Eagle Valley news. (Richland, Or.) 191?-1919, September 26, 1918, Image 8

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    E. & W, Chandler
Diffremt Store
f New Fall an4 Winter Hats
The latest stales andtot wr-tiipe prices. LopJ 'em over
' ' i i ' 1 iii-
New Serge Press Goods
Navy Blue, piack Drown Purple. Green,
Ladies see our new Formfit Brassieres
They fit the (orm they are made tu fit
A beautiful iine of Pearl Buttons
Also Beauty Pins, Fancy Pins and Service Pins
Jersey Sweaters and Mens' Stag Coats
in contrasting colors and priced right
Do your bit! Put Eagle over the top
before the 28th
Mrs. Chan, A. Harvill recently
rccoived q following letter- frot
her son James:
MWpll, mother, thqy have trot
i i
mo m me nospiuu now; navo iwo
boils under my nrm; havo bet
hero tor eight days. Am reeling
fine qw and qxpect to .go buck tp
my Company in a few days, bu
a fellpw can't tpll when bo w
get back for the nurses like to
keep a bunch around to .entertain
them, it is a pretty good place
in st.iv nut 1 wnn l ml hut hit me
in the Company with the boy
l hey sure do teed a fellow gooi
w had iop oronm nnrl imiWh (n
we could eat) and a big chicken
dinner. We always have plenty
to eat and regular three times i
day. It is a line place to be aw
i suro enjoy me training. Te
my friends to write."
.lames E. Hnrvill
58th Co., 15th Bn., 1G( I). U.
Lamp Lewi.', Was
"Over there" a shell that fail
to explodo and thus do what was
expected of it is tulle i a dub.'
The man over hero who fails t
do what is expected of him in th
way of buying Liberty Don. Is i
also a d.u.b. (d-d ungratefu
Our job department has nriutt
sevtral thousand labels for honey
cans this fall and has orders for
more, Eagle ValUy honev is of
extraordinary line flavor and is
greatly in demand.
"Keeping Our Fighters Fit'
is the title of a fascinating book
just issued under Government
supervision by the War Depart
ment. It tells in a most interest
ing manner what is being done
to J"keep our fighters fit" and
gives a vivid impression of what
the big training camps are like.
The story will bring comlort and
pleasure to everyone who has
relative, friend or acquamtanci
in the service,
The Government has set the
retail price of this book at 95
and has appointed the JNews as
exclusive agent for this section,
with instructions to place one in
every home if possible. In order
to do this the War Department
has given us permission to make
the following offer:
The Eagle Valley News one full
year to any addresss and one copy
of Keeping Our fighters bit
(sent post paid) for only $2.00.
The book alone will be sent to
any address for ninety-five cents
As the Government reserves
the right to canoal the agreement
made with us to supply the books,
we advise protr.pt acceptance of
this utter. Old subscribers pay
ing subscription in advance and
all new subscribers are entitled
to the above offer, but "Keeping
Our righters b it" cannot be se
cured alone from any source for
less than Government price, 95c.
Begin Young
Saving habits in youth mean
comforts in old age. There's
nothing like commencing the sav
ing plan early in life. You don't
think it important? Then think
about the following:
If a boy 15 years of age could
be induced to start depositing
xonly 27 1-2 cents per day at com
pound interest and would keep it
up regularly until he was 65 years
old, he would have a snug fortune
of $29,000. Interest alone from
this amount would net him $22
per week. How many of your
acquaintances at 65 years of age
are worth $29,0007
ad) Eagle Valley State Bank
Speaking of souvenirs, the head
of kaiser bill, the clown prince,
or most any german officer, are
much in demand.
The German
Never will the German yoke be fitted to
an American neck, but it's up to you
to kill such German hopes by
Buying Liberty Bonds Until It Hurts.
BUY Fourth Liberty Bonds
Any Bank Will Help You
fAnuono ocorsBATzov or
September 14, 1918.
I wish to have my paper sent
here; I sure like to get the News
it is like meeting some one you
know. There are about 40.000
tents in this carap and five men
to each tent, so there are 200.000
men. it is located in a Valley
similar to Eagle, only larger and
trees on all sides and all kinds of
wild nuts. You may see tobacco
growing in all the yards in town.
we can go to unmv e everv
Saturday and stay until Monday
morning. This is the last camp
we will be in on this side of
France and we may be there by
Christmas or may be here all
winter you know we don't know
anything about when we'll move.
Pvt. Thepdoro E. Hojcomb,
71ut Field Artillory, Medical Dopt.
Camp Knox, Weso Point, Ky,
Malcolm Bennott has purchased
an auto.
Buy Flashlights and Batteries
at Haley's. ad
Buckingham &HochtShoe3 for
sale at Kendall's. ad
The Hexall Fountain Pen, SI to
$4, at Rich and Drugstore. ad
A concrete walk is being nut in
on the east and north of Chand
ler's store.
Mrs. Retta Taylor of Pine Val
ley was operated on at the Baker
hospital Tuesday.
Quite a number from this sec
tion attended the patriotic rally
at Baker last Saturday.
Ninety-one hostess houses are
being operated by the Young
Women's Christian Association in
cantonments in this country. Re
quests for hostess houses are be
ing received at the rate of ono a
day. No house is establisned ex
cent unon the request of the
commending officer of the camp, ,
A $100 Liberty Bond is no less than a $100 bill. It
is made by the United States Government on the same
kind of silk-paper used in making a $100 hill. It bears
the same guarantee written on a $100 bill except it
guarantees interest and names a definite date on which
the face value of it plus accrued interest will be paid on
The man, woman, or child who buys one Liberty Bond
will buy more. A holder of a Liberty Bond realizes
it is money and becomes anxious to get more.
BUY Fourth Liberty Bonds
Any Bank Will Help You
rATMOTio co.oii:itATjox or
Mrs. It. A. Mastorson h taking! Wh;if Yoi! Wnf
treatment at Hot Lake. I vv IUIL 1 uu VV'I,L
Lloyd Chandler and IS. N. Shoe- For Sale or 1 Milt, I'M KCM,
maker wort at linker this woek.
each tutting in several hundred
pounds of honey.
The N.-ws has been ordered
sent to James 10. Hnrvill for th
next year, as a gift from his
mother and his brother Charlie.
NOTICE--After this date 1
will sell honey at 20c a pound.
All parties having ordered honey
will be allowed oh price if called
for before Oct. 1st R. GUYEK.
The county court has promised
to i?ravel reads in Pino Val.oy
this fall
Wanted to Buy, I Ac.
n-w fti'l hat
!C . lock
Noh' sh'pinoni of it.tl;i' irt'hh
and One, at Rak '. ai
SKAT! The I't band Koap
Known, Ilk- per can at Un-lt'tnid
Drug own.- ad
Lauies, you will m.i'r realize
just what genuine rorm t mrnf- rt
really means until you have worn
a CJnssurd. See Ihe ii. attain
ders Hro'sr. ad
ForSa'e 10 full blood Holstcin
Eagle Valley roads will rown clfuIbW to rvgi - t y; nit fresh
have to remain au they r for it and evrv ono a roil milker,
is claimed no gravel can be fotin' SCall on or write S. Honng, Spar-
hero. Waugh! ta. Oregon. d
Friends desiring to write mav
. . . . .... - r I IIIIWIVWI M J"
address this hagle Valley as lol- now ,jon'f wail un'il
lOWS! lum ntkod ovnr.
ii i.i ii '-- -
Hurry jv. tviuson
27th Co.. 7th Batt., NJGth D. B
Camp Lewis, Wash.
Hie increased number of Am
erican women going overseas
with relief organizations has
made it necessary for the Amer
ican Y.W.C.A. to take over
urge house, one block from the
Y.W.C.A. hostess house in Paris
for additional housing space.
Mr. 10. C. Bagloy's team ran
away yesterday morning am
when near bam Brown's home
the rig to which they were hitch
ed was upset. Miss Vera Bagley
sustained several bnd bruises.
and considerable damage done to
the hack.
Pity thb fearful hou or the Gorman
BOldler and civilian an their lino a con
tlniio to crumplo tin before the alllua
wltlt only a fow of tho million nud a
bnlf Americans over thoro In lino. And
five million raoro on tho way. Nevr of
tno over-subscription of tlio Fourth
Liberty Loan will shako Gorman mo
rale again.
Experience the Beit Teacher.
It Ih conorallv admitted that oxnur
unco la tho IiiihI toachur. but nlionld wo
not make tino of tliooxporlonco of othors
hh well as our own? The oxnerlonco of a
tiioifimd porsons Is more to bit do ponded
upon man mat oi ono individual. Many
thouHands of ticmonH have usod Chain.
burlaln'H Couuh Honied v for coiiL'hA and
colds with thu I j est riisulls, which shows
it to bo a thorouahlv roliabln iiruoaration
for those (lintmfcs. Trv it. It is uromut
. '.Alt
anil ciiuciuui anu piuusaui to laKe.
Call for Bids.
Hills will bo rcceivod by tho School
Ilcord of District No 05 for tho follow
nc work!
Tho buildincof onu toilet biiildlnu;
One unto and cloak room with belfry;
To rapair fence.
Contractor to furnish all material,
hids will also bo received for 1-' ticks
of wood.
Illds will bo opened Kiduruav. Hunt.
-'8th, at 2 o'clock j. in.
The. Hoard reserves the rlulit to reiect
any and all bids.
(ipnclllcutlons may bo had nt tho homo
f It. Oliver.
ouv.'i a. uuuuwiw, uictk.
ad 12. W. Cliar.dler,
FOUND Pistol. O.v .or will
call at News oMum. idei.tif pi)
perty and pay for ttiis i...h'.v.
For Sale Home t'fmM'i:i t range
and f0-gr.t hut watt.- 'ink. A
bargain. Call at News ollice.
Brood sows and i.linnt; for sale.
Enquire of Ed Augr. a n . IfjtUp
A puir i f lineman's pliers were
found and left at KV.vk office.
Owner will please call.
For Salo 1 sow end 10 piga
about two weeks old, also 10 good
shouts, Priced reasonable for
they must go. II. J. Ilaskins.
15 pigs (ton weeks ol J) for salo
at once, or will trade for cow or
wagon. E. J. Wart, New Bridge
Attend the auction sale in Rich
land, Monday afternoon.
Notice to Hunters
You are hereby notified that
hunting on rry premises is posi
tively forbidden. Take warning.
adv W. IS. MARTIN.
I have installed a new plant
and am prepared to vulcanise.
anything that it is possible to ro-
pair in that manner (even hot
water bottles and rubber boots) -CASINGS
a specialty. All work guaran
teed satisfactory.
Plant at Richland Auto Co. adv
Buy aSK& Weai
Boid This
Today 2352 Burro'