Eagle Valley news. (Richland, Or.) 191?-1919, August 01, 1918, Image 1

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TT1 A f T TP
$1.50 A YEAR
.. v
JHJYHH9 01-'
Cream, Milk and Eggs
R. M. Kirk, Resident Manager
w. h7"straye
Attorney at Law
fourth Floor Sommors Building
Baker, Oregon
rvirie Lodge No. 86
Knights of Pythias "
Moot uvory Wciliicmlny nltflit n(. their
Gnutlo Hull In Mclilnnil, Or.-non. Vlult-
I us Urotliurn in ml (i wolcoinu.
C. It. COUKIt.0. 0.
V. C It ALKY, K.of lt,V8,
m 1 11 jwwwa
Catliel niitl Hlitouds of All ,lus
AUtuji n Htoclt (
'lionu Two ehorts, Ono Ionic
0 v9VrV'vVtv'
Notary Public
Conveyancer f
Ofllco, PwoikJ nml Walnut K!h. f
t i-i....uii,. ri,.i.n.i, "n.i.rrti. z
Physician and Surgeon
Richland, :-: Oregon
Night 'phone, one long ring on
all lines.
Day 'phone call contral office.
Baker's Popular Hotel
Undor Direct Supervision
- of The Owner
Special Itutos to lYriiinncnt Guest a
Dullt un to a standard, not down to a
Light weight Strong pull Superior
Automatla Traction by "pull" Instead
of dead weight
Blonds up to hard service with mini
mum expanse.
Nllion Henlor, 24-88 It. P.) Nllson
Junior, 16-26 II, V.
See our local agent, or send for catnloir.
EaiT Morrison and ltast Third HI.
Portland, Oregon.
fj v w t
vvm. it. usnor ran across a
mnu nf "'VUn Hnll.r 0,.v IIkmoIi"
dated Nov. 24, 188G, and present
cd samo to ye editor. The paper
was published ut Baker City and
edited by J. M. Shopherd. Very
little nowH of any kind is found
in tho paper, but the following
facts were gleaned from its col:
Samuol Govor had just arrived
from Nebraska where hp, had
been for moro than a year, dis:
posing of a band of horses.
TheO. R. &N. timetable shows
ono passenger and one freight
train each way daily.
John Clark was running a stage
ine between Raker and Cornti-
T. C. & Chas. P. Hyde, Israel
& Manvill, and L. 0. Sterns were
the "Attornoys and Chancellors
at Law."
J. W. Wisdom ran tho "Corner
Drug Store."
Vernon & Nelson sold candies,
nuts, fruits, vegetables, butter
and eggs.
Two saloons were advertised.
Tho A. 0. U. W. ware to give
n Grand Thanksgiving Ball at
Rust's Hall.
Mart Flemming charged with
tho killing of Adrain Smith was
given preliminary examination in
Justice Shinn's court and in de
fault of $7000 bonds was recom
mitted to jail.
An article taken from the Elko
(Nov.) Independent was printed
being a friendly tribute to Geo.
H. Bobier and wife who had been
accused of murdering a man in
their hotel on Powder River.
Compare the prices of that date
and today:
1886 1918 t
Bacon 8 l-2c lb 45 to 60c
Sheep pelts 15 to 25c each 40c lb
Oats lc lb 4c lb
Barloy . .75c per 100 lbs N 5c lb
Wheat 50c per bu $2.20
Flour, per barrel, S3. 50 $12.00
Chickens, dozen, $2.50 $12 up
Beef.hides, each, 22.00 12c lb
fable linen, yd, 25c $2.50
Wool blankets. $1.50 $G up
Cotton Flannel, yd, 7c 80c
Unbleached muslin, 7c 27c
Wool hose 25c GOc
"Peach Pay."
County Farm Agent Tweed is
arranging for a "Peach Day" to
bo held at Now Bridge when the
peach crop, is ready for market.
Tho plan isto get the people from
other sections of tho county to
come in on that day and purchase
their peaches, other fruit, toma
toes, etc., direct from the grow
er, thus saving shipping charges
and middleman's profit.
The plan Bhould bd a meanB of
bringing in hundreds of visitors
as special prices will bo made on
farm products for that day, a
schedulo of which will bo given
wide publicity in advance of tho
exact dato sot Furthef particu
lars will bd given later.
Sco the Movies tonight
Mr. B. F. Kiest was a visitor
from Sparta, Monday, look'ing
after business matters, and in
formed us of'a mass meeting of
all interested in the Sparta irri
gation project that will be held
there on Saturday, August 3rd.
Plans for general co-operation
in the promotjon of the project
will be adopted at the meeting,
which will be attended by Attor
neys W. II. Strayc'r and C. T.
Godwin, who have' been retained
as legal advisors, ant by L. R.
Stockman, who will act as con
sulting engineer.
Prof. Powers, who went over
the project with Farm Agent
Tweed nnd' others, has made a
favorable report to the statu au
thorities, and the project is sure
to go through.
A basket picnic djnner will be
a feature of -the day, and all in
terested in this project are urged
to como and bring their families
and dinner.
Remember tho day Saturday,
August 3rd.
Will Be a Big Improvement.
A meeting of those interested
in a new irrigation project for
Eugle Valley was held in Rich
land Saturday and a committee
consisting of G. M. Moody, Lerp
Morris and Merle Byrne appoint
ed to go over the proposed route
with County Agent Tweed, who
will take tho matter up with the
higher authorities.
The plan provides for irrigat
ing about 1400 acres of arid land
north and east of Eagle Valley
by the use of the flcod waters of
Main Eagle, which can be done
by enlarging the Spring Creek
Ditch and making about eight
miles of new ditch.
Another meeting will be held
at the town hall in Richland' on
Saturday evening,- August 3rd,
and all interested in this matter
are urged to attend. Mr. Tweed
will bo present.
Iet's Talk 'em Over.
It is not always the man with
tho big bank roll that makes big
profits. His money gives him a
largo levorage, it is true, but
there are lots of ways lor the
man with small means to make
We try to keep in touch with
tho requirements of this com
munity and can no doubt give you
some advice on 'your business
drals. We have helped others,
perhaps We can help you. Any
way we will be glad to advise
with you on your contemplated
deals and assure you that your
confidence will not be abused,
ad) Eagle Valley State Bank
Our stock of Girigliams, Per
cales and Wash Goods is complete
and prices less than yoil can buy
at on the outside, xou should
buy now1 as prices will go up.
m Mi & w unanaier.
to the article published in a re
cent Issue of tho Eagle Valley
News, written by Thos. Seigel
to the so-called "Rfob of Idlers."
Now this mob, as Patriotic Tom
calls them, was not a mob in any
sense of the word whatever. In
the first place it had been rumor
ed by the people of the Valley far
and wide that Mr.Seigel had some
men in his employ that objected
to having a flag railed at his
ranch on Daly Creek, threaten
ing to quit work if the Stars and
Stripes were hoisted.
After going to Richland and
having J. M. Johnson to call Mr.
o'eigel up on the phone, Mr. Sei
gel told Mr. Johnson to come
ahead and bring a good flag end
raise it, the same would be all
right with him.
The men went to the Richland
Drug Store and purchased the
best flag they could get, and on
request E. E. Holman and J. M.
Johnson went with them to Mr.
Seigel's ranch. On arriving at
the place, Mr. Seigel and wife
were at the front yard gate, and
we will state right here that
there was not an unmannerly
wcrd spoken in their presence.
We believe Mr. Seigel to be a
man pf his wprp), and as he was
bespattered with white flqur from
head to foot, Mr. Rinard 'and
others :.sl?ed him what he had
been doing and he replied "I've
been caching away seme flour."
We believe Mr. Seigel told the
Now Mr. Seigel state3 that Mr.
Schnau and Mr. Sass are doing
more to help the war along than
all the parties present. We don't
believe the same is true 'tis not
the "Almighty Dollar" that takes
a man to heaven.
He slated to the crowd that his
parents were both born in this
country and was contradicted by
his wife.
We believe in the. Golden Rule:
"Do unto others as you would
have them do unto you."
Mr. Seigel says the so-called
mob was not represented by the
best citizens of the Valley. We
don't pretend to be the best the
pure and spotless but our hearts
are in' the right place. One of
the men present at' Mr. Seigel's
has, since tho so-called "dastard
ly act" was committed," volun
teered his services to Uncle Sam
by enlisting in the army.
Mr. Seigel states how ho has
helped the war in every possible
way. We don't deny this state
ment. He says his little children
sold their pet lambs to purchase
W.S.S. Now we have no pet
lambs, but we are working hard
by days' work to get the cash to
pay for our quota of W.S.S. and
Liberty Bonds. We also have the
food cards in our windows, and
belieVe us, wo comply with the
food rules to the letter.
Wo don't believe in Mr. Seigel
acting as spokesman for the
Gentlemen in hia immediate vi-
HO,W)MlfttE EtMOR Am? Ml
.'-v riopeyWE OtOri-f VCMOAN
MOJW'iM' feOU-f VC, tf fc,
BON ER A jUB.U?."---V4EU.,
mb urn , eu-r vte mm'-c no
manAns qlao -to cr-r. vfewis
OVER 'VHfc pnoue
cinity, we believe in them giving
their own experiences.
Mrs. Seigel told some qf the.
'idlers" that .day, when the Red
Cross people came over soliciting
funds to not see their hired men
for she did not think they would,
give anything toward the same.
We think we are a represeptat.
tioa of the patriotic men of Eagle..
Valley. aro ,coriWfe
uut! iiwu regulations ana niping
win the war. We pay our taxes,
and don't try to evade the same.
We are here to defend Old Glory
and help smash the German armyt
Yours for Loyalty and Patriots
ism, our first and last articje. '
The so-called Mob of Idlers.
J. E. Wallace,
Ed Simonis,
EdRitch, ;
J. M. Evelandt
Alvin Ritch.
Ed.mond Hall,
Carson Gover,
Richard Kirby,
D. A. Rinard. . ' J
3rd Liberty Loan Bond Buyers
. The last instalment with ac
crued interest will he due. and
paiable at the Eagle Valley State
Bank not later than Ausust 10th.
so that payments can reach San
Francisco by noon August 15th.
Payments must be made prompt
ly to avoid loss on what has been
. Still Doing His Bit.
Hood River, Ore., July 29th.
Eale Valley Jim" visited the
local K. of P. Lodge last evening
and collected $20 for the Red
Cross. He was sent on to Ivanhoe
Lodge at Portland.
Buy your Stationery at Rich
land Drug Store. ad
Sheriff Anderson and deputies
captured 283 quarts of booze in
the possession of Dan Davies and -
Ben Jingalls last Saturday be
tween Sumpter and Whitney .
I -fUtvwvL sou flMi S