Eagle Valley news. (Richland, Or.) 191?-1919, September 26, 1918, Image 1

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    The more bonds you buy the fewer boys will dig
VOLUISip , NQ iq
$1.50 A YEAR
OUR QUOTA $40,000
On a basfu or n bk billion flpllnr
bouo for tho Fourth Uberty Loan
tho apportionment for Baker
county hnB boon' sot ut $700,000.
Talcing tho bank deposits of the
various diatricta as a basis, tho
quoins qf thu different districts
pavn iscfin set ija follows;
Haines -Pine
Valley -Eaule
- 10,000
While it is conceded that tho
quota for Eagle Valley is ruthor
large, wo have confidence that
the sum will be subscribed, and
the matter is moving nicely. At
last accounts about ?U,00U had
been written at tho ICaglo Valley
State Hank and the soliciting
committee reported close to 10,
000 hut evening.
Every person in this commun
ity should feel an individual re-
upnr.sibility and do his or her in
dividual part in winning the war
and there is not one who can
not heln win the war.
To do your i art at this time
you must tend every dollar you
can tiparo to our Government that
the supreme sacrifice made by
thousands of Americans and by
millions of our allies will not have
hnnii iiuirlii in vain. Htiv l.ihrt.v
littJ'd.s apcLinvi!JJL.ovrr.y cont-yu-fV,
can possibly spare and doit willr
It is no act of charity to buy
Liberty Honds. Buying Liberty
Honda is to save your wife, your
mother, your daughter, your
sister, from the last degradation
which women can suffer, as in
Helgium and France, and to save
your property and your natjon
from destruction.
Tho Federal Committee has re
quested that-we publish the list
of Fourth Liberty Mono buyers
and we will commence to do so
with next week's issue.
Is Getting Along Fine
Mrs. Geo. F. Thompson receiv
od the following lottor from her
son, Fred:
''Am getting along fine. Goto
shot in the arm yesterday; don t
have to work today as it makes
your arm soro for two days,
Thero aro lots m mon arriving
every day lQ.OPO aro coming this
week. We have to drill pretty
hard hut after you get usod to it
it don't seem so hard. We get
up at 5:15 and have six minutes
in which to dross, get our gun
and fall in lino. In another week
1 expect to be changed from the
Depot Brigade but don't know
where. Some of tho boys that
have been here three weeks aro
moving now. I saw Jim Macy
and Ralph Byrne tho other night.
Jim Harvill got sick arid had to
go to tho hospital. We can go to
a picture show ovory night if we
want to. This camp is between
two mountains, timber comes to
the edge of tho camD on both
sides; it is 1 1-2 miles -to Ameri
can Lake and many of tho boys
go over there and go swimming."
Fred P. Thompson
C8th Co., 15th Batt., 166th D. B.
Camp Lewis, Wash.
Ernest Evans has been 'called
to roport foi Hervico.
Peerless Bread Xrom tho Star
Bakery nt Payette,. Idaho, for
Halo at Frank Clurko'e. ad
Tfie Last
iiwwm n a was
wSW Wm . believe a
he is Ihe
eror who can
quarter of
onger fa
his adversary that he
is not beaten. I shall
continue the war to
the last quarter of
an hour, for the last
quarter of an hour
will be ours."
Premier Georges Clemeetceau pf France,
The last quarter of an hour shall be America's.
LIBERTY BONDS will make that last quarter of an hour spell
VICTORY for America.
LIBERTY BONDS will give America's guns the last word,
Your Last Dollar is as vital in this Fourth Loan as will be the
last shot in the last quarter of an hour.
Our boyt will not hesitate in that last quarter of an hour.
BUY! BUY! BUY! It is the last quarter hour NOW !
LIBERTY BONDS! For our Homes , our Country, and our God!
abyss anxnnr oomutms txbovok in
3PAkioio oo-onuutiov or
Sherman Dufur was taken to
Baker last week, charged with
making seditious and disloyal re
marks. He was given a hearing
and bound over to the Federal
Grand Jury, and being unable to
secure bonds, was taken to Port
land last Friday by Deputy U. S.
Marshal Mass.
It appears that at the time
Lieut. Roosevelt lost his life Du:
fur expressed the wish that the
huns would Ret the whole Roose
velt family and made other simi
lar remarks. The man had shown
np disloyajty previously, although
he had many times declared a"
great disliking for Roosevelt, and
it is believed by many that the
man's mind is unbalanced to a
certain extent. But that does not
condone his action no person
can express delight at the death
of any man in service against the.
huns and "get by."
The time has come when our
citizens will not tolerate any dis
loyal actions or remarks, and
there are a few other men in this
community that had better be a
little more careful else they toq
may occupy a cell.
Notice to Subscribers.
The government compels us to .
discontinue all'subsciiptions not
paid in advance, orders to that
effect being received Tuesday
evening: -We paust compjy, and
are mailing a statpme'nt to every
subscriber who is in arrears, and
unless the subscription is paid by
Oct. 15th the paper will stop.
As per our announcement sev
eral weeks ago, the News will be
$2 per year after Oct. 1st but all
advance subscriptions sent in be
fore Nov. 1st will be taken at
the old rate $1.50 per year.
Watch for your statement and
remit promptly so as not to miss,
an issue.
Is Feeling Fine.
Mrs. W. J. Deijsley has receiv?
ed a letter from Mel Thompson,
dated August 28th, in which hje
"1 am feeling fine, haven't
been sick a day since I have been
in the army. I and Harry are
still together, but I don't know
where Byron is. We have a hard
time to get tobacco here so J wish
you would send me a dozen cans
of Tuxedo if you will please."
Pvt. Melvin Thompson
Co. H, 158th Inf.,
American E, F. France
Go to School and Get Paid
Gill Wrifiht, Walter Jones and
Lloyd Coble have left for Cor
vallis where they will ehtef the
Students' Army Training Corps
of the Oregon Agricultural Col
lege. The boys will be inducted
into the army Oct 1st, will be
given unitorm and equipment,
board and lodging, and each will
draw $80 per month. On June
next they will be assigned to
active service in the field.
All members of Richland Red
Cross Auxilliary will meet at the
K. P. hall Tuesday, Oct. 1st, at
2 p. m, Fall work will begin.
J. M Chase, Chairman.
Miss Isabell Holcomb has or
dered the News Bent to her
brother, Theodore, a letter from
who appears in another column.
Eveready Daylo Flashlights,
$1.25 to $2.50, at Richland Drug
Stors. ad