Eagle Valley news. (Richland, Or.) 191?-1919, July 11, 1918, Image 3

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    1 it y -
Anker-Hollh Cream Separator
carbon paper a typewriter
I filmmone Carbon Vaner Co.. 609 IS. Mth
North. All klnda of carbon pnper, extra
aunuiia typewriter nuuon.
Job Wnali. HI., Jdajeatlo 'X heater Mldr.
Jewelry and watch
Motor, gear, bearing, wheels, axlea,
rid trullnrv. Wo wreck all makes of can
.. ii . i. l . . . i . i n.M
unu Rim wieir imria m nail price, uotiu
nodes Co, W. Uroadway and Danders.
Over 1700 of tlicea mochlnoa placed In i
the home of tilers In tho lust throe
Now why no many Anker-Hollh?
They Rive antlafactlon. The uaera Ml
their neighbora, then the neighbor want
They will do Junt an well for you. Let
u mnll you catalog,
44 Flrat Street, PORTLAND, ORE,
Pilot Generators Inatalled. All kinds of
Huppne. J. w. Clancy ill la. Morrison au
Cut your own lumber on a Wheland
Portable Hawmlll. You will eava time
and blr money on vour next lumber DHL
With thla aawmlll you can aupply the
lumber needa of your neighbors alao. The
price Ii reasonable, and tho profits will
oon pay for the machine. Write for
catalog and full details. Clyde Kgpt. uo,
11th and Thurman eta,, I'ortland Ore.
kvcrvthino ron the orfict j
Office Furniture & Appliances j
PniNTtNQ it Euan a vino bookoindinq j
rtrfHAS'D tkOMtt rtHtHM oalM
j coMrterc unc or srerc.
ia ar ti i Ajj-i rr ttr w a tjr we Tfun
Tho completo Electric Light and
Power Plant
Saves time ond lnbor, Increases
fnrm efficiency, Pay for itself.
TWiit a eVdtr la jmt Im'tfer, Mum writ .
Stat RepreMntatlea
Sleep on your Seat Cushions.
Compact Fitt under the rear teat.
Write for circulars.
AgentsWrite for Special Offer
Wiieeet bit
VTA Bali
Wetklr Rates
HoatUy Rites
Central Location. Beautifully Fumiihed
Excellent Cafe. 11th and Stark.
bt cunnt's siAcnua Jius
l.ov-li tic.a.
bnk, rttUU.1
nl.n Uu k.
ML tW.IM. tfctV
taMllM fill.
ItMetaBkcWatMMrWt. 11.09
BO-daie Dr. Bltcilis Pit! I. 14.00
Dm ur talto. Itil Cutlttl tlmnt tad IM t
71k iMMrtofllr ot Cwwf prefect la du la rf If
only. iwuroNCvnu'i. II UutfeUlLM.
tMUl dimt. . ... ... ,.
ne Csttir UMrtterr. wmw. wren
Foolish Borrowers of Trouble.
Tho mora Homo pooplo liavo tho
inoro thoy want, which may explain
tho Bccrot of borrowing trouble
Motel Rowland
One hundred and atxty.flva Room, all Modem
Iraprorementa: free phone on every floor.
Rateai 75c to $l.SrJ per days42.G0 to
$5.00 per week.
Oppoalta Court houx, 2 LlocV from I'oatofllce.
Flro l'roof. 8. 1' and Oregon Kleetxie pan door.
Earn More
Young Women and Men
Ilualnwa crle for trained mind, unup your
opportunity. Koorii now in Northwoal a UKgeet
Soap 2 Ac. Ointment 2fl and 00c.
Zero of Sport.
Of courso wo may bo wrong about It,
but personally wo never could havo
much fun with a goldfish. Galveston
Son or Ilrother In camp or training for defeniel
ii ao, man mm a pacnaga or Allen a root Kaae,
tho antlaeptle 1'owdcr for Tired, Aching, Swol
len Kret. ami proventa UUlrra and aore xta.
waiainirvMx. soia every wnere. zee.
Man and Needles.
Some men aro llko rusty needles;
tho best way to clean and brighten
tnem is witu work. Youth's Compan
butlnma collrge, llchnko-Walker. I'ortland.
Douiht, Sold, Ranlad and Rapalrad
Ilurnaldo. cor. loth. lorUand. Ore.
Hides, Pelts. SS Wool & Mohair
Wt ui it rn im. WitabtMouuOUnkiTitt.
Portland. Ore., Boa I tie, Wn., Delllngham, Wn,
Veal, Pork, Deef,
Poultry, Butter, Egga
and Farm Produce,
to the Old Rellablo Everdlng houaa with a
record of 45 yrara of Square Doallnn, and
be aaaured of TOP MARKET PRICES.
45-47 Front Straat, Portland, Oregon
iDpJTour Own Plumblnff I
Ry buying direct from na at wholoaale prleea
and aave the plumbor'a proflU. Write ua to
day your neoda. Wo will trlve you our rock
bottom "dlrcct-lo-jou" prloea, f. o. b. rail or
boat We actually aare you from 10 to 55 per
cent All gooda guaranteed.
North vr oat headquartera foi Leader Water
Byatema and Puller & Johnaon Engine.
212 Third Street Portland, Oregoa
P. N. U.
No. 28, 1018
What Lydia E. Pinkham'a
Vegetable Compound Did
For Ohio Woman.
Portsmouth, Ohio. " I suiTored from
irregularities, pains in my sido and was
so weak at times 1
could hardly got
around to do my
work, and as I had
four in my family
and thrco Loardors
it made it very hard
for mo. Lydia E.
Pinklium'u Vogo
tablo Compound
was recommended
to mo. I took it
and it has restored
my health. It is
certainlv tho beat
mediclno for woman's ailments I ever
sow." Mrs. Saua SlIAW, R. No. 1,
Portsmouth, Ohio.
Mrs. Stiaw proved tho merit of this
mcdlcino and wroto this totter in order
that other suITering women may And
roliof as sho did.
Women who are suiToring ns sho was
should not drag along from day to day
without giving tills famous root and
herb remedy, Lydia E. Plnkham'sVege
tablo Compound, n trial. For special
advice In regard to such ailments write
to Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co. , Lynn,
Mass. Tho result of its forty years
experience is at your service.
Candllno U Only Method by Which
Producers Can Be Certain of '
Quality of Product.
(Prepared by the United Htntea Depart
ment of Agriculture.)
GmdliiK Is ticcomlnK tuoro and
more customary In tho sale and pur
cbnuo of egg, nnd n knowledge of
candling cHeritlnI to egg grading.
It Is only by candling tlmt producers
and shippers of eggs can he certain
that they aro complying with federal,
state and other regulation becntme
by this method one can determine the
freshness nnd quality of eggs. The
proccHH, In simple terms, Is to hold an
egg bcfire a shaded light In n dark
room, and hy notlng'ccrtnln character
istics seen through the sciultrunftpar
ent shell to determine Its edible and
tnnrkCtiiblu fitinlltlCM.
FiirmcrH with only a few eggs to
market may Improvise n candler by
placing it stovepipe over u kerosene
lump, cutting n mnnll hole In the pipe,
level with the light. The eggs Is held
In a slanting position nt the opening.
It Is twisted a few times to tho right
and left nnd then from end to end, so
that Its enttro contents miiy he vlxlble.
Cure should he taken that the fingers
or hand do not conceal small blem
ishes, which otherwise would be dls
lioiied by the light. The beginner
should study carefully the general for
mation of tin egg, ns this detailed
knowledge Is necessary for tho appli
cation of the standards of various
grades and iitmlltlcs.
The yolk ranges In color from light
yellow to orange, and Is occasionally
olive green. The eggs with olive green
yolks are less desirable because of this
color, but are considered edible. Tho
yolk Is contained In a delicate mem
brane nnd on Its surface Is a small
light-colored circular area called the
germinal disk, from which the chick
develops. The yolk always' Hon ts In
tho white with the chick spot on top.
Around tho yolk lies a small quantity
of thin white nnd then a heavy layer
of thick white. Twisted cordlike colls
Homemade Candling Outfit,
of opaque white material called chain
rae extend front the yolk through tho
white toward each end of the egg, and
hold tho yolk In position, yet allow It
to turn freely.
Between the white nnd the shell aro
two llbrous memlirnues with nn ntr
spneo between them. When tlrst laid,
tho contents till the entlro egg, but
when tho egg cools tho contents shrink
and these membranes separate, form
log an air space. Tho size of this air
space Is Important In determining tho
freshness of the egg. As tho egg ages
tho til r space Increases In size. Most
had eggs have enlarged nlr spaces. ,
A fine, thick white Is found in a
fresh egg, and a weak thin white in a
stale egg. As tho egg becomesstalo
tho amount of thick white decreases.
Several classes of bad eggs are Indi
cated by discolored whites.
Tho yolk of tho fresh egg when
twirled beforo the candle Is seen dimly
us a dark object moving slowly In tho
white. Tho yolk of n stttlo egg Is seen
inoro plainly than tlmt of tho fresh
egg. Wheu tho yolk Is so weak tlmt
tho shako of tho egg In candling causes
It to break It should he graded ns un
marketable, In tho fresh egg tho yolk
Is slightly nbovo tho center in tho
largo end of tho egg. As tho egg be
comes stale tho yolk floats higher and
nearer tho shell,
Tho start of Incubation In n fcrtllo
egg may bo detected by n reddish glow
surrounding tho germinal spot, (Such
eggs, although considered edible, aro
not graded as llrsts.) This reddish
glow Is entirely different from tho so
called blood ring, which Indicates that
tho egg is unlit for food.
Where there Is any doubt as to an
egg's fitness for food purposes, the
candler should glvo tho consumer the
benefit of tho doubt and. reject It I
Meat Must Be Sold
Fresh meat is perishable. It
must be sold within about two
Weeks for whatever it will bring.
A certain amount of
beef is frozen for foreign
shipment, but domestic
markets demand fresh,
chilled, unfrozen bee
Swift & Company can
not increase prices by
withholding meat, be
cause it will not keep fresh
and salable for more than
a few days after it reaches
the market.
Swift & Company cannot tell
at the time of purchasing cattle,
what price fresh meat will bring
when put on sale. If between
purchase and sale, market con
ditions change, the price of meat
must also change.
The Food Administration
limits our profit to 9 per cent on
capital invested in the meat
departments. This is about 2
cents per dollar of sales. No
profit is guaranteed, and the
risk of loss is not eliminated.
As a matter of fact, meat is
often sold at a loss because of
the neecTof selling it before it
Swift & Company, U.S.A.
Soothe Itching Skins
With Cutlcurn. Bathe with -Cutlcurn
Soap and hot water, dry and apply the
Ointment. This usually affords relief
and points to speedy healment. For
free samples uddress, "Cutlcura, Dept.
X, Boston." At druggists and by mall.
Soap 25, Ointment 25 and CO. Adv.
bowels and stomach. One little Pellet
for a laxative three for a cathartic.
Optimistic Thought
Often what is given is small, yet tho
result from it Is great.
'URINE Granulated Eyelids,
ourciyc3 j&yc3 iiuumca Dy
San, Dutl and Wind quickly
relieved by Murine. Try It in
f. , ,r?r?r C your Eycsand In Baby Eyes.
UUR LT tO NoSanrtkt.Jojt Ere Comfort
MorineEye OKmtOyS!jS!SlSii
Ky Salve, la Tube 25c. For Hook 1 &'v rm.
Ask Murine Eye Remedy Co.. .Chicago 4
Mankind and Money.
In this willing old world a man will
sit up all night to hear money talk,
then work for monoy all day. Atlanta
BUILD UP both tho flesh and
strongth of pale, puny, I
scrofulous children, for ;
young or old people, got '
Dr. Pierce's Qoldon Medi
cal Discovery. It's tho
lia-icf trlilntv bnrtwn trr n I
wasted body nnd a weak
ened system. It thor
oughly purifies tho blood,
enriches it and makes
effectlvo every natural
means of cleansing, ro-
. pairing, and nourishing
tho system. In recovering
from fevers, pneumonia, or other do-
billtatlng diseases, nothing can equal
it as an, appetizing, rostoratlvo tonlo
to bring back health and vigor. Always
benefits in nervous and general dobll
ity. Sold in tablet or liquid form.
Purify and rut your uioou or tno
taints and poisons that mako it easy
for dlseaso to fasten its hold.
Doctor Plorco's Pollots woro first
put in ready-to-uso form nearly fifty
years ago, and will always relievo tho
inactive liver and biliousness. Insist
on getting Doctor Worte's Pleasant
Pellets there Is none bo good. Adv.
You corn-pestered men and women
need suffer no longer. Wear the shoes
that nearly killed you beforo, says
this Cincinnati authority, becauso a
fow drops of treezone applied directly
on a tender, aching com or callous
stops soreness at once and soon tho
corn or hardened callous loosens so It
can bo lifted out, root and all, with
out pain.
A small bottle of freezono costs
very ltttlo at any drug atoro, but will
positively tako oft every hard or soft
corn or callous. This should be tried
as It is inexpensive and is said not
to irritate the surrounding skin.
If your druggist hasn't any freezono
tell him to get a small botUe for you
from his wholesale drug house. It is
fine stuff and acts like a charm every
time, Adv.