WORLD HAPPENINGS OF CURRENT WEEK Brief Resume Most Important Daily News Items. COMPILED FOR YOU ETcnts of Noted People, Governments and Pacific Northwest and Other Things Worth Knowing. More than 100 porsons aro reported to have been killed at Tyler, Minn., by the tornado which swept over south eastern Minnesota counties Wednes day. . Alpine county, the smallest in Cali fornia, will bo governed exclusively by women officials, with tho single ex ception of sheriff, after January 1, ac cording to tho present outlook. . Official confirmation was nvailablo in Madrid Thursday of reports current recently that Spain "will tako over German ships in retaliation for the sinking of Spanish craft by U-boats. While the Food administration nsks the country to curtail the consumption of hoef. tho cattle men of tho Porter- viile. Cal., district are having difficulty in disposing of their late fall grass steers. I In recognition of tho assistance ren- dered the wounded in France by tho workers of the Salvation Army on duty there, tho United States Steel Corporation has sent $100,000 to the army's war work committee. The need of conserving peach seeds or pits,' apricot pits, plum pits, prune pits, hickory nuts, walnuts and butter nuts for use In making carbon for gas masks Is urged In a statement by the gas division of tho United States army. Simple funeral services for United States Senator Jacob H. Galllnger, for more than 25 years New Hampshire member of tho upper house of con gress, were held In the First Baptist church at Concord, N. H., Wednesday i afternoon. Belated Reuter dispatches say thatj the outstanding feature of tho all Russian congress was tho denuncla tton by War Minister Trotzky. of the action of the allies in landing' on the Murman coast He threatened mere! less measures of defense. Restriction and curtailment of va riety of styles, colors, shapes, weights and trimmings of fur and felt hats for men and women for the spring of 1919 was announced by the War In dustries board Thursday, following a conference with manufacturers. Seven enemy aliens, inmates of a prison camp at Fort Douglas, Utah, were shot by a guard Wednesday morning after they had refused to obey an order to disperse and bad at tacked the guard . with stones and other missiles. One of the prisoners was wounded severely. Henry Ford, through his private sec retary, announces that ho will return to the United States government all the profits he personally makes on war contract work. He added that he expected a number of other stockhold ers of the Ford Motor company would follow bis example. Following charges that he failed to notify the vessel's commander prompt ly of a radio message warning all shipping to beware of a lurking Ger man raider in tho Pacific, tho license of Joseph Spatafore, wireless operator on the American steamer Royal Ar row, is revoked by B. H. Llngden, government radio inspector. All former employes of the Western Union Telegraph company who were discharged because of their affilia tions with the Commercial Telegraph ers' Union of America during the re cent difficulties between the company and the union before the company was taken over by the government will have the privilege of reinstatement, it is announced by the company. Three meatless days per week have been ordered by the municipal author ities at yienna, according to an offi cial dispatch from Switzerland. Five thousand persons are homeless and 250,000 are without proper food as a result of a flood in the Tung Ki ang river, Tho American Red Cross is providing temporary relief. Confronted by Sheriff Howard Traf ton with evidence tending to show that she was a member of tho Industrial Workers of uio World, Miss Minnie Adams, a teacher in tho Eureka, Cal., school, resigns her position. Burglars early Monday cracked the safe of tho West Sldo State bank at Great Falls, Mont, and got $2479 in cash and $400 In liberty bonds. En trance was mado through a window. The burglars havo not been arrested. Thirty thousand nrrests havo been mado by tho Bolshevik! within tho last two weeks of tho reign of terror In progress In Potrograd, according to offlclul advices from Stockholm. Those arrested were army officers and citi zens of tlio middle class, WlLOfl:AE,.HIGHER Lcwiston Dairymen Will Increase Price to Customers Beginning Sept. 1. ' V I Cream Advances. Lowiston, Idaho. Announcement wns mado hero recontly by proprietors of drug stores and refreshment par lors of nn increased price schedulo on soft drinks, ico cream nud nil mixed confections, to bo In effect on and after Monday. Tho advnuco Is attrib uted to tho lncrenso in tho price of syrup, sugar substitutes, Icq cream cones and wages. Tho wholesale and retail price of milk and cream is to bo advanced September 1, dairymen saying that tho lncrenso must bo mado or else they must dlscontinuo business, becauso of the constantly Increasing cost of hay and grain and tho advance tn wages. Under tho new schedulo milk will sell at H cent a quart, tablo cream at 14 & cents a half pint and whipping cream at 25 cents a halt pint. Army Butter Demand Big. Washington, D. C Tho. American army is using 1,250,000 pounds -of but ter and 700,000 pounds of oleomargar ine every month. A War department statement Friday shows that soldiers stationed in this country havo about five times moro butter than oleomnr gnrine, whllo In Franco tho quantities of butter dnd oleomargarlno aro about equal, owing to tho greater difficulty in obtaining high-grade butter. Rain Benefits Odessa Crops. Odessa. Wash. A ouarter of nn inch of rain fell hero Saturday. At little winter wheat was sown several weeks ago and this rain will bo of great value to tho grain. Moro winter wheat will be seeded now and if moro rain falls soon a large acreage of win ter grain will be seeded. Odessa needs seed wheat, as ilttlo can bo secured here. Governor Asked to Quit. Burlington, Vt. Governor Horace Graham Saturday was nsked to resign his office, in resolutions adopted by the republican state commlttco at a special executive session. This week discrepancies amounting to $20,000 were said to have been found In the accounts of tho governor when he was state auditor. MnDTUUPCT U A DUCT DFDADT I nunuinui mmuu.1 mruni Portland. Wheat Government ba sis, $2.20 per bushel.. Flour Straights, $10.95 011.15 per barrel; whole wheat, $10.30; graham, $9.90010.35; barley flour, $11.30012; rye flour, $12.50; cornmeal, $11,700 12.50; corn flour, $12.80; oat flour, $12012.25. Mlllfeed Mill run, f.o.b. mill: Car lots, $29.65; mixed cars, $30.15; less than carlots, $30.65; rolled barley, $65; rolled oats, $69. Corn Whole, $75; cracked, $76 per ton. Hay Buying prices, f.o.b. Portland' Eastern Oregon timothy, $31 per ton: valley timothy, $30; alfalfa, $28; val ley grain hay, $26028; clover, $28, straw, $9010. Butter Cubes, extras, 50Mc; prints, extras, box lots, 53c; cartons, box lots, 54c; half boxes, ',.c moro; less than half boxes, lc moro; butterfat. No. 1, 56c per pound delivered Portland. Eggs Ranch, candled, rots and cracks out, 49c; selects, 52c per dozen. Poultry Hens, 2Cc; springs, 26c; ducks, 32c; geese and turkeys, nom inal. Veal Fancy, 19,20c per pound. Pork Fancy, 25 026c per pound. Fruits Cantaloupes, $1.25 03.25 per crate; watermelons, 2021c per pound; peaches, $101.50; apples, $1.50 03.25 per box; plums, $1.25; pears, $102; casabas, 3 '4 c per pound; grapes, $1.5002.25 per crate. Vegetables Tomatoes, 80090c per crate; cabbage, 44c per pound; lettuce, $2.50 per crate; cucumbers, 50 075c per box; peppers, 10c per pound; beans, 8c per pound; celery, $1.25 per dozen; eggplant, 10c per pound; corn, $2.50 per crate. Potatoes Oregons, $3.2503.50 per hundred; Callfornlas, $3.7504 per hundred. Onions Wnlla Walla, $2.75 sack. Hops Nominal. Wool Eastern Oregon, 50061c; valley, 54 0 61c per pound. Mohair Oregon, 58060c per pound, Cascara Bark New and old, 11c per pound. Grain Bags Carlots, 26,c. Aug. 21, 1918. Cattle Prlmo steers $12.50013.50 Good to choice steers 11.00012.00 Medium to good steers.... 9.75011.00 Fair to medium steers 8.75 0 9.75 Common to fair steers...... G.250' 8,25 Choice cows and heifers.. 8.250 9.25 Med to good cows and hf., 0.25 0 7.75 Bulls C.000 7.00 Calves 9.00012.00 Hogs Prlmo mixed $19.50020.00 Medium mixed 19.00019.50 Rough heavlos 17.CO018.6O PI its 10.75 018.00 Bulk 19.50019.85; Sheen Lambs . 14.00015.00 , Fair to medium Iambs.. Il.ou0ia.uu Yearlings 16,00011.75 Wethers 0,00010.60 Evvos , 7,000 9,00 RIOTING SRREADS IN JAPAN Houses Reported lluriml by .Mobs at Sendal and In Tsumlyc. v Toklo. Rioting is reported to bo spreading tn northern Japan. Tho government announces that tho rts orders nfo subsiding olsowhoro. - MobB haYo burned sevornl houses nt Sondnt. Tho rlco exchange announces that SO houses wcro burned In tho Tsumlyo prefecture on Thursday. Washington, D. C- Profiteering on a great scale la tho cause or uio un rest and rioting In Japan, according to an explanation In oiticiai qunrtorB hero. Not only wholesalers and mlddlomon dealing tn food products, and espe cially u riqo, but ovon 11,0 Jipanoso farmers who grow tho grain, havo boon holding back their stores and demanding greatly Inflated prices. Now' that the Japanese government nns seized theso stores of rlco propnrn tory to distributing thorn to tho poo plo at ronsonablo prices, it Is bollovod hero tho popular, discontent will bo allayed. There has also been difficulty In tho matter of transportation, Japan shar ing with tho allies In tho need for sur flclent ocean bottoms Consequently tho procurement of rlco from tho usunl sources In British India and Slam has been obstructed. CZECHOSLOVAKS TAKE SHADRINSK Amsterdam. Sbadrlnsk, un Import ant railway Junction botwoon Yoktt' terlnburg and Kurgan, to tho oast of tho Ural mountains, has .alien into tho hands of tho Czecho slovaks, ac cording to a dispatch from Potrograd to tho Rhelnlscho Wcstfaelischo Zol tung, of Esson. Tho local soviet officials woro slain by tho populace after tho enpturo of the town. London. Hundreds of porsons woro killed and wounded In an encounter between Lettish guards and rioters during food disorders in Potrograd, according to nn American dispatch to tho Exchango Telegraph company. Tho dispatch quotes Pctrogrnd ad vices by way of Berlin, saying that after tho city had been without food for two days a procession of workmon marched through the streets, shouting "Down with tho Germans; down with tho Kremlin." Tho fight between tho Holers and the Lettish guards took placo boforo the Smolny Institute. Martial law was proclaimed In Pctrogrnd tho samo evening. '50,000 2 APMYo v "w Tho drive for tho National War Serv ice Fund of the Salvation Army in Oregon, opening September 15th, Is already taking splendid form and en couraging responses aro coming from many sources, which indicato that tho twenty-flvo thousand dollars which Is asked from Oregon, outside of Port land, will ho forthcoming. Already tho following counties havo responded fav orably and are going to tako hold of tho work through tho Councils of De fense nnd kindred organizations which are appointed by these councils. Tho counties responding favorably are, Baker, Clackamas, Clatsop, Linn, Lane, Malheur, Marlon, Morrow, Umatilla, Union, Wallowa, Wasco and Washing ton. There Is no doubt that Just as Boon as tho field representatives of the Sal vation Army In eastern, central and western Oregon aro ablo to sco tho chairmen of tho Councils of Defense In reference to the drive, tho coun ties that do not appear In tho nbovo list will also favorably tako up tho proposition and put tho drlvo "over tho top" for this worthy organization, the Salvation Army, Fifty Thousand Needed to Help Care for Wounded Washington, D. C Fifty thousand women will bo needed by July 1 noxt year to assist in. tho'caro of tho sick and wounded of tho American army, Surgeon-aenoral Gorgas said Saturday in announcing that young wives with husbands fighting in Franco would bo accepted as hospital assistants. Tho vast majority of tho 50,000 wo men must bo trained nurses and avail able for scrvlco overseas. To supplement tho Bupply of gradu ate nurses tho army medical depart ment has established tho army school of nursing, at which physically fit young women between 21 nnd 35 yoarB will bo trained und sent abroad as tho need arises. Fully 16,000 women can bo used as hoipltul assistants 'or studont nursos In tho United States," HOW FARM FOLKS HELP IN THE WAR Little StorlqfT From Real Ufo Illustrating How Thoy Back Up Unole Sam. LIBERTY BONDS TEACH THRIFT Encourage Saving Habit In Thoio Who Never Saved Before Qrest Crisis Demands tho Beit From All of Us. By HERBERT MYRICK. President of the National Krm Tower Group of Agricultural rapers. Did you rend thnt Item tn tho nows pnpers the othor day, of n one-tlmo distinguished nnd prosperous citizen of Chicago who died suddenly In tho hospital, unknown, alone,' unloved? ITo wns nn old man, n victim of ad versity, forgotten by tho acquaintances of his prosperity. Tho authorities wcro about to consign the body to tho pot ters flold when thoy found In his pock et a Liberty bond for $50 nnd a cer tificate of n fraternal lodgo to which ho had onco belonged. That society was notified nnd gnvo him n Chrlstlnn burlnL the undertaker nnd cemetery accepting the bond In payment for coffin and lot. Jamie, We Salutp You I A good man and true Is Jnmlo Bliss, ago flvo yenra, who lives with mnmmn and papa on n fnrm near Enu Claire, Wis. Jnmlo had heard all the discus sion about Liberty bonds and Thrift stamps, nnd. not yet being established In business for himself, was puzzled a Ilttlo to know how such a ltttlo boy could havo a part In this great un dertaking. At tho samo ttmo ho learn ed how oorely Air fighting men need wool nnd tho grcnt Idea came to him. Without consulting anyone, Joinlo started about tho farm harvesting from hedges and wlro fences tho Ilttlo wisps of wool left thcro as his father's sheep pastured. As a result of his expodltlon Jam to camo Into tho house with his pockets and Insldo of his waist bulging with wool. Mamma Bliss was somcwhnt astonished when ho oxplnlncd thnt bo was gathering wool to sell so ho could buy Thrift stamps, but being a wlsa mother, sho saw tho point qilckly. Slnco then Honorable Jamie, wool gatherer to Uncle Sam, makes dally ex. curslons Into tho sheep pasture. Al ready his wool has purchased two $5 War Savings stamps and a good start toward another one. This, folks, Is something which was not taught ont of a book, but It Is a samplo of tho patriotic cltitcnshlp now growing up, ready to stand at tho helm a few decades hence. Becoming Bondholder. Among roy friends for years Is n hard-working farmer with wlfo nnd several children. Ho never scorned to quite "got there." Though ho work ed hard, ho Just lacked tho knnck of getting a bit ahead. During tho pnst year ho seemed to havo prosporcd. When I saw him last week he Bald: "It's this way: I BubscrHH5 $50 for a Liberty bond last year, and simply had to pay for It 1 did so by paying In every dollar I could spnrc, Instead of spending money for things we could just ns well do without. It Is curious how ono accumu lates If they go at It that way. "I see now that ono reason why I never saved any money wns becauso I didn't havo anything llko this to tako my cash a Ilttlo at a time. I used to think that I would begin saving when I bad my bills paid and $25 to the 5ood, but I have discovered at this lato ate that the way to do It Is to save a ltttlo at a tlmo and put It by as you get It. I havo been surprised to find that tho samo Is truo of so many othor farmers, especially ronters. What they have put Into the Liberty bond Is monoy thnt would havo slipped through their fingers. They would have nothing to show for It, whereas now they havo got a bond earning good Interost, whllo their money Is helping to lick the knlsor. My first bond Is now paid In full and I am beginning to savo up my subscription to the fourth Liberty bond." I This reminds mo of still another c&to whero tho boys and girls havo jafned and saved along with their parents until their subscription for e&ch of tho thro Liberty loans are bow paid up. Thoy did not ace how they could ralso tho monoy for their first subscription, but tholr second was doublo that, and the third was still larger. Tho oldest boy was taken by tho draft, which mndo tho family all tho more dotcrmlnod. The mother Is saving her egg money, each of tho children has a bit of a gardon from which they are soiling stuff, one of the girls Is a member of tho pig club, and tho oldest boy sit III nt home has quarter of an acre of onions that promises a splendid crop. The fa. ther Is harvesting ft heavy ctod of wncnt, nnn Inst spring mnfle up Ms mind to devote hot less thnii oun third of tho proceeds to tho wnr. This, ono family Is planning to subscribe $1,000 for tho fourth Liberty loan, nnd If nil goes well, will ho nblo to pay down nearly half the amount. A Horde of Huns nt Your Door. You know whnt they would do to you nnd your women a fate far worse than death. You know how Huns hnvo laid bnro tho countryside thby have conquered no nnlinnl or plant al lowed to survive, oven trees nnd vines cut oft closo to tho ground. Rural homes demolished, burns burned. You know how the Roches cnslnvo the farmers of Belgium, Poland, tho Ukraine. Words cannot depict tho horror of it To prevent tho same thing happen ing right hem to yon nnd your fain lly, to your own community, state nnd nation thnt In whnt our boys are fighting for "over there." It Is a question of right over might I Shall liberty bo destroyed by shivery? This Is the question tho War Is to an swer for you and mo nnd for genera tions yet unborn. This final struggle for tho survival of tho fittest among humans demands every ounce of our energy, every cent of our monoy. Nohlo men nnd wom en nro pntrlottcnlly devoting some or nil of their ttimv without money and without price, to help Undo Snm win a victory. Others nro giving produce or monoy to the good cause. Millions of our healthiest young men, the very seed of tho race, are sacrificing tholr lives thnt you and I and, others may llro In pence. Tho very lenst thnt each of us can do now Is to lend our monoy to Uncle Sam so thnt he will havo tho funds with which to light. Tho war Is cost ing billions. Tho only way tho gov ernment con get tho money Is to bor row It from tho people or tnx It out of them. Tho moro tho public' lends to tho government, tho less taxes It will hnvo to pay. You can help In this crisis by sub Bcrlblng to tho fourth Liberty lonn. Theso government bonds nro tho safest Investment on enrth. Thoy nre abso lutely good. They yield good Interest You can got your Interest monoy twice n year. t you havo to uso your prin cipal, you can sell your bond any min ute, or you can uo It ns security at tho bnnk to borrow for temporary wants. Tho latter Is tho better way, because It doesn't help tho government any for you to sell your bond or for somebody else to buy your bond. Get your bond direct from the government; then your money goes direct to the government und will bo used by It to pay the wages of soldiers nnd sailors and to furnish tho ships and munitions with which they shnll win the vic tory. Must Do Our Best It Is up to each of us to do not our bit but our best. It's n question of life or death. Simplify, economize, go without tilings, so thnt tho effort, time, thought nnd monoy thus snved may bo transmuted Into tho things thnt shall enable tho American flag to fly over Berlin n symbol of tho now civiliza tion which Is to Insure pcaco through victory In our rural homes, on our farms, tn tho trenches, In other bronchos of serv ice, In subscriptions to the Liberty bonds nnd War stamps, our Amcrlcnn farmers hnvo repeatedly gono over tho top. Their efforts, their patriotism, their loyalty, havo been universally recognized. Now In this fourth Lib erty loan our rural folks will show tho samo generous confldenco In tho eternal principles of human liberty nnd of self government that woro cham pioned by thoso Middlesex farmery: "Their flags to April breeze unfurlod, Who fired tho shot heard 'round tho world." GOES WOOING IN AN AIRSHIP Maiden's Neighbors In London Sub urb Have Fears for Their Roofs. London, A pretty bit of chivalry was seen In a London suburb the other day. Early In tho morning tho knight errant was out on his nlrplano and was flying low so low us to make tho ten ants of the terrace anxious about their roofs. On the miniature lawn In the center of the 80-foot garden tho maiden wait ed until thora fluttered down through tho morning mist a little streamer of white material. It missed the garden and fell Into the roadway. Tho maiden rushed out and picked up her lovo letter. The neighbors' curtains resumed tholr stillness, and tho little cptsodo of theso grim days was closed. Discard Hun Mutto Books, Ban Francisco. Becauso sovoral songs In tho music books used In Cali fornia public schools savorod of Gor man origin, with perhaps a trnco of tho woll-known German propaganda In thorn, tho stnta board of education has decreed that tho books must go Into the discard, A now series has boon prepared for tho pupils, which, it In announced, Is "free from all Osnnan taint"