Eagle Valley news. (Richland, Or.) 191?-1919, August 15, 1918, Image 4

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    r I I Mi if ""ill fflIM ' "M 'l"M I il I Hi
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Eagle Valley News
Straight Truthful Direct
C. E Thorp
Entered as second class matter Dec. 12, i912 at the post oillce nt
Richland Oregon, Under act df March 3, 1870.
Member Oregon Stnto
$1.50 SIX months'
- .- .50 SAMPLE COPY
ONE YEAR - . i
I CinA MmVit ("Iff on firfiu nt
(Little Killer Left Thick Trail of Dead
Which He Had Destroyed for the
Pure Joy of Slaying, and
Went Home.
! His mother wns a ferret, lenn, yel
I low and pink eyed and a she devil
j,to boot, silys a writer In London An
. swers.
,nis father was worse, a wild pole
,cat of the mountains, and a worse
devil than ever.
- But he, the cherub, was so soft and
furry and fat and creamy, and, though
he had got pink eyes, tliefe seemed
to be nothing else of his mother and
father about him. He never bit, he
never spat, and he never used bnd lan
guage, and he lived upon bread and
milk, like a gentleman.
So he was till the spring broke.
. It -was their own faul.t, the ferret
crs. They took him out rabbiting, as
usual. They put a collar with a bell
'on round his neck, as usual, and a
long, long string on the collar, as
usual, and they turned him Into a
. rabbit warren, as usual. And he
'sneezed three times, as usual, nnd h
;walked docilely down the first rabbit
hole he came to, as usual, to turn out
the rabbits from their burrows, as
usual, that the sportsmen outside
imlght shoot them ns they bolted.
So far, until he got Into the middle
' the mazes of tunnels, the inky dark
Besses, and the stuffy heat, full of
the smell of castor oil don't know
jwhy, by the wny and ho could hear
'the drumming of rabbits' feet fleeing
before hs ghostly, terrlblo self, every
thing happened as usual. Then nothing
He was pulled up with a Jerk that
Hearty choked him. He tried going for
ward, but it was all no good. He
ibad only a yard of play either way.
QBIs line was entangled In a root. -The
hours passed, nnd the ferreters,
ofter trying every device known to
nan to get him out, gave it up nnd
;went home. The cherub did not give
It up. He worried slowly, and he
fhafed, he pulled, and tugged, be
backed, and he sweated, and ho
sneezed, and finally his collar camo
undone or broke.
The cherub sneezed threfl times, and
walked three yards. Then he realized
he was free. It was the first tlmo In
all his life he had been free, and it
acted upon him. In that second his
mother, plus his father, got to wdrk
In his own body, nnd ho began.
It wns really very clean killing. Fif
teen rabbits done to death, each with a
single, clean fang stroke behind the
jears was not so bad for ode small
ferret But he Improved, for lio slew
20 In the next hour" leaving every
.carcass untouched where It laynd,
petting thirsty, came nbovo ground for
vnter. The water ho did not find, but
'discovered fowls In a fowlhoiise In
stead, and, as I said, being thirsty,
"drank blood. There were no live
fowls in that hen roost when he left
He visited the hutches of the Belgian
hares, which he slew, and thd pigeon
cote, where be got more blood.
After that he returned a mile across
country, killing three partridges on
tho wj drank at the dog's troughr
biting the dog badly Id the process-r
walked Into his own hutch and was
Vpund curled up, calmly nsleep, amoof
the bay next inornlnrf,
L Buy ypur,, candy,, at tho Rich
land Drug Store, ad
Editorial As90oifitidli
- ...75
AUG. 15, 1918. Vol. G, No. 10.
Catarrh Cannot Be Cured
! with LOCAL. AITLICATIONS, n they
1 cannot reach the seat ot tho Ulscasa.
Catarrh Is a local disease, greatly In
fluenced by constitutional conditions, and
In order to euro It you must tako an
Internal remady. Hairs Catarrh Medi
cine 13 taken Internally and acts, .thru
the blood on tho mucous surfaces of tho
system. Hall's Catarrh Medicine was
prescribed by one ot the best physicians
in this country for yenrs. It is com
posed of some ot tho best tonics known,
combined with some of the bint blood
puriders. The perfect combination of
tho Ingredients In Hall's Catarrh Medi
cine Is what produces such wonderful
results in catarrhal conditions. Send for
testimonials, free.
P. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo. O.
All Druggists, 75c.
Hall's Family Pills for constipation.
How Allied Soldiers Suffer! When
They First Experienced the Hor
rors of Kaiser's Poison Gas.
Suddenly a great cry rang out:
"Tho gasl'
It wns true. Over thero from tho
enemy's lines, came great greenish
bulls, rolling close to the earth, rolling
deliberately yet swiftly, rolling
straight toward us, Emmanuel Bour
clir writes In Scrlbner's. Gas J Thnt
horrible thing, still almost unknown,
which had been used for the first time
only recently on the Yscr. U was
coming with deadly surety nmldst a;
tornado of artillery. Orders wero
shouted back nnd forth: '
"The gnsl Put on tho masks I"
- Each mnn spread over his face tho
protecting cloth. Tho shelters wero
dosed. The telephone, whose wires
ran the length of the communication
trenches, gave the warning: "Look
out! The gnsl"
We did not yet know what manner
of horror it was. None of us htul ex
perienced an attack of tho sort. We
ran to and fro like ants whose hill
has ueen molested. Some fined their
guns at random, others nwnltcd or
ders. The frightful, vivid thing came
on, expanded to a cloud, crept upon
us, glided Into the trenches. The air
was quickly obscure. We wero swim
ming In an atmosphere stained a
venomous color, uncanny, Indescrib
able. The sky appeared greenish, the
earth disappeared. The men staggered
about nnd rolled on the ground, stifled.
There were some knots of soldiers
who had been usleep, in their beds
when overtaken by the gas. They
writhed In convulsions, with vitals
burning, with froth on the lips, cull
ing for their mothers or cursing the
Germans. We gathered them up as
best we could; we took them to the
doctors, who, thus confronted by an
unknown condition, found themselves
powerless. They tried tho applica
tion of oxygen nnd ether In an effort
td save the lives of the victims, only
to see them die, already decomposed,
In their hands.
The masks had not yet been perfect
ed and wero a poor protection. Some
ran about like madmen, shrieking in
terror, the throat choked with saliva,
and fell in heaps, in contortions of
agony. Somo filled tho mouth with
handfuls of grass and struggled
against asphyxiation.
Improves Revolver,
By providing- the ordlnnry revolver'
with a circular cartridge, frame or clip,
Joseph n, Wesson of Springfield,
Mass.j has given the older weapon ull
the convenient features of tho riewc?
automatic weapon ; that ls the rapidity
of fire nnd quick reload, . Ills chp,
holding flvo or six cat ridges jn posltton,
serves to push them Into place In tho
revolver barrel at one operation, In
stead of Individual loading, as Is usu
al! tho COBO.
Old . Newspapers for sale at
News office, " !
rUbblt Meat for Wartime Food.
, Wartime conservation bf beef and
pork has enabled n Knnsnn to develop
a rather extraordinary business in trio
mnrkotlnR of wild rabbits, both Jacks
Snd cottontails. A rnbblt-pncking plant
as been established nnd Is now ship
ping frozen bunnies by tho tens ot
. A recent contract called for 480,000
pounds of Juckrnbbtt meat. Tho Jacks
nvcrago four pounds onch whon
dressed, This means that approximate
y 120,000 rabbits were required to fill
tho ordor.
. Tho fur la disposed of nt n handRoiho
profit. Ifc Is used In tho mnnufneturo
of hlgh-grndo felt, such ns enters Into
the making of men's hats.
All waste products aro. converted
Into fertilizer.. The Industry also rids
tho country of n crop-destroying pest.
Popular Mechanics Magazine.
Department of the Interior.
United States Luul Oillco.
August 7, 118;
tho Commissbner of tho Ouncral land
Olllco.bv his Letter of Juno 1018,
lias allowed tho application of John K.
Maoy, ol Sparta, Oregon, for a bulling
to determine tho mineral or nOumlncrnl
character of. tho NW 1-1 8V M, E 1-U
NWM, NK1-4, ami NW l-t SB M,
Sec. 80, Tp. 8 S., it. It K., W...M. .
Thu records n( this ofllco show thnt
tld land was adjured mineral In charts-tor
by Commissioner's Letter "N" of
February 17th, 39 1, ns a result of a
hearing hull upon the application of tho
State of, Oregon, ami thnt tho Stnto tins
since exerelhwl its right by selecting
other land in lien thereof.
In application for heating It Is alleged
by tho said John H, Mucy, nnd two wit
nessei, thnt thu lauds above dcscilbtkl
are nonmlnernl in character.
Any nnd all pen-ons, therefore, who
claim any richt, title, or intereft in paid
hinds or any part thereof, or who may
be claiming tho t-anio for tnlner.il iitir
poob, by location, occup.it ion or otlicr
wlsOj or who umy desire to object be
causo of tho mineral character of.Hio
land or for any other reaxon to tho dis
posal to applicant, tire hero' y notified
to uppenr, rcfponil ami offer evidence,
touching the diameter of tho landnbovu
described, nt 10 o'clock, A. M., on Octo
ber Dili, 1018, huforo W. I,. ratt'-H-on. a
Notary I'ublic, nt his nlllcit, at linker,
Oregon, and thn iiiil luariiiu will be
held at 10 o'clock, A. M on November
Gtlt, 1918, before thu Hester nnd Ite
ceiver. at the United States I.anJ Olllcu.
in LaGraude, Oregon
C s. Dunn, IteulRtcf.
, Nolan Skiff, ICectlver
Pato of FirstTiiMlcatlon Aug- in, 1018
Date of second pnMlcation Aug. '."J, 1018
Datoof lhird'puliltention Aug 20, 10IK
Date of fourth publication .S.-pt. f, 101
FRANK V. SIMPK1NS, Plaintiff,.
JULIA A. SIMPKIN8, Defendant.
To Julia A. SlrapKins, tho above de
fendant: In tho fiaiiio of tho Statu of Oregon you
aro hereby notified and required to ap
pear ami answer tho complaint of the
plaintiff filed against you in the above
untitled court nnd cause on or before thu
I'M. day of September, 1018, nd if you
fail to co appear and answer, plaintiff
will take default against you and will
thereafter applv to thu court for tho re
lief prayed for in tho coiupl'iini to-wit :
for a decree forever dissolving thu bonds
of matrimony now exialiiii; between
plaintiff and ilufumlnnt tad for a decree
of divorce absolute -from tho defendant.
This summons is published for six
'seukH ami seven publications thereof In
the Euglo Valley News, published nt
Richland, linker County, Oregon, by
order of the Hon. Gtistav Anderson, Cir
cuit Judg of tho State of Oregon for
the County of linker, tald order having
bcon naduon tho20tli davof July, 1018.
Attorney for Pluintiff.
First Pub. Aug.l, 1018.
Last Pub. Sept. 12, 1018.
. (Publisher.)
Department of the Interior.
U.S. Land Office at LaUrando, Ore
gon, July 5th, 1018.
NOTICE Is horeby given that Georo
Hpiropolos, of Ilomo, Oregon, who, on
May 21th, 1015. inado llofnestead Entry,
No. 011700, for N 6Wi-4'. W SE.
HKJXSKtf , Hec. 22, KXNE'.f, land NEJ
8EJ4, Section 27, Township 11 South,
Range -15 East, WilUmetto Meridian,
has filed notice of intention to- make
Three Year Proof, to A-stablloh claim to
the land above described, heforo A. R.
Combs, jr., Clerk of the County Court,
at his office, at Bake)', Oregon, on the
12th day of September, 1018.
Claimant names as witnesses: W. L.
Kirby, of Durkeo, Oregon ; Nicholas
Hpiropolos, Milton Splropolos.and Chris
Coleman, all of Home, Oregon.
IB L. S. DUNN, Refc-liter.
First insertion July 16. 101ft. .
Last Intcrtlon August ID, 1018,
Tackle and Outing Supplies of all
kinds at our store. We carry a com
plete assortment of the best grades
the kind that never disappoint and
sell them i at reasonable prices.
Let a man once get the pure
clean taste of Real Gravely
Chewing Plug and lie Mds
ordinary tobacco good-bye.
Pit 15 V Ktf T A P V UN DTClTJS
Rlrhland people should know simple
buckthorn turlc, glycerin'.1! etc., as mix
ed in Adler-I-ka, litiohcHAthe E.NTIRK
bowel tract ki completely that iiniu'lnll
cite In prevented. ONE SPOONFUL
Adler-I-ka relieves ANY CASJJi tour
stomach, hob. or cohiitiialibn ami pre
vents ( appendicitis. The IN.STANT,
iilunsaiit action of Adlur-l-ka eurii'-lPi'H
both doutors and patients. Richland
Drug Store. udv 8
Quit the Tobacco Habit
Qiilt'Tobao Tobacco Treatment w ill do
tho work promptly ond pcrmnnontly. No
matter in what form yon use tobacco1
smoking clears, pipe, clfrurottes, chuwint;
tobnccoorsuuff.No tnatterhow much ytai
lUie, pr how long used, jQuIt-TobitJ will
break you ol tho habit In from three to
five days. P'cnpunt to take, no incon
venience, no remaining away from work
or business.
A simple home treatment, NocravltiK
or defiro for tobacco In, any form alter
you beKin taking Qnit-Tobuc, Don't try
to quit thn tobacco habit unaliled. It s
a .'oslnc fluht BKAlust heavy odds and
means a Korjoug shock to tho nervous
mvb turn. Let tbo tobacco habit quit you.
It will quickly quit you, if you will take
Qult-Tobac according to the simple di
rections wo Huiul you. it Is a thoroughly
tellable and permanent remedy for the
tobacco habit, but is not a substitute for
Thousands have been freed from tho
habit. Why not you? Writo at onco for
particulars and testimonials.
Ai F. HALL & 00., 118 N, LaBallo St., J
uuicago, in, aur
Will find it to heir best
interests to buy their
Shotgun, Rifle and Re
volver Shells, Fishing
Peyton Brand
Real Gravely '
Chewing Plug
10c a pouchonrf worth it
Craeelylat tsio mach longer It coits
no mora to chew than ordinary plug
B. Gravely Tobacco Company
Danville, Virelnla
linker, Orognn, June lltli, 1018.
To the heirs of John P. Carey, decetired,
and all other Interested herein
- You and each of you nio hereby notl
lied and wilt tako notice that It the suit
vainer, hnvu vxpeiidtMl during tl.o Ktird
11)11, ll)U', 1D1.I, lllil. 11)15. nnd 1!)I0,
nuu liuudri'd dollars for each of xald
years in labor and improvements upon
each of the following quarts mining
claims, Mtimtrd in llak'ir County, Statu
of t reon, to-wit Upon tho "SWEEP.
STAKE" and noon tho Uallahor No. 1
quartz, mlnltig claims, ns said claims aro
described in the recorded certificates of
location thereof, on Hie and of record in
tho olllcu of tlo County Clvik of uuld
County and State In Hook "K" of quarts
locations at paged 170 and 171. .Such
expenditure was mado for thu purKisr
of holding the pocHCBdory right "atld tltlo
to said nitning claims under the pro-Is-logs
of Kectlon '-'If.M of tho Revised tstiit
uli'S of tho United Status and tliiiaiiiond
meits thereto, ald'cumH Doing iiucush
ary to h.ild said mining claims for said
If you fall or refus'i to contribute your
proportion of euch expenditure within
ninety daysufti-r thu publication of this
notice, as a co-omor in said cbiiinBi
your proportion being ono sixth ol said
sums expended by me, your Intercut in
said claiiuM will become the property of
tho subscriber under said Bectlon SJ2L
Patrick Gallagher.
Date of first (ilibllcatlon Jur.ii 'JO, 1IMH,
Datoof last publication Sept. 10, HUH.
Why not send
the News to a
soldier friend?