-- "I -!--M .n . .. . , m E. & W. Chandler Different Store A beautiful line of women's and misses' silk and serge skirts just arriv ed, and they are priced right. Elsie Densmore and Little Sister dresses and frodks for the little misses just arrived and shown exclusively by us. Ask to see this line. Our line of Knit Wool Goods consisting of Jersey and Coat Sweaters, Skating Sets, Toques and Children's Knit Suits, is complete Men's Stag Coats and Corduroy Vests with leather lining, backs and sleeves, are a combination to meet ydur approval Our line 6f Mackinaws is certainly one that will please you both in quality and price Appreciates the News. Corp. Ralph L. Byrne, M. G. 75th Inf., Camp Lewis, Wash.: "I j?et tin News regularly and enjoy It very much; I was sure glad to get those addressed you published sitmo time ago. 1 wish you would keep the pape'r coming asl don't want to miss It because I can depend on it every Monday. Isn't it groat the vay tho buns are backing up? 1 am in a machine gun company and like it far bettor thun the in fantry drill although it's much harder-as the drill is nil at double time. I guess railroads and autos will bo too slow for me when 1 get back. Our company com mander secured the best grade, on machine-gun examination of any one m the U. b., so you see we have a fine chance to make a cleaning" Alien wo get across. Most of the B. V. boys who were here'nre moved now, I don't know where they went would like to know, though. That is where the gooJ old E. Y. News comes in handy. Don't think 1 am gassing you now, for I'm not I liked the News at home, and much better here, it tells a person of some friend's address: so be lieve me when I say I like it. Wen, i must close lor now. Hoping you and all of my friends in Eagle are as well and happy as I am now.'' An Interesting Letter. Pvt. Walter N. J. Greene. Bat. E. 2nd F. A., Fort Sill. Okla., in a letter to a friend in Richland among other things says: "I was on l.P. yesterday and had to hit the ball tiil about eight o'clock, as we had to clean up for Sunday. I'm sure getting to be a dandy dish washer. Last night I was washing dishes outside and a ouncn oi girls came alongin a car; they stopped about fifty feet away and sat there and laughed at me. When they left, one yell ed: 'Stay with it kid, it's the making of jou.' j Saturday we wenton a 4-days niKe,(pujt oian't last tmn long. Ve left .in ud. nearly to our shoe a round-about course to Medicine Park, the distance being.about 25 I tTf 1 t -m mues. we nad out pjics and rifles, in all about 40 pQndsar rived in the park at 4:30,. p Gee, don't believe I was so tijetj in my, . life before. There' were aDout 15 fell out. They made us roll out iri the night and go inter action, but itj didn't make much difference as we only had one blanket and the hard ground td sleep on. The next day being Sunday we" were oil duty and went swimming. went in at 10 o'clock and didn't get out till three. , While in swimming I aiid an other lad were sitting on a chain, which was stretched across the pond to keep people f ronf walking into a deep hole, a womaw. weigh ing at least 200 pounds asked if . one of ua would psfck her across the hole on our back As the hole was about 10 feet deep, the other fellow said he couldn't swim a lick, und as I didn't wsrtt to be impolite J pretended I lost my balance thereby falling falef the h,ole and carting up on the other side. The things she called us was shocking,' but I came into this" army to fight not to le drowned by a woman. After supper word came to break camp and to return to Fort Sill as quickly as possible. We ;,took the short way, distance nine i miles, started at seven and got in at nine. Next morning we were un at four and after hrwik- ifast tdok a 15-niile hike and went into action, fired 60 rdunds and got back to camp at supper time. After supper we gunners that fired the guns had to clean them which took till dark. We are having a daily "Okla" at the present writing, in other" words a sand storm. It was so thick a few moments atro thev had to turn on the lights." Buy alarm docks Drug Store. ad ut Richland Gels Plenty to Eat. September 29, 1918.' I am wejl and getting along dandy. We are sure getting all Ave can eat since wo came here.' r- a " 1 t 1 r i I ,r or dinner loay we nuo oyBier Uncle Sam's Advice on Flu, (Continued from front im?") headaefie, ho Hhuiitit "fib" jclvoti wiifer to' drink, n cold couipreM to (ho forehead find u Unlit milium!. Only such inedl cjne dlioulil ho nlvi'ii ns In prescribed. tliu doctor. It Is focjIUli to auk the (jcuKelot, tt prescribe iinti inny bo dim. iforoiiH to tnjjo tljt) so-called 'safe,, sure, nml ImrmloHs' re'iiu'dles advertised by" patent medicine nintmfaetureiH. , :;',K'(lio patient lio Hltuutcil Unit lit, can liu ntlojided only ly sonie onu who inusntso.look.nftor otliorft.ln tliu fnm-, ly, t Is advisable that such attendant, wear n wrapper, apron or pown over, tho ordinary house clothes while In tho Hick room nml clip thh ofT when lenv Ink to look after tho others. "Nurses nml attendants will do wull to cunrd nKnlnat bronthlnB In danKor ous disease kitiiih by wenrJiiK n slmplo fold of rmizu or imiHk whllo near tho patient Will a peraon who hat had Influenza before oatch tho dlieaso Again? "It Is woll known that nn uttnek of ini'imlOH or wcnrlot Cover or mnnllpox UKiiully protuctH n pornoti iiKuliiHt un other uttnek of the Hinno iIImciisi'. TIiIh nppoars not to he true of 'Hpunlnli In lluenui.' AcoirdliiB to newnpiiper re portH the KIiik of Kpnln Hiirrorod nn attack of Intluenzii dnrliiK the tnl domic thirty yearn uro, and wan ncnlii Htrteken dnrliiK tho recent outbreak In Spain." How can ono guard aaatntt Influ "In KunrdlliK ntTalimt dlxcaao of nil klmlH, it In Imtiortnnt that the body bo kept NtroiiK and able to tight olT ills ouso Kenns. Thin can be done by hav Ink' a proper proportion of work, play and n8t, by keepliiK the budy well clothed, and by eatlm; Niilllclent whole Homo and properly selected food. III connection with diet, It IH well to re member that milk In otio of the best all-around food ohtalnnblo for adiiltH as well as children. So far us a dls ea.se like Ihllucnui Is concerned, health iiuthorltlcH everywhero rocoenlxo the very closo relation between Km aprond and overcrowded lioniow. While It Ih not nluajH iioB.ilble, eH'poclally In times llko tho present, to avoid such overcro)ydiip, people should Tonnldei' tne iienltli (laiih'cr ami muko every effort to reduce tho upmo overcrowd iiiK to a iiilnlniiiin. TUo. value of frexh air throiiKh opep wlndowu cannot be over cmnhnBlzed. "When crpwdlhc In iinavoldable, n' In atrcttt cam, care hliould bo taken to What You Want - - -- -. For Sale or Trade, For Rent Wanted to Buy, Wlc. OATS for su'o- pound nt thy ranch in Pine W. T. 6nnohoir.-ad5lp Thfoo cents n no Valley. A now shipment of children's wagotis, wd l'mvo the slzb ydU waiUV RauSy'B ad' Hhy Sal'uty Razors t: Richland1 Drug Store". ad' WHEAT for 8ii7o. ? will haVo' about iiOO bushel of wheat which' 1 will sell at less than the going' price- if taken at the machine. Uxpectto thresh in the next week or 10 days. G. W. Martin. ad Men's bnlhor lined vests, muck innws, wool shirts, stag shirt? atid Btno- coats. Look 'em over, E. & W. Chandler, -ad HAY for sale 45 tons alfalfa first cutting; first chiss in every way. Call on or phono John W Patterson, Richland. Moii'h wool :tnd llar.nol shirts, mackinaws, etc. Saunders Hro's O ry , i , yw bscrip IvcllCW tion utonceand r ot miss a copy HOGS FOR SALE 'S weaned pigs at $3 each; two 50 lb shoats at $7 each; one sow, woight about ICO lbs. at $25. Thuso animals are worth more, but tho money is needed. Call ut the John W. Patterson Ranch In Dry Gulch. Lost Lanre white face buck branded K,' marked with two bits in each car. Notify 13. I Keist, Sparta,' Oregon. Wanted --Tho address of a firm soup, pork chops, sweet potatoes." keep the face am turned a not to iiv that .qau. and does maka bettot' ' 1 mmm "It... I .1.. a I t .1 , ... fa. . n n m cignrsiiutn units, i. iMynn &i uo, of Baker. Mr. Ima Smoker. FVom Ptoridat P. F. McLairi sends us a check to pay his subscription to March 28, 1920, and writes "We are heaving firie weather Here and I nave my winter garden planted and most of it Is up, potatoes are about six inches high. The fruit cP.Pi13 heavy except along the gujwhere a storrrf on Sept. 28 niew on about half of it. A few buildings and some timhmr wna damaged hre,riat Clpaf Water 30 ! n.:nn n.tl iiJ1 J ' , I uiiico ouuui, u iiuui wuvudrovneo three children and destroyed a lot of property. Well I see the huns are gettiiYg some of their own medicine now bo much so thev V oV-l 1 . f tn... ...U.-U.nu i-1 , . ... uiuijr niiuvr vtiiclhci nieyitre in h orscmYe other warm place I find Florida patriotic haVca-one oVer the- top fn everything, We nav to raitfe $6000 in New Port Hiehey and we'll do it.- IWarriu to all my old frunrrdgv" gravy, peas anu pte. we were going to parade in Philadelphia 'yesterday but this camp is under quarantine so we didn't get to go. Sure would have liked to went so as to see that city. My company have been having sham battles under the instructions of a French Captain, Will have a big show, as the French Captain calls it, Monday, and the rest of regiment will watch us. Pvt. Roscoe Gorden, Co, K, 63rd Inf., Camp Meade, Md, bale directly the air breathed out by another jierson. v .... .. 1... ...... ...... . . . ii im rain-iuiii- lllllMjriiwu in ne waro of tht' pernoii who concha or aneezci without covering hit mouth anu nose, it also toiiowh mat ono should keep out of crowdn and wtuffy plncea an much nx poHHlble, keen homci, omcca and workshopa well FOR SALE -Power wood-saW outfit consisting of d-horso gas engine, drag and cut-off saws, etc., a ho one stump puller, ono aired, upend some tlnio out of doorn Lteum, WngOtl nnd liarnCSSi ouch day, walk to work If at nil prnc tlcable Ih short, moke every possible effort to breathe as much pure nlr as possible. "In all health matters follow the nd' vice of your doctor and obey tho rcu-' lotions of your local and state health ofllcers." "Cover Up each tough and aneeza, If you don't you'll cpraad dlaeai." h. Y. Matthews. Hunting MICKIE SAYS Buy your toilet soaps at Raley 's. oua R6P6tvrefc sass, BM 'I'RNtKJ, y COULD KE6V 'RACK, OP BUT S1IMC6 THES6 DOO'OAS'tED AVJToa AE LB A. V IN -TOWKl ta- .1 a V R.N .ROAD ttVJtVH WOUtt. &6.fTA FAfT CHAfACE! I'Cn t i . . 1 1 1 r k i j Ml AfcOUT tX" on my ranch is positively fnrhidrlnn. Anyone violating this order wijj be arretted and prosecuted. CHA8. HOWELL, For Sale-lO full-blood Ilolsteitl cdws .ligil?lft to registry all fresh and every' one a good milker Call on Or write 8. Herring, Spar1 ta, Oregdri.-ild Eorf6ale-r-HomeC6tTifort rangd A S I S6br Stomaicfr EadfdoWlv. maiitfriilA vii" fnn1 l.n.. tnitthiv. alinlnfn ItntH nSAtf fnn luu and in ootl cases (Irtruoof stonvach will dlnrppoar, If It liot not, take ono of Cliambolaln'fl Tablets Imtnodlute) yaftor OUWlDf. UDU IXII1HLH Brfl mniL IliTAIV t f I - -- - - - v t w ,nw f I cuoo aour swmacii anu you may and It Ofahlntf Life 8avr. Docs have been given their shnro of credit for saving humnn life, from tuna to tlme( but It Is doubtfnl If any cnnlno, nowevcr launiui, ims oter ctveft a bct . K J , , teraccoilnt of himself as a life flttVef- Old op-gai hut water tank. thtu tt dog did here- While drlvlht! barcrain. Call nt News nfnnn. nomo to tneir rutin from I'lpestonei Mr. nnd Mrs Charles Thiclc were run' T V AilV Otio found aown nt a cros road by hhother car g Fll 4- htltiling on th( wnicti was trnvcllm: .it great speed ww Co, KirbyranoH Whkn tlin nnmii Wa tVUinltl I ... ... ......... . rnr won im l, , ,t H,S "V. H foreo of 111!, rnllUInn l,rw fln; " . "3 f "'-asou. months-old paby fronl Mru Thlelo'cf orins Tho child wbuld litfvo fnet teh SarflE'Kor and Kd-E-Kar for1 tain death beneath tho.cu'r's liUt for iM- childrOn fit Saunders Uro'fi.- ad Vulcanizing I have installed a new plant and tim prepared Id vulcanize fact; tWt In faliittK thfe' ttnbi' struck. a dog which wad rldltfg da the foot board of tho olher caf Tho dog grnbv led th6 dress ot tho ritlld (tfld clunrf fO It Until the Cfls rnnlil tin ntnnnod. Th6 baby rtcclved fdwef Ifilurles ClinfY did tlic Oilier 6'ttunnni nf tlm card.' both ra'achlnts wtro Unmt WfnckUli- I on iff l tni lVm t ta nnaalliln In n lf(A,t Til. m.jM,...H pwao.uiw vw uuir in iiiub iiiuiinur luvun not water bottles and rubber boots CASINGS atfd lMNlDR TUBES n Cirtniit(i t A.fl uft rvltnMnti ' I OJJUbl fill tTVIIl UUUIUII" teed satisfactory. W. E. HOLMES, , , Plant at Richland" Auto Cd.' ady Why not send the News to a Isoldier friend?