Mother's Cook Book Path of the Stars and Stripes Where the American Flog Hai Been and When, Since Congress 'Created" It One Hundred and Forty-One Years Ago Effects of a Minnesota Cyclone He strong, We are not here to play, lo dream, to drift! We have hsrd work to do, nnd loedi to lift! fltiun not the struggle; fao It. 'Tin Ood'e 1777, Jimo 14, Created by din Continental congress, In tlieiio terms "llosolved, 'i'lint dm ling of tho Untied Stntos bo 13 slrlpes, nllcrnnlo red nnd white ; Unit tho union bo 13 stars, while In n blue Held, representing a now coiiNtollntlon." 1777, July First thrown to tbo brcczo on n vessel of wnr, tho Hniiger, by John I'nul Joium nt Portsmouth. 1777, Auk. !!. FInit fired upon, on Innd nt Fort Schuyler. 1777, Sept. 4.--Flrt cnrrlcd Into nctlon nt sen by John I'nul Jones. 1778, Feb. 1 1.- First olllclnl wiluto received by n foreign country, Franco. lTKt. First displayed In nil English port )y tbo schooner Bedford o( Massachusetts. 17tX). First cnrrlcd nround tbo world by Amerlciin ship Columbln. 1821. First cnrrlcd tbroiiKh tbo Straits of Magellan by tbo incrcbnnl ship Endeavor of Snlom, Mass. 1820. Flint ralHcd In Ciillfornln by dipt. Jiiiiich P. Arthur, n seafarer from Plymouth, Mans. 18M). First cnrrlcd fnr bonnd the Antnrctlc circle by tbo pilot bont Flying Fish of tbo Wilkes expedition. 18 M. Flmt carried nround tbo world by nn American steamship. 18-18. Flmt displayed upon tbo Sea of Onllleo by tho expedition of Lieu, tonttnt Lynch. 185.'!. First displayed In Jnpnn nt the landing of Perry's pnrty In the boy of Yeddo. 1801. First raised nnd kept flying on n public school by tbo high school of Now Bedford, Muss. 1807. First rnlsed In Alnsku on tho trnnsfer of that territory from Ilus sin to tho United Stntes. 1808. liaised over tho Midway Islands, In tbo Pacific ocenn, tho first acquisition over mndo by our government In this way. 1808. Planted on tbo summit of Mount linker, 10.013 feet nbovo sen level, on tho occnslon of tbo first nscent of tho peak by man. 1871. Carried into tho Interior of Afrlcn by tho Henry M. Stanley expe dition. 1873. Frst raised on the summit of tbo Andes by n pnrty of American engineers engaged in rullwny sun-eying. 1877. Unfurled for tho first time In tho far Interior of Chlnn. 1017. Displayed on nn European bnttleflcld for the first tlmo by tho Amerlcnn expedltlonnry forces in i-rnnce. V I V V V V V V V Superstitions and Beliefs. If pigs bo killed when tho moon Is In tho wnno supersti tious peoplo bcllovo that tbo bncon when cooked will wnsto awny. To drenm of n funeral Is sign of n wedding. 8 IT IS TO LAUGH : If your lips Itch it Is a sign homo ono will kiss you. v If you drop a dish cloth some- !! ono Is coming hungry. ;5 Not drinking tho whoto qon- j tents of n cup means dlsnppotnt- A ment. v v V " V ! Whirling nn empty chnlr In- ft dlcutes thnt a whipping Is In !! store for tho trnnsgressor. J OF INTEREST TO POULTRY GROWERS : Chickens will "pick up" n good pnrt of their living from wnsto thnt other wise would never becomo of any value. They will feed themselves to an ex tent from grass, weeds, Insects nnd crumbs nnd smnll scraps thnt If not eaten by chickens would not becomo of food vnluo to man. They will eat the eggs and larvao from which come various destructive Insects, particu larly orcbnrd pests. In some orchards where chickens rnngo tbo brown-tall moth has almost dlsappenrcd, wbllo near-by orchards where chickens do not run nro damaged by tho pest. Most of tho attention required by farm flocks can bo given by tbo wom en nnd children of tho household. Tho quostlon of labor Is not n puzxllng nnd uncertain problem In tho poultry pro duction program. If tho farmer In creases his flock to n stio sultnblo to fit In ns a by-product of his general farming ho will find thnt It will not require extra help. lleeauso of theso facts that poultry as n by-product of general farming find much of their feed In wnsto nnd require nd extra labor tho fnrmor will produco ment food nt fho very lowest cost. Homo consumption of this will cut down his living expenses and eiinhlo him to sell moro of tho nnl mill meat ho produces. Ho will bo making moro mo,oy himself, nnd nt the same tlmo ho will bo helping Undo , Ham win tho biggest wnr tho world has ever known. Mon of Alsaco-Lorraino. ' Tho French armies nro full of nn lives of Alsnco-Lorrnlno. "At least 10,000 of them nro technically de serters from tbo (lerinnn army, bo ciiiimo on lh' declaration of war they ut once enrolled themselves In thu ranks of their French follow cltUens. Hundreds of thousands luivo been Im prisoned in order to obvluto any such Ir'itisfurenco of service, Doing Perfectly Polite About It. "I am so glnd to seo you," snld the hostess, who wns so flurried thnt sho burdly knew what sho wns say ing. "I'm delighted to bo here," tbo inn n replied, just to be polite, for ho realty consld crcd tho thing an nwful bore. "It was nwfully good of you to nil oxpoct you tho Invito come. I didn't nt would when I sent you tlon." "It wns Ono of you me, but of course to remember shouldn't have minded It nt all If you hadn't." Unnecestary Fears. Of coUrse the eloping couplo's roller sknto of n car hail no chnnco against the old man's high-powered roadster, He soon came up with them. "Do not take her buck," pleaded the young man with tears In Ids eyes. "Tnko her baolcl" echoed tho stern pnrent. "Why, I have como to bring her knitting outfit nnd ehowlng gum so sho would never bnvo nn excuse to como bnck." Hooveresque Delicacies, "Neurasthenia," said Mrs. Beg gums to her cook, "I think we will hnvo some chick en croquettes to day out of that leftover pork and calves' liver. "Yes'm," said N o u r n s t henln, called Teeny for Bhort. "An' wo got a littlo bread drcssln' ' what wont wld tho pork. I tnnko sonio nppto sauco out'n hit. mum 7" IP mum. Shall Very Much 8o. "Thoro hnvo been some bwoII do ings In tho house across tho way." "What kind?" "All tho kids there hnvo the mumps." Rats Destroy Quantities of Food; Government Has Plan to Destroy Rodents It frequently happens thnt losses of young chickens attributed to tbo depre dations of linwlts nnd to other causes aro duo to ruts. Thcro Is nn moro do- Htructlvo pest about thu poultry yard than theso. Coming like tho thlof In tho night nnd usually leaving no vlsl hlu marks of their ravages, they es capo, In largo measure, tho relentless hunting down thnt they deserve Not only aro they destructive to young gift Some Cream Soups. A cream soup Is siiniclently bus- Inlnlng for n largo pnrt of tho meal. All crenm soups bnvo for a foundation tho binding and milk wld"h gives them their food value. A cupful of vego tablo pulp to a pint of milk bound with n tnblcsiioonfiil each of flour nnd fnt, tho sensonlugs will vary to suit tho taste. A larger proportion of flour nnd fat is used In somo recipes; but thnt, too, Is a matter or tnste. Cream of Celery Soup. Tills Is a soup rnthrr too expenstvo for tho nverago housowirc. Tokc'cne fourth of n cupful of butter and one fourth of n cupful of flour (four tnble siioonfuls), cook until well blended, then ndd two ctipfuls of cold milk nnd cook until thick. Conk a large bunch of celery, cut fine, In boiling water until tender, then nib through n sieve, saving the liquid nnd pulp, using two cupfuls. Add tbo thickened milk, season with salt nnd white pep per, find If too thick add moro milk. For clnm soup uso the above recipe, adding In place of the celery two cup fuls of mlncod clnms, with the liquor. Cream of Tomato Soup. Scnld n quart of milk with a slice of onion, remove nnd thicken with four tnhlcspoonfuls of flour diluted with cold milk until thin enough to pour. Cook twenty minutes, stirring con stantly at first. Cook two cupfuls of tomatoes with two tenspoonfuls of sugnr; ndd a fourth of n tenspoonful of sodn nnd rub through n sieve nfter cookng IS minutes; combine mixtures nnd strain Into a tureen over n third of n cupful of butter, a tenspoonful of salt nnd pepper to tnste. Veal and 8auo Soup. Tnke Z1, pounds of veal finely chopped, cover with three quarts of water and simmer for two hours. Strain and r client. Sonk one-fourth of n pound or sngo n half hour In wa ter to cover, ndd to the stock nnd cook n hnlf-hour, then ndd two cupfuls of scalded milk and pour tho mixture slowly over four egg yolks slightly beaten. .Season with salt nnd pepper. This Is n soup especially delicious; ns It Is made of stock It Is not n regulnr crenm soup, hut Is very nourishing, Good to give nn Invalid who needs sustaining food. chickens, but they prey upon tho egg supply throughout the year. The United States department of agriculture points out thnt anyone, by enro and Industry, may frco his own premises of theso rodents, but thnt ho Is helpless to prevent nn enrly recur rence of tho trouble unless he enn se cure tho active en-operotlon of his neighbors. The department urges, therefore, that wherever possible tho destruction of these pests bo a commu nity undertaking. Tbo snme effort, It Is pointed out, that Is made by individuals working Independently, If organized on a com munlty basis would be runny times moro effective. The department hns worked out mid tested definite plans for tho destruction of rats, in common with other rodents, nnd Information concerning the matter can be hod by writing the depnrtment. Electric Furnace Reduces Lossos in Brass Melting The bureau of mines, snys Science, nnnounces the perfection of a type of electric melting furnnco that will bo revolutionary In tho making of brass, Patents on this furnnco, known as tho rocking electric furnnce, havo been taken out by the bureau nnd hnvo been assigned to Secretary Lano as trustee. Freo licenses to.opcrnto these furnaces under the patent, It Is un dorstood, can ho obtained by making application through Van II. Manning, director of tho bureau of mines. Tho now furnnce, which It Is claimed will rcduco tho Importnnt losses In brass melting, Is tho result of flvo years' cx pcrlmcntntlon by H. W. QtUett, chonv 1st of tho bureau of mines, In co-op oration with tho laboratory "of Cor nell, university, tho American Insti tute .of Metals and a number of man ufneturors of brans. Served Longest. Tho longest service as chief Justice of thu United States Supremo court was ,11 years, by .lobu Marshall of Vir ginia. AsHoglnlv .lumlnm Stephen .1 Field of California twnl M.ii M. liar lull of Kentucky i rwdiui ii' 1,-iut' of lime, a cyclone which recently swept through Tyler Minn., did terrific dam age, Houses were torn from their foundations, tnies were uprooted and a long path of wreckage remained after the "twister" had passed on Its way. Two hundred persons were seated In a motion-picture theater during the ttorm, but the 'building and Its occupants were unharmed. Red Cross nurses from adjacent towns were rushed to the scene of disaster. Photograph shows a part of the wreckage and the front entrance to the Tyler First National bank. WHERE TO GET INFORMATION Red CroaTell Familiej of Soldiers Addreu of Bureaus Where to write, nnd when, nnd whnt to say when nsklng Information con cerning men In the nrmy or navy, is explained by tho lied Cross home serv ice depnrtment. In cases of claims for insurance, communications should be addressed to the Bureau of War Itlsk Insurance, Compensation and Insurance Claims section, Treasury Department, Wash ington. If no letter hns been received from n soldier or sailor for nn unreasonable length of time, tho inquiry should bo addressed to the Bureau of Communi cation, American Ited Cross, Washing ton. D. C. Inquiries concerning men wounded or killed In service, or authentically reported wounded or killed should be nddressed to tho samo bureau. In nsklng for Information of any kind, tho full nnme of tho soldier or sntfor, his serial number, his company nnd regiment or other unit, his rank, uge and the date of this entry In the service, should all bo written nt tho top of the letter. To disregard rumors, which In many cases aro enemy propaganda, Is ad vised by tho Ited Cross. Except in a fow rare Instances, families hnvo been notllled promptly of casualties. Platinum Is Absolutely Necessary to Aid America in Fighting the Germans For wnr purposes the United States must possess or control every ounco of platinum In tho country, says New York Times, because ns Represent ative nenry T. Italney of Illinois pointed out In his speech in tho houso recently, "explosives cannot be manu factured without tho uso of sulphuric acid nnd nitric ncld, and sulphuric nnd nitric nclds ennnot be manufactured without nmplo supplies of platinum." Platinum Is also essential for the man ufacture of Ignition points In air planes ; nnd guns cannot bo made with out tho uso of pyrometers, nnd In turn pyrometers ennnot be made without platinum. A pyrometer Is an instru ment for measuring very high degrees of temperature. All this being so, no patriotic makers of, or dealers in, articles of luxury Into whtch platinum enters, .only becnuso It lias becomo moro ex pensive than gold, would stand in tho path of action by congress to glvo tho wnr department control of fho nvallablo supply of platinum In this country. ' Germany now has its hands on tho greater part jf tho world's storo of platinum, whtch is to bo found In tho Ural mountains. Colombia, which Ger man propaganda Is seeking to Influ ence, produces 10 por cent bf the wholo; tho United Stntes pnly 1 per coat. Iridium nnd palladium must not bo forgotten; they occur with platinum nnd nro usod In hardening It. Tho Jewelers, manufacturers nnd deal ers can get aloux without plntlnum, If necessary, though somo 'of their nrtl sans would havo to seek other work; but the American army cannot light without platinum. J Worth Remembering. 5 ft ) it To err Is human; not to for- J give la Inhuman. J -a J It Is the want of motive that mokes life dreary. In the lumber trade trees are branch establishments. The fellow who takes offense Is very apt to return it. The dignity of many a man J overshadows his position. A duck of a wife sometimes J makes a goose of a husband. J Where Battle Will Be Fought That Will Decide the War Is Question World Is Now Asking The question ns to where and when the deciding battle of the present great war will bo fought is ono which the whole world Is nsklng, says n writer In Philadelphia North American. The battle of the Somme, Verdun, the bat tle of the Morno and the great drive against the Hlndcnburg line were each a great stride toward victory, but only the iulare can tell Just when and where the deciding blow will be struck. And without such n blow, say the his torians, -no permanent pence can bo achieved, for wars of the past show that the end Is always brought about by some great, decisive victory. Gettysburg was the deciding battle of the Civil war, and Saratoga is con sidered as having been the critical fight during tho Revolution. One must, however, go back some 2,407 years to find tho first decisive bnttle of his tory, which was fought nt Marathon, when the Athenians under Mllltndes defeated the Persians and preserved freo government. Equally decisive wns the victory of the Syracusans over those same Athe nians some seventy odd years later, and since then there has been no wnr In which somo bnttle has not been defi nitely thff deciding struggle. Oddly enough, such battles aro almost always fought on land, for no matter how great the victory at sea, It does not seem ns efficacious in ending war as does such a victory on land. Thus, while, tho battle of Trafalgar In 1805 was tho deciding naval battle between Franco and England since it destroyed Napoleon's hope of invading Groat Britain, It wns not until Water loo, somo ten yenrs Inter, thnt a de cisive defeat was administered to Bonnpnrto by the allied armies of Rus sia, Austria. Prussia and England. Profits, in Swiss Cheese Reach Large Sum, Report Of Exporters Makes Plain Tho report of tho co-oporaUvo Swiss cheese exporters for tho busi ness year of 1017, found In n copy of tho Berncr Tngwncht of June 14, re cently received In this country, shows thnt the tales that tho Swiss were planning to Increaso tho size of tho holes In their famous product In order to ninko their business moro profltnblo havo n shaky foundation. After paying, nil tho expenses. In curred In doing a business with re ceipts for the year amounting to about $.1,000,000 mid setting nsldo $110,000 for reserves, tho iissoclutlou was nblo