Eagle Valley news. (Richland, Or.) 191?-1919, June 27, 1918, Image 8

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    I E. & W. Chandler
Tg Difrerent Store
Buy Thrift Stamps!
Your Harvest Supplies
We can furnish you what you need. Try us
Summer Dress Goods
Our stock is complete in all the different fabrics so
popular this season and the prices are right
Our line of Women's, Misses
and Children's Footwear
is very complete and priced right
Buy Thrift Stamps
McDowell Bros. & St John
J Bee Keepers Supplies of all kinds J
) Hives, Supers, Cards, Foundafion, etc. )
All orders filled promptly and satisfaction guaranteed
Write, phone or call for prices.
C. C. St. John, Manager, - Richland, Oregon
L. S. KELLY, Manager
Clean and CnmfortablaTlooms Properly Cooked Meals
Prompt and Efficient Service Reasonable Rates
Sunday Dinner a Specialty Your Patronage Solicited
Beal Gravely Chewing Plug
gives a pure, clean tobacco
taste a lasting tobacco sat
isfaction that the chewer of
ordinary tobacco doesn't get.
Peyton Brand
Real Gravely
Chewing Plug
10ca pouch and worth it
CravelylattiMo much longtrit co$tt
no more to chew than ordinary plug
P. B. Craveljr Tobacco Company
Danville, Virginia
Church Services at New Bridge
Sunday school at 10 a. m.
Preaching at 11 a. m.
Epworth League at 7:30 p. m.
Preaching at 8:30 p. m.
Prayer meeting every Thurs
day evening at 8:30.
J. M. Johnson, Minister,
AbVchristian Church.
Rev. V. K. Allison of Halfway
will preach at Richland Christian
church next Sunday, June 30th,
both morning and eveninar. The
public is earnestly Invited to hear
both sermons.
. X
I luul refused Tom Mlddlelon n dozen
times. I'rovldeme hud seen lit to be
stow upon mo it taste Cor nil, mul I
considered Hint I must either glvu up it
life devoted to tho work of mt artist or
re f rnlu from taking n husband. I do
elded to give tip (lit husband. That I
Imd it taste for art I well kimw, hut
whether or not I luul it genius for nrt I
must leant from the critics, for. though
the public In the llnnl nrliller In all pur.
tabling to genius, the erltles tiMinlly
point the way. Tout was considered
one of tho hest art critic. In America.
llo luul encouraged mo lu my pro
fession till I told hint that I loved It
bettor than loved hlui. In tlilH 1 wiih
silly, for It was nit admission that I
did lovo hliu ami that Imd It not been
for my deslro to shine as an artist I
would marry Mm.
One day after t had made this ad
mission ho i nine Into my Mtu'lo, as ho
often did. for u chut, i wiih at work
on a murine view. lie stood before
My easel examining tho picture, which
was nearly llnlslied.
"I lmvo a suggestion to make." hu
said. "You got J'our original inspira
tion from nature, but you have done
too miK'h work on it lu your studio,
Go to tho feashoro anil llulsli It there."
I was In n iiuandary whether to take
his advleo or stick to what others hud
told inc. After much deliberation I
puekwl up my traps anil, taking my
mother with me. went to the Seaside
hotel nt eaudeleati. There I spent
my time watching for some effective
light which would add a market! effect
to my plctiue.
A storm en mo up ouo day, and for n
few minutes thero was it glow of sun
light through a rift lu tho clouds which
warmed the rocks and cast a livid light
on the waves breaking against them
that was a marvel of benuty. I bur
rledly worked as much of it lu as I
cou id in so snort a time, trusting to
put In tho rest from memory.
Soon after I had done this night fell
and 1 took my picture to my hotel
Intending to resume work on It in tho
morning. When tho morning enmo and
I looked at my canvas I saw no nbom
lnablo daubing of white, red and black
paiiu. ji was in once plain to mo
that I had upollcd the painting. I tried
to change it; but. as for getting tho
storm picture. I had mado n botch of it
I could not llnlsh It from memory, for
there wan nothing worth Mulshing.
I returned to my home. Tom heart!
I was back and dropped Into my stu
dio to see. ho said, the result of my
work at the seashore.
"Well." ho said, "how did It worUT
"1 havo to thank you." I replied bit
terly, "for having spoiled a plctunt
that was well enough as It was. It Is
now a daub, and I can't res tore It '
"Let me see It." he wild.
1 brought it out and .set It on tho
easel it) no good humor. lie glanced
at It anil seemed perfectly satisfied
with what i had done.
"You tried to do loo much," he said.
"What I advised was to seize upon a
light similar to the one yon had and
modify your work hero and there lu
tlie painting. You huve evidently Jump
ed from soft summer skies to"
"To a hodgepodge." 1 llnlslied for
him, ready to cry.
lie saw that I was disappointed and.
being the cause of my disappointment.
was very repentant. lie cursed him
self for n meddler and vowed he would
never interfere with an artist's work
again. Ills penitence touched my heart,
"Don't blamo yourself," I said. "It
was all my fault. I should huve been
satisfied with my work. You have
taught mo u valuable lesson. Hero-
nfter I will not nsplre to do some won
derful thing nil nt once."
"And you forglvo me?"' lie pleaded,
"There Is nothing to forgive. You
doubtless gave tho advleo lu the spirit
lu which 1 took It, hoping to launch mo
into fame all at once.'
When two persons of opposlto sex
begin to blamo themselves for some
thing ouo or tho other has douo wrong,
especially whero tho man knows his
mind and tho woman doesn't, they are
vory likely to becotno very gcntlo with
each other, Tom sworo be was to
blame, and I declared that It was en-
tlrcly my fault. Tho first tiling I
know bis arm was about my waist and
I was mourning1 the loss of my picture
with my bead on bid shoulder.
"You will find, sweetheart," bo said,
"many disappointments in llfo. now
can we meet them with no ono to syra
Jkbtt with uT jVbttber t sot you
adhere to voiim profession, at lean! give
mo the right to love you and com fort
you when distressed,"
It wax no nice to have u strong mini
lu comfort me lu my trouble Hint I
yielded then ami there ami told Tom
I Imt I would lovo hliu Instead of my
lrt, It made me happy to make him
happy. Ah soon as I had yielded 1
placed it thoiiMtud times the value on
lilin that I did on acquiring fame as an
artist. Indeed, I iidmlllcd an much.
After wo wero married mid were re--turning
from our wedding trip we fell
to talking about my having given up
art. Tom said to mo:
"You lmvo a great deal of liilent for
art, but not genius,- wlileli Is very rare.
I know you would he disappointed n
the end. I sent you to the scashoro
purposely to spoil that picture, for It
was so good that It would have led you,
like an Ignis fatiins. to do something
great, which would have been always
Just beyond your roneli."
What do yini supine 1 did? I threw
myseir lno his arTns and thanked him
for shilling n.v pletuie.
Isn't tliiit Just like a woman?
Get your lard and shortening; at
Haloy s.i prices arc riht. d
Must Show Their Colors.
Tho Hnker county W.S.S. com
mittco have isjucd tho lollowing
statement: "Every resident of
the county must bo reported to
tho Treasury Department at
Washington in connection with
tho W.S.S. drive on Juno 28th.
There nro only two methods pro
vided for in reporting ono is tho
signed pledge card and thu other
is the yellow card.
"Unfortunately there are some
in the county who will not help
this cause, either because they
are too penurious or because they
are not loyaj. These last are not
accent American citizens. Thoy
are not lit for association with
those who are giving their sons.
their money, and their time to
help win tho war, and such peo
ple will be singled out ami the
good citizons of the county will
be given tin opportunity to know
who they are."
GO pounds. When wo go to Franco
wo will lmvo an ovorcont added,
Wo filled tho cations with shell
and shrapnel today unci arc going
on tho ran go noxt week with tho
big guns. It viil hum- sound lino
to hoar thopi rotir. tfnch idioll
weighs at out 120 pounds.
yi'o will be at tho range for
about a week ami will havo to
sloop on tho ground, which wont
bo very rlco as it get mighty
cold horo nights.
Ti'oro was a Iml killed by a
track the othordnv. Ho enlisted
about tho sumo time I did, drilled
with me when wo were recruits
and occupied tho Unt next mine,
lie was a lino fpllow rim! w nld
havo made a good so'dier.
A person can't to) I when ho is
going to got Id led, but I would
sure like to got a whack at tho
Germans before I get miiuv
1 suppose we will I p going to
Franco upon for wo turned In our
foot lockers the other day ami nro
being fully equipped. Everyone
is anxious' to gg.''
What You Wnt
For Sale or Trade, For Rent,
Wanted to Buy, Ktc.
If it.t shingles, sash, do rs, or
blinds, you nead - see ICidson,
A Soldier's Pack
Pvt. Walter II, ,1. Groeno, 2nd
Field Artillery, Butt. B, Camo
Fremont, Calif., has written to
his aunt, Mrs. Winnie L. Byrne,
of his army experience and says
"We have to stand retreat every
night except Sunday. Wednesday
and Saturday, but have inspec
tion every Saturday. We must
have our rifles and our clothes
spick and span, our shoes shined,
and shave every night. Wo must
do this between l:U0 and G, ant
believe mo, we have to go some.
The 2nd, 8:ird and 81st F. A.,
the 318th engineers, and u regi
mentof infantry, marched down
to Stanford University yesterday
and had a singing contest. Tho
2nd F. A. was one of tho best so
will sing next Sunday at the big
contest. It was sure a fine sight
to sec the G000 men marching;
they were strung out for about
two miles.
Ill t Mil I
we win nave a iuii pack in
spection tomorrow. Besides our
rifles we will have the regular in-
funtry pack consisting of
1 suit underwear
2 pair sox
1 towel, bar soap, tooth brush,
comb, 1 pr shoe laces
1 mess kit
1 knife, fork, spoon, meat saw
Cans for coffee, sugar, salt and
1 blanket, shelter half, slicker,
cup, canteen, cartridgo belt
The complete pack Including
the strap harness weighs about
FOUNU-Gold locket and chain
at opera house June Mth. Own
er my havo same on paying for
You will save monoy if you buy
your breakfast foods nt Haley's.
'180 ncrtf sUwk ranch for sale in
Idaho, about 50 milos west of
Yellowstone Park; will soil cheap
for cash. Inquire at this office.
Bo sure and get yopr Flags for
Fourth of Ju.y at Uichland Drug
Store. ad
Have fcood a -l-yr-old bay horso
weight laou pounds that I will
sell or trade for good cow, ISli
Stanciu. ad
For Rent Buildingsuitablo for
bakery, confectionery or restaur
ant. Call on or address Frank
Clarke, Uichland. ad
FOB SALK Three larga Dur-ham-Jersoy
milch cows, just
fresh and extra good milkers.
Also eight weaned pigs. Call on
John W. Patterson, Rie'ilnnd.
Celebrate at
July 4th
Basket Dinner
Red Cross Benefit