IIUIIIH IIIIT Ll-l.lllllV.lilU IMl 1 1 1 1 1 1 V I"M1
of brain and the discipline of educntl
to dexterity of manipulation. Honor
to the technical workers of Japan and
America 1
Finland's Aristocracy,
One of the anomalies of Finlnnd,
flow struggling for Its Independence,
is that It has inherited a foreign ar
istocracy, speaking Swedish. How for
eign it remains to the true Interests
of Finlnnd may be seen from the fact
that it has all along worked for Ger
man intervention in Finltirid; and even
helped to send thousands of young
Finns .to Join the German army. Willi
the Importation of German rulers into
Flnlnm, the Finnish language will have
opb more competitor to cut it from the
linguistic field, unless .riwedlsh Is en
tirely driven out by the language 6f tin'
newly arrived supermen.
-T i Any ono found
J fill TP hunting on tho
x ivu Co, Kirby r(lleh
will ho prosecuted. Tnko warning,
Itichurd Kirby, Lobhoo.
itt'Wurtli moro to family life today than
over before, Today tlioxe who .tire re
sponsible for tlio welfare of the family
realir.e tlio imperative need of worth
while reading ami what it menus to In
dividual character, the hoinelife and
the state. Everywhere the wnttto and
chaff, the wortldcsM and inferior, are
going to the discard.
The Youth's Companion stands first,
Inst and continually for the best there
is for all ages. It linn character anil
creates like, character. That Is why,
ia those sifting times, the family turns
to its .V- Issuus a year full of entertain
ment and suggestion and information,
and is never disappointed.
It costs $2.00 a year to provide your
family with the very best reading mat
ter published, la both quantity and
imality as well as in variety The
until 's CoiaiMiaioa excels.
Don't miss draco Itichmond's great
serial, Anno Kxeter, 10 chapters, bo
ginning December 12.
Tlio following special offer is made
to now subscribers:
The Youth's Companion 512 is
of 10 ll.
J. All the remaining weekly Issues
of 1018.
3. Tlio Companion Home Calendar
for 1010.
All the above for only $2.00 or you
may include
I. McCall's Magaiae 12 fashion
numbers. All for only $2.50. Tlio two
inagaciues may he seat to separate ad
dresses It desired.
'euimonwcnltli Ave. and St. Paul St
Itoxion, Mass.
Now Subscription received at this
v Office.
Morale and Foch
AVill Beat
the Bochc
Friends and Fellow Sportsmen:
It h8 come to my notice that
for some time past the pebple of
b'agl-i Valley and Lower Pdwder
sections have been killing Chinese
Pheasants. It is certainly, with
muchjregret that I receive these
reports. I have heretofore placed
the. 'utmost confidence in thi
sportsmen of these sections and
ertainly have given them no
cause to complain of my treat
ment of them. I do not follow
iitople on their camping trips to
iee if I can make an arrest for
some trivial matter and have oth
erwise shewn that I believe in
he old adage that at lea?t nine
iut of ten men are honest. '
These birds were raised and
ibt-rateil in your sections at a
rreat expense to the State aini
oil promised that you would givi-
them the protection necessary
intil such time as an open season
vvou'd be warranted. You have
lot done so and have broken faith
villi your Staie and those that
reposed confidence in you. Do
.'ou think that the man who
ireaks the prame law is better
.han the man who steals your
nock? The ganrj law is just as
ound as any other law, and de-
erves the same consideration.
I still believe that lam right in
funking that nine out of ten of
ou are honest and law-abiding
itizens and am going to make an
ippeal to you all as friends and
overs of the great out' of doors
o assist md in the further pro
ection ot your gamp. I as war
len wish to be considered yollr
ervant, to assist you in keeping
. our streams and hills replenished
vith game, not as an enemy and
oy as some wnulo lead me to br
ieve. I therefore ask you to co
operate with myself and the game
(apartment in the enforcement
f the game cod6, and Will ofl'er
50.00 reward for any informa
vion that will lead to the arrest
md cohvitition of any one found
uilty cf killing Chinese Pheas
mts out of season.
Sportsmen! Show me" that my
onfidence In you has not been
lelrayed. Very sincerely yours,
I. B. Hrizeltine,
District Game Warden
Baker, Grant, Malheur and Har
ney countiea.Paid adv.
i Why women in war time insist upon
no enooriiiuv
la.illf, tllftultll'lll
'Hti i I r... ii
CUS'ull pr ifo of tlio
' ll 'I'ltn lilt All,
tlio deHpair
' Exclusive Ajjcnls for Eaflc Valley
If you only knew to
bacco you'd get a pouch
of Real Gravely today.
Then you'd have a sat
isfying chew, a good
tasting chew. It lasts so
much longer that any
Real Gravely Chewing Plug
10$ a vouch-and worth if
Dry tiiileh Ditch Co.. Ilii lilantl, Oreu'uii
There is delinquent on llm (ullouinc
described stock, on aeeotlnt of lshchh-
meiit luiiil i-eb. I), lllls, and ilitenrt
thereon, the. amount s t opposite the
name of thu foPowiii .llmrnboliler I
Naiuu Certitlcatu Number Amount
No. o'l SliareA
John W. l-'arley ICI 0(1
I ion tr.)
and in accordance. " Ith law and the ar
ticle! of ineor'rbrutinn and by-laws of
eaid corporiitlou, bo many shares bf fHhl
stock an nlay He ncciiisary, ill bo fohl
at tlio hottibbf lUOtiycr ou the llltli of
Novfiii!)'T, lillH, at thu hour of iliftio
o'clock p. in., to pay Urn dellnijilnt as
neeHinoiit thereon loeilier with the cost
of lidvertiriinK, interest tintl uipuiiseo of
tlio sain. , ,
J. 11. i.fcfc, Sec,
Klehland, Ore.
First pilinibatlon Oct. 17, 111 H.
Last publication i.'ov, II, If 1 ft-
npy, Paoo Mr. BurbanrC.
Adnrila, (fa.A coriiHfiilk lh' tlilt
War sarden bf M. J. Yurbroush hnn
Just produced. five ciars of corn nnd n
bead of wheat crowing old of ono of
the corn eara, Uoth coru find wherit
(ccrnclM ard fully developed. Tho
"HatnplCH" werfa sent l't Herbert ntfo"
ver, with pertinent cotrtmnnt.
Nerve Tonfo Was Corn Cure.
fit. Louis, Mi;. illHtaiiinu ii bottle
of "corn euro" for a iivrvo remedy,
Mlr.H Olua Pitt, nineteen, took a bl
doHe. Slu; wan Hoon hiirrleil to the
City hospital In n aVrlmi's crmiiltlro.'
Give once but enough for all
Tlio Original l,fronUIncing Cormtt
Tlio tiiiino UoMfti'd on ilio iiiHido of tlio
i .jut i ii it iii itlmtj i-.li. 1 1 wi I'mi uml tillliiiniiMt i I
VjlftfM'U ll ll l f l ll t nun rur Hivtvitoru rinuiiiiii n
any woumicwho workH wliolhor it ho .hoiinn 5
work, ollleo work, farm work or nay ono of ?
tlio iiitiny dutioH that patriotic women luivo
nun iincoin niiuniy iiHstiinuti tiur-
lllllllU ,lfll1lflilllt lUUfllUUrill.
it i...: r.i... a ..r .....
inn nn iiiiifMt-ii m-iii)j in nn' nwiiioii wi ni(i
country an tlio llomnrd Corset.
Tlio tin 1110 OnsMiird is vour tiiiniftiileo of
lionlth. Your family physician will toll you
thai n oorrertly lltlod (ipi.mird Hiifi'gunrdn
your ht'iiltli by giving a hygonio body Hiipport
that fun bo found 'only in tlio unequalled do
nign, soft pliuhlo mlitoriitlri itnil Hcioiitillo
boning that elmiiioloiizos thcho world-fittuod
It is your gunrantoo'of a prioulosi nll-diiy
comfort. A correctly flttod CoHiiard will
coiihim'vo vour ouorgy-'aiid iiioioaso yoiirolll
oionoy. Tlio iiniiio tloHsnrd is your gtiiiruntco
of trim corni'l economy. It is your giiaiitntt'O
of h weiiriiiL' sorvicn Hint alono is orth tlio
(litautiril id rlit trim ri , I idt if
ininiititblo stylo. Tlio porfoct front nnd pur
foot hack of a Cios-nird aro and ulwnv.i will bo
of thoso ittti'iupting iiiiitatioiiH. f
nian dan chew this class
of tobacco without extra
sdes farther that'i
whyfdu can get the good
taste of this class oftobac
co without extra cost.
In the County Court of the
Sale of Oregon for Baker
In the Matter of thu; Notice of
IXate of William lien- - KilliK
mitt. Dcceimeil. ) 1 1 t Account
NOTKJI-; IS III. i;i",llV (JIVMN that
the iinderilu'ued han llled her linal repoft
in the iibovu nutitleil i:aintt and that the
County Court of linker County, Orcytfn,
hnn net Mntidayi the ITith day of Nohmc
bur, llllK, at thn hour of len o'c'ock A.
SI., as tlib time, and the Cblifltv COurt
Itoom Hi thn Counlv Cour(. IIoIIho ottlii)
City of (hiker, Iluker County, Ofe'iiin, bh
tllti (ilncu, Ulen ami wliure u.-iiil llilill re
port and all mutters connected therewith
and with sal(l eHifte hIhiII eomo ou for
final hearlni; and determination.
All nermmB havln ohjcctlomf thereto
shall then aini then)' apKur and inakif
tho eamu.
Dated tills llltli day 61 October, lillK.
Adtrilnlstratrlx of thu eH'aio 1)1 .U'llll.'fni
llonnett, late of linker County, Ore
roii, Doceatied.
Dato of first fnibllcntloii Oct. HUH.
Date of hiHt pifblieation Nov. Ul; I01H.
I have Installed a new plant
and ahi prepared td vulcanize?
anytliing that it is possible to re
pair lh that manner (oven hot
water bottles and rubber boots)
a specialty. All 'work guaran-J
teed Satisfactory.
Plarit at Richland Auto Co. adv
. if. flv..,