Eagle Valley news. (Richland, Or.) 191?-1919, June 06, 1918, Image 3

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ffarf.U. 5. ft. Off
Keep Kids Kleen
TH. mo.( rikl, I
Emunttuinlnl tot OMita I 1
'(ill "KIT Ipp fJ"
lw rircuUiti, Mlf In Uu cUnlm,
Slid tiulM Uu km toklu hUtnr
TwHiM. !( J.I
U sppfopiuuly lifmm.d wilt
IripM. AUofii,lrf Wf)
nulft UI In ttL4tJ tJ
Millet. All lummli
lil ouurkb Kot lite ui
SI. 00 the ault
H jrcMi iMt cbboi wnJy y
I oMf (la ceUl) tl
we viil KnJ limn, cbetff lrpel
Ml IKW wit.. 11,00 !
StlialKlioq fWUUtMti M BMBr
a new urr
Ujktii,UL, tar
- i Mr. of "FnJam-Alh"Mmmm
new iwrotnt f of woman
"money for you.
Co-Tr " s ,r
Thouurvl. or trained young? ixoi nnl.
Ilclmlie-Wnlknr limine.. College, Portland, place
tud.nts In poaltkm., Unroll any Uroe. I're.
BoviM, Soil, Rcntxl and ttMlred
WALK Kit Kl.rXrrillO WOKKH ,
llunulda. tor. IOUi. Portland. Ore.
Hotel Rowland
Ona hundred and tity-flv llooma. ajl Modern
Improvement; fn phones on mart floor.
Raton 7Sc Co $1.80 per dyi $2.80 to
$8.00 per week.
OiummIu CourthouM. t I4uk from Poetofnc.
Xlr I'ruaf. 11, 1' .nil Omnm KlecUto pom door
Boys and Girls
Clear Your Skin
With Cuticura
Snap Hflc. Ointment 2S and OOc
Concrete Doctored Mt Satisfactory
In Land of Heavy Rains -Cheaper
In Long Run.
Tlio Now Zonlnnd nuthorltlos, both
locnl find imtlonnl, tire carefully study
ing llio subject of good roads, realiz
ing Hint t lit m In Hit; best wny to open
tip tin) Iilnlerliind of tin- dominion. The
rond of the country, In the innln, nro
not In very good cotidlllon. Thorn nro
Homo good stono ronds, nbout tho lnrg
cr centers, hut few of them extend out
more tlmn 2fl or SO miles. Their up
keep Iiiib heeu found very expensive,
especially In tho northern pnrt of the
country, Mince (ho rnlnfnll Ih henvy
mill wnshouts nro numerous because
tho stono used Ih soft nnd grind up
rnpldly, the Scientific Amerlcnn atntcs.
Of Into much lian heen Hnld In re
Bnrtl to tho conotructlon of concrete
hlRhwnya, nnd It la thoucht thnt thlx
will ho fnr chenper In tho lonjf run
thnn tho atono romlx ns they nro now
constructed, for tho renaon thnt the
upkeep will lie ko very urently reduced.
It la CDtltnntcd thnt n mllo of 12-foot
concrete rond four lnchci thick could
ho hullt In Now ZenlnniJ for $2,000
more thnn n mllo of ordinary atone
rond, on which there would ho n anvlnj;
In upkeep for the flrat flvo yearn of nt
leant $1,200, wlillo nt tho end of ten
yearn there would be n bovIiik of $7,-
000 or $8,000.
Up In tho Air.
Corp. (name dolotod by conuor) la
tho champion optimist In tho (dolotod
by conaor) roslmont On his first vUlt
to Paris an air raid was In progrosa,
and aa ho observed tho Parisians, all
intent on tho tauboa, ho aald to his
"Thoro'a ono flno thing about this
air atuff."
"And that la T"
"It koopa you looking up."
(Iloply dolotod by conaor). Car
toons Magazine,
Good Opportunity.
"In tho rntlroad collision I was In
I toll you I n;iw stars!"
"Well, you had a flno chanco whon
tho cara woro tolcscopod." Exchaugo.
tfflURINE Granulated Eyelids,
JfirfnlVri3s""- Outltnd Win J quickly
7(X)f5VTJ. JP" rellevnl by Murine. Ttylt In
r 1 1 CC C your ty nJ In lUb Eyt.
IUUR LlLONoSmHtloi.JaitEreComfcrt
MarlHoEyc Remedy Jt&MV,&
Kye !, In Tulxi Sit. Pur iMt f t .V rre.
Aik Mtsrlae Eye Hcmedy Co., Chicago t
Organliatlon Arranged by Secretary of
Agriculture Described In Re
cent Publication.
(frepared by tti United Btatei Depart
, ment of Arrlculture.)
Tho orgnnlxatlon thnt hns been nr
rnngod by tho secretary of ngrlculturo
to adiulnluter the provisions of tho
fodornl-ntd rond net of 1010 Is de
scribed In a recent publication of tho
Ten district olllccs, each directed by
n district engineer, reporting to (ho
director of tho olllco of public rondx,
hnvo been established. Tho district
nfllccs nro locnted In Portland, Ore.;
Hnn Krnnclsco, Cnl.; Denver, Colo.;
Minneapolis, Minn.; Omiilin, Neh.;
Fort Worth, Tex.; Chlcngo. 111.; Mont
gomery, Aln.; Troy, N. V., nnd Wash
ington, D. C.
Tho procedure adopted calls for tho
HUbmlsMon of nn nppllcntton, known
fvwmrojTwiri amii
I I II .1-
u. H.U tannsinc. kirl iiJfK
Ik1 liU dimiioiH uiih ,k!i nmpk
M HB MM. ,M,
II, C riXOTT - oam Kf
Hides, Pelts, c&c,r Wool & Mohair
V ul tl m kin. Will Im rXcu uCUrM Tin.
Portland, Ore.. BatU, Wn.. Ilelllngluun. Wn.
White Leghorn Baby Giiix
from hoavy Inylhir (Ilojrorilicd) itock. 110.00
ix-r 100. We Bunrahtoo anfa arrival.
41S Sixth Streot.
Petaluma, Cal,
Veal, Pork, Deef,
Poultry, Butter, Eggs
and Farm Produce,
to the Old Hellnlilo Kvcrdlntr houno wllli a
rnconl of 45 yrnm of Kqunro Drullntra, and
be auurvd of TOP MARKET PIUCES.
45-47 Front Street, PorlUnd, Oreion
pA.Your Own Plutnblnsi
By buylnir direct from us at vrhoWla prices
and sive tho plumbor'i profits. Write us to
day your nx!. Wo will clvo you our rock
bottom "dlrcct-to-you" prices, f. o, b. rail or
boat. Wo actually savo you from 10 to 85 por
cent. All (roods sru'aranUxid.
Norlhwost hoadquartors foi Leader Water
Cystoma and r"ullcr ft Johnson Hna)rM,
212 Third Street. PortlenJ, Oregon
P. N. U.
No, 22, 1018
8and-Clay Road, If Well Kept, la Sat.
Isfactory for Moderate Traffic.
aa o project statement, by tho stnto
highway deportment to tho district en
gineer, who examines tho rond It Is
proposod to improvo, mid transmits
tho project statement with his recom
mendations to tho hondqunrtcrs olllco
In Washington. If tho secretary of
ngrlculturo approves tho project
Etntomcnt, tho plans, specifications nnd
cstlmntos nro then tuibmltted by tho
stnto highway department to tho dis
trict cngtnoor, who transmits them
with his recommendation to tho Well
ington ofllco, nnd when thoy nro found
to bo sultnblo for approval, n formal
fjortlflcnto to that effect Is Issued by
tho socrotary of ngrlculturo to tho soc
rotary of tho treasury nnd tho stnto
highway depnrtmont, nnd n formnl
project agreement Is ontorcd Into bo
(woon tho socrotnry of ngrlculturo and
tho stnto highway department. As tho
worlc progrossos or upon Its comple
tion, pnymcnt on n special vouchor ap
proved by tho comptroller of tho treas
ury Is nindo of tho federal funds ap
portioned to the state.
Prominent Denier In Food Supplies
Opposed to Practice of Handling
Them by Dozen.
A prominent denier In food supplies
linn gone on record ua opposed to buy.
lug nnd selling eggs by tho dozen.
"I mn strongly In favor of selling
eggs by weight," ho snys. "It Is tho
only Just wny for boh seller nnd pur
chaser. As things nro now, ono man
niny buy n cnrlon of eggs, very good,
hut very smiill, while nnolher may
buy n enrton of flno big eggs. Yet
both will pny the saino price. It Is
not fnlr. Tho only fair nnd Just
method Is to buy nnd sell them by
Hgg vary so In size thnt n dozen
largo and n dozen small eggs pur
chased nt tho snmo price per dozen
Eggs of Various Sizes.
may differ as much as 2." per cent In
tho vnluo of tho food elements fur
nished. Perhaps the fairest wny to
buy or sell eggs Is by weight. Ilecause
of tho wide variations In tho slzu of
eggs, It is also coming to be recognized
Unit moro nccurnto results In recipes
can bo obtained by weighing or meas
uring tho eggs out of their shells.
Essential In Successful Gardening
Best Way la to Patronize Some
Reliable House.
Good garden seed Is nn essential In
successful gardening. If wc nro going
to plant something, wo want It to
grow. Tho worst thing posslblo Is to
plant seed thnt won't germinate, nnd
It Is almost as bad to find that tho
seed which hns been planted Is untrue
to niitnc.
In order to nvold all annoyance It Is
best to secure good seed. When buying
garden seed demnnd thnt It bo fresh;
likewise Instst thnt It bo true to nnme.
Tho cnslest wny of avoiding poor seed
Is to purclinso the product of sorao ro
liable house.
HalMnch Piece of Ooard, Eight Inches
Long and Three Wide Is Easily
(Tly n." PIUU.IPS. Washington.)
A simple device may bo made which
Is useful for holding doors open when
tho old-fashioned lock Is used. Tnko
it half-Inch board, eight Inches long nnd
three Inches wide nnd shnpo It like tho
above cut. Screw It to n 2 by 4 on
tho burn where the stick on tho lock
Holds Door Open.
projects. Null It so tho projecting
stick hits the lock uhout one-fourth of
nn Inch nbovo tho point. With a Httlo
pressure, the slope of tho lock will
muko the projecting stick move up,
When It comes to the notch In tlio lock
It will drop down, locking tho door
back securely.
Costly Mistake to Use Those From
Unculled Flock Best to Havo
8mall Breeding Pen.
Tt Is n rnstlv mistake to hutch errs
from tho whole unculled flock, nnd
to keep males enough tho year around
so that tho eggs will be fertile.
Pur better cet the eggs from a nclch-
bor who culls his hens for hatching
eggs, or senti to some oreeucr wno
does. It Is not nn expeijslvo thing to
hnvo a smnll yard for one's own best
hens nnd mute.
Annual Waste of Food.
Tho nnnunl waste In tho United
States of foods avnllnblo for cattle
has been estimated nt $100,000,000 by
department of ngrlculturo experts.
Hatching Eggs.
Do not Incubate tiny eggs of Inferior
market quality. The character may
ho inherited, as Is tho size, shnpo and
color of tho eggs.
Getting Cows Into Barn.
Soino feed In tho mnnger and n little
kindness nro better for getting the
cows Into tho bnrn thnn Is sicking tho
dog onto them.
Raspberries Arc Neglected.
Many lieonlo plant raspberries. Giv
ing no nttentlon or enro afterward ex
porting them to benr well Just tho
Hatch Chicks Early.
Hatch your chickens curly and havo
eggs all full and winter.
Have Eggs In Fall.
ITnvo eggs to sell all fall by hatch
Sapolio doing its work. Scouring
I I k r
iw u.o.nanne corps recruits.
Join Now!
tOHt CO.
who wear
AFTER "THE GRIP," or In conva
losccnco from pneumonia, fevers, or
other dobllltatlng diseases, your quick
est way to got flesh and strength is
with Doctor Piorco'8 Golden Medical
Discovery. That gives purity to your
blood, plumpness to your body, and
puts every function into perfect work
ing order. It makes thoroughly effec
tive every natural means of repair
ing and nourishing your system For
pale, puny, scrofulous children, noth
ing approaches it It builds up com
plete their flesh, their strength, and
their health.
In tho most stubborn Scrofulous,
Skin or Scalp Diseases, Eczema, Salt
rheum, and every kindred ailment, It
effects wonderful cures. Contains no
alcohol or harmful drugs. In tablet or
liquid form.
Dr. Plerco'a Pleasant Pellets rega
lato and Invigorate stomach, liver and
bowels. Sugar-coated, tiny granules,
easy to take. Adv.
Judging From Appearance.
Hokiis Sho spends all her hus
band's salary on hor back. 1
Pokus (at a fashlonablo function) j
I always heard that bo didn't earn
much. Buffalo Express.
Dr. Pierce's Pellets are best for liver,
bowels and stomach. Ono little Pellet
for a laxative three for a cathartic.
None Needed.
"What walk in life do you Intend to
select for your son?"
"Ob, we can afford to buy him an
automobilo now." Exchange.
Suitable Punishment.
"What do you think ought to be
done with this train robber?"
"Why, railroad him to prison."
The Farmer's
Live stock is marketed from
farmer to consumer at a lower
cost than almost any other farm
The United States Department of
agriculture reported in 1916 that the
farmer gets for his cattle "approxi
mately two-thirds to three-fourths" of
the final retail price paid by the con
sumer for the resulting beef.
Under normal conditions, the farmer's
share of retail prices of various farm
products is approximately as follows: '
Butter 71 per cent
CATTLE 662 to 75 per cent
Potatoes 55 per cent
45 per cent
ob per cent
The difference between farmer's price
and retail price represents the necessary
expenses of packing, freight and whole
sale and retail distribution.
Swift & Company not only performs
the manufacturing operations of pre
paring cattle for market in its well
equipped packing plants, but it pays the
freight on meat to all parts of the
United States, operates 500 branch
distributing houses, and in most cases
even delivers to the retail butcher. All
this is done at an expense of less than 2
cents per pound, and at a profit of only
about Y4 of a cent per pound of beef.
Large volume of business and expert
management, make possible this indis
pensable service to the live-stock raiser
and to the consumer, and make possible
the larger proportion of retail prices
received by farmers.
Year Book of interesting and
instructive facts sent on request.
Address Swift & Company,
Union Stock Yard9, Chicago, Illinois
Swift & Company, U.S.A.
ing early. :