Eagle Valley news. (Richland, Or.) 191?-1919, June 13, 1918, Image 3

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    Hotel Rowland
On hundred and slitw.fWa looms, all MoJtrn
ltniruyemiUi (roo phones on amy (lour,
Rato.i 75c to 91.60 per dayi 92.50 to
$8.00 per week.
Opposite Courthouse, I blocks from rostofflea.
Yin lroof. H. I and Oregon Klulfl pau door.
C TTT Vo' Prk BfL
sIflaV I'oullry, Butler. Eggs
N and Farm Produce,
lo tin OH ItallahU Kvprdlnir housa with a
reoord At 44 ream of Holism Ooallnra. and
ba assured ofTOI' MAKKKT I'rUClis.
4M7 Front Street, rortlsnd, Oraron
Do Your Own Plumbing)
ftr burin direct from o. at whol.ale prime
and ssre tba plumUv'a profit. WrtU us to
day your needs. Wo will sir you our rock
bottom "dlrvct-ta-yo-j" prices. I . o. b, rail or
boat Wo actually save you from 10 to U pr
L All gnats iruaranlxnl.
Northwest headquarters tot Llr WaUr
By.Uma and Fuller A Johnson Knainoa.
212 Tklrd Street. PortUaJ. Ore so
EXPELLED ovory poison and Im
purity ot your
m blood, by Dr.
Plorco's Coition
Medical 1Mb
covcry. Thon
thoro'a a clear
n k 1 n and a
clean system.
Tottor, Salt
rlioum, Eczo-
ma, Kryslpolas, Dolls, Carbuncles, En
InrKOd aiandn, Swellings, and all Dlood
and Rkln Diseases, from a common
blotch or eruption to scrofula, aro
bouofltod by It
In building up nocded Nosh and
strength or pale, puny, scrofulous chil
li ron, nothing can equal IL In liquid or
tablot form. Tablets 00c.
Do not vat moat moro than onco a
day. Drink plenty of puro water, ex
ercise outdoors and tako a pleasant
Inxatlvo at leant onco a vrook. Such
a ono lit made- of Mny-npplo, root of
Jalap, jutco ot atoos, sugar-coated, and
first mado up and sold as Dr. Plorco's
Pleasant Polletn nearly fifty years
ago. Adv.
Qot Us Guessing.
"Wo should never Judgo a man by
bin clothes."
"And a woman Is oven moro diffi
cult to slro up with no other data to
Ko on."
The Proper Placo.
"Tho old sailor told mo ho raised
chickens on his vessol,"
"I Bupposo ha did It In tho hatch
way." Exchange
That's Why.
"My doar, you certainly havo a vory
sharp nose."
"Well, don't you keep It up to tho
grliulstono all tho tlmo?" Exchange
Its Advantages.
"Is tho weather sorvlco paying?"
"U'u bound to havo a ralso In It, If
It's only tho morcury or an umbrella."
Practical Huaband.
"A man has Just telegraphed mo
that ho has married my daughter."
"Is ho a good, practical man?"
"I guess ho Is. Ho wired mo col
lect." Clear Your Skin
Soap 25c. OuIbk-2Sc50c
tfjl URINE Granulated Eyelids,
.tfaM!?Sorei;ct. live. Inflamed by
ZMnfrSan. Ou.rond Wind quickly
Ofi.TfVf.VTl 9 relieved by Murine. Tiy It In
A ntt C your k'vM and In Uby' Eye.
flOUR LltONoSBurllflf.JuitEjeComlott
MurlncEye Remedy tffplrW'aiSiS
Eye !, In Tulw K. Kur llook ut'i .V- trm:
Atk MBrlno Vjo Kcmedr Co.. Chicago d
P. N. U.
No. 24, 1918
Sa polio doing its work. Scouring
for US.Marine Corps recruits.
Join Now!
fOHt CO.
Earn More
Young Women and Men
Dullness cries for trained mind. (Irasn your
opportunity. Knorll now In Northwest's MirKost
business rxttffo, llchnke-Walksr, I'ortUnd, Free
j Bouil.t, Sold, Rented and Repaired
W" Murnslds, car. 10th. I'ortland. Or.
Caacara iiinn
Wi m tl km. WrtU U Mm. tiQUat Tm.
rrUnrf. Or., Seattle. Wn, llelllnsham. Wn.
t4 ttttt AttttUvM Uh mb PUfV
II, C riXOTT Mim
ear Mt(aa tV fft '
White Leghorn Baby Ghix
from heavy Isyln tlfoa-snlted) atock. $10.00
per 100, Wo jruarantao ufa arrival
415 Sixth Street Petaluma, Cal.
Remembered His Arithmetic.
Another thing that will putzlo our
soldiers Is Kngllsh monoy. Ono tlmo
an American who was tho worso for
drink was travollng In a railway car
riage when tho guard asked for his
"dot nonol Lcmmo lonol" maun
derod tho Yank.
The guard took out his ticket sched
"Kivo and six, please' ropealcd tho
"WhzatT" Queried Uio tipsy ono.
"Flvo and six, please, repeated tho
"Eleven." said tho Yank. "Now
move long to zo noxt boy."
No humbugl Any corn, whether
hard, soft or botween tho toes, will
looson right up and lift out without
a partlclo of pain or soreness.
This drug Is called froczono and la
a compound of othor discovered by a
Cincinnati man.
Ask at any drug storo for a small
bottlo ot freozono, which will cost but
a trlflo, but Is sufficient lo rid ono'B
foot of ovory corn or callous.
Put a fow drops dlroctly upon any
tonuor, aching corn or callous, in
stantly tho soreness disappears and
shortly Uio corn or callous will looson
and can bo lifted off with tho fingers
This drug frcczono doesn't cat out
tho corns or callouses but shrlvols
them without ovod. Irritating tho sur
rounding skin.
Just think I No pain at all; no sore
ness or smarting whon applying It or
aftorwards. It your druggist don't
havo freozono havo him order It for
you. Adv.
Escaped the Patience Tester
"Job had wonderful pntlonco."
"Yes. nut Job nover had to listen
to a lot ot camouflaged Gorman propa
gandlsts." Washington Star.
Kindly Student
"How's your boy Josh getting nlong
with his studios?"
"Plonsnntly," replied Farmer Corn
tosscl. "Ho don't bother 'cm nono."
Washington Star.
8ultlna Her.
"Qosslpy Mrs. Qaddy told mo tho
othor day biio had a car which suited
hor exactly."
"Thon It must bo a runabout." Ex
chango. Matrimonial Mathematics.
Ho You know, my doar, X is an
unknown quantity.
Sho I certainly do. I haven't soon
ono ulnco I married you. Exchange
Not Quite 8o Good.
"What did papa do whon you asked
him to give you my hand?"
Ho Ho put down his foot. Dnltl-
moro Amorlcan.
who wear
Greater Acreage Made Possible
by Improved Machines.
Laroer Plows, Harrows and Other lm
plementa, Make It Possible to Ac
complish More Work Per
Man on Farm.
(Prepared by the United flint Depart
ment of AKrlculture.)
The moro exll-nslvo uho of labor-saving
Implements will make It easier In
1018 to npproxlmnto tho record-breuk-Ing
ncrengo of 11)17, especially when
employed In KectlouK where com Is
now grown profitably hut otia mon
limited scnlo than U desirable because
prevent methods require . a . large
amount of man labor. ' Tho more gen
eral uso of recently developed and Im
proved tractors that ure adapted to
the uses of the small furm as well as
ho largo farm would tend to Increase
tho acreage and to effect n saving In
labor. The use of larger plows, har
rows, and other Implement used In
lilting tho Innd would mnko It possible
to accomplish more work per man.
Similarly tho substitution of two-row
planters and two-row -nl tfoublo cul
tivators In placo of smaller and lesi
cftlclent Implements would muko It
possible to do the snmo amount of
work with less expenditure of labor.
Replant Missing Hills-
In some corn-growing sections It Is
the prnctlco to replant missing hills
as soon as tho corn Is up to a stand.
Frequently this Is done by dropping
kernels by hand nnd covering with a
hoe. A labor-saving nnd quicker meth
od would bo the uso of small hand
planters. These could bo used to ad
vantage for tho first planting ulso In
lections where comparatively small
areas are planted nnd where It Is at
present tho custom to drop tho corn
by hand nnd cover with the hoe.
It Is the practice In some localities
to plant a much Inrger number of ker
nels than tho number ot stalks de
sired nnd to thin to the desired stand
when tho corn plants are about 0 to 8
Inches tall. This method may be sat
isfactory where plenty of labor Is
Two. Row Cultivator Is a Labor Saver.
nvnllnble, but where It Is desirable to
economize labor It would bo advisable
to plant tested seed at about the same
rate as the stand desired and do no
A more general uso of efllclent har
vesting machinery would penult a
more economical use of labor. A corn
binder with an attachment for clevnt
lug tho bundles of corn Into n wngon
should bo used much moro extensively
than It Is for harvesting ensilage corn.
There Is also on the market n machtuo
that converts tho corn Into ensilage
In tho field, elevating It Into n wngon,
from which It Is sucked or lifted Into
tho silo. Tho use of either of these
Market for Dairy Products Concerned
Only In Two Thlnos Amount Of
fered nnd Quality.
Tho murkot for dairy products does
not enro what it costs to produco milk.
It Is concerned In only two things
tho nmount offered and tho quality.
Most farmers aro looking nt tho market
Instead of looking nt tho cost, nnd
every poor cow makes It cost more.
Ear Corn In Crib.
When you wish to know how much
ear corn thera Is In n crib, find tho
cubic capacity of the erlb mul dlvldo
by 2 for good quality corn nnd you
will hnvo tho answer,
Valuable Assets.
Tho skillful hand nnd n cultured
mind nro tho former's most vnlunblo
Good egg production during tho "un
natural" or winter inontlis, depends
protty largely on keeping tho stock
machlntft, especially tho latter, would
do away with the necessity of much
laborious work.
Harvest by Machinery.
A litrK-" percentngo of the rutting
nnd shocking of corn Is done, by lum l
labor. In some sections, bemuse of
unfavorable topography or other rea
son-, It Is not practicable to use mn
elilne cutters. However, the greater
part of th'o com that Is now ait by
hand labor could be harvested by mn
ehlnery, economizing labor and doing
t It work In n less laborious manner
.Much of the corn Hint Is now husked
from the shocks cotdd be handled more
economically nnd with n saving In feed
wilue of stover by substituting ma
chine buskers nnd shredders for hnnd
labor. The use of corn pickers would
accomplish similar results In the case
of corn husked from the standing
stalks. Unloading and elevating mu
chlnery nt the crib should be Intro
d ii red and moro generally used In
many sections where It Is now tin
known or not commonly used. Where
uch facilities arc not available cribs
xhoutd bo constructed In such a man
ner that they ran be filled nnd emptied
with the least possible labor. For
level ground, ttgtiblo cribs with an cle-
vaicti unvewny nnu npproncnes inai
will enable the loads to be driven
through the cribs nnd dumped or
scooped out of the wagons without any
high pitching are very satisfactory.
' .
(Prepared by tho United Btntes D
partment of AKrlculture.)
4, A backyard garden for every
1 Keep this In mind In deciding
whether or not you will have a
garden this year.
Of course, tho soldiers nt the jL
L front cannot enjoy the fresh
vegetables you raise, but you
can, and every meal made up of
T the vegetables from your garden i
will lenvc more meat and wheat
i, for the soldiers. These can be
T readily shipped to France; most
- . i ..--. i i
irusu vi'kuiiiuii's mu ntu, unu un- r
less you eat more vegetables.
some soldier will not have his
Varieties Come From Different Parts
of America and Europe Adapted
to Different Uses.
(Prom the United Btatrs Department of
The varieties of raspberries under
cultivation have come from different
pnrts of North America nnd Europe
nnd nre adapted to different conditions
of environment nnd to different uses,
Thus the Sunbeam and Ohtn orlglnnt
cd in South Dakota and generally with
stand the trying conditions of the cold
winters there. The Superlative, which
originated In Europe, where the win
ters nro milder than In diost raspber
ry-growing sections of this country. Is
grown only In the rnclflc const
states. The King Is a desirable variety
throughout the region between the
Mississippi river and the Appalachian
mountains, where raspberries succeed.
In New York and New England, how
ever, It has proved, for the most part.
Inferior to mnny other vnrletles.
In selecting the varieties of rasp
berries to cultivate In any locality It
Is usually Important o consider (1)
the hnnllness of the canes, (2) the pro
ductiveness of tho variety, nnd (3)
Its fitness for the particular purpose
for which the crop Is to bo used. In
tho characterizations hero given spe
cial nttentlou has been paid to these
Get Weed Seeds Out
In almost all small grain fields a
certain nmount of weeds grow nnd the
seeds nro threshed with tho grain.
These same weeds are sown with the
grain if they are not gotten out,
How Indiana Responded.
As n result of tho campaign for in
creased food production, one Indiana
town of less than 5,000 people had
l,!tSI gardens last season. In eight
towns ot another Intllnnn county 03
per cent of all vacant lots were under
cultivation. In three townships In
still another county, where special ef
fort was mado to Increase food produc
tion, It was estimated that ten times
tho nverngo nmount of garden crops
was produced, dinners for canning
fruits nnd vegetables were placed In
each consolidated school In ono coun
ty, nnd wero loaned to communities
which desired to uso them.
Value of Stable Manure.
A ton of stnblo manure, ot good
qunllty, may bo said to contain 11
pounds of ammonia, sis pounds of
phosphoric ncld and 10 pounds of pot
ash. Tho gnvel road probably ranks next
to tho earth rond In total in I lea go.
Every aero should product some-
thing. Idlo acres aro slackers.
ArJi GRAND WtZt it It. P.P.UZ.
Kids Kleen
TI no pracbul, lliUol.pUrtiiD
rrmmt, net atrntaj foe tWi I fa
ywt i4 e. Mwle i mk iec inch
dieo bxl. E")r lisfd on or oS.
bJ, t-Wml. Natnf I rlutie Undl
2iW. to tlif drcnllioa. Mk m Ua
cmusi, ana grew cue Pi www
bkUnr urip-, AUo WifT wosm,
tfi-t'inf plril in yuiar a
pletllm dif, H ocv
Urtf bnornrd rh l.tt-color
tablr. All cuir-sl rata ia
Dulcfi aS ih JW term
nf liith fwxk and low iWrrt.
LFotVkr Go colon) trarmociU
lrrr.t nuKtitl) teat lite o
' ivivat. ,
$1.25 the suit
If yvut Aaftrt runnt nrpplr Ti
M will rsd Ui,larts pirpud
on recei(4 ci print. 3 1 Ji each.
StbJtaxM (n-Mteetl
c-'-crr7 Idootvxj.
Dcwue of Imiuiiui.
rk. us. pat. err.
LEVI STRAUSS & CO., Sa Fraadteo
K!n.o( Fftiam-AlU"
ilia new itniKat foe women
Occasions for Excitement.
"Do tho people of this country real
ize they aro in war?" asked tho visi
tor. "I think so," replied Miss Cayenne.
"But they don't seem excited over
"No. Excitement la all right for,
baseball or racing. But a war Is so
serious that it must bo faced with
calm determination." "Washington
Cutlcura Heals Eczema
And rashes that itch and burn. If
there Is n tendency to pimples, eta.
prevent their return by making Cutl
cura your dally toilet preparation. For
free samples address, "Cutlcura, Dept
X, Boston." At druggists and by mail.
Soap 25, Ointment 25 and 50. Adv.
Not Like Vaudeville.
"Don't you like grand opera in vau
deville? Sometimes the voices are
very fine."
"I like that part But it seems
funny "
"To havo a singer go through three
songs without any chango in costume."
Dr. Pierce's Pellets are best for liver.
bowels and stomach. One little Pellet
for a laxative three for a cathartic
A Discovery.
Extract from tho Plunkville Ga
zette: "Wo recently heard the town
band render tho 'Marseillaise' for the
first time. It Is a stirring air. We pre
dict It will become popular."
Not Much.
"Boss, I'm hungry."
"Hunger makes a fine sauce.1'
"But what good is a sauce without
something solid to go with it?"
ShaVen Into the shoes and cprinltled In the foot
bath it sires rest and comfort, takes the friction
from the shoe and prevents blisters and aoro
pots. Makes valkins easy. Accept no substi
tute. Sold everywhere. 25c
More to the Point.
-Berlin's vehicles of all sorts are said
to have gono to rack and ruin. What
.we're waiting for Is the collapse of
the kaiser's band wagon. Detroit
The Other Kind.
"Have you any wax?"
"Celling, no; floor." New Haven
Canton, Ohio. "I suffered from a
female trouble which caused me much
su He ring, and two
doctors decided
that I would have
to go through an
operation before I
could get well.
"My mother, who
had beaa helped by
LydlaE. Pinkhanrs
Vegetable Com
pound, advised mo
to try it before sub
mitting to an opera
tion. It relieved mo
from mv troubles
so I can do my house work without any
difllculty. I advise any woman who is
nfllictcd with female troubles to givo
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound a trial and it will do as much for
them." Mrs. Marie Boyd, 1421 6th
SL, N. E., Canton, Ohio.
Sometimes there are serious condi
tions whero a hospital operation is tho
only alternative, but on the other hand
so many women have been cured by this
famous root and herb remedy, Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, nfter
doctors havo said that an operation was
necessary overy woman who wants
to avoid an operation should givo it a
fair trial before submitting to such a
trying ordeal.
If complications exist, write to Lydia
E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass.,
for advice. Tho result of many years
experience is at your service.