Eagle Valley news. (Richland, Or.) 191?-1919, August 15, 1918, Image 5

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miqki. says
IC.KAHVl .rtl10Klfvt (ilk Art tr (
n THfi NBCK 0' "TUt NN0OO0
, Mrs. W. W, Kirby Ib visiting
In Maker.
Try some of our comb honey.
Haley's. ad
I S. Morrison wns a visitor
from IMno Valley Friday.
Buy Huhnch Insect Powder at
Richland Drug Utoro.ad
W. M. Saunders will Btart for
Omaha '.villi his lambs thiH week.
Dr. and Mrs. Beck returned
Sunday fiom an outing nertr Me
Geo'a Mine.
. Nofinish your old iron beds with
"Chinamel." Nq,w supply in at
Ruloy'a.- ad
Mr. and Mrs. W fJrKllh) of
Halfway visited Richland rela
tives an I friends Sunday.
America must feed thq world.
It's a big job and i'equires team
work. Let overybody pull to
gether in saving what wo have.
The locket recently advertised
in these columns has been iden
tified as the property of litll
Velma Pauline Splckelmier of
Dick Garlinghousohns been up
pointed deputy sheriff for Pine
Valley at a salary of '.$90 per
month. But for our extreme
m6dc3ty wo would ask for a like
appointment in linglo Valloy.
"Hank" Cooper expects to "go
'across'1 soon. His present nd
dtess is
' llonry Coopor,
Co, II, 168th Inf.,
'40th Div. Camp Mills, N. Y.
School opens next month,, now
is the lima to arrange for the
children's wearing apparel. Call
and look over our stock, you will
'find just what you want.
ad Saunders Brb'a.
County Judge Duby and Com
rtiissioners Dodson and . Ill t to i
.we're in the Valloy Saturday ap
ranjrWgor soma extensive road
improvements. ,. .AmonR other
things, it ia'planncd .pgradoand
gravel the road,betwodn Richland
and New Bridge.
Nirntilr fVintllnatlnn.
It Ih liy iio inoniiH un oney matter to
euro this dlsoaeo, but ll ciin ba ilonu In
, moot instances by tuklug Oliniuburlaln'n
xnuioia nnu complying wiwi wiu pmm
trlntcd dlroctlona that uccOmimn'y uach
Men's ChlppoWo Shoe's at ICdh
dall's. ad"
! Mrs. W. C. Saunders is taking
treatment at Hot Luke.
Mrs. Frank High waq art over
Sunday visitor at Weisen
Buy Mixed Pickling Spices at
Richland Drug Store. ad
Mrs. W. M. Saunders and chil
dren returned from Portland last
P. T. Wyatt ami family re
turned from Yellowstone Park
last Friday.
Replace" your old worn out mow
er with a now "Dcbring." See
them at Haley's. ad
Sena tor Strayer and family
spent the first of tho wctik with
Eaglo Valley relatives.
Mrs. Onlo Colo and children of
Mace Idaho, arc visiting rela
tives nnd friends in this vicinity.
Tho entire net proceeds of the
Pendleton Round-Up, to bo held
Sept. 19, 20 and 21, will bo turn
ed over to tho Red Cro3s.
LoHter Holcomb and daughter,
Mrs. I. N. Sanders of Halfway,
left yesterday for Portland to at
tend the National Encampment
of the C. A. R.
General Manager Jensen of
Seattle and Frnur Wnhington of
Baker, representing the Mutual
Creamery Co., were over-Sunday
visitors in Richland.
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Thorp and
daughter of Co Grande spent the
week end in Richland. Mrs. W.
M. Saunders and children accom
panied them home for a shoit
Sparks from "a slovo pipe set
lire to tho roof of L. Y. Mat
thows's residenco about noon
Tuesday. The fire was discover
ed and extinguished tfeforc any
damage" resulted.
Just received mi nd;ance ship
ment of sweater and stocking
yarns in white, gray and khaki.
Better buy now, it will be harder
to get later on.
ad ID. &AV. Chandler.
It is estimated tnnt tuny one
hundred thousand men in Oregon
will have to register under the
new draft law. Watch for fur-
thor announcements as age limits
ar.d dnto for registration.
Dr. M. D. Fleming, the popular
opto.retnst of Boise, will bo at
the Richland Hotel on Thursday
and Friday, August 22 and 23.
If your eyes need attention don't
f ! i ll. . r.....' CI
iuii to can on int.- wuuiur. apucuu
attention given to school children.
Twenty years experience. ad
Nothing is of more interest to
our readers than lottorsfrom the
"homo boys" in United States
service.. We aro anxious to pub
lish them (omitting such of the
contents that are of personal in
terest to tho addressee). Bring
in tho letters and do our family
of readers a favor.
SUmmcr Complaint.
Durlim tlio hit wnthur of tho etimmur
months vomo mombor of almost ovory
family Ib llkuly to bo troubled with nn
unnatural loooonoss of tho bowels, and it
Is ol tliourcatcpt Importance that this bo
truntoJ promptly, which cult only bodono
when tno mi'dicmo is koptatliund, Airs.
l F Scott, HcottsVillo,N.Y.,BtntOHl "I
drat uhwI Clinnlborluln'e CoWc nild Dlir
rliooa Hojno.lv as mlich ns flvo years auo.
At t tin t tlmo I had n sovoro nttnpk of
suliimcr complaint and wiiBufforii) In'
toiiBopalu. OnodoBorollevodmo. Othur
mombors of my family have since used it
with ;lko fwilts'-aav
Buy Mrs. Price's Canning Conir
pound at Richland Drug Store.-ad
Buy your candy at the Rich
land Drug Store. au
Richortl Kirby Is transacting
business at the county scat.
Tho oign post at Baird'tf corner
Was carried off Saturday night.
Jim Gropp and J. W. Patterson
woro at Portland with cattle
Mrs. B. J. Lambert of Port
land Ib visiting her son, Herbert,
In Dry Gulch.
Fruit jars, Rubbers, caps, and
canning supplies of all kinds at
Sfiunders Bro's. ad
Mr. Clifford Smelzcr and Mies
Katherine Schuck of Durkco were
married at Baker Saturday.
iicv. i nomas leu fltonoay ion
Arizona, having resigned as pas
tor of the Methodist church here.
Mrs. Mabel RiUh left Monday
fdr hcrliomo in Portland after a
visit with relatives in this section.
Mr. nnd Mrs. J. P. Jonos and
family have returned to Richland
from Snake River where they
have been living the past few
Messrs. T. M. Baird, D. F.
Baker nnd Frank Conkle. prom-
incut business men of Baker, ;
were Eagle Valley visitors Tues-jg
nay nnu wcunesuuy.
.i.. .. tir.l 1 !
the Daily Democrat, have been;
sending out the Richland bundle
by the auto stage on "mailless"
days so we had some war news
to read.
Frank M Moore of Portland,
who has a 'wide at'ciuaintance in
Eagle Valley, has received a'Lieu
tenant's commission in the. Con
struction Engineers' Corps and
has left for port of embarkation.
Fijcd Wilkins and children' left
Tuesday for southwestern Louis
iana where they wil make, their
future home. They will make
the trip overland, going in aFoid
which Fred has fixed up especially
foi the purpose.
Miss Anna Compton of Colum
bia" College, Milton, OreT was the
guest of Miss Mable Saunders a
few days of la3t week. Miss
Compton is a vocalist of much
ability and sang at the Methodist
church last Sunday both morning
and evening.
Mrs. F. L. Strang has received
a I otter from her son Edmond in
which he says ho in good health,
pretty well satisfied where he is,
and expects to stay there "till it
is all oVer, over there." His ad
dress is
Sgt. V. B. Strang,
012 Aoro Squadron, '
Amorifcnn K, K Franco
Teaching the Boys to SlnQ.
A distinguished youiiR muslclnn re
cently Joined tho Kiigllsli nnny for tho
ptirposo qt teaching tho boys to sng.
Attached to ,the royal nlr; force, ho lias
heoii coimiilsa.loned to train tho mpu nt
tlio various contora, In. choral singing,
4his dlspcns.lng, with tho necessity for
iands. Thp o'ffcqt upon tlie spirits, thp
inoralo nnd tho discipline of the meh
has been excellent. TheV' hnvo dcveV
oped a keen Interest In Bltiglng, and
many of thorn have beon found, to
their own surprise, to possess oxce
lent voices. In vlow of tho success of
tho movement, It will probably bo ex'
tended to other branches of tho nrmy.jpji QtiQr mUQ jjgppuliuB out
tsneclnllv where the formation of a I ... , , rr
bnlid Is out of the Question. .
Atk Anyone Who lint Used It
thoro oro families who always nlm to
booti a bottlo of OhabibeHaln'sColIoand
Diarrhoea Komedy lit the homo for Use
In cooo It Is needed, and Qud thilt It Is
not only n good Investment but saves
them no end of suffering, ,.Aito.Jt re
liability, ask anyone who has used it.
SPECIFY any delivery that meets
your own convenience but
be sure to
Select the Pattern
for your
Autumn Clothes
Then you will have the pick of
Ed. V. Price & Co.'s entire
line of beautiful woolens now
being shown by
CaSk Store
Auto Truck Service I
I have secured a Federal Truck of 3,000 pounds
capacity, and will make regular trips to and from
Bakei, and solicit your patronage. AH orders, large .
or small; will receive prompt attention. Terms .,
reasonable. Leave orders at postoffice.
J. 0; STICKNEY, - Richland Oregori ,
McDoivell Bros. & St. John
l Bee Keepers Supplies of ail kinds
Hives-, Supers, Cards-, Foundation, etc.
All orders filled promptly and satisfaction guaranteed
Write, phone or call for prices.
C. C. St. John, Manager, - Richland, Oregon
One of Der Kaiser's Prayers
Gott, will you bo miuo partner? -You
don't know who I ara?
I am tlio Gumma Knisor,
Dor Ktnperor Will io I Am.
You know Iwbippod dotu Bolginns,
Und.mit bullets filled Kuasin full
Unil I'll whip Franco and Italy
Und blow up Johnnie Bull.
Now for thorn othor nations 1
I don 'lb givo a damn,
If you yuat bo mino partner
Und help whip Undo Sam.
You know I got dom submarines
All Europo know dot well.
But dot Edison gots a patent now
Vot blows do'iu'all to hell.
Now, Gott, if you will do dia
Don you, I'll always love,'
Und I'll bo emperor of tho earth
Und you'll bo omporor above.
But, Gott, if you refuse mo thia.
Tomorrow myht at Movon,
una acaiaro war on iioavon,
i wouldn't ask this from Vu
If it couldn't bo plajhly seen, (
otwlionKdieoii'imBhes tho button
I'vo'gotno submarine.
Sehd tTrew Iba soldiorlfrlonij
The Christian Church
welcomes you to all of their ser
vices. Comei Back the boys
"Over There" by united prayer.
Bible School every Sunday be
ginning at 10 o'tlock. Commun
ion following.
Bible Study on Wednesday ev
enings at 8 o'clock under super
vision of Mrs. Dimmick.
i Luci'e Brooks, Supt. ,
Bessie Quimby, Asst. Supt.,,
Church Services at New Bridge
Sunday school at 10 a. m. -
Preaching at 11 a. m.
Epworth Ldague at 7:30 p. m.
Preachfng at 8:30 p. m.
' Prayer meeting every Thurs-f,
day evening at 8;30.
J.JtL Johnson, Minister.
fp. fe. THORP
Notary Public
Al kinds of legal blanks on bana'
ouVVonago solicited
Bd1oV paVterson