Eagle Valley news. (Richland, Or.) 191?-1919, September 26, 1918, Image 5

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    ' LEND AS
for a loan - - all you can spare
to make up a total of Six
Billion Dollars.
This money is necessary to keep
those boys fighting in France - - to
keep them well fed, well armed and
fully supplied with ammunition
If you lend as they fight, victory
will come, and if you lend as will
ingly victory will come quickly.
Be Generous
With Your Limit.
Any Bunk Will Help You
VATxiotrxo co.oim:ratiox or
roooooooo 0 o oooo oooo
Clias. Ilarvili has a now ItcoG.
A lionil slacker ia the kaiser's
Tlio third a'fnlfn crop is being
Buy a first class milch cow at
the sale Monday. ,
A life and drum corps is hcimr
organized in Richland.
Buy KlHHhlitfht Butteries at
Richland Dnitf Store ad
More than 1.000 Baker county
boys are now in military service.
The Robinetto school opened
Monday with Mias Merlo Simonis
in ehawc.
Miss Fern Chandler is tsachir.tr
the Daly Creek school, which
opened Monday.
Both th3 U. of 0. and 0. A. C.
have been chosen by the Govern
ment as Student Training Camps.
Lee BostwicU formerly of Five
Mile district but now in France,
has sent a bocho gas inns to
friends in Baker.
"Forgct-Mo-Not Day" was ob
served Snturday in Baker and
around $700 raised for the Bel
nian Babies Relief Fund.
Now plaid silks, new fancy
waists, now ribbon for school
shildren, new yarn for soldiers
and sailors. Saunders Bro's.-ad
Jode Taylor and family moved
to Lower Powder the first of the
week, when ho will work for
Harry Blackburn, lid Derrick
has rented the Taylor ranch.
Walt Meacham of Baker has al
ways shown a great fondnass for
pickles, so his friends in Eagle
Valley recently sent him a cucum
ber that was more than 15 inches
in length and weighed 5 lbs 6 oz.
Great Faith In Chamberlain's Colic and
and Diarrhoea Remedy.
"Clmnibtir'uIn'H Colio and Diarrhoea
Koincdy wiih lined by my fathor about a
vunr nno when lit) had diarrhoea. Jt re
limed him Immediately and by taktnp
lb roti dod'us ho was absolutely cum), lio
hat ureal faith in tlil remody," writcB
Mriii W. Ill WllllomBStanley, N( Y.
Liberty Bonds or taxes?
Read "What You Want" ads.
Walt Saunders has bought a
Buy your Chocolates at Rich
land Drug Store. ad
.1. C. Bowen has a crew of men
cutting corn and filling his silos.
Klonzo Tooth Paste, 25c per
tube, at Richland Drug Store.-ad
Ed Carnahan and Floyd Der
rick have been called to leave on
the next draft, Sept. (Uh.
Capt. C. II. Craig has gone to
Roseburg where he will spend
the winter at the Soldiers' Home.
Miss Lila Mae Chandler has re
turned to the business college at
Boise after a short visit with
home folks.
Jersey Sweaters, just what you
need for theso cool mornings and
evenings. Wo have them
ad E. & W. Chandler.
Even the Bible contains advice
on saving.sugar. What? If you
don't believe us, getout the Good
Book and read Proverbs XX1V-13.
Lem Morris brought to this
office a monster sunflower that
measurod forty-live inches in cir
cumference. The stalk was over
fifteen feet tall.
Bob Taylor has returned from
Baker where he had been con
fined in the hospital for several
woeks as a result of injuries re
ceived while riding a bucking
"Eagle Valley Jim," the big
turkey sent out from here by the
K. P. lodge to be sold for the
benefit of the Red Cross, was re-
contjy served at a banquet given
by Grand Chancellor Leslie M.
Crouch at Portland. "Jim" had
visited a number ot different
lodges and been the means of
raising several hundred dollars
for the cause.
Has a High Opinion of Chamberlain's
"I Imvo n IiIl'Ii oninlon ot Chamber
laln'aTiiblotfor biliousnesa and as a
hxHtivo," writ 09 Mrs. O. A. Ijarne8,
Charleston, 111.. "1 hava never found
anything bu mild and pleasant to uao.
My b'otlier has also usqd thesa. tablet!
WMUaiiaiaciory results."
See tlio jiow mirrors at Raley's.
Geo. B.' Saunders has a now
Rco 0.
Buy your CANDY at Richland
Drug Store. ad
L. C. Holman and family were
at the county seat this week.
Very few from thin section' at
tended the Pendleton Round-Up.
Florcnco Ifummell is quite ill
with typhoid fever at her home
in New Bridge.
Trv our CoflVes. we can suit
your taste. pneod 2.5c to 45c per
pound. Kaicy'K. - ad
Some extraordinary good read
ing on the inside pages of this
paper. Don't overlook it.
Some Eagle Valley boy may
loso his life just because some 52
Cagle Vi.lloy man failed to buy aiO
Liberty Bond.
Mrs. W. W. Kirhv. who is now
in the hospital at Bawr, is -veryi
low and tier aeain expecieu at,."
any moment. g
In next week's issue we will j J
nrint a verse entitled "A Few
Facts About Eagle Vsdhfy." Be'g
sure to read it. if
Paul Knotlauch has given usIS
some extra fine potatoes that had
been grown in the tulle patch
he had drained last spring.
Miss Majel Blue left Saturday
for Moro whore she will attend ,
school, making her home with
her sister, Mrs. h. R. Curfman.
Ethel C. Brown writes to have,
her paper sent to Monmouth. !
where she is attending normal. '
She slates that Miss Dickie is
!il so a student there. j
While unablo to secure exact i
futures we are reliably informed '
that Eale Valley citizens con
tributed over $200 to the Salva
tion Army War Fund.
Mrs. George Paddock and chil-1
dren left Tuesday for their home
at Garfield, Utah, after visiting
several weeks with their relatives
Joseph Buckley and G. A. Ber
nard and family.
Mrs. T. R. Jeffords has ordered
the News sent to her two sons at
Camp Lewis. Fortunately Page
and Harry were assigned to the
same company and occupy the
same tent, so one copy of the
paper will suffice.
Qucstionna'res were received
by a large number of our citizens
the past weeA and a number have
asked us to assist them in filling
them out. We sincerely regret
the fact that for certain roasons
we werp unable to do so.
Mrs. E. A. Bennehoff and
daughter Miss Opal, and Misses
Opal Matthews and Nellie Good
win left today for Boise. Miss
BenneholT wiil enter business
college and Miss Goodwin will
secure employment in the city.
Material for 20 bed shirts has
been received with orders to have
them ready for shipment by Oct.
10th. All. willing to help with
this work will meet at the K. P.
hall on Thursday afternoons until
further notice.
The government has issued an
appeal to "produce more dairy
products," as a result dairy cattle
are in great demand and a "good
buy" tit any teasonable price.
On next Monday afternoon Ed
Derrick will sell at public auction
five head of high class Jersey
milch cows, thus presenting an
excellent opportunity to get some
thing good at your own price.
Sale will bo held in Richland be
ginning at 1:30 p. m.
I Kitchen ware
rfoyv is your supply of kitchen
s ware? Now is a good time to re-
plenish your pots and pans.
a Kitchen ware of all kinds are ad-
p vancing rapidly. We own our pres-
i ent stock at prices considerably low-
er than present prices and have
marked them accordingly.
You will save money to buy at
our prices.
Come in and look the stock over.
to Iruck service
I have secured a Federal Truck of 3,000 pounds
capacity, and will make regular trips to and from
Baket, and solicit your patronage. All orders, large
or small, will receive prompt attention. Terms
reasonable. Leave orders at postoffice.
- Richland, Oregon
McDowell Bros. & St John
Bee Keepers Supplies of all kinds J
Hives, Supers, Cards, Foundation, etc. $
All orders filled promptly and satisfaction guaranteed
Write, phone or call for prices.
C C. St. John, Manager, - Richland, Oregon
For catalog, new
Summons all the forces and resources of the Republic to
the defense of Freedom
which the United States authorities have ranked as one of the
fifteen distinguished institutions of the country for excellence in
military training, has responded to the call. The College is
distinguished not only far its military instruction, but
Distinguishes also ror.
Its strong industrial courses for men pd for women:
In Ajtiruliuie, Cor-merce, EnfinettinrvForc't'y
Home Econo-nicj, Mining. Phirascjyaai
Vocational EJucation,
Its wholesome, purposeful student life.
Its democratic college spirit. ,-. "
Its successful graduates.
Students enrolled hit ycar,;453; stars on itJ service flags, 1258,
over forty percent representing officers.
ColIego opens September 23, 191S
IlluttiateJBooUet,nJ other informatiaa write to the ReRiitrar,Cuu an. Oregon
People Speak Well of Chamberlain's
"I Imvo boon eellinsr. Chamberlain's
Tablets for about two years and hoard
euuh (rood roporta from, my custimerB
that I concluded to uivo them n trial
m.yaulf, and cah Bay tllattl do not belioyo
tliore in another preparation of the kind
onual to tlumi." writes G. A. Mcllrldo.
lleadford, Ont. If you aro troubled with"
inUiReDtion or constipation mo tuem a
trial, ( TJjey jyjlldo yjm good, '
Nilson Tractors
Guarantee farm efficiency.
Crt.trction automatically.
Stand year of bard service.
Light weight easy to handle.
."Junior"! fo I plowa. "Senior" for i.
' (Our I'Plow machines coming soon.)
ast Morrlsoa at E. Third Bt
rsrtlani. Orifon. . .
Caskets and Sluouds ol AU Siren
Always In Block
Phono: 'fwoshorta, Onoloni;
Keen Kiitter Safety Razor $i
!at Richland Drug'Store. ad