$agle Valley News Sfi'aight, Truthful, Direct C R Thorp Editor " Entered as second class matter Doc, 12, 1912 at the post oilice at 1 " Richland Oregon, underact of March 3. 1879. Mombor Oregon State Editorial Association ONE YEAR - THREE MONTHS SUBSCRIPTION . $1.50 SIX MONTHS - .50 SAMPLE COPY .75 FREE RICHLAND, ORE., THURSDAY. JULY 4, 1918, Vol. 6. No. 34. WHY WE ARE AT WAR WITH GERMANY By EPHRAIM DOUGLASS ADAMS Executive Head, History Depart ment Letand Stanford Junior University "The object of this war Is to deliver me tree peoples or tre worm irom me menace and the actual power of a vait military establishment controlled by an Irresponsible government, which, having secretly planned to dominate the world, proceeded to carry out the plan without regard either to the sacred obligations oi treaty or tne long-estaousned prac tices and lono-cherished principles of In. ternatfonal action and honor; . . . This power Is not the German people. It Is the ruthless master of the German peo. file. ... It Is our business to see to t that the history of the rest of the world Is no longer left to-lts handling." President Wilson, August 27, 1917. THIS WAR IS ONE OP SELF PRESERVATION. "Here," says Everyman, "was a Kaiserdoin seeking world domination and perilously near encompass In it it unless the world united to repel him." Thus the radical land reformer sees the Issue. Is there any one still blind to it? But were wo in America directly threatened? We tcere, and tee are threatened. A German book published in the United States in 1914, and called "Truth About Germany," sought to Inflame us against England and France, and to persuade us that Amer ica and Germany had common ideals, characteristics, and methods. (May God save us!) It argued smoothly: f'Two nations united by such common inclinations and Ideals, boldness of en terprise, far-sightedness, quickness of decision, admiration for intellectual achievements, can not help being ex ceedingly congenial to each other." Pleasant words but a lying tongue. Would Germany, onco master of Eu rope, remember our "congeniality," and be a good neighbor in the Amer icas? The Germans when writing for home consumption hold a different language about world relations and "neighbors." "Formerly German thought was shut up in her German corner, but now the world shall have its coat cut ac cording to German measure, and as . far as our swords flash and German bloods flows, the circle of the earth shall come under the tutelage of Ger man activity." "A sturdy German egoism must characterize all political action. . .. . The first principle of our policy, both at home and abroad, must be that in everything that hap pens the Germans should come off best, and the others should have a bad time of It." A nice, congenial neighbor! But Germany, when honest, directly avows her purpose, ultimately, against America. We must "wake up," or we will be the easy "next step" in her ambitions. "Germany . . . may in less than two centuries succeed In dominating tho whole globe ... if only it can in time strike out a 'now course and definitely break with Anglo-American methods of government, and with tho state-destroying Ideals of the Revolution." She Is trying out her "now course" now. "Ono thing alone can profit the German people: the acquisition of new territory, . . that alone can really promote tht dlf.' ' i, the growth, and the deep ening o. r'nnanlsm." "Before seek ing to fouuu a Greater Germany In other contlneats, wo must seek to create a Greater Germlny in Central ijurope." "We must . . . seo to Ji tb.it too outcome t our Uexi Hue-J There la more Catarrh In this section of the country than all ether diseases i put together, and for years It was sup posed to be incurable. Doctors-prescribed ' local remedies, and by constantly falling , to cure with local treatment, pronounced It incurable. Catarrh Is a local disease, 1 greatly Influenced by constitutional con ditions and thcreforo requires constltu- tlonal treatment. Hall's Catarrh Medi cine, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo, Ohio. Is ft constitutional ' remedy. Is taken Internally ami acts thru the Dlood on tho Mucous Surfaces i of the System. Ono Hundred Dollars re ward Is ottered for any ciso that Hall's Catarrh Medicine falls to cure. Send for circulars and testimonial. F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo. Ohio. Sold by Druggists. e. Hall's Family l'llls for corstlpatlon. ccssful war must be tho acquisition of colonies." "We n'ust make room for an empire of Germanic race which shall number 100,000,000 inhabitants, In order that we may hold our own against masses such as those of Russia and the United States." Still further, It Is no longer a secret that Germany, while wo wore Mt 111 unprepared were neutral and while Germany still ost-nslbly sought our friendship, secretly planned, when vic torious in Europe, to pick a quarrel with us and wring from us part of tho costs of her European war. If tho American "easy diair" Is still too comfortable for serious thought of .what Germany meaui to do to us, then America deserves the fate in store for her. This Is the material side of our peril, but there Is another and deeper side. This war Is our war, to secure our purposes In national am in interna tional development. If Germany should icin, her principles must triumph and force alone must rule tho world, with the strong exploiting the earth. If the war ends In A drawn battle, with Germany unchanged in Ideals and pur poses, all that Ib left of the world will he compelled to engage in the race of military preparedness, and Hit world will be forced to adopt Ger many's methods now so hateful to us. A Germany -undefeated would force us to destroy the very basis of our government, our policy, our social and Industrial life lo devote 'ourselves, capital and labor, persons and prop erty, to one object a mighty mili tarism. Unless we win this war the mlghtest, most upsetting, most far reaching change this nation has ever known Is upon us. Wo are fighting for liberty to continue In our accus tomed line of progress. America expects evory civilian to do his or her duty In tho samo spirit ns she expects each soldier when the command comes, "TO GO OVER THE TOP" without turning to seo if his neighbor had gone first. This paper has enlisted with the government in the cause of America for the period of the war Friends of the News who hnve occasion to imblish leirnl ndvor tisemcnts in settlement of estates or other probate matters or in cases in the district court will do this paper n favor by directing their attornov or the county of ficial having such matters in charge to have such publication made in The Eagle Valley News. linker, Orouon. June tltli, WIS. To the Iu'Itb of John 1'. Curoy, decunpod, ami all other intcruitod heroin : You and each of you are horuby noti fied and will tnku notiro Hint I, tho sub pcriber, Imye impended during tl.e yearn 11)11, UH'.', U)K). 11)11, 1010 ami 11)1(1, one hundred dollars for cucli of xnUI years In labor nnd improvements upon each of tliu follow I ui; quart nilnlutf clnims, (Runted in ltnkvr County, Stato of Crown, to-wit! I'pon tho "SWEEP STAKE" nml upon tho (?nlln,ther No. 1 quurtx tultilnc claims, us Raid claim are described in tint rotor led certificates of hx-ut'on thereof, on tile and of rs:ord In the ollleu of tho County Cleik of said County nnd State In Ilook "K" of unrtr. location!) at paces 470 nml 171. Such expenditure wns made for thu purpoiu of Imldinc thu jwsisory rlisht and titlt to nun! mining claim under thu pro-is-ioiinol .Section 2!WI of iliu Itevleed Stat utes of thu United tatco nnd thunmeud inei tH thereto, jiiiil nuns tieint: nec'a ary to hold enid mining claims fur said yt-ar. If you fail or refus" to contribute your I roportion of Midi e. odium- within ninety ilnyt. nftr the publication of thin notice, as u co-owner m mid cNim. your proportion beitu' one nutli of ruiid uma e.Kn'ied by m., otir lnteru.it in :iul clnlinfl will become the ropcrtj of she subscriber under ruid Section 'J5W-I. PuUick Gulhuihor. Pate, of firct publicatim Jtu.e -"0, HUH. Date of last pnb)liittin Sept. I!), WIS We have often quoted that old verse, "Gather your roses while yo may," and we can well now change It to "gather your vegetables," for by so doing we can accomplish great good. "Wo stand behind our boys In Franco and we will not call it a sacri fice but a privilogo to do our bit to ward feeding them Over Thero." Emma V. Miliiken. Conserve, .reserve and preserve all of these fine fruits and vegetables that aro now within your reach; you will need them the coming winter. Dy eating moro perishables hore at homo wo may save others from per ishing "Over There," The farm as well as tho front needs men who seo straight and shoot straight. War Is OUR BUSINESS; wo can't win by carrying it as a. side line. Quit the Tobacco Habit Quit-Tobae Tobacco Treatment will do 'ho work promptly awl ocruianeiitly. No nutter in what form !! u-e tobacco HtnokiiiL' cigars. pipe, cigarette, cheuiui: tobacco or pntiff.No inatterhoxv mncli you 'in, or how loiiu' uisisl, (JuU-l'ob'u: will I reuk you oi the habit in from three to' dye day'. 1' eafant lo take, no incon venience, no remaining nwny from work r bnsimvji. A simple lipmo treatment. No craving or do.-ire for tobacco in nny form after volt licuin takiiik' Quit-Tolmc. Don't try to quit tli tobacco habit unaided. It'w i 'o.-inj; tlcht nv'Mint heavy odd and m aom Mirtnti- MiiK'k to tho nervoin -ettern. Let the tobacqi habit iiult you It will (iiickly quit you, if you will take Wuit Tobnu according to the tdiupio dl "Ctionti wo send you. It is a thoroughly lellab'e and crmnneiit ruuuily for thu tobacco liabit, but it) not a tmbstitulc for tobacco. TIioiihuiuIh have been freed from thu habit. Why not you? Write at onco for particulars and leHtiuioninis. ,v. F. HAM. A CX, 118 N. LaSalle St., Chicago, III. adv GLYCERIN 13 MIXTURE FOR AITHNDJCITJS Richland peotilo cun prevent append! citiu with pimple buckthorn bark, yly ferine, etc., us mixed in Adlcr-i-ka, ONH SPOON FC I, IIohIich thu HNTIRH bowel tract m completely .it relieves ANY CAKIi poor Ptomuch, Hh or con ptipution ami prevents nppcudiciliH. Tliu IN.STAN I', pl-ai-ant action of Adlcr-i-ka tjurprifoH both doctorH and i:ttieutH. I .cavcrt hUhiucIi clean and strong. Itichlund Drug Store. ailv 2 1 11 1UU lCCU j any of the things listed below, remember wc can furnish g them at the lowest price, and should you need any $ thing wc might not have in stock we'll gel It I Mowers, Rakes, Wagons, Pitchforks, Derrick Forks, Cable, Pulleys, k Rope, Cycle Blades, Rivets, Bolts, S Repairs for different ni.ikes of mowers Water Batfs, etc., etc. Wearing ADoarel j I Overalls, Shoes, Sox, Hats, Underwear Wc can outfit the entire family in this department Groceries and Supplies This department is chuck full of things you'll need to feed the hay crew. Lard and other shortening, Cured and Canned Meat and Pish, Dried and and Canned Fruits and Vegetables, Flour Substitutes, Breakfast Foods, etc. SAUNDERS BRO'S. Notice of Final Settlement. Notice in hereby (ivt'n that Clinton Graven, tho duly appointed, (iialifieil and actltic ailminjHtniUr of tho ctttato of U, A, Urn ven, lieceiiKOd, Iiuh liled In thu County Court of thu Statu of Oregon for Halter coutitv, bin final account and ro port of and concerninK bin udmiuiHtra tion of fuid CHtalo and tlmt Saturday thu L'lith day of July, 11)18, at tho hour or 10 o'clock in tliy forenoon of paid (Jay, at tho Coupty Court Room in Haker. Oregon, ih thu day, hour and place for final hear inland udjud, cation thereof, Al' norHonu interested in nab! uNtatu aro hereby noti fied to lie nnd npp'-ar In hhIi! court on or beforuHaid day and hour and tdinwcaiiHe, If any there be, why nald final account and report Hliould not bo approved bh filed, tho adminiHtrator of nuil eatato discharged and tint administration there of fully fettled nnd closed. Clinton Graven, Administrator. W. II. Ktrayor, Atty. First publication Juno 27, 1018. Ust publication July 25) 1018., ; I Three Farm Bargains! 1 ; "I Z A Acres north of Richland; all fenced and cross , JLOU fenced; 65a seeded ih hay and pasture; 40a g ; more can be cleared and put under ditch; abundance of g water all season at low cost. Owner offers (J? AAA 3 this at less than real value; p? it cash .... pOUl)l g ! ft( acres 1 1-4 mi. west of Richland, 55a cultivated; ! v v under Waterbury & Allen and Nash ditches; good S improvements. Ihismist be sold imme- (lCAA dialely and will make attractive terms. . . . P OUU f AD) acres n1 soutneasl of Richland, bottom land 5 tt" " fine for corn and clover; a good dairy farm; owner offers this for short tiiie only so if you are" (P j C AA looking for a home, get busy. Priced at tpTrO vv If you are wanting a farm, come in and I'll give you further particulars regarding these bargains C. E. Thorp, - Richland, Ore. Also have two homes in Richland for sale VMIJLUJ 'IK J) The man who &nows the com fort of a good-tasting chew sticks to Real Gravely Chewing Plug every time. Lasts longer than ordinary tobacco, too. Peyton Brand Real Gravely I Chewing1 Plug 10c a pouch and worth it Grawlylattitomuchlonntrttcoiti' homora tochewthanordlnaryplug P, C. Gravely Tobacco Company Danvlllo, Vlralnltt mrrnfl T?vtAi your subscription IVlIt'VV now for ffil - . m, . j v year 9'