Eagle Valley news. (Richland, Or.) 191?-1919, August 22, 1918, Image 1

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VOLUME if; NO 41
Cream, Milk fi Eggs
11. M. Kirk, Resident Manager
Highland . . . oregon
Attorney at Law
fourth Floor Sonmors Building;
Bnkcr, Oregon
Irvine Lodge No. 86
Knights of Pythias
i it
, Mi'ol ovary Wednesday nllit nt (er
Oantlu Hull In Klchlnnd, Oregon. VIIt
Iiik UrotliorH made welcome.
c.n.couiiit.c. o.
W. l ItAI.V.Y, K.oflt. ,V K."
- ....,.
rtVtt Ml Plitnudt n( All .!(
Alnnr In StiH-li
on kg on I
, Onlloii(i J
Phono : Two Miorl
W. R.. USHER :
Notary Public
S Conveyancer
? ()Hlce,lM!cond nml Walnut Sta. v
Oinmlto Clirlittluu Cliumli 2
.Physician and Surgeon
Night 'phono, ono long ring on
nil HneaV
Day 'phono,, call central office.
ffify Rog'ers
Baker's Popular Hotel
Un'ler Direct Supervision
of The Owner
Hr.ecial HutoH to IVr.imncnt Guests
Ilullt up tm a atandard, not down td a
UiTht vfolnht Strong pull Superior
Quullty. . j , i
Automatic Tractldh t? "pull" Instead
of donil w night. , , .
Stands up to hard sorvlcb will! mini
mum oxpenso. . . ,
NlUon Heritor, 24-30 It. P.J NIIhuV
Junior. ID. 28 II. P. '
Hco our locul agent, or solid for catalog,
-Jt'Af Morrison and Kant Third Uts,
Portland, Oregon. . .
tev across;
At mi American Rest Camp inf
England, July , 1918.
Dear Folks:
I hovo got as far ns England
already and expect to tfot to
! ranee before the war ia over,
Don't know how long we will bo
hero but probably not long, I
would liko to toll y6u all about
the transport and our trip across
biit maybe I will have more time
to do so later. I wus fortunato
enough not to got ono bit seasick;
had fino weather all Ufa way.
1 am tfuro in love with England
already and think I will Ijko it
hotter after 1 got accustomed to
tlw ways of the English people.
'Everything Is so old and so much
different from anvthiwr at home.
Farms" arc all small, with no wi'ro
fences and hardly any of board,
all hedge and stone. It is so
thickly copulated I don't sec how
so many people mnko a living,
It seems like thcro is more land
covered by towns than is farmed;
you just get out of the suburbs of
ono towh right into another one,
and somo of the quaintest old
towns with houses hundreds of
years old.
I haven't saw Alfred Barber
slnco wo fanded so don't know
whether jic is in this camp or not.
Saw Clate Makin and Gene GVo-
son the night wo IcfbCamn Mills,
They are the only ones I've neon
that I knew except the boys that
are with Alfred.
1 got somp money changed into
English money a while ago but 1
haven't learned to count it yet, so
when I buy anything I just give
them a handful and let them take
what they wajitof it. We can buy
only a certain amount of anything
and it seems like a small amount
but 1 guess we'll soon get used ta
i ti.i.1. yi i . ..ii i
u. uuy iiumpuen got ms money
changed into French money in
Now Yorfc. now he has to get it
changed again.
T ho English are "stumped" as
bad as vd are about getting1 used
jto each otlur. The ship we came
on had been hauling.lroops from
Aiiairunu aim uanaua anu ono oi
4 . l? 1 l r i i.
tho English sailors said they were
always reading their bibles and
praying the ship wouldn't sink,
but tho Yanks were all tho time
cussing tho ship, hoping it would
bo sunk, and hollering for more
to eat.
. Tracy 'it. Mntthows,
UHii. Co., 03rd Art., O.A.O.
OHM Brigado
American Exp. Forces, via N.Y;
J have installed a hew pldht
and am prepared td vulcanize
anything that it is passible to re",
pair in that manner (oven hot
Watef bottle's dnd rubber boots)
a specialty. All Work guaran
teed satisfactory.
Platit at Richland Auto Co. adv
Jim CronD returned yesterday
from a. trip to. Portland. ..Banks..
and other Western Oregon'poihta,
,T'Ho following letter was com
menced when tho writer was in
tho training detachment at, tho
Benson Polytechnic School at
Portland, and finished after being
transferred to Camp Lewis.
August 8th, 1918.
Dear Friend: Captain (Roos,
our commanding officer, got tho
orders for our leaving the Gth.
Gol'y, wn never know how many
good quartettes we had here till
we got our orders to leave; it sure
stirred us up. 1 don't think we
will lie "going ovqr" for a while,
because we turned in our blank--
eta and bed sacks.
Wo certainly jiave some fine
officers here, and' wo all rather
hate to leave bufcstill we are glad
J-becaiiBo wo are anxious for sonic-
thing new. We are throwing in
and will get each Lieutenant and
the Captain a "pair of puttees. I
think that is fine for they have
given us every privilege they
possibly cpuldi . Today is Thurs
day and we aro oil pass till 10:00
p. m. today since G p. m. yester
day. We have &ur class cards which
we take with us wherever we go.
I was classed as a-journey man in
carpentry and got next best grade
in my class; a manlwith jiev.cn
years experience -got- theTbest
gril le. I've made ii lot of good
friends here. There is a lot of
good sports among the "wood
butchers" who will be with me il .
everything goes as they think.
We went on a 12-milo hike
about a weekago and sure had a
lino time. But we almost tost a
man; ho was swimming and gave
out, went down and was under
for two minutes (no, he isn't
there yet) ; a little fellow weigh
ing about 115 pounds dived and
brought him up. A boat was se
cured and (although all in the
thing rushed to 013c end and near
ly upset it) they finally got him
to shore where the school doctor
brought him to. Tho Captain
gave those who helped save him
a special recomendation On their
cards as "excellent private, "etc.
The drowning fellow weighed
about 200 pounds so the little
fellow who brought him up sure
deserved something.
This is a fine school; I wish 1
could stay hero till I knew more.
Our instructors are practical men
and sure don't spond much time
on theory Our oats are1 good
enough for anyone.
Camp Lowis, August 16th,
Just bond tho News up here
I arrive tho 13th. This is sure
Borne place. Wo n.re not assigned
yet simply attached. Tho First
Battalion is down to TaCOma to
day putting on a parade and
sham battle. I savr thorn rdhearse
and it sure wasi fi ne. Would like
to seo them toc'Iay but I cah't.
They have a flag pole here
which is over 800 feet long: atid a
flag thut cost $1000. I guess it
will take-half ho cump tti raistf
tlff fyiffWl' don'rt belioVd they
AUGUST 22, 1918
can oyer et the.nolo up anyhow,
I'd like, to. acetljem do it for it is
three feet through at the bottom
and', spout ten inphes at top.( The
pulley, takerf an inch rope for he
flag cord'. -t. v
Tho Army Y.M.C.A. is sure a
fine institution. They ,urnwh
amusement and schooling abso
lutely free all of the time. One
can take instruction in mathe
matics, science, French or Eng
lish, and they have amusements
every night. Each Fuilding is
fixed for movies and other enter
tainments. They surely make
ono welcome.
WilLsend permanent address
later, in the meantime send the
News to temporaryntddress here
with given for it sure looks good
coming every week.
Ralph L. Byrne.
Every young man in the United
States who was not 21years old
last June 5th, but who will have
become 21 years old on or before
Saturday, August 24, must regis
ter on the last named date.
Young men of Eagle Valley
and adjacent sections will regis-
terlh Richland at the "Nca:s pffice-j
No excuse will be accepted for
not registering; failure to- regis
ter means one year in prison.
This Registration Day must not
be confused with the big Regis
tration Day which will come early
in September when all men be
tween the ages of IS and 45 must
Stationed in Wyoming'.
Fort IK. A. Russell, Wyoming.
August 14th, 1918.
Dear Editor:
Knowing that my friends in
Eagle Valley would like to know
where I am located, I ask you to
publish this letter.
I was at Fort Lawton, Wash.,
but was transferred here a short
time ago. This Is a nice place
and the weather is about like that
of Eagle Valley only that it rains
here two or three times a week.
This Fort is about the size of
Richland; all the houses are of
brick, all of same size and look
alike, sd it is kind of hard to find
the right ono until you get used
to the place.
A bunch left here yesterday
for France. I will bo in the next
bunch that go from here pro
viding we are not sent to some
other camp.
Anyone desiring to write me
should address,
Pvt. Theodore E. Holcomb,
Medical Corps U. S, Army,
Fort D. A. Russoll,
Post Hospital Wyomibg
Ask Anyone Who lias Used Ih
Thoro aro families who nlwtiya aim to
koop a bottlo of Clmn.borluiii's Colioand
Diarrhoea Remedy in tho hotiao for usb
in ease it is needed, aud find that It is
not only 11 pood investment but fenves
thorn no end of Buffering. As to Its re
liability, ask, anyouo who hns used it.
Comb Honey in 3-lb cards for
salo at V T. Bennehoff's,43p
$1.50 A YEAR
So real the sucrar shortage in'
fthe United State, the food ad
ministration has issued stringent
rules governing the purchase and ,
use of sugar, and violators are
subject to heavy fines.
Two pounds for each person iV
the allowance, but only five
pounds can be purchased ii one
time without special permit from"
County Food Administrator.
You cannot buy sugar until you
sign a card upon which is placed.
your name, address, number of
persons in family, date, amount
purchased and dealer's name and
address. At the end of every
month these cards aiil be sent to
the county administrator and new
crds issued. A card will be kept'
for each customer, but only one
card for each family. New Cards
will not be issued until old cards'
are turned in.
"Repeaters" and "hoarders".';
will be punished.
You'll Get Wet
Don't wait until it begins to "
sprinkle before laying up money
for a rainy day. You'll get wet
The "rainy day," the, day of ,
uuvciaxi,y. uitr uuv oi irouuiG ana.
.us sometime. It yours hasn't ar
rived yet, consider yourself lucky
but it will come. Be prepared.
Start a bank account at our bank
now while the outlook isgood.
Don't put it off till trouble comes.
We will help you in every way
we can. but for your, own good
we would rather help you start a
bank account than to make you
a loan.
ad) Eagle Valley State Bank
Watch for Date to Register
The registration of all men from,
18 to 20, and from 32 to 45; inclu
sive, will be the most difficult; -feat
of its kind ever attempted
by any nation, for it is estimated
that close to 13,)00,000 men will
be registered irt one day next.
month, the date as yet undeter
mined. Even ignorance of the day for
registration will not be accepted
as an excuse for failure to regis
ter, so it is imperative that a.
close watch be kept for announce
ment of the exact date.
I Announcement
Having complutely, reno
vated my old place "of .busi
ness and put in a now, fresh
stock of goods, I am ready to
furnish tho public, with tho
bestof ico c renin, soft drinks,'
candy, lunch goods, 'oigars,
tobacco, eto.
I will appreciate thop.atrou
ngo of tho pooplo of this com
munity, assuring to nil a
squnro deal.
an b n