Eagle Valley News Straight, Truthful, Direct C. E. Thorp Eiitered as second class matter Dec. 12, 1912 at the post oilicfe at Richland Oregon, under act of March 3, 1S79. Member Oregon Stato SUBSCRIPTION - - 1.50 SIX MONTHS - - - .50 SAMPLE COPY ONE YEAR - - -THREE MONTHS - RICHLAND, ORE., THURSDAY. RESULTS FIRST YEAR OF FOOD ADMINISTRATION i i l Preliminary Work Began May 19, 1917. Food Control Act patted Augutt 10, 1917. WHEAT EXPORTS (alnco July 1): 9stlmated surplus for export, 20.000,000 bushels. Actual shipments to Jun, 110, 000,000 bushels. BEEF EXPORTS: Ordinary rate one to two mil lion pounds monthly. Larjest single month this ysar, 87.000.000 lbs. PORK EXPORTS: , :, Ordinary rate. 50,000,000 lbs. monthly. t : Largest month this ysar, 308s- 000,000 lbs. PRICK OP FLOUR (Minneapo lis): , , . One year Igo, $15.75 a barrel wholesale. ' 4 -j Present price. $9.80 per barrel. PRICE MARGirrfbetwi.en. farm er's wheat ini flour made from it): , One year ago' the difference was H it. Present date tho difference Is 64 cents. IN GENERAL: To the farmer going to market, 27 per cent more than last summer; to the housewife buying in mar ket. 13 per cent less than last And the Allies have been sus tained. w isuum teim WHY WE .ARE AT WAR WITH GERMANY EPHRAIM DOUGLASSADAMS Executive' Head, History Depart ment r Leland Stanford Junior. University TRAITORS TO OTJR DEMOCRACY. The general definition of"a traitor ifa one "who' gifee aid and comfort to , (he enemy." This is' usually applied to direct action, is lh thi dldl&oma movement in opposition to tho draft, or the encouragement of draft eva talons, or when an American cltlien re peals our war plans to German. Such actri coastltuta direct' treason; but there is A kind of lndlrectreaon, much harder to define and combat, yet often far more dangerous to our coun try and the success of the war than direct treason. Before the w'artbere were in this country many Social, political, or humanitarian movements on foot, all of which were radical (that Is to say, advocates of change) lln their programs. Such, for' example, were the Socialists, the Land Tax re formers, the Pacifists. Out all of .these asserted faith in the democratic principle in government and wished to .gain their ends by converting our democracy. Most of the adherents MC these various movements have rec ognized that this democracy of ours (having entered upon war, tnust be (supported that special programs ust, for the moment, bo subordinated fa the one great object of winning the foar. But there are some persons so JeeWe-minded or bo Incapable of grasp Wgfta8woWd"itnrtince orthts war, jffc.' they Ulkaad write things tal- Editor Editorial Association .75 FREE JULY 18, 1918. Vol. 6. No. 36. There is more Catarrh In this section of the country than all other diseases I posed to be Incurable. Doctors prescribed ; local remedies, and by constantly falling ! to cure with local treatment, pronounced It Incurable. Catarrh Is a local disease, : greatly Influenced by constitutional con ditions and therefore requires comtltu- tlonal treatment. Hall's Catarrh Med! I cine, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & V.O., xoieao, umo, u a. canauiuuaoai remedy. Is taken Internally and acts thru the Blood on -the Macous Surfaces' of the System. One Hundred Dollars re ward a offered for any case -that Hall's Catarrh Medicine falls to cure Bend for circulars and testimonials. ' F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo. Ohio. Sold by Drucffists. 75c. Hall's Family rills for constipation. culated to "Weaken our efficiency, In war. These people are traitors to our democracy. ... - - -- The whole matter Is, summed up by the Single. Tax Journal of (California (iTpervrnan,. Noveoher, 1917)- "Wil son's business now is to win, tho. war, and win it soon. , . . . The radical press should stop knocking him and attend to; Its, own business which to-create the-democracy that the Allies are-i to make the world safe for. To fight war, after It la on. Is bootless. To hinder its u!cfc, effective prosecu tion is, of course; traitorous." But there are other methods than radical speech which can "hinder the quick, effective prosecution of the war." Labor organizations, long en gaged In a struggle for better labor conditions, may see In the existence of war an opportuplty tp secure their de mands. It Buch demands are unusual and If they would have been unjusti fied -had there, been no war-if labor seeks to take special advantage of he existence of 'war, then such labor Is traitorous. It hinders the successful prosecution of the war. For the most part, labor organizations have not sought such special advantage, but a few have done so, and in public es timation they stand as traitors to our democracy. Business men men with capital are not free from the Imputation - of traitorous conduct. That mac whe places bis 'own business interests above' the Interests of the nation In this war Is-'traltorouslynminded. If he deliberately Seeks broht at the ex pense'ef national efficiency (as In the sale of undergrade materials to the government) he . should be punished, nn tlmnlv a jl rVlPdt hut as tf traitor. This Is the rare exception. . it Is the almost unconscious exaltation of his own business Interests, however, that makes the average business man dan gerously liable to traitorous . conduct. There Is no such thing as 'business as-usual" during a war. tnhiiV Ik nufittlon of Honeit tax return! "KhdT 'of subscribing to war l(r"hsls directly and positively a ques tlbn jf i loyalty or treason.' The"re" Is no need -to-argue the point that the man who conceals his resources, or makes dishonest tax returns Is a traitor lh intent and deed, What about lendine.to the government? Such. lending means usually a slight sacrlficej B'dt 'the war can not ho won without sacrifices and great sac rifices. If a man'has money which he contend, and If he does not lend, he and effective prosecution of tho war. Such traitors may indeed never be brought to punishment', even though they deserve It as much as tnc radi cal pacifist who argues against this .... '.i sir rAvrtlv helliilea the hdnestv of the purposes of oUr Allies, Hut the radical who sneers,, ana me man with money who can lend and 'doe's not, are alike traitorous id our 6&uni try, to our faith in deniocracy, dnd to our objects in this war. And we, who.do make sacrifices, know them for the traitors that they are, Send the News to a soldier friend Notice of Finnl Settlement. Notice is hercbv rIvuii Hint Clinton Graven, tho duly appointed. Him 1 1 tied uud acting admiulstratir o( tho estato of U.-A, Graven, licenced, has tiled lu tho County Court of tho Statu ol Oregon for linker countv, his fluid account nwl ro port of and concerning hi ndminlstra tlon of said ettato nnd tlmt Saturday tho 20tft day of July, 101H, nt tho hour of 10 o'clock In tlis forenoon of fald day, nt thu County Couri ltoont lu linker. Ori-uon, Is the day. hour and plaeu for final hear ing and ndjud.catlon thereof. A' eroni interested In said estate are hereby noli fled to be and ppar In tuld coiir on or before wild day nnd hourund showcase, If niiy there bo, why mid final account and report should not be npprbvtd its Hied, tho administrator of td eslnto dUchnrctdnnd the administration there of fully fettled nnd closed. , Clinton Graven, Administrator. W. II. Strayer, Atty First publication Juno '27, 1018. I .ant publication July '.Vi, 111 18. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. ( Publisher.) Department of Ihc Interior. U. S. Land Ofllco nt UGrnndo, Ore con, July 5th, 1018. NOT1CK Is herubv Riven that George Spiropolos, of Home, Orccoii, who, on May 24 tli, 1015, made Homestead Kntiy, No. OU70d, for m SW, V, SE,, SESKJ. Sec. KHNE4', and NKi SE)i. Section 27, Towushijill South, Ranee -10 East, Wlllninelto Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make Three Year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before A. B. Combs, jr Clr-rk of Jho CoUuty. Court, at his ouice, at Haker, Orekon, on tho 12th day of September, 101. . . Claimant names as Yltncsea: W. L. Ktrby, of Durkce, Oregon; Nicholas Spiropolos Milton Spiropoios.ahd Chris Coleman, all of Home, Oregon. C.S. DUNN. Register. First Insertion July 18. 1018. Last insertion August 15, 1918. It's Up to Us. "Germany's war of starvation ia ft challenge niost of all to America," says a Food Administration Bulletin. "Against Germany's lust for dominion, America's purpose Is to establish the society of nations. Against destruc tion, America's aim II healing. Against mastery, America's ideal !s service. "We cannot surpass the steadfast ness of Britain, the courage of Italy, the exaltation of France. "We cannot excel the Allies in hero ism, In endurance, In fortitude. Our force In battle, though It may be de cisive, will not be as great as theirs. "We can hope to contribute most to the common cause from our larger resources. Toi reliove desperate pri vation, America can supply. food. "Giving upiwheat is a little thing compared to Ahelr death struggle In which our soldiers are splendidly staring. lj. . i'i "A little thing yat we can do It with greatness of spirit Supporting our araayhand padding whole-hearted service toihuasa'nlty, it Is In America's power to defeat forever the passion et conquest.1 'n , r . Whcni ''Mow is .the hour of testing. What I lh tail.' - ; tMve, the Children Milk. .-t f' Mlik Is one of the most Important food sources the human race pes' ttfessW. iJFdr ilhe proper nourishment of the child, it Is absolutely Indispen sable and its use should be kept Up la the diet-as Jong as possible. Not only does It contain all the essential food elftm'ents In the most available form for ready digestion, but the recent scientific discoveries show it to be es pecially rich In certain peculiar prop erties that alone ronder growth pos sible. ' It is not enough to take off your hat to tho flag take off your coat and roll up your sleoves, and having made those preparations, do something use ful for America and her cause. You can boil water, cook a steak or bake a lohf of bread quicker on a New Hartford un stove man on any other on the market, ad E. & W. Chandler. ftanaur irWiil- ontn ton wifh ''flhf- name" on dnessing We have, tl- T7nlitr'cr.or1 EAT-POTATOES ...r.Y i . r MNHfll Harvest Time is here and we are ready to supply you with BINDER TWINE and any other article you may need If Your First Hay Crop is Up You arc getting ready for the second one of course and will no doubt need rcpal$ for your mowers, wagon, hay derrick or other machinery, and now is the proper time to get them so that you will not suffer by any delay. Bear in mind we can furnish Repairs or New Farm Machinery Kb fffatlcr what you fhay need SAUNDERS BRO'S. IMIIHIIIIMHIIIIMIIMIIIIIIIItlMIMlll r?1 Real Gravely plug ka been oliewed for its real tobacco satisfaction ever since 1831. It's snade the good old Gravely way. WOMAN'S STATKMfeNT WILL HELP RICHLAND "I hated cooWrjr because whoVor I nte gavo rno sou' stomach oln. bloated feeling. I-drank hot water and olive oil by tho gallcn. Nptlilnu heljud .until I tried simpla buckthorn barW; giyccrlno, etc., us irrtited In Adlcr-I-U "illccduso It-'flushes the KKT1RB bowol tract oom pletcly Adler-l-ka rellbVcs ANV-OAHE sour stomach, iras or L'cnstlpatfpn and i.rtvents appendicitis. Tho IN8TAT action-Is aurptislng. Illchland UruR Store, adv Quit the Tobacco Habll Quit-Tobac Tobncco Treatment will do the work promptly and permanently. No matter In what form you usu tobacco smokliiK ciKars,pipe,ciKarottc8. chnwlnu tobacco or snuff. No matlnrhowincliOrfU use, or how lon( iiaed, Qult-Tobso will break you ol tho habit in from three to flyodaya. feasant to tako, no incon Venience, ho rettialnlni: away from work or business. A Bimplo homo treatment. No craving or desire for tobacco in any form niter you bewin taking Qult-Tpbac. Don't try to ijult tho. tobacco habit unaided. It's a losing lluht against heavy odds and means a sorlous shock to tllo nervous Bvstotn. Let Ihfl.lobacco hnbit quit you; It will quickly quit you, )f you will tako iQult-Tobac according to tho Allnplo di rections wo send you. It ia a tliorouglily tellable and nerinanunt remedy for tho tobacco habit, but Is not a substitute for tobacco. Thousands liavo bonn freed Iron) tun t.at.l Wliv nnl vnn? Wrltn nf nni'n fnr partkulhrs and lestlmonlals. ;. A. tfi ltALiU'ec . taoiiu ov. Chicago, III. adv . ' Peyton Brand Real Gravely Chewing Plug 10c a pouch and worth it Gravflylaitstomuchioneirttcoiti nomoro to ehtw than ordinary p!ag P. B, Gravely Tobacco Company Danville, Virginia BAkcr, pjflapn.jtnojltli, lol; , AO holrsof John IVCnrov. deceased, W.alJ others nlcrnteU Mtm'',- . Ycyiaml ,cacli of you are Weby, notlr led asdiwill tako nutlro limine tho sub, ectlber, bnvu eboodixldtirincthe year) 1011, 1012, 1013; llli-l, lDlOcnnd. IPIOi hue i hundred dollars .fur each of ,ial) yeArs In labor and Improvementi), uou ejurii of tho fouowlna qtlartp mining blalmn, fcltuntediin Vaket- County, Statu of Oreu'on, to-wltti- Upon tlmiWKUlV STAKK" and upon Um Oallhur Nd. 1 auartz nilolnir claims, ss.eald clajids Arc escribed In tho rocorilcd certlpratiiS ol location thereof, on flloltld ofxe'coVd IH tho olllco of tho County Ulcifc ot skid County and Statu In lknk "K" of quarts locations at paos 470 ahd -171. Kucli oknoiiilltura was tiladu for the ptirixmu of holding tho tmsseseary rlnlit and tltlu to said inlnlntt claims under thu prnWs Ions of Section l;t'JI of tho ItaVlned Slut' hles-of' the Uhltwl Btatel and thu amend menls thereto, Jitid rums beinj; necs8 ary to hold said mlnlntf ulalms for said years. If you fall or reliiB1) to coiitrlbuto youf propoi'tlon of such' uxpendituro within ninety days after Hid publication of this notice, H8 a co-ownur lu said cIhIiiis. your propoHinh bulnn Ono sixth of sold sums expended by tun, your Interest in said claims will become tho roper I v of tho subscriber Under said Section i!.')i!l. Patrick Gnllaulier. Datoof first publication JunoM, 1018. Date of lout publication Sopt, 10, HUH.. Why not send the News to & soldier friend? i -J