Eagle Valley news. (Richland, Or.) 191?-1919, August 15, 1918, Image 3

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Hostilities Likely on Account of Inter
ventlon, Baya Lenlne.
London A declaration ot war by
tho Holshnvikl against Japan la one of
the possibilities of tho near future, no
cording to on Uxchango Tolegraph dis
patch Wednesday from Copenhagen,
Tho significance, of tho dispatch Ilea
ospoclnlly In tho fact that thla report
ot llolnhovlk Intentions reached Co
penhagen from Moscow by way of
Premier Lonlno, tho mosiiago adds,
up to IIiIh tlmo, haa boon opposed to
nuch notion, but It la hollared that
IttiBBln "will ho compelled to doolaro
war, notwithstanding tho fact that wo
ftro opposed to any now war."
Official announcomont waa made of
tho landing ot allied forces, naval and
military, at ArohaiiKOl, on August 2.
Tho landing was In concurrence with
tho wishes or tho Ruaatan population,
It la anld, and cauaod gonoral enthust
nam. Toklo. Premier Count Torauchl,
apoaklng of allied action In Siberia,
aald Japan would taka further mili
tary measures in caae tho position ot
tho Cioclio Blovnka demanded IL
Tho promlor Indicated that If the
chaotic altuatlon In Siberia continued,
Japan might find It necoaaary to adopt
suitable military measures to combat
tho Auitroacrinair mcnaco In the far
Count Torauchl aald that Uio proa
ont atep had boon takou In perfect ac
cord with tho nllloa. It It should be
noccuBary for tho nllloa to dlapatch
additional troops and arms tho coun
try must bo proparod to moot the
It la undoratood that tho Solyukal
majority party In the houao la willing
to adopt a walt-and aoo policy. Con
sequently tho Kcnaol Kat minority,
which had hopod to offoct an opposl
Hon combination, Is powerless for tho
London. Itovolatlons regarding Uto
work of rirltlah myatory craft Known
na "Q" shins, which havo played an
Important part In antl submarlno war
faro, aro mado by tho naval corro-
apondont or tho Tlmos.
How a "woman nnd baby" accounted
for a U-boat la told by tho correspond
Tho submarine ordorod ft vobbcI to
Hurrondor and fired n few sholls Into
hor. Tho boata then loft tho ahlp,
leaving on board a woman who had
run un and down tho deck with a
baby in her nrma as if mad.
Tho U-boat came nlongsldo tho ves
aol and tho woman hurlod tho'"boby"
Into tho open hatch. The "baby" o
ploded and blow out tho bottom ot
thu submarine Tho "woman" was
decorated with tho Victoria cross.
On another occasion a retired ad
miral, nerving as a captain, placed a
haystack on board an anclont looking
craft- Whon ths U-boat ordered hor
to surrender tho Germans wero as
tonished to rccolvo a broadside from
tho haystack.
A scaworn tramn steamer was cross
Iuk tho North Sea whon a aubmarlno
ordered tho crow to abandon tho ship.
So euro wob tho Qcrman of bis proy
that tho bombs with which ho Intend
od to sink tho vossol wero brought on
dock around tho conning tower. It
required only a sholl or two from tho
tramps' concoalod armament to ox
plodo tho bombs and blow tho U-boat
out of tho water.
Belnlum Honors Hoover
Havro. Tho Bolglnn government
linn rnnfnrroil (tin tlttfl of "honorary
citizen and friend ot tho Dolglan na
tion" on Herbert C. Iloovor, tho
American food administrator.
Paris. Herbert C. Hoover, Amerl
can food administrator, has paid a
visit to tho battlofront, whero he ron
dorod homago to tho Amorlcan sol
diers who have fallon on tho flold of
honor. Among tho places ho visited
was Bollcnu Wood. Ho wont over tho
ground -whoro tho Amorlcan army
mado a herolo stand against tho Ger
Homes Operi to Soldiers.
Paris. French homos may be open
s,1 in nnlillnm from America, the Brit
lah dominions and tho Fronclt colonlos
under plans which aro now uomg stun
lod. It Is boltovod that "Franconlllod
liilin" will lin fnrmml tn Hint nnonlo
unablo to opou their own homos may
moot tho allied soldlors on a social
tooting. Promlor Clemonceau has
given his hearty approval to tho Idea,
saying it was "oxconom popular ui
nrmiM Ron Relnlum
London. Speaking In tho houao ot
commons Tuesday, Lord Robort Cecil,
assistant socrotary of stato for foreign
affairs, statod that tho Gormans had
lovlod war contributions to a total of
2,330,000,0j)0 francs upon Belgium, bo
sides enormous fines upon localities,
linns and inumuuais, iiioao mmi
ttirnim exactions." ho said, must cor
tnlnly bo taken Into account whon
poaco terms aro boing arranged.
Amstordnm. Thoro aro moro than
n nnn manii nt nhnlnra. In Potrnarnd.
nccordlng to tho Fromdonblatt, of
llumbiirg, which reports that up to
lust Saturday 1100 deathB had oo-
Age From 18 to 45 Inclusive Decided
Upon-Kffecta 13,000,000.
Washington. D. CUndor the pro
visions of tho draft bill Introduced Jn
congress Monday Increases In regis
trations aro estimated as follows In
nortuwostorn states:
Oregon, 101,110: Washington, 17V
207; Idaho, CC.C70.
Tho now man-power bill which
would oztond draft ago limits to 18
and 45, Incluslvo, was Introduced in
both houses of congress.
Provost Marshal-aonoral Crowdor
urged tho Immedlato onactraont of tho
administration's man-power pro
gramme and suggested September 0
as registration day for the 13,000.000
men botweon tho agos of 18 and 46,
whoso names aro not already on the
nation's selective service list.
Unless Immediate ateps are taken
to provldo additional men, denerul
Crowdor said tho weekly registration
of men as they attain 21 years of age
will be necessary to fill the draft
quotas September 1, when only 100,000
ot tho 1918 registrants will bo avail
able. The bill would amend tho present
selective act so as to require tho regis-.
tratlon of all inon between 18 ana zo
vnars and 32 and 45 years Inclusive.
Whllo tho wholo number ot men In Uie
latter classes would total 10.028,073,
Oouerat Crowdor estimates the total
number who would uo eligible ror ciass
1 would bo only 001,236, owing to ex
emptions for dependents for Industrial
and physical rcssons.
Uotweon 18 and zo years, ins esu
mains show that 3.171.771 would reg
later, whllo 1,787,009 men would be
ollglblo for class l.
Washington. D. C. Names ot Amor-
can soldlors who havo ration in tuo
great Franco-Amorlcan urlvo wnicn
turned tho Gorman offensive on tho
Marno Into an utter defeat havo bo
gun to como In from overseas. They
swelled to 70G tho total casualties
mado nubile Tuesday by tho war de
partment in two soparato lists.
Although nearly thrco times ns
groat ns Uio largest numbor heretofore
announced In a slnglo day, tho total
represented only a part ot tho lists
which havo bcon accumulating alnco
tho crcat buttle began July ic. it is
not to bo assumed that It represents
tho losses for one day.
No estlmato of the American caa
unities In this continuous fighting haa
been received from Qoneral Pershing
and it was said authoritatively that
nono Is oxoected.
In that connection, Acting Secretary
of War Crowell deprecated- any
guesses ns to casualties In tho over
seas forces, saying that publication
which would exaggerate or mlnlmlzo
tho total would create unnecessary
anxiety among Uio rolatlvcs and
frlonds ot American soldiers.
Actlnir Socrotary Crowell told nows
nanor correspondents that Gonoral
Pershing would simply comploto and
verify casualty lists as rapidly as
thoy can bo transmitted and that they
would bo given to tho proas and speak
for themselves as to numbors.
Of tho Amorlcan soldlors wounded
In tho Mnrno-Alsno oftonslvo, prob&'
bly lens than ono In 20 will die from
their wounds, moro than four-fifths
will bo returned to sorvlco and only
14 nor cent will bo discharged for dls
nblllty, according to a statement of
tho chief of. staff based upon tho
officially attested oxperlonco of tho
alllos during tho rour years ot war.
A British PorL Tho torpodolng
early Sunday morning of tho British
shin Warllda was one ot tho moat
harrowing disasters in tho history of
submarlno warfare. The numbor ot
dead is variously ostlmatod from 105
to 130 and upward and Includes several
women nursos.
Tho ship carried COO sick and
woundod. Among thom wore sovon
Americans two officers and rivo oiv
listed men all of whom havo boon
accounted for.
Moro than CG0 Biirvlvors, brought
horo shortly attor G o'clock, wero given
first-aid treatmont, food and clothing.
Tho patients woro placed aboard apo
dal trains and sent to hoBPIt&ls.
Tho torpodo Btruck tho after part
ot tho engine-room, killing tho third
onglnoer and two other members ot
the onglno-room forco. Tho dynamo
was destroyed, plunging tho vessel
Into darUnosB,
Just over the dynamo was tho ward
room, which contained more than 100
patients, Most ot these were Killed
outright by" tho explosion; and the
others, many of whom had boen rresn
ly Injured by tho torpedo, found thom
solvos trapped.
Three Aviators Rescued;
An Atlantic Port Towing astorn a
hydro-alrplano and carrying three
Amorlcan aviators who wero picked
up 25 mllos off this coast, a British
frolght steamship arrived horo from
Llvorpool. Tho aviators had boon In
tho water throo hours, having boon
forced to descond bccaUBO ot engine
troublo, Thoy wero unhurt.
The Empty
B- Fnnl Bsrnett Llniky
(Copyright, JM. by Utf McClur Nwp
per jBrnOicate.)
The llttlo brown car hnd swung with
soft humming ipund down the
smoolh road, nnd It sole occupnnt
wns sitting Willi her hands In her lap,
looking dreamily out at the landscape
and tho rows of houses that they
If, as (ho pools sny. "tho yes are
mirrors of tho soul," then It wns very
apparent that Ulnlno Hnrgrnvo wns
not happy, for the sad, fnr-awny ex
pression on her face told Its own slory.
As tho mnchliio turned tho corner or
tho street, however, she began to take
moro Interest In her surroundings.
Suddenly sho leaned forward nnd
spoko to tho chauffeur.
Stop, Jacques," she commanded,
sharply, "at tho houso To Let"
Tho brakes ground sharply, ana
Ulnlno stepped out at once. She
looked again r.nd drew In her breath
quickly. A wave of crimson flooded
her face. .Tho chauffeur wondered lit
Iho sudden order, for. they wero al
ready lato for dinner, nnd ho did not
think that his mistress could possibly
want to look at this empty house.
The glory of a perfect spring day
was over all the out-of-doors. It seemed
a day to tempt nnyono to remain In
the open, nnd drink In to the full the
beauties of bountiful nature, but evi
dently this did not attract the girl,
for sho mounted tho stops of the house
ut onco.
Sho looked nround nt Jncqups after
sho had rung the bell. "Walt till I
come out," sho said.
A slovenly-looking womnn suddenly
nppenrod In response to her ring. She
was ns dusty looking, somehow, ns the
house was, and quite ns dejected look
ing; but Klnlne scarcely saw her as
sho snoko:
"I want to see the house, snld tno
girl. "I suppose I can go In?"
"Well, It's gettln' pretty late, mum.
nnd I don't think ns you'd be secln
much," replied the old woman.
"Y'ou can glvo mo your candle." said
Klnlne, quickly, ns sho slipped n coin
Into tho not over clean hand, nnd with
a little gasp, tho woman yielded.
The front door wns opened nnd
Ulnlno went through tho passage nnd
glided upstairs like a ghost, the womnn
promptly returning to the lower re
gions, whence sho had come. Light
lug tho dirty candle from n gns Jet
burning In tho passageway, Klnlne went
from one room to another with quick,
nervous hnste. Her face wns quite
colorless, but her eyes burned with
feverish light Hint made her seem very
different from the brilliant lady of
fashion that most peoplo knew ns
Klnlne Hargrove. Here sho was but a
girl ; and fnco to face with memory, n
memory that wns still alive after three
years of bitter struggle tho struggle
of trying to forget.
for today was tho third anniversary
of what was to have been Klnlne Hnr
grave's wedding day, but that wedding
never took plnco; and on tho third
anniversary of "what might have
been," ns Elaine expressed It herself,
nnd Just home from travels that had
taken her Into the faraway corners of
tho world, the girl hud become pos
sessed with the desire to seo tho place
that onco she had expected to call
Sho stopped for a moment In her
flitting from room to room nnd looked
about her. Here, but three short years
noforo. she had planned to como ns n
hnppy bride, and here sho had left the
mnn sho loved after their bitter quar
rel, called him "Puritan" nnd "Prude."
becnuso ho would not countenanco the
ways of her "set." How empty and
fnlso wero tho ways of that very samo
sot, sho had como bitterly to realize,
Just ns In hor heart ot hearts sho had
como to respect nil tho moro tho man
who would not bow down to them,
And how empty wns her heart ns well I
She could sec him plainly, It she but
shut her eyes for n moment, ns ho
stood before her that day so long ago
so toll nnd proud nnd good to look nt.
She had always taken such prldo In his
good looks, nil tho moro so because ho
luul not belonged to her "set." but bad
como to tho city unknown., aud had
worked up to an cnvlnblo position, Sho
could nlmost hear ngnln his earnest
voice ns lib remonstrated with her on
that last fateful day In this house.
"I know that I do not belong to this
'sot' that you seem to think so much
of, denr," ho sold, "and perhaps that
Is why I find It so hard to. accustom
myself to tho things thnt thoy do, but
I am certain that I havo too much
regard for tho woman who Is to bo my
wlfo to want to seo her follow In tho
footsteps of people whoso chief nlm In
life seems to bo to attract tllo nttcn
Hon of others. You aro mado for bet
ter things than this, Ulnlno, dear. Won't
you bo guided by mo In tills thing nnd
glvo tlinso peoplo up? Pleuso, dear,
for my sake?"
Klin rncnltrd nmv linw nlm lind fltinff
nu-nv tmm liltn. atllimtrli In hir lionrf
she had known oven then thnt ho was
right, but some perversa spirit seemed
lit until lif.r haI In iflvn In ' linw aim
hud refused to do what ho asked of
lier, telling her "Hint sho would live
her life without him, and that sho real
ized now Hint It wnn n mltitnlto In ex
pect an outsider n plebeian to un
derstand tho ways or nor kind or
people." Kven now, after three years,
Ulnlno still winced as she thought of
those hasty words of hers. How she
must hnvc hurt hltn nnd all the time
Klin wnn Imi-Mnir linmotf n troll nnd
he had let her go on without n word
or protest, in tho end gravely agreeing
with her, and saying that he would
never ask her to come back again. And
he hadn't. And they never met nor
Klnlne', eyes were opened now, but
of course It wns far too Into to give In
nnd acknowledge herself In tho wrong.
Three years of tlmo bad rolled be
tween them, the bar of pnsslonnto
words on either stde keeping them
Sho started onco more on her pil
grimage through the rooms. First
the dining room, with the familiar pa
per, which she herself had selected.
He had not been so well-oft then, and
hnd Insisted upon living In the style
Hint Mb mm Mirnlncs would entitle
them to but ho had worked hard to
give her as many as possible of the
luxuries that she hnd been accus
tomed to.
"So amnll thlner tn mrnn nn lnreC
n loss," murmured the girl to licrscir.
K1ii hnd ronil those words somewhere.
nnd now they came into her mind. She
stood for n 1 1 iiirt looking out tnrougn
tho clouded windows. Great tears
welled un In her eves nnd noured down
nvor har tnnr n If lhi hnrrlprd were
suddenly let down to allow tides or
memory to flow In nnd engulf her.
Sho had never allowed herself to
think In this way betore, but the spirit
of love seemed to have come back to
Hin ilnstr llttlo room from which he
had flown three years before. For her
time passed unheeded.
Darkness fell. Outside. James felt
very cross. The Idea of anyone spend
ing so much time looking nt nn empty
house 1 no folded his arms and went
half aslccn. Down In the bnsement.
the enre-tnkcr. hnvlnc finished her
nunner. en mo un. nnd. forccttlnc nil
about her visitor, or, thinking that she
had surely gone away long ngo, closed
the door nnd went home.
And Klnlne dreamed on for how
Inntr. ho know not. But suddenly she
ntvoko to renlitv with n stnrt. to no
tice thn$ It hnd grown very dark out
aide, nnd that there were footsteps
coming through the hall. Then came
tho sound of n voice that seemed ra-
"Hold the light low there, please
wish to see all tho rooms. There.
thank vou: that's better."
Klnlno hnd crept to the door, and
una ltfitenlnir with n white face. She
had n glimpse of the two men as they
tinsswl the door one. evidently the
night wntchmnn, holding the lamp, nnd
the other, the mnn she hnd sent nwny
three venrs before.
"So he. too. has not forgotten,"
thought Klnlne, bitterly.
She wondered If she should speak
innko hor nrosenco known but each
tlmo she tried to her courage failed
her. Sho looked ngnln. Tcs. there he
wns I Standing In front of the open
flreplnce. Once more sho peered
through tho-open door. "How changed
ho wns." sho snld to herself. "How
much older and grayer."
Her face was still wet with the
trnccs of her recent tears, but sho did
not even know it as, she went up and
tapped gently on tho wnll between the
two rooms. He turned round suddenly
with n great start. Then ho como to
the door nnd opened It wider. Elaine
walked Into the room.
All the light from tho lnmp seemed
to shlno on the slender figure, standing
there so erect and proud. Tho girl's
fnco was white nnd strained, but her
bluo eyes shone llko twin stnrs. The
mnn started back with n llttlo cry of
unutterable astonishment.
"Klnlno I Rood God 1"
"Listen," sho snld softly, her hands
outstretched. "Let mo humble myself
whllo I cnn. I need you, Itlchard I
want you you nnd the llttlo house."
"Elnlnc Klnlne " Tho man could
but whisper her name, for tho sudden
sight of her seemed to lmvo dnzed him.
"Elaine why did you conloV
Quite suddenly all tho fear and pride
seemed to dlo out of tho girl's heart
"Becivuso I loved you," sho whispered
softly. "Because In tho old empty
houBQ I enmrf to understand that I
could never bo hnppy without you.
When I stood In tho llttlo room that
wo hnd planned together" her voice
broke "Richard, forglvo mo"
Sho was In his arms, sobbing oul
the words sho could not speak, and his
arms wero around her ns ho murmur
ed : "It's for you to forglvo mo, dear
est. My llttlo girl I And I thought that
you did not enrol"
Sho clung to him, oven ns ho held
hor, ns ho kissed Up mul brow and hittr.
Ho could not let her go, Ho would
nover let hor go ngnln. "My dearest,"
ho Mlilnperod, "not for long wilt It bo
tho Empty Huuse."
(Conducts try Nations! Council of tSa
ttoj ikouh oi America.;
Tn mnklne a census of black walnut
trees the Hot Scouts of America have
a new task set by tho president .
This woric win appeal especially 10
scouts, not only as an Important and
patriotic activity, but also ns a live.
interesting, outdoor job, which linns
Itself with many phases of scouting.
The government needs black walnut.
In fact, black walnut wood Is a prime
necessity ror tno prosecution oi our
war program of guns and aircraft.
At this moment the entire biacK wal
nut growth of our forests is subject to
census classification for war purposes.
In behalf of tho war department, boy
scouts are asked to undertake this
black walnut census.
It Is desired to locate Immediately
all available .standing black, walnut
timber wherever It occurs. Isolated or
In small groups as well as in larger
It Is Important that every tree of
this species be located nnd placed on
record with details ns to its size and
availability, together with the owner"-
name and address, nnd such other data
as Is essential In providing the Infor
mation required by the government.
Thla information data, as collected
by scouts, will .be tabulated by the for
est service of the department of agri
culture and placed at the disposal of
the government. The government uoes
not ask for old black walnut furniture,
but only the timber.
Bav scouts are dolna wonderful serv
ice in aiding Uncle Sam In connection
with the war.
A letter to Chief Scout Executive
James E. West from Corporal W. F.
Bates, Jr., with the American expedi
tionary forces In France, Indicates tho
boy scouts tho world around aro very
much tho same:
"Yesterday while on tho road, I met
a party of French boy scouts with
whom I had a little chat They even
shared with me some little biscuits
which they hnd for lunch.
"Hiking back to their much-bombarded
town in the rain, they mado a
decided Impression and a very happy
one, for I Imagined myself back again
for tho moment with my own lads of
Troop No. 5 of OU City, Pa.
"Sonio tlmo I hopo-to take up tuo
work again, with my boys in God's
country. Until then It is good to re
member the happy days I havo had
back homo in camp and on the hike."
As a scout tho boy willingly adopts
ns renl and vlttil tho universally ac
cepted principles of life as set forth
in tho scout oath and -law. This effec
tively Influences the &oy's nature and
character 6 as better to prepare htm
for that work which tho church ean
best do.
A scout promises that upon his
honor ho will do his duty to Ood and
country nnd obey tho scout law; that
ho will help other peoplo, at all times
nnd that ho will keep himself physical'
ly strong, mentally nwuke, and montHy