Eagle Valley news. (Richland, Or.) 191?-1919, June 13, 1918, Image 5

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Dojfi Bvau atop fo
"fUM, Nftttf -To
ANVfHIN' ei.6B IN -fHC
Haying will start hero next
Buy Kodak Films at Richland
Drug Store. ad
Morton Chapman is spending
the week in Baker.
The MIbsoh Mabel, Esther and
Lida Saunders returned from Cor
vallis last week.
w I'urola Bod Bug Destroyer, sure
and effective,, 25c per bottle, at
Richland Drug Store. ad
Morris Kojig lef.l yesterday for
Portland for a visit with his par
ents before entering U.S. service.
Scvcrul auto loads camo over,
from Pino Valley and witnessed
the eclipse from thd surrounding
hills Saturday.
A company of "barn stormers"
held forth at the Mew bridge
opera house Saturday night and
ht Richland on Monday night.
Don't forget our made-to-measure
clothing, dept., hundreds of
the latest fabrics to choose from;
you must bo satisfied or your
money buck. E. & W. ChAridlcr.
C, 0. Metzkcrof San Fruncisco,
Pacific coas.t representative of
the Upitypo Company, was nn
bvbr Sunday visitor in Richlund.
Mr. Mclr-ker is a relative of Mrsi
It. A. Mastorsom
, , In addition to the lidtof names
published last week, the follqw(r
Jng boys from Eagle Valley, have
been called for immediate service:
Ralph Byrne Mel Thompson', El
mer Simonis and Oliver Francis.
, Prof. E. It. Curfmnn and fam
ily havo urrived from. Grass Val
ley, Ore., and wi remnn until
school opens this fall.,, Mr. Curf
man will fill tho position of Coun
ty Superintendent of Schools of
Sherman county on his return(
having been appointed to fill tho
the unexpired term of tho pres
ent encumbent who will enter
government service".
Cholera Morbus
' TIiIh tu ft' very painful nnd (liwipUrous
vJIhoiibo. In nlmoHj, livery nn!hlorliool
Uomwnio has tiled fronl It liuforo medicine
coulil bo olitnlniid or a pliynlcluii 911m
niOnwl. Tho rhdit way Is to hnvoii bottlo
of Clminborlaln'a Collo nnd Dlurrhoua
'ltgincdy In tho lioim no as to bo jiropnhjd
for id Mra, Chnrloa Knyonrt, Huntliife"
ton, Ind., wrltoa: "Dunnf? tho eummor
tof lUU'tvvo of my children wtro tnkon
5lck with cholorn morbus. I uaod Clmm
byUin'3ollo nnd Diarrhoea Itemodv
and it iidvo tlani lmmodinto rollof."ad
Attend tho annual school meet1
ing Monday uftornoon.
Arthur Shoemaker entitled in
tho coast artillery lust week,
Frosh stock brtrleyj oat and corn
Hour, just rcceivod at Raloy's.-ad
Strawberries will lib served at
tho Rud Cross benefit tomorrow
Buhoch Insect Powder, 25c, 40c
()0c, and $1, per can, at Richland
Drug Store. ad
Art Malone and Conrad Steel
man loft yestcrdiiy for Chinook;
Mont., to shear sheep.
A large number of Eagle Val
ley residents' went to linker to
see the eclipse Saturday.
Tho goverment recommends
"saner kraut" as a war food; get
the "Otter" brand at Italey's.-ad
If you havo a surplus of wheat
Hour onlfund, show your loyalty
by returning it lo yofir grocer at
It is rumored that Raiph Saun
ders has purchased the livery
burn and mail contract from
Maurice Cooper.
Elmer Simonis nrrive'd in the
Valley yesterday for u week's
visit with his parents before en
tering U. S. service.
At tho meeting of the town
council Tuesday cvoning W. E!
Baird resigned as city marshall
nnd CapL Orhig was appointed.
Tho public is invited to attend
tho baptismal services at New
Bridgo next Sunday afternoon ut
three o'clock. Several persons
will be baptized.
A now shipment of fresh corn
meal, com ilouri barley Hour, oat
Hour, and Aunt Jemima's Buck
wheat Pancake Hour in large
packages, E. & W. Chnndlor.-.ad
Miss Harriet Sharp is in Baker
and owing to her absence wo are
unable to publish the reading
fciven by her on .Decoration Day,
but will print same in ojr next
Elihu Speaks trriiled down from
tis homestead last Friday and
brought 100 pounds of Hour on a
puck horse in unswer to the call
of the food administrator. Mr.
Speaks is (rue blue and means to
do all in his power to help whip
the huns.
NOTICE I will bo in Uichlnnd
Saturday und Sunday, June 22
and 29, und at Halfway on Mon
day afternoon and all day Tues
day, June 21 und 25. , All those
whose eyes need attention are
Usked to keep these dates in mind.
Special attention, given to chil
dren nfllicted with eye trouble.
Dr. M. D. Fleming, Optometrist.
Mrs; Nora McCraw bus receiv
ed a letter from her brother, Juy
R. Schultz, who was. drafted re
cently, stating that he liked the
army life fine but was now in the
hospital and would Undergo an
operation. Friends desiring to
write should, address him ut; Ward
5, Lcttcrmun General Hospital,
San Francisco, Calif.
Sour Stomach" " " ,
Tills la a mild form of indication, Ii
la usually brounllt on by oatiiiR Hw rap
Idly or too much, or of food notaultod to
your dutl.vo on,'nnn. If you will oat
alowly. mantlcato yoiir fooM tliorduuhly,
eat but little muat and norm at nil fdr
mippor, you will, moro than likely nv6ld
tho sour stomach without taking any
.v Ailll.m tk'linf niwtr. WMimi Onll Imlm ianiil
fclmnnoh take ouoof Chnmborlrtln'a Tab-
lets to nld tlltjoalion. an
See our pow lino of dishes, just
what you.will need at this time.
Raley's. ad
, Harland Bonnchoff flow has-an
Try our "Monopole" apple but
ler, its dollcious. Ita ey'fl. ad
Order your now suit at Saun
ders Bro'd. now and have it to
wear July 4th. ad
J. V. Solders disposed of his
belongings at public auction Mon
thly rtd will go to Portland.
If ,vou don't dance, you can eat
ice cream with tho army boysond
Red Cro3sladicH tomorrow night.
W. F. Puullus and family, und
Mrs. Reese, all of Pullmun, Wash,
aro visiting at tho home of W. Hi
Mrs. P. A. Moody left Tuesday
for St. Louis, Mo., to visit her
son, C. E. Kelcham. She will
remain until fall.
Racford Shaver, who left this
week to join Undo Sum's fight
ing forces, was guest of Honor nt
tt party given by Mrs. C. H.
Brooks last Friday evening. A
luro number of young people
were in attendance, and ii good
time was had by all.
lias a Cood Opinion of Chamberlain's
"Chamborluin'ii TiibU'tnania wonder
1 never told nnvtlilnu that beat them,"
write K. II. Trenfoy, Ilicbmoiid, Ky.
When troubled with indigestion or con
stipation ilvo them 4 trial, ad
Haying Time is Here i
Let us help you prepare
WiB have the Dperiritf Mniypt-c nH
Rakes, the machines you need, also S
a line of Deering extras. .
J The uFarm King" hay forks, water
bags, machine oilers and oils g
Our Grocery Department
is well supplied with eatables that you will need
.Raley's Cash Store
Do Your ALL!
Is Not Enough
The Fullest Measure of Service
s tlie measure of our "personal re
sponsibility ip tliis war. Homes
united, families enrolled, resources
conserved, waste eliminated means
Every Man, Woman and Child
Should think and act and serve to
gether. What each one of us does
'during the next year
Will Decide the Fate of the World
When each 6i us learns to sacrifice every
Interest in the Natipnal Service, Germany's
doom will be sealed.
JLive in health and efficiency, but without
extrnvagancti and without waste.
ere is an opportunity for each to shar.e
in the joy of service; as important as thts
service rendered by the man at the front.
Save and Lend Your Savings
L i
You can render double service by lending
your savings to Uncle( Sam. He needs
your sayings now. You will need therri
after the. war;, if you keep them till Jan
uary 1, 1923, ypu will get your money back
with 4 per cent interest, compounded,
quarterly. They may be. redeemed before
about 3 per cent.
Buy War-Savings Stamps
And hold safely the results of your patri-j
otic thrift against a time, of need. It nelps
to yvin tjie war. And your dollar will buy
more after the war.
They Are Ballots for the Rights
of Mankind
t i i i
A Savings Stamp cost $4. 12 in January, and
to this price one cent has been .added for
each, month since January. This stamp will
be worth $5.00 oh January 1 1923.
This Space Contributed by
Bi, James and' wife, who
were once ownjdrfi of this paper,
are spending1 the summer at 856
East 12th Ave., Eugene, Oregon.
Mrs. James -.will. study at the
Bummar school of tho University.
Mrsi John" et'ry and children,
MrsY J. L. Storte and daughter,
Einora Hewitt, came down from
Sparta Tuesday.
Don't fail.to read our "Want
Ad" column".
! Miss Besnier Hearn of Halfway
visitediwith Mfs. B. L. Payzant
this-week. . ,
When 'you need anything ia
Jewelry he;surfl.an5L3eet.the,
sortment at Richland Drug Store