Friday, June 28th is National War Savings Bay. Get ready for it. EAGLE VALLEY NEWS VOLui-iu, U NO 31 RICHLAND, OREGON, THURSDAY, JUNE 13, L918 $1.50 A YEAR MUTUAL CREAMERYm IUYKU9 OK Cream, Milk and Eggs 11. M, Kirk, Resident Manager RICHLAND OREGON W. H. STRAYER Attorney at Law Fourth Floor Spmmcrs Building Baker, Oregon Irvine Lodge No. 86 Knights of Pythias Moot uvtiry U'hIiichIuv night nt tlii'lr CflMtlt) llnll In Itlclilntiil, Oroiron. VIbH- ItiK llrotlium inmlo nvlroino. C. It. COUKK,0. 0. V. L IIAI.KY, K.of It, A8, C. E. THORP Notary Public All kinds of legal blanks on band Your patronage Kolicited W. E. BAIRD FUNGRALDIRECTOR UCENSEDaEMBALMER l- -ft jL - CaikeU awl tjliroud of All -flic. Alwitji In block HIGHLAND, OUKGON I'Iiomo: Twoeliorts, Onu lonit W. R. USHER Notary Public Conveyancer o Olllco, Second nntl Walnut Kl, A Op08ltu ClirlHtlun Church FREDERICK R, WliSOff Physician and Surgeon - Richland. w Oregon Night 'phono, one long ring on all lines. Day 'phono call central ofllce. &e Rog'ers Baker's Popular Hotel NEW MODERN CLEAN . Updor Direct Supervision of Tho Owner POPULAR PRICES Spoclal Itntua to IVritinnetit GuusU O. T. GODWIN ATTORN 10 Y Sommor Bldg. Hlikor, Orogon WOODSON L. PATTERSON ATT'Y At law U. S. COMMISSIONER UAKER OREGON FARM WAGE SET Representative farmers of East orn Oregon and Washington met at Pendleton Monday, and after duo deliberation adopted the uni - form wage scale as printed below Walter A Cover of Pino Valley waB a dclcgnto from Baker coun ty, and on Tuesday ovdnmg mot with tho farmors of Eagle Valloy and gavo a detailed account the convention. Mr. uovor said tliut the con vention bad boon called at the re queHt of the Federal Govcrnmon and that Dr, E. V. Wilcox of tho U. S. Dept. of Agrjculturo, Wash ingion, u. u., was prQ3ont, as wero aleo J. W. Brewer of Port land, farm help specialist, ant representatives from Washing ton, Idaho, Utah, Montana, Colo it i rauo ami omer states, ijo saio that tho matter of a uniform farm wago was being taken up in ovpry state in the Union; that its main effect would be to stop tho tide of floaters; that while scalo set would prevail throughout Eastern Oregon or Washington it was not to bo considered either maximum or minimum as local conditions, a man's ability, etc., should also bo taken into consideration. Tho Uniform Wago Scale: Haying common hands, buck era, box drivers, otc, $3. Stackers (hay and grain) head cr-Uox loadors, $4. . - Header or combine drivers, $5, Sack sewers, for standard ma chine, $5. Cooks (man or woman) for 10 or more men, $3, Both farmer and laborer have their own opinion as to tho fair ness of the scale set, but as wo are not personally in either class, though deeply interested in both, we aro not in a position to judge, therefore refrain from taking any part in tho discussion, but will watch the result with close atten tion. Forced to Close for Ten Days E. J. Wart was down from Now Bridge yesterday and said to tell our readers tljat he would close his blacksmith shop Saturday night for tho next week or ten days on account of work on his fruit ranch. Mr. Wart said that tho 500 trees in his peach orchard were breaking down under tho load of fruit add as he was unable to get help was forced to thin out tho fruit himself and will reopen his shop as soon as that job is done. Dr. Fleming, tho optometrist, is Vice-President of tho Idaho State Board of Examiners in Op tometry, and is an oxport in fit- ing glasses. Dr. Fleming will be in Richland on Saturday and Sunday, Juno 22 and 23, and at Halfway on Monday afternoon and all day Tuesday, Juno 24th and 25th. Seo him. adv If your feet aro troublinglyou got a pair of our Natural Arch Supports and get instant relief. aay a, & w. Chatidler, W. 8. S. CONVENTION A bftr convention of Borne 120 delegates from all over the coun 'tv will be held in Baker tomorrow J June 14th, in the interests of the War Savings movement. The delegates will consist, in most cases, ,of chairmen of tho various school districts, and sectional chairmen from various parts of tho county. Those who are ex pected to attend from this part of the county are as follows: Sectional Chairmen Figures represent the school dis tricts under their supervision. J. F. Horr, 41-21-57-70 Joe May, 39-78-80-53 J. C. Bowen, 45-G5 August LaFrenz, 71-G2 T. Giroux, Durkee, 27-19 GG-7Q- 85- 79-13 School District Chairmen Chus. E. Barber, Richland Peter Olson, C. H. Brooks, ,u R. Guyer, " ; James Love, " W. C. Jasper, Now Bridge J. N. Carroll, Sparta I. C. Campbell, ?' W. L. Wilson, " Mrs.H.L.Checsman, Robin ette James Grant, " J. W. Washburn, Durkefc W. L. Kirby M. S. Howard Tho Federal Government has secured tho'services of JTL. Eth- ridge, manager of Morris Bros, of Portland, and an organizer of known ability. He will be prcsr ent to instruct the Wnr Savings Workers in connection with the big drive of June 28th. Heretofore the efforts of War Savings Workers have been large ly confined to the education o the people along lines of thrift and savings. Recent develop ments, however, have made it imperative that the $2,000,000,000 which is the quota of the entire country in War Savings Stamps, he raised at once. J Individual quotas of all citizens will bo assigned, but instead of solicitation by means of calls pn euch individual, all citizens will bo called together at meetings in each School District on Friday, Juno 28th, Iby proclamation from the President of the United States and tho Governor of each state. it will oe the duty ot every citizen to attend tho meeting in lis district, and to be prepared to subscribe his quota of War Sav ings Stamps. Lieut. Oscar W. James of Rob inetto, has just returned to Camp Lewis, Wash., from the Officers School of Arms, Ft. Sill, Okla., where ho finished an advanced courso in fortifications, getting a certificate as. Asst. Instructor in 'ortifications. Haying season is here; 'we aro prepared to supply your needs in machinery and repairs, also any- hing you may need for the tabid, Saunders Bro'o, ad When you nood a new Watch buy it at Richland Drug Store( -ad. OVER THE TOP AT LAST J. M. Chase reports a total of $1,259.90 for the Second Red Cross War Fund, thus upholding Eagle Valley's record for Vgoing over" in every drive. We are told that only one district in the county has failed to raise its full quota, that js our sister valley Pine, yet we feel confident that she will yet make good. Three errqrs wero reported in the list printed last week, viz: C. J. Duffey contribute! $10 and L. S. Kelly $2.50, F. L. Payzant $1.50, instead 'of $1 each, as published. Below is given tff'e list of the late contributors: ' $5.0Q CRCoger J H Arthur; Mr and Mrs D W Allen John Flynn and wife lYiiucr wngntano wne Orla Howell and wife L L Simonis $4.00 G W Martin $2;50 D W Jones Ed Augustus $2.00 Orville Derrick and wife Myrl Byrne R C Schult'z $1.20. Mrs Johp Allen V $1.00 W H tyulkey Winnie Meek Mrs Ed Rjtch Mrs J Bennehoff Mrs Sam Brown J W Campbell Mrs Ianthus Chandler Ianthus Chandler Mrs Stella Simonis G C Taylo? M.s Q W Jones Fred Govor . Mrs Nora Moody Anna Gibbon Mrs Aivjn Ritch 50 cents Mrs M A Jones Married at Baker. Two of Eagle Valley's estima ble young people were "made one" Monday afternoon at the Christian church parsonage in Baker when Rev. Rambo united in marriage Miss Bertha St. John and Mr. Lawrence Evans, both of Richland. The ceremony was witnessed by Mr. and Mrs. C. C. St. John and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Evans, parents of the con tracting parties. The bride and groom will make their future home in Eagle Val ley and have the heartiest con gratulations of all residents of this section. Dance and Ice In honor of the boys who will soon will be given at the Richland Opera House . FRIDAY evening, June 14th , . Good music has been secured Ice Cream and other refreshments will be served at the K. P. hall A Sewing Machine and other net proceeds to . Come out and bring the family, good time, and help Is Your Money Fighting for Your Country I or Is It ; Fighting for the Kaiser? United States Thrift Stamps Save Lives and Shorten the War ! ! ! WS.S. "WAR SITINGS STAMPS USUZS BY TH& UNITED STATES OVERKMENT Start Buying Then at Your Post office Today THIS SPACE CONTRIBUTED BY E. J. Wart, New Bridge, Ore, Church Services at New Bridge Sunday school at 10 a. m. Preaching at 11 a. m. Epworth League at 7:30 p. m. Preaching at 8:30 p. m. Prayer meeting every Thurs day evening at 8:30. Subject for next Sunday morn ing preaching service, "Christian Union." Baptismal service next Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. J. M. Johnson, Minister. Cream Social leave for Army Service, a dance and a good time is guaranteed by ladles of the RED CROSS articles will be sold at auction go to Rdd Cross wish our boys God speed," have v-a out the Red Cross ' " 1