Eagle Valley news. (Richland, Or.) 191?-1919, July 25, 1918, Image 4

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    ri-S"8 - )'..tyxilT!l
1&i 'I
ae Fa Afeatf
Straight, Truthful, Direct
C. E. Thorp
Entered as second class matter Dec. 12, 1912 at the post oiltce at
Richland Oregon, under act of March 8, 1879.
Mombor Oregon- Stnto
. 1.50 SIX MONTHS --
Exocutlve Head, History Depart-
1 (.eland Stanford Junior University
' "The object of thl war Is to deliver
the free peoples of the world from the
menace and the actual power of a vast
mittUry establishment controlled by an
Irresponsible government, which, having
lcretly planned to dominate the world.
(Koceeded to carry out the plan without
ard either to the sacred obligations
pf treaty or the Img-establlsr-.ed prac
tic and long-cheriihed principles of In
ternational action and honor; . . . This
power Is not the German people. It Is
the ruthless master of the German peo-
file. ... It Is our business to see to
t that the history of the rest of the
Nrld Is no longer left to Its handling."
President Wilson, August 27, 1917.
irhe three great needs constantly
SPiit forth from "Washington arc: (1)
lofljd. conservation to aid our Allies;
f).men; (3) money. Tho first, the
ITttbd Administration Bureau Is at
tempting to secure largely by volun
tary efforts. Tho second has hceu
rte'eed by law on a compulsory basin
5 v,lie draft. The third will bo com
5ulory by laws Increasing, present
taxation to the extent of about one
quarter of the annual expenditures In
tba -war; but three-quarters must be
Irrtded not by voluntary gift, but by
voluntary loan.
The ease with which tho' draft of
utefi was carried through, the quiet
acquiescence of America In it, when
adrised by America's self-chosen lead
ers, was a magnificent proof of the
oiwentlal patriotism of our people and
' at our confidence that we are a truly
democratic nation. We trusted our
advisers because we bad ourselves
bleated them. Now we must trust
thera with our money and we must
fee ready for sacrifices. This war can
hut even be begu' to be won until
the people of America fully realize
Unit sacrifices of all sorts, but espe
cially of men and money, are in
evitable. ,
, Popular opinion seems to think wo
-have already given much. Let us be
bonest. What have wo given? True,
we are preparing to give 'mon and ma
chines, and are spending money In
rftat preparation, but our spending Is
as yet but a drop In tho bucket cow
jaretl to what our Allies have been
.-pending for three years in defense of
us. For that is what they have been
ioiag defending the world, ajid bo
defending us. We have been lending
litem money, at a good rate of lntcr-
t. They do not ask us to give, even
now. All that they expect Is that we
also shall bear our burdens, its they
are bearing theirs. In this war for the
mture of humanity and for safety,
Look at a few facts of Great Brit
ain's effort not at grand totals, but
at facts applied to the individual. In
ilia last British War Loan there was
a total of $4,350,000,000 In cash sub
ieriptione, which means about $100
par person men, women, and chil
dren. (The best that Germany was
aDIa to do in her last loan was $30
iper person.) To equal Britain's ef
ifort Amorlca, after she had been three
years at war, would have to subscribe
10,000,000,000 In a single loan,
ffbrough taxation, Interest on loans,
jaud higher cost of living, It Is es
timated thai every Englishman with
en aunual Incomo of 2,C00 gives $700
to 'support the war. One reason for
4h1s high cost Is that Britain began
1he war without properly appreciate
fijjp it 'flnaWclal blirderis.' It 'was the
tJBvuicda as. UiualL' ax. tint , prfc
Kditorinl Association
JULY 25, 1918. Vol. 6, No. 37.
There is more Catarrh in this soctlon
of tho country than all other diseases
put together, and for years It was sup
posed to u Incurable. Doctors prescribed
local remedies, and by constantly falllnR
to euro with local treatment, pronounced
It Incurable. Catarrh Is a local disease,
greatly Influenced by constitutional con
ditions and tlicrcforo requires constitu
tional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Medi
cine, manufactured by P. J. Cheney &
Co.. Toledo, Ohio, Is a constitutional
remedy. Is taken Internally and acts
thru tho niood on the Mucous Surfaces
of tho System. Ono Hundred Dollars re
trnrd Is offered for any case that Hall's
Catarrh Medicine falls to cure. Send for
circulars and testimonials.
K J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio.
Sold by Druggists, T5c.
Haifa Family nils for constipation.
cnted the pouring out of money of
Xrst which, U then given, might have
ncant a saving for England later, and
specially a saving of English lives.
This, war can not be won without
sjierlflee. Let no one think It. If
Germany wins, or even makeB a draw
of It. our future sacrifices will be
manv times Greater. Let no one dc-
ivn himsoif as to that. Right now
we ore pouring out boys getting them
ready. We must pour out dollars to
equip them, but most of all, to furnish
them with tho Instruments of war that
their JJuci may nr: be lost by being
put up as man pocr against machin
orv Mnnv of our boys will die: but
some wo may save if wo nro roady
to spend tho last dollar or -our re
sources In giving them the tools with
which to make a fair fight,
nii-ht now It Is "dollars and boys."
Jn some ways It Is a question of "dol
lars or boys." ,ThIs is no abstract
generalisation. It Is a question for
YOU to answer personally, with seri
ous thought of what money YOU havo
available. Every dollar held back for
mere luxury, for nonessentials dur
ing this war, raeanB a greater chance
of the loss of a boy It may be of your
boy. 1
If you have no boy in service, and
hold back your dollars, can you look
jo-tr neighbor in the face when he
loses his boyt If you do hold back,
where do you think you arc going to
stand in your neighbor's estimation
when this war endst
This Is the tenth of a serlea of ten
articles by Professor Adams.
Children's Savlnrjs.
' More than 40.000 children under sir
teen yenrs of ngo lmve savings ac
counts In tho L"S Angcle.1 banks. They
"have more than 1.000.000 on deposit,
each. Ono thirteen-year-old youngster
Is credited with heading (lie list, lie
hnH nctirlv S2.000 on (lenoKlt, from n
beginning made with' 00 cents when
lie was seven ycara old.
Many 'of the Lbs Angeles banks make
necinl nrovisions for the savings uc
counts of children and In addition to
accepting savings nccountfi, tench les
sons of thrift In their advertising mat
tor. They nlsor 'lend encouragement
to thrift propnganda In tho public
schools and children's organizations.
The 8upreme Test.
I was at a strange Httl meeting in
Ohio, nild Just before the meeting it
woman camo up with n very Htern cx-
nrefislon on her face and fiiiia: I am
just going to tell you this. I had to
give my boy. lib was drafted und I
had no choice. But I won't give up
my food for anybody." It sounded as
If her food was of more value to he:
'than her boy. "But won't yoli please
come to the meeting and hear what I
have to tell you about how It Is over
.thcro?" I risked. Sim camo; and r.ftcr
tho meeting sho came to mo and snni:
"I nin Just going to tell you that I am
enlnu to chango my mind. I will go
wltllbUt Kornii' of tho thlngH."--Mru, A.
Burnott-Omltli, In the Atlantic,
tootico of Final SolUQrnonL
Notion Is linrrthp olvrtl that Clinton
Graven, tho dulv annotated, nuallued
and acting administrator ot tlio rstato of
U, A, Uraven, tlecwtucti, nan nieu iu mo
County Court ot tho Stuto of Oregon for
nnkor county, h(s final account and re
port of ami concerning hl nJlninlatrn-
tlnn of until itntn nml that SatnrdaV tllO
20th day of July, 1018, at tho hour of 10
o'clock In th.9 forenoon of Haiti day, at the
tionuty Court Jtoom In HaKor, Oregon,
is thu day, hour and plnco for llnnl hear
ing and ndJud,cntlon thereof. All juireoni
interested in said estato nro hereby notl
(led to bu and appear In mid court on or
bolero wild day mid hour and show caunu,
If nny thoro bo, why wild final account
and report should not bo approved na
filed, thu administrator of raid estate
discharged; and the administration tboro-
oi limy puuieu ami cuwuu. i
Jllnton uraven, Aiimiiiidriuor,
V. II. Slrayor Ally.
First publication Juno 27, 1018.
Last publication July 23, 1018.
Department of the Interior.
U.S. Land OfHco at UU rondo, Ore
gon, July 6th, lOlrt.
NOTICK is hereby given that Georo
Spiropolos, of Homo, Oregon, who, on
May 21th, 1015, mado Homestead hntry,
No. 011700, for N SW. W6 BRtf,
SKSKX, Sec. 22, i:l8NK)f, and NK
Section 27, Township 11 South,
Rntigo 15 Kast Willamotto Meridian,
has filed notice of intention to make
Three Year Troof, to establish claim to
the land alwvo described, before A. 11.
Combs, jr., OImV of tho County Court,
at his oillco, nt llaker, Oregon, oiitho
12th day ot September, wit. t
tiintmaiit nainea as wuncssei ; .
ICIrhv. of Uurkee. Orei:oii : NichnMo
Splropoloa, Milton Splropojo,and tHiris
Vo email, all ot iioine, uregou. ,
First Insertion July 18. 101S.
Ijiat insertion August 10, HUB.
NO. 1G.
at Hichland, In the State of Oregon, at
thu close of bugiitcsj Juno '.IMh, lUlo.
Ijonnn and diseountrt S122.101.00
bverdraftsrsecured and tin
ei'iuir-il sfM.i'i
Bonds and Warrants 2,8S3.W
Hanking house 2,WW.tK)
Furniture and Fixtures ... 2,3fi0.00
Other real estatu owned 2,930.00
Dm. from nnoroved reserve
Imnk.. . 20.0f5.5l
CaHhon hand . . 0,00 '.M
Other rrtources
Total Hc.-ourcoB..., 108.000.0
Capital Stock paid in
surplus fund
Undivided Profit!, less ex
penses and taxes paid
Individual deposits subject to
Time and Savings deposits. ..
Notes and bills rediscounicd.
Total Llabilltlea 108,090.07
State of Oregon 1 .
r, r.t l..l,. fDO.
above-named bank, do solemnly swear
.i .i i ...... !, rf tint
iliac iiio nnovo Buuuiuuiifc ""uw
a 1 . . I I., If.J
nest oi my imowieogo anu unuui.
' .Innv I'. Hkkii. Cafihior.
Subbcrlbcd and HMorn to boforo me
this 8th day of. lutv. 1018.
William It. ttnher, Notary Public.
. f ii inffi
mv couiinis8ton expires jiiihj
v;, J. J'miey,
I. N. Young.
fupport EVERY FLAG
that cfporMPmmamln
Est Utttfdt hoi Vi$irt wr4
XJeMVyotiwlt" ctMii
Send the New's to a soldier friend
Harvest Time
is here and we are ready to
supply you with
and any other article you may need
I If Your First
You arc getting ready for the second one of course
and will no doubt need repairs for your mowers,
wagon, hay derrick oir other machinery1, and now 1$
the proper time to get them so that you will not
suffer by any delay. Bear in mind we can furnish
Repairs or New Farm Machinery
No mntler what voQ mav need
A man may get tired of ordi
nary tobacco but never of
Real Gravely Chewing Plug,
with its pure, clean tasto
and lasting quality.
1 er
t .1 s
INintilii nrii aiirni tnpil nt tint INSTANT
action of uhnplo buckthorn bark, uy
rerliio, etc., a8 mlxnl in Ailler-i-ku.
ONU SrOOMUI. MUBhCHtlio Ivismu-.
bowel tract so completely it relieves
ANY CASK nonr Houiaeh, gna or con
fllpatim and jireveniH ntiieinllcitla
Tho INSTANT, pleasant action of Ad-
lor-i-ka btirprlsui lioilt (Idckhh ami
pathmtH. It removofl foul batter which
poisoned vour stomach for monthn.
lliehland Ilruis Store. ndv
Quit the Tobacco Habit
Qult-Tobao Tobacco Treatment will do
tho work pio.nptly and permanently. No
matter In what form you use tobacco-t-amokliiK
ciuars.pipo.cli'arottes, chuwlnu
tobacco or enuff.No matterhow much you
iiku, or how lonu lined, iQuit-Tob'ic will
break you oi tho habit hi from three to
llvodaya. P eaxunt to lake, no incoii
venifince, no reinainini; away from work
or huHlueES,
A aimplo homo treatment. No cravlm;
or deidru for tobacco in any form alter
you becin taking Qult-Tohac. Don't try
to qult.thn tobacco habit unaided. It'
a 'oHliufluht unniiiHt heavy oddH and
ineana a porlniin ehnck to tho nnrvoun
Bvstotn. I-et thu tobacco habit quit you.
It will quickly quit you, if you will tako
Qult-Tobac according to tho niinplo dl
rcllonH wo send you. It la a thorouidily
icliablo and permanent remedy for tho
tobacco habit, but la not a nubtltuto for
TliousnndH havo bon freed from tint
habit. wiiynntyouY wnio at ouco lor
nartltlilnrs and tovtimonlals,
A. F. HALL'A CO,, '118 N, LaBallo St.,
Olilcaco, II). adv
1 ' " "I
Hay Crop is Up
Peyton Brand
Real Gravely
Chewing Plug
lOcapouch and worth it
no more to chew thanordlnaryplug
P. D. Gravely Tobccco Company
Danville, Virginia
linker, Oregon, ,luno lltli, 1018,
To tho heira of John l'. Carey, deceueed,
and all othuM Inturoated heroin :
Yoli nud each oi you are hereby no ti
lled and will tako notice that Ilho nub
ncrlber, have expended during tl.o vcarn
1(111, 1(11-.', lttl.'l. lul l, loin and 11110.
one huudri'd ilollarn lor each of mid
years In labor and iniurovotiioiith ur.ou
each of the fnllnwim; -quartz mining
clawiiH, Miiinitni in JiaK'T i;ountv, Main
ol Prciron, to-wif Uton tho"BVHHP
ST A K K" ami upon tho (lallaher No. 1
iitiart. iniuliiK claima, an Haldclaln'Harc
dcHcrlhcd in tint rccor ted certlflratiiN of
location thoreof, on die and of record in
the oillco nf tio County Clctk of nr.ld
County and Htn'x in Hook "K" of quarti!
locallotiH at pfiucH 170 and 171 . Such
oxpoudltnro wiim made for thu urpoo
of lioldini: tho ponpnry riuht atid titlu
to unld inliiinR clalnis under Hut proWtj
ionttof Section IM'.M of tho Ituvifod Stat
utes of tlio United Stilton und thoamend'
mentH thereto, jald fuiiih Oehii ncr.uH
ary to hold nnld miniiifr claimH (or paid
If you fall or rcfiiH'i to coiitrihuto your
proportion of hiicIi uxpondituro withlii
ninety dayanft-'r the publication of IIiIh
notice, iIh a co-owner In mild cImIhih,
your proportion beliiK ono ulxth of fiiid
MiuiH expended by mo, your IntoreM In
nald claluiH will become thu i roperty ot
tho mibncribcr under raid Section -'321.
Patrick Gallimher. ,
Date of ilrHt publlcatlon Jttr.u 1018;
Dnto of hint publication Sept. 10, 11)18.-
Why not send
the News to &
soldier friend?