Eagle Valley news. (Richland, Or.) 191?-1919, September 26, 1918, Image 4

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    Eagle Valleu News
Straight, Truthful, Direct
C. E. Thorp
Entered as socqnd class '.natter Due. 12, 1912 at tho post oilice at
Richland Oregon, under act of March 3, 1879.
Memlwr Oraon Statu tttlitorml Association
RICHLAND, ORE., THURSDAY. SEPT. 215, 191S. Vol. G, No. .16
Chicago. High art anil low art,
music and Hteratute and dolls that
ulk and walk are to li .taboo forever
and forever to members of a new club
here, when they bear the "Made In
Germany" stamp or llavor.
"Use Nothing German" Is tho name
bf the club. And tho women who have
formed it sweur that they mean what
they say, and that after the war they
intend that tho kHlser dees not re
cuperate from the Ills he has brought !
upon himself through their old. i
The club expects to spread Its rao- J
sage countrywide, and ('nil's to indue
votnen throughout the United States '
la back tlietn up in ignoring every
thing Geruinu.
How's This?
YTo oflar One Itun.treil Dollnru Howard
for any cote of Catarrh that ranaat ba
curoil by Hail's Catarrh b1lclIle.
Ontntrh MetlU-liM has tu taken
! v oalurrh utrrr for th past thirty
uve yean, and has krniw known as tho
must reliable renmH fr t'utnrrh. lloll'J
Catarrh Medleln. ai-u thru the W00.I on
t Mucous su-faem, expelllnir the Pol
-in from tlio L'KichI and healing the ills
eafd portions.
Aftr yu have takan mil's Catarrh
' 'n for n short tlmt you will a
.r.iai Improvement In your tfoneral
hoalth. Start taklnc Hall'r. Cttarrh Mull
ein at ono and pet rUt t,f oo'-irrh Send
'or testimonial frto.
V X. CIIKSEV CO . Toledo, Ohio.
Sold bv all Dn .:;:''.. 75c.
t How many Bonds did yon buy?
From the ruins of one of their own fchell
smashed homes, the
French hourly train the guuB that scatter deatli In billets and col
umns of marching troops behind tho Hun lines.
Fourth Liberty Bonds are tho best insurance that Am rlcan homos
will not thus suffer.
The Fourth Liberty Loan is tho first item on the program
of national war finance since the announcement of our inten
tion to put five million men in France and finish the war
next year. On our respond to its call for our dollars our
friends and enemies will judge of our sincerity and earnestness
In making that pledge.
TV nation's resources are ample. The success of the
Fout Ui I ''terty Loan dopends on our converting share of
thoeo reHour cs into Fourth Liberty Bonds. Nothing more.
Hie loan should be subscribed tho first day and 'overBub
soribod the second dny. .
. Buy hibuir. Bosnia. Don't bo a Turtle.
notice or aitlioAtion ron
Tho OEM (jimrt Lodo Clatth
Amended Mineral yurviy -No. 327
Serial No. 011)277
United HtatoH Uud Offiflo,
La Orunde, Oroyon,
NQTU'IC la hereby Bivn tlmt tlio
Ocm CotiHollduted Hold. Mining Com
puny, n corporation, of Oregon, with Km
tmxt office luMret m t lie Ulty of llaUer,
linker (. ountv, uregon, litis luado niipli
nation lo tlie United Htntm tlovertiment
for I'uitod Slntiw Patent to tho (lorn
lode el'iim, Hituatnd la no nrgnniattd
niluiiig district, in linker County, Statu
of Urettu, la Sections 17 uud S(i, Town
tdilp s South. KniiRO II ImI of Wil
lamette Meridian, a shown by the of
floial pint noited, and doitlu tutted ly
Mltid pint and by tliw offUlnl field uotiw
on file with the United SUtew Surveyor
0jierl for Oregon, n Amiuuli'd Minor
Hi Survey No. 127;
Said Gem cpiarta lode claim being do
iicrlhed by emirses and dlttlaiicux an
followM, to-wit!
llegmnlnt at oorner No. I, whiince
tho tpuirter Section eornnr between Heo
lion 17 and ISO, In Towualiip 8 South,
lUni- 1 1 Hast of Willitiuotto Meridian,
In ftuker County, UrpKon. Imnra South
31 tit. na.t -iOP.S feet;
Tlienoo South 7 3lf Wiwt MPS.3 feet
to (Vrner No. U;
Thence North S8 S3' it ni)D.7 feet
to aorm-r No. 3;
Thei.ee North 7 18' liatit 1 19S.8 ml
to eurtiT No. -t:
Thi-ne South S2 83' 1-Stawt BUS. t fiwjt
to eoriu-r No. 1, the idaoo of beginning,
l.'ml ntcing a total area of SO.UtM
Adinitiiiiu claliu, a gtiiowu by ,tlu
offieial plat of the nurvey are:
The Northwiwt uom, and (eni 1.x
teuaion North, both uaaurveyed, on the
The West Oem, umurveyed, on tlm
The Oem IMmslon South, and the
Kaat (ieui Kxtenaion v8outU, both un
urveii. on tne Moutu;
The l''iit tioni, and the Northeaat
Oam, both iinaurveywl, on the Kaat
Tmri' are no con Dieting claim.
All i'Ti'ni hoiiltMir advenm aiaima
to any mrttn of the hiuda iitnbraecd in
thia ntiplicntmu are hereby notified to
file uotii'i- thereof in the I nited ntntoa
Imd office at La O ramie, Orrgoti, dnr
ini; thi' piihlieatinn of thia uutico of nit
plieatin for patent.
r. ."s. ut'.N.N. i(riittir.
Firot (Hihlicntiou, August 22, ldl-S.
lMt pilbiic-itinli, Ortolw,' 21, 101S.
Jardships Ignored, Wounded Man
Tells Mother Don't Let Them
Hinder Your War Work
By Mra. Hazel Pedlar Faulkner
From a ItOHpltal somewhere In
France a wounded American ha writ
ton to his parents:
"Wo uro koIiik throiiBli hardships,
but tlio boys a:o tahliiK hold in tho
good old American way."
wnat a iucssrco far those or us
who huvo romnlnod at homo! What
a challenge to tlio vast army of men
and women who aro In the homo
guard, carrying on in the tiiounand
ami ouo ways tlmt the exlgonclos of
war have bronchi upon us.
"Wo are Kolm; tliroiitjh hardships."
Wo can believe that, when wo
call tho dauntless charges which our
boya have boon making over there,
nnd tlio dally Ic-nntlii'iiiriK casualty
lists which aro rcHultliiK from their
fcnrioHS devotion to tlio task that Is
set beforo them.
Wo Unow they aro koIiib through
hardships, when wo stop to think of
tho hundreds upon hundreds who uro
wounded, and who for tho tlmo be
Im; at least need cam and attention
Of courso they nrn colng thtoiiKh
hardships, those hoyi from your
homo and mine. Hardships aro n
part of war. Tlioy aro tho Inevitable
result of a stato of war. And when
war Is waKed by an enemy so skilled
In all tho fiendish dovillrios In
which the Germans lmvo indulged,
they aro tho lno8capabio portion of
every soldior participating,
Hut hardships aro not tho part of
tho war these soldiers of ours aro
thinking most about. They are but
tho incidents In tho day's work.
"The boys aro tailing hold In tho
good old Amorlcan way."
Could there be a better statcmont
of thoir manner of facing what comes
to thorn? Could there, bo a moro def
inite course of action prescribed fof
those of us at homo during these
days which test tho mettle of our
The tlmo for our mcssago to tho
boys has como again. Tho Fourth.
Liberty .Lonn Js to bo oiir rosponse
to this wounded sqldler's challenge.
What's'ymir answer?
The Oiitfiniil
In the Ronuino
will uhvnys bo
found ii porftic
lion tlmt cun
luwer bt nl
titinod in imitn-tioua.
and Canada
Brassieres g
111 with that
Binootiint-HH J
that char'ic
lurizi' tin' S
Worn with
Hualth and
Com fori by
Women the
World Over
Call and ex
amine them.
mr 0 J
ICxclusive Agents f )r Eagle Valley
Heal Gravely Chewing Plug is
solving the tobacco problem
for more men every day
Smaller chew. Better tobacco.
The good taste lasts.
Peyton Brand
Real Gravely
Chewing Plug
ZOc a psuch and worth it
; liiLw
Cmiely lattn to mncA longer it col
no more to chaw than ordinary piag
P. 0. Gravely Tobacco Company
Danville, Virginia
mrvnii'4 ok
Cream, Mijk mid Eggs
K. M. Kirl, HesidentMnnajjcr
Ufoe Rogers
Baker's Popular Hotel
Under Direct Supervision
of The Owner
Hpeclal Kates to Permanent Guests
Irvine Lodge No. 86
Knights of Pythias
Meet every Woduemlay nllit at their
Cnatlo Hall In Iticlilnud, OroKnn. Visit
ing Ilrotliors made vyulroinu.
II. It. MAfcjrKUSON, 0. 0.
W. ClUttY, K.'oht.AB.
nepnrttnenl of the Interior,
V. H. Land Olllrn at I.n (itaude, Ore.
Kon, Airlift ;:o. 1U IK.
Niitire is hereby iireu that Otto It,
chiller, of Itichliitid, Omt'oii. who. on
Nnve.7ilii'r HKIi, lUl.'l, nnule llotneHtead
Knlry, No. iil'JtV.M, lor SIC I I NK 11,
NKl-l SK I (. See. LM, W'.j NW LI,
See liJ, Tp. tS , It II K V M .atiil
on May K, Klin, made Ad. II. i: OllI'.'.
IorHi SW l-l, Section r.. nnd NK
l-l, See.m, and NW 1-1 SW l -l, Section
2J. TowiiHlilpll South, Itatice II ICaHt,
Wlllaiui'ttu Merulian, hax (lied not leu of
Inleiitlon to make iIipmi year I'roof, to
eMahllHh cliilin lo tho laud above (Ich
erlbcd, beforM WhoiIhom I,. I'atteruon,
V. S. ContiiiiNHinuer, at IiIh cilice, at
linker, On uon, on the IXUli day of Oct
ober, 1IUK.
David I). .IiicoIh, A, KranelH llaleH,
and Martha Wilox, all of Iticlilaud, :ro
uon; Thoiuas Itlleli, of linker, ("repm.
(!. K. Dunn, ltclHtur.
Hrflt publication Sept. VJ, 1018.
I.ust publication Out. 10, lOIK.
Physician and Surgeon
Richland, :-: Oregon
Niprht 'phone, one long ring on
all lines.
Day 'phone call central ofTice.
tA, y,"rAub?cr,n
tyofy $t once and
toot miflB a copy