1 1 Eaale V alien News Straight, Truthful, Direct C. E. Thorp Entered as second class matter Dec, 12, 1912 at the post pillco at Kichland Oregon, under act of March 8, 1879. Mpmber Oregon Stnto Editqrial Assooiatiqu ONE YEAR - -THREE MONTHS SUBSCRIPTION " . $1.50 SIX MONTHS - - .50 SAMPLE COPY .75 FUEL RICHLAND, ORE., THURSDAY. AUG. 29, 191S. Vol. 6. No. 42 FOURTH LIBERTY L The all-important "zero hour" pf the battles in France is to have its counterpart in tlfe cam paign of the Fourth Liberty Loan in Oregon. Battles io France are timed from an hour or minutes of an hour. This time is known as the "zero hour" and is a secret closely guarded by the division heads. All movements of troops and all action is based on time calcula tions made from the "zero hour." A certain infantry receives inr .structions to take a certain ob jective at so many minutes past the zero hour. In that way a whole campaign can be worked out in detail, with all command exs fully aware of their relation to other movements, waiting only the secret which is the key to the whole movement. Catarrh Cannot Be Cured with LOCAL, APPLICATIONS, u ther cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh It a local disease, ereatly In lluenced by constitutional conditions, and in order to cure It you must taJce. on Internal remedy. Hall's Catarrh Medi cine Is taken Internally and acts thru the blood on the mucous surfaces of the system. Hall's Catarrh Medicine was prescribed by one of the best physicians In this country for years. It Is com posed of some of the best tonics known, combined with some of the best blood purifiers. The perfect combination of the Ingredients In Hall's Catarrh Mcdl cine Is what produces such wonderful results In catarrhal conditions. Send for testimonials, free. ' F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo, O. All Drueglsts. 76c. Hall's Family Pills for constipation. ho v Oregon's "zero hour" for the next Liberty Loan is nine o'clock a. m., September 28th. This is to be the wafchword of the whole drive and through voluntary sub scriptions this state is expected to have attained all objectives and again be "over the top" first by nine o'clock of the day w,hen other states will just be getting into action. In appreciation of the sacrifice made by the home boys in service Eagle Valley citizens will not fail to subscribe their share of the Fourth Liberty Loan Bonds. Go to John F. Hnrr today and tell him what amount you want and be sure you go the limit. VULCANIZING I have installed a new plant and am prepared to vulcanize anything that it is possible to re pair in that manner (even hot watr Vttles and rubber boots) CASIKt ' and INNER TUBES a specialty. AM work guaran teed satisfactory. VV. E. HOLMES, jPlont at Richland 'Auto Co.adv More Fires in Pine Valley A hay barn together with 100 tons of hay, located on the old Brooks' ranch in Pine Valley, was completely destroyed by firo last Saturday morning, and only by heroic work of neighbors was ft large field of grain adjoining sav ed from destruction. Mr. Fran Sturgill, the owner, estimates the loss at S2500. The blaze was dis covered at about 11 o'clock com ing from the top of the barn and as no pne had been seen near the building that morning it is be lieved that I. W. Ws, placed an incendiary time-bomb of s6me sort in the hay the night previous. An ice house and some build ings in Halfway were discovered on fire Saturday morning, and as there have been several myster ious blazes in that neighborhood recently, the Pine Valley resi dents will NOTICE OF1 APPMOATION TPR 'UNITBp 8TATEB PATENT TJio OEM QunrtB Lmlo Clnlm ' Amended Mineral Survey No, 127 8ctM No. 010277 United Slates Lnnd Office, La G ramie, Oregon. Edilnr) NOT1CR is hereby Riven that tto - - i n i . ii . I l A , i . . I r, vi! m lousouuaicti uuiu .uiiuiii: vum pony, n corporation, of Orocon, with its post office mltlress at the City of linker, Unker County. Oregon, Ims made nppll cation to the United States Government for United Stnte Patent to the Gem loilo claim, ultuntcd In no organised mining district, In Uaker County, Stnte or Oregon, In Sections it nnd so, Town ship 8 South. Knnuo U East of "Wll lnmetto Meridian, a shown by the. of f trttn 1 nln i tuvut...l ti nil llftatlf ttn I m Villi Its I 'WO I I'M a uviltHlUVH said idat and by t no official field notes on flio with tho United States Surveyor Uoncrnl for Oregon, as Amended Miner nl Survey No. 327; Said Gem quart lode claim holng do scribed by courses and distnnac ns follow-, to-wlt: lleginninir nt corner No. 1, whence tho qunrtor Section comer between See tions 17 and 20, in Township 3 South llnnge 4 4 Kast of Willamette Meridian In Baker County, Oregon, boars Soutl 31 00' East 400.8 feet I Thonco South 7 30' Wct 1403.3 foot to Corner No, 2: Thence North 82 25' West 500.7 tfcot to corner No. 3: Thonco North 7 IS' East 1408.2 feet to corner No. 4: Thence South 82' 23 Kast 008.4 feet to corner No. 1, tho placo of beginning. Kmurncing n total area of XU.UIH rtcxes. Adjoining claims, as shown by tho official plat of tho survey are: The Northwest Ocm. and Gem Kx tension North, both unsurvoyed, on tho orth; The West Gem, unsurvoyed, on the Wests The Hera Extension boutli, and the Hnst Gem Extension South, both un lurvoyed, on tho South: Tho Kast Gem. nnd tho Northeast Gem, both unsurveyed, on tho East. Tliero nro no conflicting claims. All persons holilini ndverso claims to any portion of tho lands cmbrnccA in this nnnliention nro herobv notified to ; ! t ile notice thereof in the United States Mind Uffico nt La Grande, Oregon, ilur mg tho publication of this notico of ap plication for patent. O. S. DUNN, Itegistcr. first publication, August 22, 1018. Lust publication, October 24, 1018. NOTICE OF HEARING Department of the Interior.' United States Lund Olllco, August 7, 1918. NOTICE IS II Ell Kit Y GIVEN. That tho Lotnmlssirner ol the lionornl Ijitid Olico. bv his letter of Juno 21th, 1U18. lias allowed tliu application of John E. .Mncy, ol Sparta, Oregon, for a lituriiiu' o determine thu mineral or noumincral character of thu NW 1-1 SV 1-4, K I-1 the guilty captured. .NWJ.4. NEl-4, nnd NW1-4 SE 1-4. Sec. 30, Tp. 8 S., it. 44 K W. M. Tli riiriiriln nf'lliln nlllon Rlinu tlinl not deal gently With said land was adjudged mineral in char parties if they are Save Peach Pitts Save Lives The Federal Government has issued a request for all apricot, peach and plum pitts available. Walnuts are also wanted. They are used for the manufacture of a special carbon used in gas masks. Saving the pitts may save some boy's life, so throw none away. While no special instructions have yet been received, Barney Eidson has volunteered to store all brought to him at New Bridge and those brought to Richland may be left at Raley's store or tne News office. Flynn & Co.'s cigar factory in Baker is one of tho cleanest, lightest, and most sanitary es tablishments of its kind in all the United tStates;-; none but ex pert union workmen are employ ed; and all tobacco used is grown under a contract that insures the highest grade of leaf. The result is cigars of most exquisite flavor and unequalled smoking qualities. Always ask for Flynn's cigars and you'll get satisfaction. ad The boundaries of Halfway will be extended, But one person voted "no" at tho recent election, actor by Commissioner 8 Letter "V of February 17th, Ifipi, as a remit of n hearing held upon thu application of thu State of Ore ton, and hat thu" Statu has sinco uxerciK-d Its right by selecting other land in lieu thereof. In application for hearing it Is alleged by tho snid John E, Mncy, and two wit nesses, that tho lilnds above described are nonmineral in character. Any and all persons, therefore, who claim any right, title, or lntureet in said lands or any part thereof or who may bo claiming the snmo for minernl pur poses, by location, occupation or other wise, or who may desire to object bo cnuso of tho mineral character of Hie land or for any other reason to tho dis posal to applicant, are here) y notified to appear, respond and offer evidence, touching tho character of tho land above described, at 10 o'clock, A. M on Octo ber 9th, 1018, heforo W,. L. Patterson, a Notary Public, at his ofllco, at linker, Oregon, nnJ tho fin"! hearing will he held nt 10 o'clock, A. M on Norember Cth, 1918, before tho Jfegitternnd ltt ceiver, nt tho United States Lantf Oilicu, in Latirnndo, Oregon. O, H. Dunn, Register, Nolan Skiff, ItecUver. Dato of First Publication Aug. 15, 1918 Date of second publication Aug. 1918 Date of third publication Aug !ffl, 10IK Date of fourth publication Sept. 6,1918 C. E. (THORP Notary Public All kinds of legal blanks on hand Your patronage solicited OODSON L. PATTERSON attyVat LAW U.S. COMMISSIONER DAKEIt .4' OREGON i.' !"!" J". "!" ''' "WMBi ' ." H1J HUM wfVVlIVlVffVfVWfVfff flfVVllf flfvlf fWlVfflflWlffVtW mm Sportsmen jff Will find it to their best interests to buy their Shotgun, Rifle and Re volver Shells, Fishing Tackle and Outing Supplies of all kinds at oui; store. We carry a com plete assortment of .the best grades the kind that never disappoint and sell them at reasonable prices. SAUNDERS BRO'S. YouyH find more tobacco sat isfaction in the condensed Real Gravely Chewing Plug than in a thick piece of ordi nary tobagco. Peyton Brand Real Gravely Cliewiijig Plug 10ca pouch and v:o7th it We pit Graixlylaalatamuchtariftcr It coilt no mora to chew than ordinary plus U3UBJBL P, D. Gravely Tobacco Ccnpany Danvillo, Vlmiiih JIG SUUPRISK TO MANY IN ItlOULAND I'eotilo nro RurnrlHidnt tho INSTANT action of tdmplu huckthoru bark, uly iirluo. otc. ih mixed in Aulfrd-ka. ONK SI'OONFUI. fiushcatho KNTIUH iowi'1 tract o cotuplotcly it rolluvcs ANY CASB Hour tttomnch, ens or con Htipation nnd provoutH nppciidicltiN Tho INSTANT, H'aant action of Ad- lor-l-kn Kurpriscs both dxtoru and patk-ntH. It rotnnvcii foul matter which poifonod your Htoinnch for inontliH. Klclilanu uruK otoro. auv o Not Coal Land. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. (l'ubliuhor.) Department of the Interior. U. S. Land Offlco nt I.nUrntido, Ore- Kon, AtiKUBt 16, 1018, Notico is hbroby nlvtui that Nicholas HpyropotiloH, of liotni', Orouon, who, on Octobor 2, 1011, mndo Iloinufitcnd Kntry No. 013782, for NN4' 8W,- V5 HKii, Sue. 20, NWK NKI4, Section 20, and on Mnv 10, 101(1, mndo A II. li No. 011805 for 8i Nl'i fsec. 20, nnd SJtf NWtf, Section 21, Township 11 South, Itnngo 15 Kttat, Wlllnmutto Meridian, linn filed notico of Intontion to mnko thryo yonr Proof, to tlPblifdi clnlm to thu and nhovo described, heforo A. II. Combo, Jr., Clerk of County Court, nt linker, Oro uon. on thu Oth day of Octobor, 1018, Ulaltnnnt nutnes un vltnuBson: Georo Hpyroj oiilOH, of Homo, OrcRon, Milt HtiyropouloH, of Homo. Oreuon. ChrlH Colomnn, of Home, Oreeon, nnd win. Kiroy, ot jiurKeo, urojon. u. d, uunn, JU'KiBtur. First publication Auk. 22, 1018. , Last publication Bopt. 10, 1018, Uaker, Oregon, Juno lltli, 1018. To the hulra of John I. Carey, deceai-ed, and nil otheM intcroited heroin : Vou nnd each of you nro hereby notl tied ami wilt take notlro that 1, tho null vcribur, havo expendixl during tl.o warn 1011, 1012, 1011), 1011, 1010 and 101(1, one hundred dollaro for each of xalil years )n labor and Iniprovemontu upon each of tho followhu: quartz minlim claluiH, kltuated in Ilak-r County, Rtalo of ( reiron, towlf Uimn tho "SWICUl'. 8TAKK" ami upon tho Ualhuher No. 1 niiariz mining claluiH, an said elatniH nro described In thu recor led eertlllcateH of location thereof, on fllu antl of record in tho olllco of tl'o County Ch-ik of said County and .statu In lkok "ICofmiarU locations at paucit 170 and 171. Such expenditure was malo for tho purpono of holulnu' tho (mesessory rlht and tltlo to snid miulnu claims under tho pro-is.' Ions of Section 2.121 of tho Ituviwd Htlit uloH of tho United Htntes nnd thonmund rnents thereto, jaid hiiiis DoIdk necens. nry to hold said minlnu; claluiH for said years. If you fail or refus-j to contribute your proportion of such expenditure within ninety days after thu publication of thlri notice, ns n co-owner In said claims, your proportion bolni one sixth of said sums expended by me, your interest In Bald claims will become tho property of tho subscriber under said Section SKIS I, n . i n . ... ,,atrlck Gnllairher. I)ato of first publication Jur.o20, 1018. UatoVf last publication Sept. 10, 1018. Why not send the News to a soldier friend? t