Eagle Valley news. (Richland, Or.) 191?-1919, July 25, 1918, Image 5

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    V SOU UlUft ftiift
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Hon Curler spout Sunday at
the county acat.
Dr. unci Mrs. 11. II. Beck loft
yesterday for Halfway for n In
definite Btay.
Maude Ilnllcy and Josephine
Ayres'uro enjoying an outing in
the Hliio Mountain!?.
A ncighborhoud.dnnce was held
nt Herb Lamberts last Thursday
night. A jolly time was had by
all present.
Bruce James received a cabld
gram Friday, announcing the ar
rival in France of his son, Lieut.
Oscar W, James.
On the last poire wjll be 'found
the announcement of a big public
sale to bo held on Saturday, Aujr.
'3rd: Don't fail to read it.
Hob Taylor Ezra Engurti and
Janioallarvill have received or
ders to report at Baker on July
30th for medical examination.
Orlando Herr, a former Englo
Valley resident who has been in
Nevada for some time past, was
.visiting friends here last week,
before entering U. S. service
' Your outing will bo more en
joyablo.if you will outfit at our
Btoro; everything that goes to
mnko tho outing complete in
stock. E. & W. Chandler. ad
A meeting of those interested
in socurlnir tho Hood waters of
Efcst Eagle Creek for irrigating
purposes, will be hold at tho town
halj in Richland Suturday night.
. Aslhe services of a police ofii
qor are so much needed in Pine
Valley, -an effort is being made
to secure a salary .for the deputy
sheriff of that section so that he
may bo "on tho job' at all hours.
When you receive n letter from
a boy In ssrvice that contains any
thing of goncral interest, you will
confer a favor by letting us pub
.lisli same, Most of our readers
enjoy reading of our home boys
experiences and tho boys-fn sor
.vicq.also love to hear what their
old friends are doing.
Chamberlain's Colic ami Diarrhoea
Now la tlio tlmo to buy n bottlu of tills
f'omody bo bh to bo prepared In enso Hint
any one of your amlly should bnvo n
attack of colio or dlnrrhoea during' tho
bumujur monthmT It-i worth -R-hundrfd,
times Its cost when needed. udv .
. 5"7T ' JT'S3. 'tit!"
Men's, Chippows, &Mi kl kon
dallrB. ad
Got ihn habit-read Ulb Want
Column cvory week.
Fancy shelf papor 10c a pack
age at Ualoy'B. ad
Wright Chandler and family
spent Sunday in Pino Valley.
If you need a now Suit Case
get it lit Richland Drug Storej-ad
Thos. Scigel nnd family are
vacationing in the Seven Devils
Anron Dcnslcy joined tho in
creasing number of News readers
tho past week.
Richland celebrated the good
war news last Friday by firing
anvils for about an hour.
A 0 nound 'daughter arrived at
Iho homo of .Mr. upd Mrs. Conrad
Steelinan on Friday, July 19th.
Mr. and Mrs. T.J. Roddick nnd
son Herbert arrived Tuesday from
Caldwell, Idaho, for a visit with
Mrs, W. M. Saunders and chil
dren left Sunday for Portland
whoro they will visit relatives
had friends.
We arc told that Ohio Simonis
has returned, having failed to
pass tho physical examination for
army service,
' Rev. J. M. Johnson will preach
at Pleasant Ridge school house
next Sunday afternoon at 3:30.
You are cordially invited to.be
Tracy Matthews, Gate Makin,
Roy Campbell, Forman Davis,
Gene Gibson, Al Barber, Waller
Jone3 and Ira Bradford arc most
likely jn France by this time.
We are informed that Lindsay
McArthur, who has been attend
ing U. of O., bus .been, appointed
for two months training in the
officera' school at Presidio, Cujlf.
Miss Grace Margaret Jones en
tertained a number of her little
friends yesterday afternoon at
tho home of her aUnt, Mrs. Dan
Cover, in celebration of Iter fifth
Mr. and Mrs. P. 1. Wyntt and
daughter Edna, accompanied by
Ed Carnahan, departed Monday
for an auto tour of Yellowstone
Park. They expect to bo gone
about three weeks.
Mr. Guy R. O'Melveny, civil
engineer for the State Highway
Commission, with a crow of help
ers, is going over the section of
the B-Cpostroad cast of Richland
making a fow alterations in the
survey. Ho says thoro is every
reason to believe that construe
tjon work will commence this fall.
A largo number of Eagle Valley
bojs in service, who have been
stationed in vnrious forts and
training camps, ran across each
other at Camp Mills, L. I., be
fore leading for Europe Among
others that had that pleasure
wore Al Burber and his brother-
in-law. Gate Makin, who is iu
Butt. A, 11th K. A,
' Arc You One ,b( Them?
Tlioro nru n grunt many peoplo who
wouiu uo vtry mucn oonouicn uy tuKinu
Ghamburlahvs Tnblote for u weak or dis
ordered stomach. Aro jmi qno of thorn'.'
Mrs. M. It. Benrl, UaldwWlllo, N. Y.,
relates licr oxjwf lunco in tho usoof thoso
tubluts; "l. had n bad spoil with my
stomach about six months ago and wus
troubled for two or throo wisuks with gas
And snvoro palud in tho pit o! my stOin
Anli . Our druiudst advised mo to take
Chamberlain's Tablets. 1 took u bottlu
homo nnd tho first iloso ruliovod mo won
dorfully, and I kopt on taklns them un
til I was cunxl." Thoso tulilota do not
rollovo pain, but after the pain has been
relieved may prevent its recurrence
See the new line of Glawwarl
at Iialoy'a. 'ad
Halfway has passed a "work or
fight" ordinance
Buy Buhach Insect Powder at
Richland tfrug Store. ad
Several local sportsmen left
yesterday for an outing nt Fiah
Mike Brown, jr., left Monday
for Wulla Walla for a brief visit
before enlisting.
CORN MEAL (without flour)
70c per sack for a short time.
Saunders Bro's.nd
J. A. Davis came over from
Pino Valley Sdturduy to attend
to some business mutters.
John Dimu loft Saturday to en
ter U. S. service. Before going
he sold his "bug" to Louis Guyer.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Ludike of
Stockton, Calif., arc visiting rel
atives antl friends in the Valley.
Defend the "bread line" with
elernui vijilance. Uur noys in
France aro risking their lives to
hold it.
During the year 1917 Baker
county produoed $1,228,199 in
gold, and nearly a half million in
silver and copper.
Most of the Baker county men
sent to Camp Lewis on tho recent
draft, have been transferred to
a training camp in California.
Miss Vol ma Craig went to
Baker this week to remain in
finitely, having secured employ
ment at the home of Mrs. G. W.
Lindsay McArthur and sister,
Miss Isabel, came in from Baker
Friday. Lindsay returned home
Saturday but his sister remained
for u more extended visit with
fYlertds. ( ,
J. N. Holcmb loaded his fam
ily and o number of friends on
his big auto ft-ucn: this morning
and left for-o fow days' outing on
East Eagle.
Following an order issued by
the poatoffico department, which
must be put into effect imme
diately, wo must 'stop all sub
scriptions, that are ayenrormore
in arrears. Do not wait tore
ceive a notice u you are aware
how your subscription stands,
send in a check at once, else you
may miss the next issue. The
same order also calls for the dis
continuance of all exchange and
copies sent gratis.
Met DeatTi at Portland.
Saturday's Portland Telegram
gives tho following account of
the death of Charles Anderson,
who was well known in this sec
Charles Anderson, aged 29
years, nn employe of tho .Willa
mette Iron & Steel Co., died In
an ambulance on his way to a
hospital, after falling about 50
feet from a traveling crano while
at work. The man fell to tho
deck of p. vessel and from there
rolled off into tho river. He sus
tained a fractured skull and in
ternal injuries. He ha3 a wife
and two children living at Half
way, Ore, Tho body was taken
to the morgue."
Doing Goodj
Fow medicine havo mot with moro
favor or accompllshod moro good than
(Jlminucrlain's Colic and Diarrhoea lie
inidy, JohuK. Jnntzun, Ddhhofiy, Basic.,
siijth of it, "I bavn usod Chamberlain's
Oollc and Dlarrhoui He mod' inysolf nnd
lo'inv family., nnd cuil" rocommond It at
bolnjj an exceptionally flno preparation."!
If you arc in need of anything hvthese
lines we can supply your wants. ; -
o o
We are agents for
and have a stock on hand for your inspec
tion. Whatever you need in this line we
can supply it .
DaWs Cash Qtore
If n . i. 1 f n n ,11 m r -
Wvjmvl ZjCtllIHrjTf II 1 ill m II II II a t r
Auto Truck Service!
I have secured a Federal Truck of 3,000 pounds
capacity, and will make regular trips to and from
Baku, and solicit your patronage. All orders, largtp
or small, will receive prompt attention. Terms
reasonable. Leave orders at postoffice.
L. S. KELLY, Manager
Clean and Comfortable Rooms Properly Cooked Meals
Prompt and Efficient Service Reasonable Rates
Sunday Dinner a Specialty Your Patronage Solicited
1 McDowell Bros. & St. John
1 1 Bee Keepers Supplies of all
a Hives, Supers, Cards, Foundation, etc.
All orders filled prorrjptly
Write, phone
C. C. St. John, Manager,
Kids Capture Big Salmon
About 'steen hundred of the
male population of Eagle Valley
were out fiBhing Sunday, and
though the grown-ups and heavy
weights Had to carry rubber tapp
measures, etc., and complained
of poor. catches, a far different
report comes from, the kiddies.
Iln fact the record, catch of the
season was made by little, Doyle
Connall and Haryey Ewing of
New Bridge, both under 1Q years.
of age. These young sportsmen,
discovered a big salmon in a hole
in Eagle Creek and by the use of
stones and poles dr6ve tle,fisl out:
into shallow water and cptyrd
it. The fish tipped the" scale?, at,
a fraction dver fifteen pounds.
Rico flour and other wheat sub'
stitutcs at Saunders Bro's.ad
Buy War Savings Stamps,
' "
n n-tn T Tn nlt
- Richland, Oregon;
and satisfaction guaranteed
or call for prices.
Richland, Oregon
Unlike siany other manufac
turers, Flynn&Co. art- not re- ?
ducing the quality of the tobacco ;
used in their cigars. Having
built up an enormous demand
for the LaCheerable, Triumph,
Nugget and other brands, and v
being in the business to stay, the
firm will sacrifice profits entirely .
and even operate at a loss until ,
Germany js whipped, rather than
use inferior stock in their cigars.
Ask for Fly.nn's cigars and avoid;''
disappointment ad
An Invitation , .
Baker Circle No. 32 Ladies of
G. A. R. will hold their annual
basket picnic jn the City Park at
Baker, Qre. on August 1st.
A cordial invitation is extended;
to all G. A. R. and Spanish W.ar
Veterans and their families to at
tend. Mary A: Soule, .
Sec'y Ladies G.. A.
1 .'
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