Eagle Valley news. (Richland, Or.) 191?-1919, June 27, 1918, Image 4

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Eagle Valley News
Straight Truthful, Direct
C. E. Thorp
Entered as second class matter Dee. 12, 1912 at the post oilice at
Richland Oregon, under net of March 3, 1879.
Member Oregon Stato
- $1.50 SIX MONTHS
Executive Head, History Depart
ment Leland Stanford Junior University
It Is commonly said that this war
Is one In which America was forml
to take part in order to "make the
world safe for democracy." What
does the phrase mean?
The theories and acts of the Ger
man military autocracy definitely deny
(he right of the people of a state to
rule themselves. Tho German people.
in spite of forms of government that
make a pretense of popular control,
have no such actual control over their
governors as exists In democratically
organized nations. In those nations
the governors can be removed by a
vote of tho people in a general elec
tlon; In Germany the people have not
this power.
The aristocracy of Germany under
stand this difference, and are afraid
of the spread of democracy In Ger
many. The whole, much-admired "effi
ciency" of Germany Is primarily due
to a desperate and constant effort by
Germany's rulers to divert the German
people from thoughts of self-govern
ment, by offering them material pros
perity. And- the rulers havo sue
ceeded. Ono of the causes of this
war was tho necessity, by still fur
ther "glorious acquisitions of terri
tory," to hush the murmurlngs of
political discontent In Germany. Vic
tor in war, ever' so often, Is a nec
essity of the German system. "It Is
for social as much as for national
and political reasons that wo must
fix our minds Incessantly upon war."
"Success is necessary to gain Influ
ence over the masses," wrote Bern
hard!; and General Von BIssing, Just
before his death, wrote a "Political
Testament," since largely circulated In
Germany, In which ho argued for the
retention of Belgium, because, unless
it were annexed, the prestige of the
military autocracy would receive a
fatal blow.
Are we are the Allies then fight
ing to impose upon Germany a dlf
ferent system; is that tho meaning of
"making the world safe for democ
racy?" Ellhu Root says that American
democratic Ideals Include "liberty not
for themselves alone but for all who
are oppressed." Lloyd George asserts
that if all countries had been demo
cratically organized, this war would
not have taken place; that this war
will determine not merely Interna
tional relations, but will affect the
lives of peoples within their own na
tions, for generations to come; that,
this war is to end in "International
democracy," i. e., la liberty, equal
ity, and fraternity, between nations,'
great and small. General Smuts, for-,
merly a soldier against Great Britain.
in South Africa, says that the essence,
of this war is the question whether
governments should be founded on
military might or on "principles of
equity. Justice, fairness and equality.",
Various writers have depicted this,
'war as a test of democracy, to de
termine whether democracy can ad
(Just itself to an 'emergency' so that by
'sheer efficiency It shall at least equal
(the efficiency of a military autocracy,
'and assert that on this ground alone
4the-future government- of all-thofna-,
Hons of tho world la ftt stako. Will
Kditorial Association
JUNE 27, ldl8. Vol. 6. No. 33.
Catarrhal Deafness Cannot Be Cured
by local application, as Iher cannot reach
the diseased portion ot tho ear. There It
only one way to cure catarrhal deafnets,
ana that is by a conatltutlonal remedy
Catarrhal Denfntss la earned by nn In
Cnmed condition of the mucous lining of
the Eustachian Tube. Whet, this tube It
Inflamed you havo a rumbllnt tound or m
p. rftct heartne. and when It It entirely
riowd. Deafness Is tho result. Unless the
Inflammation can bo reduced and this tuba
restored to Its normal condition, hearing
will be destroyed forever. Many cases of
deafness nro caused by catarrh, which Is
an Inllamcd condition ot the mucous sur
faces. Hall's Catarrh Medicine nets' thru
the blood on tho mucous surfaces of tho
We will clve One Hundred Dollars for
any caee ot Catarrhal Deafness that cannot
be cured by Hall's Catarrh Medicine. Cir
culars free. All DruKclsts. "Sc.
F. J. C11KNUY & CO.. Toledo. O.
Crooks, the British labor leader, says
this war "Is a people's war. We are all
In It, the man At the village pump and
In the fields, tho blacksmith, tho car
penter and Joiner, the. shipwright, nnd
the man of leisure. We arc standing
together because we arc fiyhtiny for
Yes, this war Is one In which Ideals
of government, of Individual liberty,
of civilization Itself nro In conflict.
Democracy is lined up against autoc
racy. The war Is In absolute fact a
war of Ideals. But we are not light
ing to impose our Ideals upon any
nation. "What we are fighting for,
in "inaklnjrfhc world safe for democ
racy," Is to prevent a military autoc
racy from imposing its authority anil
its ideals upon us. We are ready to
keep, on minding our own- business,
and to let other nations do the same.
A military autocracy that proposes
to conquer the world must be de
feated, to the point whore It renounces
meddling with other nations, great or
small, or there Is no pence In the
world. That Is tho lssuo at stake,
nnd in it rests our safety and tho
safety of the world.
Oversea Meat Shipments.
For the last six months our
shipments of meat to Europe for
the use of our armies and i those
of our allies, has averaged 15,000
pounds a minute, or abcut9,000,-
C00 pounds a day, and an addi
tional 200 cars of beef are going
eastward every day for export.
During the five years before
the war we exported to Europe an
average of 40,000,000 pounds of
beef annually. During tho past
ten months we have shipped
262,000.000 pounds of fresh beef
across the Atlantic, also 63,000,-
000 pounds of canned beef, 586,
000,000 pounds of bacon, and
321,000,000 pounds of hams and
Whooping Cough
In this dipeaso it is important that the
coimli lib kept loone and expectoration
tiasv, which con uodoiiunygivingtjimiii
berlain's Cough Htinedy. .Mi. I'. II
Mitrtln. Peru. lnd.. writes: "My two
daughters hail whoopinu (rotitjh. I uavo
them CnatnliorlaiirH uoul'Ii uuneuy anil
It worked like n charm." ad
The man who withdraws his
money from the usual channels of
business and hoards it away, is
traitor to his country. Invest
oyery dollar you can spare in
W. S. S. and be u patriot.
Buy Havoline Motor, Oil at
Richland Drug Store. ad
- This paper has enlisted
with the government in the
cause or America ior ine
period of the war j
Friends of tho News who hnvo
occasion to publish legal ndvor
tiscments in settlement of estates
or other probnto matters or in
eases in the district court will do
this paper n favor by directing
their attorney or the county of
ficial having such matters in
charge to have such publication
made in The Eagle Valley News.
HilL-..r llmmn .Imn.i I I III. 1II1K
To tho heirs of John P. C'urey, ducoucoil,
nml nil ntluipj tntnr.iilml linrillll
You and each of you are hereby iiotl
nod ami will take notiro that I, tliu aui
fcribcr. havo (xpontluti during M.o viuirn
11)11, HU 'J, 101U. Hit I, 1015 and 101(1.
nni' ImnilriHl dollars for each of xald
vea rs ii labor and ini iirovi'tiion neon
facli of the follow ini: quartz mining
ciuiiiih, MUiaicii tti iMk"r miiniy, Man
til I'rt'iton, to-wif Upon tlm"h
STAKK" nnd urmn tho tialliuhcr No. 1
nuitrtr. miiiitin claims, ns entil t'liiiniH nro
dfferlbed in tho recordi'd ct'rtiflcatt's of
location thereof, on II lo nn 1 of record in
the oil loo of tl'o County t'lcik ot said
County and Stato In (took "K" ofinmrU
locations at puiroit -170 and 171. Such
expenditure wait made lot Ui purK)io
oi nomine mo powBsory ritiiu ami uui
Id fcnhl mliilni. I'ltilftiM iiiuli-r Hit nrfi"iM.
ions of Section 1?3'.M of the Knvtetil Stat
ute of tho I niU'dbtatoH aii-i thoainciid
ttuitttn fltiiritttv .mill .mil h.tni. tiiti'i'itu
ury to hold said mining limtus for mid
If you fail or refits') to contribute your
I roportiou of eiich expenditure within
ninety tluytiufOr t lit pul)li ition nf thin
notico, as a co-owner in Mild, cl'iiinn.
vour nroDcrtion beim one tusttli of Mild
NimiM !xtMriilii! Iiv mi, vnnr !rttiri-it in
said ilniniH will liecomo Hie t roptTl) ol
the eu'jticrlbt.'r iindi-r raid N i-tnm wil.
Patrick Cu Haulier.
Date of iirnt publication Jure M, I'.MN.
Oamof hiHl publication Sept. H, 101s
Quit the Tobacco Habit
Quit-Tobac Tobacco Trcutim-ut will do
tho work promptly and permanently. No
matter in what form you me tobacco
smoking ciuur8.pie,clgarettei. chimin.:
tobacco or muff No muttorliow much on
ute, or how lone need, Quit-Tolnc; will
'ri'iik you ol tho habit in from thnn to
liveilaytf. 1' eapiint to take, no ir.cou
vonienct', no remaining away from work
or utiHlnesH.
A situ iIu homo treatment. Nocravin
or duire for tobacco in hii.v "form niter
you benin taking (Jnit-Tobac. Don't try
to quit tho tobacco habit unaided. It'x
a 'oning fitht uiiftinst heavy odds mid
means n i-orioi. bliock lo tliu uurvoiiH
MVftem. lt tho tobacco habit nulf you
It will quickly quit you, if you will tako
Wuil-iouac according to tlie Blmpiti ui
ctioiiH wo send you. It is a thorouglily
teliabloand neniianent remedv-for tlio
tobacco habit, but i notafetibstitutc for
Thourands have been freed from tlx
habit. Why not you? Write at onco for
p:iriuiiiare and lcntimoiilaln. . -A.
P. IIAI.L& C'.)., 11H N. LaSallc St.,
Chicago, III. adv
There lias never been anything in
Richland with tho INSTANT action of
hi in tilt buckthorn hark, fflvcorino. etc..
us mixed in Adler-i-kb. ONH SPOON-
FUL fliMhestho liNTIUK bowel tract
bo completely it relinvcH ANY. CASH
sour ftomacli, gas or constipation and
proentn appendicitiH. Tho INSTANT,
pleiiHant action of Adler-i-ka Hurtiiirei
both doctorH and patients. Illcliland
Drug Store. adv
Notice of Final Settlement.
Notice is hereby givon that Clinton
Graven, , tin; duly appointed, qualified
and acting iidininiHtrutDr of the untato of
(i. A, (iraven, ileceaflcd, has filed in tho
County Court of the Rtato of Oregon for
Uaker countv, his llnal actiountand re
port of anil concerning IiIh ndmlnistra
tion of Haiti ('Htuto nnd that Saturday the
JOth duv of July, I1JIK, at tho hour of 10
o'clock in tin forenoon of said day, at tho
County Court Room in linker. Oregon ,
is the day, hour and place or final hear
in,,' and adjnd.calion thereof. AP persons
interested in fuhi estate aro hereby noti
fied to bo and appear in hII courton or
before Haiti day and hour and show caimo,
If 'any tliero bo, why Haiti final account
and report should not bo approved as
filed, tho administrator of paid estate
uierlrarcod and tho administration there
of fully foitletl and closed.
Clinton Graven, Administrator.
W. II. Strayer, Atty.
Kirst publication Juno 37, 1018. ,
Lust publication July 25, 1018.
rasssissftsTisstsiisstsssisssisasssiissSiasfi itoMikAtoMwtMiMmM'mAmm
If You Need !
I any of the things listed below, remember we can furnish
them at the lowest price, and should you need any g
thing we might not have in stock we'll get It
I Mowers, Rakes, Wagons, Pitchforks,
Derrick Forks, Cable, Pulleys, I
Rope, Cycle Blades, Rivets, Bolts,
Repairs for different makes of mowers
Water Bas, etc., etc. f
Wearing Apparel
I Overalls, Shoes, feox, Hats, Underwear
I We can outfit the entire family in this department
I Groceries and Supplies 1
This department is chuck full of things you'll need to
S feed the hay crew. Lard and other shortening, I
0 Cured and Canned Meat and Fish, Dried and
1 ' and Canned Fruits and Vegetables, Flour 2
Substitutes, Breakfast Foods, etc.
y f i iXcrca, nnrlh nf Kirmnnri! nil fpnroil mul rfn:
XVJU fenced; G5a seeded in hay and pasture; 40a g
more can be cleared and put under ditch; abundance of
a water all season at low cost.
j this at less. than real value;
? A acres 1 1-4 mi. west
vU under Watcrbury &
fj improvements. I his must
diateiy and will make attractive terms. ... y vv
8 h A acres 1 1-2 mi. southeast of Richland, bottom land 3
4r fine for corn and clover; a good dairy farm; owner S
offers this for short Hoc only so if you are t ft ft A A
looking lor a home, get busy. Priced at )Jjj Z
If you are wanting a farm, come in and I'll give you
further particulars regarding these bargains 1
C. B. Thorp, - Richland, Ore. I
Also have two homes in Kiclilund for sale 1
Auto Truck Service !
I have secured a Federal Truck of 3,000 pounds
capacity, and will make regular trips to and from
Bakei, and solicit your patronage. All orders, large
. or small, will receive prompt attention. Terms
reasonable. Leave orders at postoflice.
Sapolio doing its
tor U.b.Nanne
Join Now!
(TOA AA Is your o,uota of
$6J.JJ How many have
k t . m sK
Owner offers (CAA A o
prrt cash .... pOUUU
of Richland, 55a cultivated; I
Allen and Nash ditches; good
be sold imme- CT7CnA
- Richland, Oregon
work. Scouring
Corps recruits.
who woar
Thrift Stamps 6o A AA
you bought? PU,UU