,i : - NEWS "iAlTl iPi VOLUME 5 NO 49 RICHLAND, OREGON. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 17, L918 $150 A YEAR ." -V VALLEY FREDERICK R WILSOf'1 Physician And Surgoon Richland, - :: Orejjon Nlpflit 'phono, ono long ring on (ill linos. l)ny 'piiono call contra! ofHco. MUTUAL CREAMERY CO. HUYKKS OK Cream, Milk and Eggs it. M. Kirk, Resident Manager RICHLAND - - ' OREGON W. E. BAIRD FUNERAL DIRECTOR LICENSED EMBALMER C4ket mill filnoiidi nl All Mti Aln In flock KIOIII.ANI). OIIKGON I'lionu: TwonliortH, Ono long &e Rog'ers - Baker's Popular Hotel i - ! 1 Nl3.V MODERN CLEAN Uti'lor Direct Supervision ?f Iho Owner POPULAR PRICES Special Hates to Permanent Guosta Irvine Lodge No. 86 knights of Pythias Moot every Wednesday night at their Unallo Knll In Richland, Oregon. Visit ing llrothufs made wolromo. ( ll. It. MASrKHSON, 0. 0. tV. C It ALKY, K.nMt. &H. !! W. R. USHER i! ;; Notajfy Public j! I ; Conveyancer ; ; )( in . 't " OlUeo, ficooiwl nftj Walnut Htet ; 0")pto5ltoCtrl8tliffCiuio !l C,,R THORP Nbtary P'ublit All kinds of legal blanka ofi'nftnd Your patrona'tftf solicited Attorney at Law " fourth- Floor Sommer Btildipg Baker' O'reaori o. t. a&tfWtS"- ATTORNEY fftimnor Bldg.' Bakor, Orogo'u .UNCLE SAM'S ADVICEON FLU U. S. Public Health Scrvlpe Issues Official Health Bulletin on Influenza. LATEST WORD ON "SUBJECT. Epidemic Probably Not Spanish In OrlolnQerm Still Unknown Peo ple Should Guard Against "Droplet Infection" Surgeon Qeneral Bluo Make Authoritative Statement Washington, i). 0.(8pcclaU Al' though Klhs Alfonso of. Spnlii w,ns ono of tio,ylclliiiH of 1)19 influerizn op ' domic In IBM nnd ngnln UiIh summon ' Spanish .nuthoritlcu rcpuillato . any claim to Influenza na n ".Spanish" din-, ease. If the people of this country do not Inko enro thb epidemic will ho come m widespread throughout tho United Hlritcs (lint noon wo Hlinll licnt tho dlscliso called 'American" Inflii' eur.it. , In rosponso to n refluent for definite' Inforinnlloii concerning Spanish Inllu; enzn, Surgeon tlvtientl Hupert jJluo'Of, tho U, 8. Uuhllc Health Scrvlccjins authorised tho following ofliclal Inter view: What It Spanish Influenza? la It something new? Does It coma from Spain? Tin d'xsnia now occurring In this country arid called 'Spanish Influen za' resembles a very contagious kind of 'cold,' accompanied by fever, pains Coughs and Sneezes Spread Diseases As Ddngerttes aa Pofsori Cm Shells p bi .hcid,. eyes, oars, ,bttck or other parts of 'the body muJ'&irfccVng of so vjcro sickness,, in most ofttfuo cases the symptoms' disappear after three or four 4oys, tho patient then rapidly recover Ing. ,.Som of Uie, patients, iJiowcvcr, danrctop p'npumonlo, or Inflammation of the car, or Meningitis, and fnrtny'of theso complicated casoti dleu'yhether tilauftj'ifAllfld IBnanlsh! ulBftuenza Is fditntlcal vv;th the epldemtcs o(ihflucn i& of earlier oara IS n6t yo't kntfrrh. "Epidemics 6f Influenza luivti Visited ihik counify slrico 1d4T. It is Ihttircst Ifltr tO know thitt thll ifnt inlhilr was brought hero fr'6m ffllcncla, ftpnln. Nitidis that time there iirtvji been numerous epidemics of thb dis ease, lii 1680 and lBdO tin cfildeZiIC 6f lnfldentif, HkiUhg sometfhfcre lit tho Orient, 'sfrrea'a flfst t HuBalrt nd thcuce artr nfictlcalft1 the eiitlfa tti Hired tfoflfl. Three filitt Met there' Was another fl'aro-Up' 61 tho disease Both .tlrnei ihd epidemic spread wide ly oyer the United States. ' "Although the. present opldchitc Is called "ScsHlih Influent.' tlifcrn li nTi reason ttt hellevi that It orlglnritcd In npain. nome writers wno nave studied tlie qucstoW J;eJlov6 tnat the epidemic camo from tho Qrlent.tid they call af' tcntloft ft th'6 ct thht the Oeffnahrf mention thi disease as occurring (Hong the eastern ttoki in tit drummer and fall of Hl!fT.M ' tfowfon "jtanlsW iMWtttit." b red: ognrttd? j!4heri ik Hi TU 6ttkti wiy in' hlch slprta cie ott 'Bp-tttilsh Ihflu w' cb H rcognlsed. On the oUi hnd, recofRltloa is sy wher Utr Is treup of tun, Is contrast and colds, which tirfurilfy occur In (ho cold tnonths, epidemics of luflufiixii may occur nt any season of tho jenr, Thgs tho present epidemic rnged moHt Intensely In Huropo In Mny, .Tune ntjd July. Moreover, In the case of ordl nnjy colds, the general wymptonis. (fever, pnln, depression) nro by no means ns sevcro or n sudden In their onset ns they nro in Influenza, ri wil ly, ordinary colds do not spread throus.ii tho community no rapidly or so extensively ns does hiflucnra. "In most caves 11 pcjwm laken sick with lullucnzn feels sick rather mid dcnly. lie feels weak, has pains In thb eyes, enrs, head or back, end may he soro all over. Many patients feel t'.lzzy, some vomit. Most of the pa tients complain of feeling chilly, nnd Willi thin coiiwm 11 fever In which the temperature rises to iOO to 101, J 11 most cases the pulse remains relative ly slow. "In nppenrnnco due is struck by tho fact that the patient looks f.lek. Ills ayes and tho Inner Hide of.ils eyelids limy be slightly 'bloodshot,' or 'con-. KCHtcdj',, ns l)iq doctors say. . There limy he running from the- nose, or, (hero iauy be sonic cough. These Klgna. of n cold may not be marked; ticver thclcss the patient looks nnd feels very sick. . : "In addition to the appearance nnd the pyinptoms- hs nlrcrtdy. described, examination of the pntlelit's blood litny aid tho physician n recognizing 'Kpnrtt ish lullueiizn,' for It 1iiut beeh found that .in this disease the number of white corpuscles, shows little or no In crease nbovo Uio norronU It Is posst hlo that tho laboratory Investigations now being made through the National Itesearch Council and the United States Hygienic Laboratory will fur nish a more certain way in which indi vidual cases of this disease can be recognized." What Is the Course of tko disease? Do people die of It? "Ordinarily, the fovcr lasts ttom threo to four days nnd the patient re covers. But .while tlie proportion of deaths in tho present epidemic has generally been low, Iti some places the outbreak has been severe and deaths have been numerous. Whop death oc curs it Is usually the result of a com plication," What causes tho disease and how is It spread? "BactcrlologldU who havo Btudicd In fluenza epidemics In the past havo found In many of the cases a very Small rod-shaped germ called, after ltd dlscovcrer.Tfclfror's bacillus, th other cases of apparently the same kind of dlscaso there vcro found pneumococcl. the germs of lobar pneumonia. Btllj tlicrs have been caused by strcpto' boccl, and by othors gcrmi with long names. , "No matter what particular kind bf gcrrffvcausc;itheleplderolc, .It Is.'-now b.elleved that influenza is always spread' from "person to person," thd germs beihr'carrl.ed wlth the air along with tho Vary small droplets of mucusi expelled by coughing or aheezlngt forceful talking, and tho Ilka by ond who already has the germs of the dls' ease. They nitty also b carried about Ih the air In tho form of dust coming rrom dried mutus, from coughing and anoeslng, or from Careless people whd spit on the floor' and on the sidewalk. As In most other batching diseases, A person who has titily a mild attack df the disease himself nisy give a very sevcro attack to others." What should b tidni )tf theso whd batoh tho disease? '"It Is very lmportaHl Ihat Bv6ry per hob who becomes sick with ihfiucnzil Should go homo at once' rind ltd tb bed. Thin will help keep away ddngeroujl tampllcatlons and will, 'At the eamd tjma, keep tho patient frbrn llcatttfiinrf he disease fax and Wide. It, Is Highly (leslrable that no ono be allowed tct a ebb In tho same roottl With the pa: I ehl In (act, no ono but the burse 6hbuld bo allowed In tho tObra. ''if there la coush and Bputunl or ruliblhf of tho yes and ube, canl ahbuid bo taken that all such dts: charges aro collected on bits of tauzo or Hi 8 paper napkins and burned: If m Tfcatlent corpnlftlns of Nver ad (Conolodetl on bnok pago) WhBh you need a nasdJiBW Vutitit buy it at Richland DrUR StoroBd Latest News ! SPECIAL Pvt. Lde Chamber lain of U. S. Marines is seiious)y ill with pneumonia at Naval Eos pita), Key West, Florida. General unrest of populate in germany and nustria. Huns threaten to bombard Con stantinople if Turks give up and otTer to protect city with Black Sea fleet ns long as they hold out. Allies driving great wedge into Belgium sweeping the ,hqns be fore them; also makinp.great ad vance on line along Lys River and Lille salients; Jas. Delavon, an aged man of near Homstead, dial of asthma in Pine Valley yesterday, DIES BrJEHNE Again we are called, upon to chronicle the dath of one of our "homeboys" serving under the Stars and Stripps in the war for world democracy but who had not yet reached thn battle front. Word reached here about two weeks ago that Harry Jeffords was ill but getting along nicely. On the Oth Inst a telegram an nouncea that he had pneumonia, later messag-js statod that his cocdition was serious but not hopeless, but on last Saturday evening the message came that he passed away at 3:25 p. m. on October 12thv Harry Talmadge Jeffords was born December 19, 1897, at -Jit Vernon, Lawrence county, Mo., and in 1903 came to Eagls Valley with his parents and other mem bers of the family, residing near Richland until a few years aw when the family moved to a ranch near West Lookout. On Sept 5th, with his brother Wm. Page, entered army service r-oth were assigned to 27th Co., 166 D. E., at Camp Lewis and remained there until a few weeks ago they were transferred with others to Camp Fremont, Cal'f. He was a son of Mr. andMrs. Thoma3 R. Jeffords, who with four sisters and six brothers, survive. A number of other relatives also reside in Baker county. He was steady, honest and true a loyal American in ever sense'of the word) and his death was a sad blow to his parents and to his host of friends. The funeral will beheldat 130 on tomorrow (Friday) afternoon, at the Eagle Valley cemetery, Rey. J. M. Johnson officiating. It is expected that the pebple of this community will turn out eri masse to do honor to the dead soldier, health authorities hav ing stated there would be little of no danger of contracting "flu" in the Open air under the present climatic conditions; 1 Mahy Fail to Come Through, Yon receive thb naner hBbahse it is pdid fori wrj thank ydu for vour Datronaore and asfeurri vou it is appreciated. We were bbliged to cut 8ft the namesbf a humo&r of our sub scribers on account o their fail ing' p&y subscription in. advahci and no mpre papers will be sent them uhtll the government "order, has been complied with. We regret that there is h per son iti Eagle Vailoy who doe's notj consider thb News worth sup portihft yet theia OUist lie many else there woUld nave been a fir greater response to our notice. , fftSek .supply of cooked meats, ry them. Haley's. ad W IS HERE- f -( 4 , t Th3 Spanish influenza ha3 made; t. niSnarnnpf in 'Rao'lp VaIIav hufc' .w I- L O ' j US vauil blBU VU3 lUtlCIl III .1IUIIU i'mpiediotelythe patienf are re covering ramdy and little fear is , eritertainedpl the disease gain-, fng headway in this Bection. The recent rain having a tendency to. purify the air and prevent the' spread of the germs. Throughout the state the dis- ease is raging and hundreds' of case3 are reported at various! towns in Baker county,'. man y't deaths resultine. Schools have bcep ccsed arid public. gatherings, jof pygry kjnd prohibited, unless neia jnpjjen air. All fjerssns are warned to com ply with the following order: W. u. aaunders. Mayor: Byorder of the Surgeon Gen-, eral of the United States Publia Health Service, you are directed" to discontinue all public meetings. closing all schools and places of public amusement." Persons are also urged to avoid, congregating in crowds at the. postoffice, in stores or on the streets; funeral processions and public services at the cemetery. ' are permitted. Schools, churches, lodge, pool rooms, etc., must be. closed until the epidemic i3 over.. Three deaths have resulted in , Baker and there are a nnmber of patients in dangerous condition. - MINGfflFcOAt Feeling' that the deficiency in' the quota for this district could oe cut down considerably, J. C. Bowen and W. !E. Martin made another canvass lost week and on Wednesday evening the total was, $36,650. There i3 yet time to' buy Fourth Liberty Loan Bonds, and td enlighten those who do' not understand the installment plan, we give the following table:- 10 perenhton date of purchase; 20 per cent on Nov. 21; 20 per cent dn Dec 19; 20 per cent oh Jan. 16, 1919; 30 per cent on Jan. 80. Below we give a list of those; purchasing bonds since our last ' ' issue, and it will be noticed by comparing With the two previous lists that several have bought the secdnd time: $250, to $60Q Noble Holcomb-. .. t -....,.. $ 500 Mrs VA Usher SQQ? PaUl Knoblauch ... u... 300- Chet Evans S E Martin WalterEddndiff . $150 Robert Maaterson $100 A OdrddH Mrs J C .BoWeh W S Saunders Guy. Chrlstenseri Linrt Hblcodlb Ed Hartley P T Wyatt Louis Hartley . John Density Ralph GarotherS Ed Rltch G O Taylor ' $50 ... Edmond Hail MrsAmyJohnsori JasMMacy CW Coble E R JohnsbH E C Bagley A E Simonlo Sam Bukton Carl C MasbH W E Farley W P Williams GlarbnBgWallace W.BMePdwell S.AMliDowell J B McDowell Mrs L Saunders Otis M Moddy Joseph Evans i O A Corson LaWrenceDEvans Elizabeth and Roger Gover . Marvin W, Johnson 1