Eagle Valley news. (Richland, Or.) 191?-1919, June 13, 1918, Image 4

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    V alien
Straight, Truthful Direct
C E. Thorp
Entered as second class matter
Kichland Oregon, under
Member Oregon State
Bread Recipes by May Murphy
Our government is asking of
every citizen to return to dealers
all unbroken sacks of flour and
that you purchase no more wheat
flour until after Sept. 1st. ;
Thousands are voluntarily lt
sponding. Will you?
The present necessity is for us
to realize clearly that all wheat
flour is absolutely essential for
the Allies, and that none is nec
essary for ourselves.
Herewith are given morn re
cipes. Remember that, combin
ations of the different substitute
flours give, by far, the best re
sults. Rice Flour Loaf
One-half cup rice flour
1 1-2 cups oat flour
1 cup corn flour
5 teaspoons baking powder
1 1-2 teaspoons salt
1 egg, well beaten
2 tablespoons corn syrup' ,.
11-2 cups milk (more or less as
Make about the consistency of
cake dough. Baice ab?ut 1 hour
in medium oven. This makes one
; loaf.
Cornmeal and Barley Loaf
1 cup cornmeal
JL cup barley flour
5 teaspoons of baking powder
1 teaspoons salt
2 tablespoons syrup
1 cup milk
i egg
'2 tablespoons fat t
, Siftdryingredientsintoabowl;
add milk, beaten egg and melted
fat: stir well. Put into greased
pan, allow to stand in warm place
20 to 25 minutes and bake in a
moderate oven.
Barley Drop Biscuits
2 cups barley flour
1 1-2 teaspoons salt
4 tablespoons fab
6 teaspoons baking powder
1 cup milk
Baked in a sheet this makes a
good shortcake when buttered
and served with fresh crushed
berries or other fruit.
Whooping Cough
' In this dieeaso it Is important that the
cough be kept loose and expectoration
easv, which can budonobygivingCham
berlain'fl Cough Remedy. Mrs. P. H
"Martin, Peru, Intl., writes; "My two
daughters had whooping cough. I gave
'them Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and
It worked like a charm." ad
i :.
. 120a ranch for sale; 60a in new
alfalfa, 15a blue grass pasture.
Will make attractive price and
terms for immediate sale; will
give possession now or in fall!
'If you want a farm bargain caH
fori. or address-C. E. Ihorp, Rich
lind, Ore.-ad 1
Doc 12; 1912 at the post oifice at
act of March 8, 1S79I
Editorial Association
JUNE k, 1018. Vol. G. No. 31.
Catarrhal Deafness Cannot Be Cured
by loial application, ai they cannot reach
the llsasd portion of th tar -There It
only one tray to cure catarrhal afnei.
and that Is by a constitutional remedy.
Catarrhal Utalnm Is caused by an In
flamed condition of th mucous llnlne of
the Eustachian Tube. When this tube I
Inflamed you have a rumbling; sound or Im
perfect hearing;, and when It Is entirely
closed. Deafness Is the result Unless the
Inflammation can be reduced and this tuM
restored to Its normal, condition, hearing
will be destroyed forever. Many cases of
deafness are caused by catarrh, which Is
an inflamed condition of the mucous mir
faces. Hall's Catarrh M'tdlelne acts thru
the blood on the mucous surfaces of the
We wilt etve One Hundred Dollar for
any case of Catarrhal Deafness that cannot
be cured by Hall's Catarrh Medicine. Cir
cular free. All Drucclsts. lie
F. J. CHENEY & "Q.. Toledo. O.
Wounded, Yet Cheerful.
Mrs.. Barney Eidson has leceiv
ed a letter from her nephew, Pvt.
Archie Harding qf Eddy ville, la.,
who is in Co. H 168th Inf., dated
April 24th', in which he states:
"I received your letter that you
wrote March 8th( a few days ago.
I was in the trenches when your
jetter came, and was sure glad to
hear from you, . , ,
''Just got out of the trenches
two days, ago and came to the
hospital wjth a fractured limb
and bad ankle. I am feeling fine
and getting along the best in
6very way."
Bread Mutt Be Saved Potatoes Con
tain the Same Nutriment
Hon' many potatoes are you eating?
This is a question the Food Adminis
tration wants every loyal American to
tihk himself 'tsi- herself. Strange as It
may seem, tho eating bf potatoes at
this time is a practical war service,
according to a recent Food Adminis
tration bulletin, which points out that
this nation now has a large potatd
surplus on hand and that this valuable
food, unless eaten within tho next two
months, will bo" lost through' sprouting
and rotting. By eating of potatoes
liberally, every family can save a sub
stantial amount of other food, particu
larly of wheat. By eating up tho sur
plus of potatoes the nation will also
prevent serious loss to the potato
producor, who needs to be encouragod
lo grow maximum crop's during the
coming year.
1 "Domestic science experts have fig
ured that: One ordinary baked potato
equals in nourishment one thick slice
of wheat bread.'
"t "Potatoes at one and one-half to two
cents a pound have more food valuo
than bread at ten cents a loaf.
"Potatoes are healthful. They im
prove tho general tono of the system
by their wholesome action on the di
gestive organs. They aro easiest o'u
ttie stomach of all vegotabla foods.
They are easy dn tho kidneys becauso
of the minimum of nitrogen they con
tain. They are easy on the Intestines
becauso' of the tendernoss and small
proportion of their cellulose and the
fine dlvjsioil of flthrch. "
w "Potatoes aro valuable In tho diet of
the sick. They can bo eaten with
benefit by people suffering from dys
popsia, anemia, diabetes1, right's dis
ease, cardiac affections, Intestinal
'troubles, constipation, hyporacldlty,
artlrltls, gout, liver complaints, etc.
"Alwdys serve potatoes with meat,"
conclude the Food 1 Administration
bulletin. "Never serve broad and po
tatoes." A , I- 1 1 .
'Annual school meeting Monday
Notics'df Annual School Meotlrig
Notice I hereby given to wo icunl
totem of Efcijuot Dlitflct No. of Uaker
county, Statu bt Oregon that tho Annual
School Meeting of u.il DUtrlct.will ho
held nt tho school Iioiihu in IMchlam! ; to
begin nt tho hour 1 :30 in tho afternoon
on tliu thlrJ Mnulity of Juno, being tho
lTth tiny of Juno, A. J). HUB.
Tho iiuwtlng is culled for the. uurppco
of electing One Dircctor.mui una (Jlorx
tiiul-for votinc sm-chil tux. mid tho trans
action of business usual nt such meeting.
Dated thistlth tiny of May. 11)18.
Chun. K. Itarber,
Clinlriunn Hoard of Uirect,oi8
Attest! O. K. Thorp, Disttlct Clerk.
School District Budget
To tho dork of School District No, -1.1,
Hak r County, Oregon :
Following Is n statement of tho tali
mated amount o( mony needed by tho
district during tho tlncnl v.mr In-glnning
on JunoXK), 11)18, and undlnon Jtinejao,
1UUK .This budget Is uimlu in compliance
with Section 217 of tho School Laws of
lM7,nnd includes thoestln.Mcd amounts
to bo received Irom mo county sonooi
fund. Mtaln ncliool fund. lvclal district
tnx and till other uionovHof tho district:
Estimated Kxpcndlturos
1. TeacbenT ea'uries W.000.00
2. timittiuo
a. Apparatus nnd supplies,
such us maps, chalk, erasers,
tttoves, curtains, etc
I. Library books
fi. Flags . . . ,
0. Repairs of t-choolhoiurs,
outbuildings or foiicen
&0 00
Improving grounds
Playground equipment. .
Trnn portation of pupils. . .
Tuition of pupils
Janitor's wngea
Janitor's supplies
Fuel 180.00
Clerg's salary 25.00
Postniiu und stationery.. . .
For tho payment of bend-
etl debt and interest thereon,
issued under Sections 217,1 M
to US, and -122 of tho School
Laws of Oregon, 1017
10 For keeping district on
cash basis .
'J I. Total estimated nuiount of
money to be expended for nil
purKscs during the year....
Estimated Receipts
From countv school fund dur
l.'0 00
ing the coming school year. .$2,005.20
I-rom statu school fund during
the coining jchool year .... .108.28
Cash now in tho hands of the
district clerk 029.52
Cash now in tho hands of tho
mtintv treasurer, bclonirine
to' the district 2,691.10
Estimated amount to be receiv
ed from nil other dources dur-
inn the coming echool year. . 180.00
Total estimated receipts, not In
cluding the money to be re
ceived from the tax which it
is nropoecd. to vote .. $5.771. 10
Total estimated expenses for
the year . . i .$5,188.14
Total estimated receipts not in
cluding tax to bo voted 3 .138.1 1
llalnnco, nmount to bo raised
bv district tax $1,750.00
Dated this 0th dav of May. 10.18
Chas. K. Barber) Hoard of Directors
G. M. Moody School District
K. A. Bepnehoff ) . No. 11
Paid advertisement
"1 hated fcookit'g because whatever f
ato gave me sou stomach anil n bloated
feeling. I drank hot water mul olivo oil
by the gallcn. Nothing helped until I
tried simple buckthorn bark, glycerine,
etc., as mixed in Adler-i-ka " Because
It flushes tho ENTIHU bowel tract com
pletely Adler-i-ka relieves ANY CASE
tour stomach, gas or constipati6n and
I revents appendicitis. Tho INSTANT
fction is Hurpnsing. Itichland Drug
Store adv
Not Coal;Land.
Department of tho Interior.
U. H. I and Oillcoat La Grandej Ore
gon, May 3rd, lt)17.
NOTICl'i I lierehy umn- tlmt Illchitnl
flammon, of linker, Orison, who, on
February 1.1, 1015, made Homestead En
try, No. 011302, for E 1-2 SW 1-i, and
S 1-2 SB 1-4, Section 27, Tow'nsliip 8
South, Banco 41 East, Willamette Meri
dian, h&s filed 'notice' of intention Id
innko Ttireo. Year Prdof, to t'sialJIish
claim to tholaud aboyodescxlbed, boforo
A. li. CombH, jr., Clerk of County Court,
at Baker. Oregon, on the 27tl day of
Juno, injH. , f
Claimant names as witheeseli John
Jones, Edw. Thompson, Martin Gale,
Walter h Wilson, all of Bj arta, Ore
Ron, CP. Dunn, Roglstor.
FIrstpliiilldation.May 10 101J?.' i
Ust publication June 13j 1018, J
If You Need'
any bf the things listed below, remember wc can furnish
them at the lowest price and should you need any
thing wc might not have In stock we'll get it
Mowers, Rakes, Wagons; Pitchforks,
Derrick Forks, Cable, Pulleys,
Rope, Cycle Blades, Rivets, Bolts;
Repairs for different makes pf mowers
Water Bags, etc., etc
Wearing Apparel
3 Overalls, Shoes, Sox, Hats, Underwear
I Wc can outiit the entire family in this department
Groceries and Supplies
This department is chuck full of things you'll need
feed the hay crew. Lard and other shortening,
Cured and Canned Meat and Fish, Dried and
and Canned Fruits and Vegetables, Flour
Substitutes, Breakfast Food, etc.
Three Farm Bargains! !
1 fC Acrcs nrth f Richland; all fenced and cross
JLKjj fenced; 65a seeded in hay and pasture; 4()a
more can be cleared and put under ditch; abundance of
water all season at IdW cost.
this at less than real value;
? f acres 1 1-4 mi. West of Richland, 55a cultivated;
v)U under Waterlpury & Allen and Nash ditches; good
improvements. This,, must be sold imme- C!,7CrA
diately and will make attractive terms. . . . P OVV
A( acres 1 1-2 mi. southeast of Richland, bottom land
tc" fine for corn and clover; a good dairy farm! owner
offer; this for short time only so if you arc (DfOCA f
looking lor a home. et busv. Priced at PrOV
If you are wanting a farm, come in and I'll give you
further particulars regarding tiiese bargains
C. E. Thorp, - Richland, Ore. I
Also Invo two homes in Kichlbnd for snle
Auto Truck Service!
I have secured a Federal Truck of ,'i,00() pounds
capacity, and will make regular trips to and froni
feakei, and solicit your patronage. All orders, large
or small, will receive prompt attention! Terms
reasonable. Leave orders at postoflice,
Plot Coal Lnnll.
' Department of the Interior.
U.S. Land Office nt I.nUriuiilo. Ore
gon, May 3rd, lOltf.
NOTIOh Is hereby given that I-rnnciH
A. Hales, o( Ilaker, Oregon, who, on
April 20, 1012, hiado Ildniestead Kntry;
No. 01&H7, for SEBE4', .Sec 5, SW4'
8W, Sec. 4, and NJs NWU,. Sec.- 9,
TownahlpO Smith, Ilnnuo ll Kant, Wll
liunetto Meridian, Iiub filed notice of in
tontlon tp niiiko Kivu Veur I'roof, to es
tahlisli claim to the land abQvudccrlUed,
beforo Woodson I.. rattron,,.UiiltlJd
States CommlABlonor. at linker. Oroiron.
on tLo 20th day of Juno. ll)18i
Claimant numes an wltneflRes : Dayld
D. .Tucobe. Harry Jacobfl. Howard Ja
cobs, Otto r, Bchlllor, all of Kichland,
Oregon, ? : '
O. S. DUNN, RigUter. '
Owner offers (TCflOn I
p?rt cash .... pUUUU J
1. Richland, Oregon
Not Coal Lund.
Department of the Interior.
U. S. Land Ofllco at LaGrmido, OrOi
Hon, May .'Ird, lUlNi
NOTIOHIh hereby Bivon Hint Martin
OIboii, of ltlcliland, Oregon, who, oil
Sept. 18, Kill, niudu Homestead Kntryj
No. 0IH7-15, for 8W nnd WJ 1, Sou.
LT), Townohip 0 South; Hungo 13 Kasti
Wlllametto Meridian, linn filed notice of
intention to make Three Year Proof, to
establish claim fo th
iWjbed, beforo A. 11. Combs, Jr., Clark- of
25th day of Juno, 1018.
Claimant names as witnesses: Clar
?,nc9J'.,ornp80"' T1"t'n JoffordB, Jesso
St. Olnlr, Vatia Joffords, nil of IticlilnndJ
Orogon. 1 . . f , i . i,
t. 8. DUNN, IlegUter.