Eagle Valley news. (Richland, Or.) 191?-1919, August 29, 1918, Image 8

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    Church Services at New Bridge
Sunday Bchool at, 10 a. m.
Proachlnn at 11 a. m.,
Kpworth League at 7:30 p. m.
Preachliur at 8:30 p. m.
Prayer mootlntr every Thuro-
day ovonir'tf at 8:30.
J. M JohrtMon, MIhIhUm1; ,
E. & W, Chandler
Different Store
I 1
Seasonable Dress Goods
in all, fabrics
Women's Wash Dresses and Aprons
in Percales and Cheviots and all desirabld colors
i 1 1
Our Fall Line of Millinery
Watch for opening announcement
patterns and fabrics. Call and examine our line.
We sell the
Original Chippewa Work Shoe
All others are followers
5 Jusf received a line
Military Hats, manufactured by Gor-
don & Furguson.
Is sugar necessary in the diet?
Neither cane nor beet sugar is necessary. In the
average American diet allthesugar needed may ordi
r narily be supplied by using honey, sirujjs,' fresh, pre
served and dried fruits.
What are the general sugar saving rules?
Use all sugar sparingly and wherever possible uso
other sweeteners. Be sparing of confections and
sweet cakes. The American people Jaat year spent
enough money for candy to feed all' Belgium for two
years,. Supplement sugar with honey ana sirups.
Cultivate a taste for fruit in its natural sweetness.
Sugar is a fuel food. Get fuel from potatoes and
other starchy foods rather than from sugar. Sugar
excels them as an energy-food only because it pro
duces energy more quickly. The;& excel sugaf since
they supply more than merely the fuel need.
How may the sugar ration be expressed in quantities
known to everyone?
Two pounds per month means about 8 ounces per
week, or a little more than 1 ounce a day. This daily
ration is a trifle more than 2 tablespoons level full.
It should be remembered that this is to include all
sugar used for any purpose whatsoever for table
use, cooking, in ice cream and desserts, on cereals or
fruit, in sugar sirups used on griddle cakes, etd.
At the Old Bill Wright Corral in Richland
Monday, September 9th
. - ! .1- Ml . ill III. I I Hill.
97 Wsrl of Jersey 2ra(Ie cattle, including 14 first class
& I. ilcdU. milch cows 1 fine 2-yr-old heifer, 4 year
ling heifersandSextrago
Nothing Reserved, all must be sold Safe starts at 1:30
. TERMS AH sums' of $25 and tinder cash. On sums Over $25 onr
years time will be allowed purchasers giving bankable note.
(feme prepared to buy pre(J Sdby, 0 Wnei
of Boys' and MeiVs
They are right f
. Here Is n detachment of the American troops 'that did such brilliant
fighting on the west front, converting tho Hun' offensive Into n Htm disaster
nnd retreat. They are resting by the roadside, smoking, Joking and lljjht
hearted, nnd ready to Jump Into tho tight again.
Conquered Peoples Shamefully
Treated for Advantage of the
German State.'
Prussian Officers Callously Tell How
Starvation and Abuse Are Made
to Serve Their Purpose Cap
tive Women Made Slaves.
This I have seen. I could not
believe It unless I had seen It
thrpuQh and through. For sev
eral weeks I lived with It; I
went all about It, and back of
it; Inside and .out of It was
shown to me until finally I
came to realize that tho Incredl
bio was true. It Is monstrous,
It Is unthinkable, but it exists.
It Is the Prussian system F. 4-
C. Walcott
W rl H I T . I I I I I I I 'S I S J i 1 r
No moro-graphic description of tho
ravages of tho German soldiery upon
tho . civilian population , of Invaded
counties has been given than Is con
tained In the brief and slmplo stuto
mcnts of P. 0. WfilcotC 'rigjv connected
with, the United Stated fond , adminis
tration, vho was assistant to Air.
Hoover whllo America was feeding
Belgium Poland nnd northern France.
Ii qno of theso statements Mr. Wal
cott says 2
. Even now I find It hard to describe
In comprehensible terms tho mind of
official Germany, which dominates and
shapes all German thought and action.
7os It Is as hard, as clear-cut, as real
as any material thing. I saw It in
Poland, I saw tho samo thing in Bel
Klum, I heard pf it in Serbia and Hou
reanln. For weeks it was always be
fore me, always tho same. Officers
talked freely, frankly, directly. JM
the-stn(f officers have tjio samo vlow.
Let mo iry io tell It, as General Von
ICrles fold me, in Poland, In tho midst
of a dying nation. Germany Is des
tined to rulo the world, or at least a
great part of lt Tho German peoplo
are so much human material for build
ing tho German state, other people do
not count;-. All is for tho glory and
might of the German state. The lives
of human belngsnro to bo conserved
only If It makes for1 tho states' ad
vancemcnt, their lives nro to bo sacri
ficed if It Id to tho state's advantage.
Tho stato is all, tho people nro noth
ing, Conquered, peoplo signify llttld In
tho German account. Life, liberty,
happiness, human sentiment, family
ties, grucd and generous Impulso, theso
havo no placo bosldo tho ono concern,
tho greatness of tho German Btate.
Starvation must exclto no pity J sym
pathy must not be allowed, if it ham
pers tho, main flosigu bt promoting
Germany's ends.
"Starvation Is here-' said General
von Krics. "Caridldly, wo would Ilko
to soo It relieved; wd fear our soldiers
may be' unfavorably affected by tho
things that they seo. Out slnco It Is
bfiro,. starvation must servo our pur;
pose, Hg w not U.to work for Gor-
many, By starvation wo can accom
plish In two or thrco years In East
Polnnd moro than wo have In West
Poland, which Is East Prussia, In tho
last hundred years. With that In
view, wo propose to turn this force to
our advantage;'
"This country Is meant for Ger
many," continued tho. keeper of starv
ing Poland. "It Is a rich alluvial
country which Gcrinnny has needed
fpr soiuo generations. Wo proposo to
remove tho able-bodied working Poles
from this country. It lenves It open
for tho Inllow of Germnn working peo
plo as fast as wo can sparo them.
They will occupy It nnd work it."
Then with n cunning mnilo, "Can't
you sco how It works out? Ily and by
wo shall give hack freedom to Poland.
When that happens Polnnd will appear
automatically ns n German province."
In Belgium, General von Biasing
told mo exactly tho samo thing. "If
tho relief of Belgium breaks down wo
can forco tho Industrial population In
to Germany through starvation nnd
colonise other Belgians In Mesopo
tamia whero wo havo planned largo
Irrigation works Gcrtnnns will then
overran Belgium. Then when tho war
Is over and freedom Id given back to
Belgium, it will bo a German Belgium
that Is restored. Belgium will bo n
German prorinco nnd wo hnvo Ant
werp which Is what wo nro after."
That Is not nil. Removing Urn men,
that tho land may bo vacant for .Qcr,
mnn occupation, that Germnn dtock"
may replace Belgians, Poles, Scrblnnu,
Armenians, and now Iloumanlnns, Gor
,many docs more. Wortfon loft captive:
aro enslaved. Germany, makes, all
manner of lust its instrumentality. ,
- Tho other dny a friend Of. initio' told
mo of a man Just returned from north
ern France. "I cannot tell you tho de
) tails," ho said, "man to man, I don't
want to repeat what I heard." Somo
lot tho things ho did tell shocking
i mutilation and moral murder. lie told
of women, by tho score, In bctfnplod
territory of northern France, prisoned
In underground dungeons, tethered for
tho uso of their bodies by officers and
men.'. ,
If this Is no a plcco of tho Prussian
system, It Is tho logical product of dis
regard of tho rights of others.
Germany has limited tho amount
that prisoners may spend to $16 u week
for officers find $12.50 for privates.
i Ask Anyone Who Has Used It.
' There aro families who always aim to
.keep a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic and
Diarrhoea Remedy In tho house for uso
hi case it is needed, and find that it is
.not only a pood Investment hut eaves
them no end of suffering. As to its re
liability, ask anyone Who has used It.
Through the adv in cur "What
You Want" column Mrs. C. M.
Dimmick has recovered her lost
Odor Jonteel $1.00 per bottle
at Richlffild Drug Store. ad
.V 8ugar meuns Hhlps- A
k Ships menu Soldiers-
k Soldiers menu Vlct6ry.
V , i? t
What You W;mt
For Sale or Trade, For Rent
Wanted lo Buy, fctc.
Ccmb Honey fu !1 U canto for
salo ntVrT. Bcnmslioir'n. -jlJJp
Homo Cured Hacon nnd ahoul
dora for aalo at lanth.ia Oliaud
ler's ranch, Klchland. al2t
Htiy your Can ly at' Uichltuid
DrtiK Store. ltd
Another shipment of Undo'
John's ninp"!c and cine syrup at
' For Sale- Fdur pftra, wt. about
,60 lbs each;, ono nice brood eow
with 7 pik'S'.' also ono large brood
.sow with 8 pigs. Will sell roaa-,
onuhlo. ItGuyer, Richland, Pro
BKEAD Imltcd at linker's
Uakery Ih, MHaker City, Haker
county, Oregon, eceiod frealf
overy day at Frank- Clarke's and
sold two loaves for25e. ad
For Sale: Fresh extracted honey,
in bulk at 15c per pound. Place
.orders now. 11. Guycr, Richland
Boys, the Military Hals you
have been looking for havo ar
rived; come in and get yours whi'e
wo have your size. t
jid B. & W. Chandler.
Notice. AH' persona knowing,
themselves indebted to mo are
hereb) notified that all accounts
must be settled within 30 tl'iytf.
from ti ls date. J. F. Horror tho
Eagle Valley State Bank has full
authority, lo collect all sums duo
mo und to settle all claims against
me. - 13L1HU SPGAK5.--ad
Lost, between Geo. Evans placo
and New liriugc, a pair of glasses.
Finder will please leave them qt
News ollice.
or graii ,f;irm in' Englo Valley.
Call oh or address News eJitor.
in Tin; ciuoiur oohjit of the.
FRANK i. sni'PK.s.'lMa'intlff;
JUMA A. IM1KI'n'p, Hefondniit! ..
To Julia A. SimpxiiiH, tho above de
fendant: In the uaino of thoStutu of Oreuon you
aro herein notlll"tl and reiiilred to ap
pear and answer cmiplaiut of tho
plaintiff 11 led inmliiHt you In tho above'
outitltvl court ami eaiieu on orbefuru tho
l.'ltl. dnv of Heptembir, 11118, nnl If you
fail to to appear and antwer, philiitllf
inill take default airulntt urn and will
thereafter apply to tho court for tho re
lief prayed for In tho complaint turrit.'
for a decree forever involving t ho bowls
of matrimony now exlslln butueeir
plaintiff nnd defendant and for a decrcu
of divorce absolute from th6 defendant.
This HiinimonH In tiubllMlieil for six
weekH and seven plihiicittions thereof iu
tho Eattio Valley Neu's, published at
Kichlund. linker County, Oregon, by
outer of tho Hon. Gimtaf Andemou, Cir
cuit Judg of tho Htateof Oretmn fof
Iho County of linker, (Aid order having
been made on thol'Oth dav of July, 10! H.
Attorney for rialntlff
First Pub. Aug. 1, 111 H.
I.nnt l'uli. t-ept. 12, 11118.
Not Coul Land,
Department 61 tho Interior.
U.8. Land Office at LaUrando, Ore
iron, AiiRiiUin, HI 8.
Notice In I nreby nWen that John S.
Morgan, of Klchland, Oregon, Who, on
November i'3, 1011. himie Homestead
Entry, No 014012 for N 1-2 NE 1-1, See.
11, nnd N 1-2 NW 1-4, Seoi 12. Township
t) h'outh, ltatlito -Hi East, Willamette
Meridian, bus filed liotled of Intention
to make thrco year J'roof, to establiell
claim to tho land nbovo described, hoforo
A. li. Combs, jr., at linker, O tenon, olf
tho 11th day of October, 1018.
Claimant namet ns witnesses: John
W. Ilovco of Haker, Oregon ; William
Uiirdv, of l)akir, Oregon; Otto Schiller,
of Klchland, Oregon; Edward V. Eastn
rbrodit.'of Keating, Oregon. ,
0 B.Dunn', UohUI