Eagle Valley news. (Richland, Or.) 191?-1919, September 05, 1918, Image 4

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    Eagle Valley News
Straight, Truthful, Direct
C. E. Thorp
Entered as second class matter Dee. 12, 1912 at the post oilicq at
Richland Oregon, under act of March 3. 1879.
Mombor Oregon SUito
- $1.50 SIX MONTHS
Wounded Are Only Anxious to Gel
Back Where the Battle
Is Raging.
t (
Say When They Get Into Actual Fight-
Inn Contact With Foe There
Is No Fight Left
In Him.
! London. A naval attache who saw
about 50 American marines In hospital .
suffering from wounds or gassing In j
the recent German offensive found '
ornrv nno nf thorn full nf rhonr reimrd- !
n !
- - ' Ml, S. : I
lng the future
get well and be
line. Ami every one of them held u
poor opinion of Fritz as n fighting man.
They were unanimous, tho attache de
clared. In stating that the Germans
were long-dlstanco fighters only. As one
ot them said:
"They are not so bad when they are
50 yards away with a machine gun, but
at close quarters the German soldiers
are no good."
Marine after marine assorted that
when he and his comrades got Into ac
tual fighting contact with tho enemy
there was no fisht left In him. Then
the Germans would throw down their
guns, and, waving their hands over
their heads, cry out "Kameradl"
Feel Contempt for Huns.
"Our men," added the attache, "gave
me the Impression of looking with ut
ter contempt upon the German soldiers,
who can fight only when they feel that
they have the protection o artillery
and-gas, and surrender when It comes
to hand to hnnd fighting.
"Far from feeling the slightest dread
of the enemy, every man expressed
eagerness to get out of hospltnl and
return to the front. Every one of them
wanted n chance of getting even with
the Germans for hnvlng been gassed
or wounded.
"The men were Justly proud of the
record that the marines had made, and
their morale appeared to be of the
very highest quality. The cheerful
ness of all, Including some Infantry In
the wards, may be summarized by the
remark of one recovering from gas:
'Why,' ho said, 'there's nothing In It.
When all of us marines get going, wo
will wipe Fritz off tho map, and we
will eat our next Christmas dinner at
home at that'"
A British officer who has seen much
of the American marines nt their head
quarters In France, and seen them at
work against the Boche, writing on
what he describes as "an instructive
glimpse at the American war spirit
nnd American efficiency in the field,"
"On tho roads to the front there Is
perpetual movement Ilundreds of mo
tor lorries, each ono packed with
French soldiers, pass us in quick suc
cession on their way to another part
of tho line. Again and again we pass
bodies of American troops on the
march, then a group of women and
.children. Although the rond winds
over tha face of a well tilled country
wide, few birds are seen, except for nn
occasional pair of ting doves. Such Is
the Incongruity of war I
Aircraft Hum Continuous.
, 'JWe find the marines' headquarters
At an old farmhouse, abut In on every
249 by woodi, . litre the .hum of air-
Editorial Association
AUG. 29, 191S. Vol. G. No. 42.
How's This?
Wo offer Ono Hundred Hollars Howard
for any enso of Catarrh that cannot bo
curtd by Haifa Catarrh Medicine.
Hall's Catarrh Medicine tiaa been taken
' catarrh ufTerr for tho past thirty
.u years, and has become. Known ns tho
most reliable remedy for Catarrh. Hall's
Catarrh Medicine acta thru tho Wood on
t'.a Mucous surfaces, expelling tho Pol-
from the Blood and healing tho dls
tasd portions. .,.
ftcr yau navo laxen nana uianu
v.'di-ine for a short tlmo you will see a
...at Improvement In your general
i..id, Rfnrf tnklnc Hall's Catarrh Medl-
c(ne a once nnd Ket rt4, ot crttarrh. Send
'p. ch'Snry fS co.. .Toledo. Ohio.
Bold by all PrustrUts. 73c.
craft Is continuous, nntl links up th"6
Intermittent crash of artillery fire. A
Roche oliservntlon balloon hangs nbovo
the woods to eastward, nntl 'woolly
liear' shell lays n vivid black smudgo
against the limited skyline abend. In
the farmyard we seem to stand In a
little. i-nrlr1 nnnrr hilt iht nilrill4 nf
,., r ,.,nsi, nhont us.
"A marine officer who has had no
W.vm tl........ rvlnltlit ..... ..1 In .lllutt-
!"cv' "V" """"" ""'"". ..V."
but cheerful, from the trenches. Tho
t there, he says. There has been
some stiff flshtlng In the woods, but
the Boche will have to .shift soon : that
Is the opinion of this old campaigner,
who has fought by sea nnd land nil
over the globe. We leave the farm
under the guidance of a young lieu
tenant, a 'broth of a boy,' with tho
foco of n Greek god.
"A rough cart track runs behind n
belt of woods, and in this vicinity tins
American artillery Is stationed. Wo
approach one of the batteries, well hid
den even at close quarters. A tele
phone fixed to n tree trunk rings sharp
ly, and the captain, topless and with
nut tunic, a megaphone In one hand,
answers the cull.
" 'Very good, sir I' lie swings 'round
to the guns.
"'On barrage! Fire!'
'Through the megaphone ids order
penetrates to every corner of the wood,
and the gunners leap to their work In
a moment. Cra&h! Crash-Crash I
Crash ! The guns fling out their deaf
ening message of death almost simul
taneously, and In the "momentary si
lence between the rounds the whiz, of
the shells can be heard ns they lly on
their way to the wood where the Boche
still lingers.
"It is real team work, this gunnery,
nothing else describes It the work of
a team, perfectly trained, In which
keenness and efficiency produce a re
sult beyond praise. For a time salvo
follows salvo. Then comes the order
'Cease fire J and silence descends upon
tho battery."
A stundard cord is 128 cubic feet of
I have installed a new plant
and am prepared to vulcanize
anything that it is possible to re
pair in that manner (even hot
water bottles and rubber boots)
a specialty. All work guaran
teed satisfactory.
Plant at Richland Auto Co. adv
, - -
Oregon boys and girls are again
being called upon by the Govern
ment to enlist in patriotic service.
They are asked to. collect plum,
prune, peach and cherry pits and
all kinds of nut shells for use in
makincr carbon for gas masks.
Let us try to send out at least o I
car load from iuagie vauey.
notice or ArrLiOATioN ron
TluiflEM QunrU Lode. Claim
Amended Mineral Survuy No,, 127
Serial No. 010277
United States Land Office,
U 0 ramie, Oregon.
NOTICE i hereby given that tho
Oom Consolidated Uuld Mining Com
pany, a corporation, of Oregou, with Its
jxist office address at tho City of Baker,
Baker County. Oregon, has made appli
cation In tho t'nited States Government
for United States Patent to the Oom
lode claim, situated In no organised
mining district, in linker County, Btato
of Oregon, in Sections 17 nnd 20, Town
ship 8 South, Kongo It East of Wll
Inmetto Meridian, ns shown by tho of
fioln! plat posted, and designated by
said pint ami by tho official field notes
on file with the United Stntes Surveyor
Oencral for Oregon, as Amended Miner
al Survey No. 127;
Said Oom ipmiU.lode clntm being de
scribed by courses and distances as
follows, to-wit:
Hegiuning at. corner No. 1; whence
tho quarter Section corner between Sec
tions 17 and 20, In Township 8 South,
Range U East of Willamette Meridian,
in Haker Count)', Oregon, bears South
31 08' East -100.8 foot;
Thence South 7 W West M0S.3 foot
to Corner No. 2;
Thenco North 82' 23' West 500.7 fcot
to corner No. 3;
Thence North 7' 12' East 1-I9S.2 foot
to coraer No. -I;
Thonco South 82 23' East flOS.I foot
to corner No. 1, the place- of beginning.
Embracing a total area of 20.004
Adjoining claims, ns shown by tho
official plat of the survey are:
The Northwest Gem, nnd Oem Ex
tension North, both unsurveyod, on tho
The West Oem, unsurveyod, on the
The Oem Extension South, and the
East Gem Extension South, both un
surveyod, on tho South;
The East Oem, and the Northeast
Uem, Uotli unsurveyod, on the East,
Thure' nr no conflicting claims.
All persons holding adverse claims
to any portion of the lands embraced in
this application are hereby notified to
file notice thereof in the United States
Land Off ire nt La Grande, Oregon, dur
ing flic 'publication of this notice nf np
plication for patent.
C. S. DUNN, Register.
first publication, August 22, 1018.
Last-publication, October 21, 101S.
Department of the Interior.
United States hind Office,
August 7, WIN.
t'ui Commissi tier nf tl.e O'-ocral IjhhI
Officii, bv bis L.-t;- - f .fmi'i iMtli, I0IH
bus allowed tin- ; ;'i - uiion of .John I..
Mncv, 1 Sparta. 'ir. k . for n b.ailinr
odetcrtnin the mim-rul nr nimmiticra!
. liaractT of tho NW I- ISW I-1, I? 1-2
.W I-1, NE1-I, and NV I I hl5 1-1,
-ec.WJ,Tp. 8S., H. II IC W. M.
The records of UHh officii show that
-did land was adjudged mineral in char
i.t tt-r by Commissioner's Letter "N" of
: ibruary 17th. 1MJI, as n reult of a
bearing held utxui the application of the
Slate of Orciion. and t lint tl Slate has
-inco exercin-d its ribt by selectinir
'titer land in lieu thereof.
In nppli.wtion fur beating It is alleged
by the paid John E. Many, and two wit
m si-ei. that tho lands above described
are nonmineral in character.
Ar.v and all perrons, lherforo, who
claim any right, title, or interest In said
binds or any iinrt thereof, or who may
tie claiming the same for mineral jmr
noses, by location, occupation or other
wise, or who may desire to object bo
rausu of the mineral character of Uie
hind or fdr any other reason to tho dis
posal to applicant, are here' y notified
to appear, respond and offer evidence,
touching the character of the land above
described, at 10 o'clock, A. M., on Octo
ber Dili, 1018, before W. L. Patterson, a
Notary Public, at his officii, at Ilaker,
Oregon, and the ilnM hearing will bo
held at 10 o'clock, A. M.. on November
6th, 1918, before the Register and. Re
ceiver, at tho United States Lane) Office,
in LaGrando. Oregon
O, S. Dunn, HegiHter.
Nolan Skiff, Receiver.
Hate of First Publication Aug. 15, 1018
Date of second publication Aug. 22, 10 8
Date of third publication Aug 20, UJ 8
Date of fourth publication Sept. 5, 1U1N
Notary Public
All kinds of legal blanks on hand
Your patronage solicited
U. S.
Everything and anything the kiddies
will need when school opens
Pens Ink Pencils Erasers
1 Pencil and Ink Tablets
Children's Clothing j
Suits, Dresses, Hats, Caps, Shoes, ?
Hosiery, Underwear, Rubbers,
in fact everything to make the child
neat and comfortable I
It's the!
tobacco taste t'v.at maker: 1
Gravely Cliewiag Plug cx':
you no more to chew tliaa
ordinary plug,,
P. D.
There has never boon anything in
Richland with thu INSTANT action of
simple, buckthorn baric, glycerine, etc.,
oh mixed in Adler l-kf.. ONE SPOON'
Kl'L limbos tho ENTIRE bowel tract
so completely it relieves ANY CASE
four stomach, gas or constipation and
present 6 Appendicitis. Iho iCtM AM,
pleasant action oi Aincr-i-xa surprises
both doctors and patients. Richland
Drug Store. adv 1
Not Coal I and.
Department of the Interior.
IJ. R. Land Office at LaUrande, Ore
gon, August 15, 1018.
Notice is hereby given that Nicholas
Spyropoulos, of Home, Orouon, who. on
October '2, 1011, made Homestead Entry
N0.01U782, for NE4' 8W, W$ HE,
Bee. '20, NWJ NK', Section i!0, and on
Mnv 15, 1010, made A II. K No. 011805
forSNE, Sec. 120, and W NW,
Section 111, Township 11 South, Range
15 East, Willamette Meridian, has filed
notice of intention to mnko three year
Proof, to cstv.lilinli claim to tho land
above described, before A. H. Combs, jr.,
Clerk of County pourt, at Ilaker, Ore
gon, on tho 0th day of October, 1018.
Claimant names ns witnesses:
SIcorgoHpyrojouloB, of Homo, Oregon,
lilt Spyropoulos, of Home, Oregon.
Chris Coleman, of Home, Oregon, ami
Win. Kirby, of Durkee, Orogon.
O. H. Dunn, Roglilor.
i'lrst publication. Aug. 22, 1018.
tost -publication "Sepr. 10, 1018.
Peyton Brand
,eal Gravely
Chewing Plug
10c a pouch and worth it
Gravoly Tobaxco Company
Danville, Virginia
linker, Oregon, June 11th, 1018.
To the heirs of .lolui P. Carey, decenser),
and all others Interested herein :
You nnd each of you am hereby noti
fied and will take nntico that I, the nub
scriber, liavn exiiended during the irurA
1011, 1011', llllll. Kill, 1015 no.l 11)111,
one liiindred dollars for each of miiIi!
vears In labor and Improvements itiou
each of the following tmrU mining
claims, Mluatcd in Jtntcr County, Statu
of ( regon, to-wit I ion lliu "SWEEP
STAKE" and upon thu tlallabur No. 1
iiiinrlz mining claims, as said claims aru
described in the recorded certified It of
location thereof, on Die and of record In
the olllni of the County Oik of suid
Comity and State In Hook "K" of iuartz
locations at pages -1VO and -171 . Such
expenditure was made for the purfiOMii
of holding the possessory rlu'ht and tltlo
to said mining claims under the pro-is-Ions
of Section 'Jll'.'l of the Ruvittod Stat
utes of the United States and theamend
incuts thereto, sid sums Doing necess
ary to hold until mining claims for said
If you fall or reftiiei to conltlbulu your
projKirtlon of such expenditure within
ninety days after lint publication of this
notice, as a co-owner In said claims,
your proportion being one sixth of said
sums expended by me, your Intercut in
said claims will become the property Of
thu subscriber under suld Section 1 1M.
Patrick Galhifdier.
Date of first publication JunolM), 1018.
Date of last publication Sept. 10, 1018.
Why not send
the News to a
soldier friend?