Eagle Valley news. (Richland, Or.) 191?-1919, May 09, 1918, Image 5

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    r 000000040,0 OOOOOOOOlMMk
KroHh lunch meats at Komlnll'H
Don't kick, Utah priccB arc
bolter than hmi pence.
H, II. Goodwin was taken to
the Baker lioupital Saturday.
For a choice Red Salmon try
"Otter Hrnnd" at Ualoy'f.- ad
Little M'tm Alpha Dour, a Hoi
conih is seriously ill with pneu
monia. Huy Lingett'8 Grape .Juice. 10.'
ami 2f)C er bottlo at Richland
Drug Store. ad
Mr. and Miu Duncan Frnser
and family wore in from Baiter
the llrat of tho'week.
The V. M. C. A. has sent 120.
000.000 pounds of goodb out
hmk to Holdicrri up to March lgt,
Al Sowing Machine for salt?; in
good condition; a bargain. Fred
Wilkinx, on Sam Saundora' ranch
west of Richland. --ad
Mrn. Ford and dmigl tor, Mian
Harriot, who have been residents
tif Richland Hinco last fall, lefi
Friday for their home in Granite
JamoH M. Daly, expert piano
tuner and repairman, will be in
the Valley soon. Leave order."
with Mrs. Dimmick. All work
guaranteed. ad20
A. V. l'arkor has leased the
Keller lot opposite the postofllco
and will erect an "airdoine"' in
which to bIiow his movies during
the Biunmur months.
A Pine Valley resident inform
ed us tl.at there certainly must
something wrong with Jim
Hitter's eyesight because ho fails
to pee the need of any road work
m this end of the county.
Sherman Allen, the little six-year-old
son of Mr. and Mrs. D.
W. Allen, was operated on at the
hospital in Maker on Saturday
morning and his appendix re
moved. He is getting nlong'nice
ly, according to latest report?.
120a ranch for sale; GOa in new
alfalfa. 15a blue grass pasture.
Will make attractive price and
terms for immediate sale; will
give possession now or in fall.
If you want a farm bargain ml'
on or address (.'. 13. 'lhorp, Rich
land, Ore. ad
Last week W. R. Usher ship
ped to Ids niece, Mrs. D. Soldoni
at Hayamon, Porto Rico, a lot of
old family portraits and heir
looms. These wero enclosed in a
chest that was of itself a histor
ical relic, having been made from
a beam taken frm a house built
in 1G01 in the village of Hodieote,
Oxfordshire, England, being the
house in which Mr. Usher was
born. The chest was of oak,
quaintly carved by hand. Among
other things enclosed wero sev
eral books written by Uncle
Hill's father, who was a scholar
and author of considerable note.
Proper I'ood for Weak Stomachs.
Tim propur food for ono innii iiiuv bo
nil wronu for nnntliiT. Kvory on should
adopt u diet milted to IiIh uro mid occu
pation. TIioho who him wonk HtonmeliH
iit-i'il to ho I-Hppclrtlly cimifnl iwiil nhonld
cut Hlowly and iiiiiHtlcuto tholrfood thor
oughly. It Ih uIho important tlmt thov
kfop tholr howolH ri'Kulitr. Whim thov
hecomo voiiHtipitti'il or wlu'ii thov fi-nl
dull und Htupld ultur imtlnir, thoy Hhould
liikti Chninhcrlidn'H Tubluts toetruiiath
on tin) Htoiimch Ami niovo the uowoIh,
Tlmy nro cuny to tuko nnd nlenannt in
offect. utlv
Call for Bids for Wood.
Scaled bldH nro doalred by School I)lH"
trlcl No -11 of llrtki-r county for Sixty
(00) rinks of KMnch plno wood, to bocut
from itruon tiinbor boforq July iBt und
dolivorod nnd ricked nt tho school hriumv
In ltlclilnnd on or boforo OctoDor Int.
linch bid nhonld bo nccoinpunliid by n
eiirtlflml chuck for fno ns u Kunrnntoo to
curry out tho contrite t If nwnrdod.
lllda will bo opmied Juno 1st. ItlKht
ii'aorvud to rolect nny or nil bldH. Ail
Uro.18, o. K. Thorp, Clerk District. No.
11, filclilund, Oreon. AU(M1
Hakor county fair will not be
held this year.
Mrs. Myrtlo Rinhoimor is visit
ing at Weiucr and Caldwell.
New Strawberries, Peas and
Cabbage at Kendall's Friday.--ad
Mrs. J. II. Calhoun and children
left Saturday for Ruhl, Idaho, to
mako their homo.
Uso Kerr's "Paluco Car" coffee
packed in Mason cpiarl jars; -10c
a jar nt Haley's. ad
J. C. Makin has been trans
ferred to Camp Doniphan, Fort
Sill, Okla., Battery A 11th F. A.
Sheep shearing is on in full
blast. Shearers wil1 make extra
lihr monov this season iih lfk our
'head is being paid.
Poland China hogs for Bale
one your.g fow, bred; ono young
boar. Inquire of ICd Simonis or
at this ollice :ad20 7
0. P. !IOH republican, for
Slate Treasurer. Read The Polit
leal Puzzle, pages 26-27, election
pamr-hlct.- (,Pd.tadv.J
Another 100 per cent American
soldier arrived in the Valley last
Friday, at the homo of Mr. and
Mrs. Vic Wilson. Weight 10 lbs.
Jess Hyde has gone to Will
amette Valley for a short visit
with his mother and other rela
tives after which he will enlist in
the artillery.
Tho next draft call begins May
25th and about 250,000 men will
be mustered Into service. None
will be called from Oregon. Cali
fornia or District of Columbia.
Private Walter Jones, accom
panied by. his wife, arrived from
Camp Lowia Monday. Walt has
a furlough until June 1st to en
able him to put in a crop on his
ranch near Lookout.
Mr. Farmer, it will bo but a
short while until time to cut hay,
and we advise you to get jour
mower, rakes, repairs, etc., at
once. We have a stock of farm
machinery now on hand and sell
as reasonable as same can be
purchased elsewhere, and advise
yen to buy early aa-priccsare ad
vancing. Saunders JJro's. ad
No! That sad, lonesome-looking
fellow sauntering around the
town last. Thursday and Friday
whs not an undertaker or tomb
stone salesman. That was the
great and only J. B. Messick of
steel-bridge and recall notoriety,
now seeking uonfination as can
didate for circuit judge. Will he
get it? Sure right where the
chicken got tho axe.
Notice to the Public.
A meeting of the Eagle Valley
Cemetery Association will be held
at the town hall in Richland at
two o'clock on Saturday after
noon, May 11, to make plans for
this season's work.
Our cemetery is tho most beau
tiful alid well kept in the county
and eoual to any in Eastern Ore
gon and wo must keep it so.
Every citizen should bo inter
ested in this cause nnd should be
present at the meeting if possible
to do so. .
Road to Happiness,
llu uniltibio, chourlul nnd nood nnturud
und you nro much inoro llkoly to ho Imp
py. You will llnd this dlfllcult, If not
Imposslblo, howovi'r, whon you uro con
Bluntly troubled with contttlpntion. Tnko
Clminhcrlnln'H Tubhita nnd got rid of
thnl und it will bo rasy. Thoso tnblots
not only h.ovo thu bowels, but iinprovo
tho uppot Ito nnd strcuKthon tho digestion
For Sale One pair matched
black mares, ngo 7 nnd 8, weight
1500, sound nnd free from blem
ishes; known as the Geo. Gordon
tonm. Priced right.. T.. J. Tolly,
Richland, Ore.-nd2u'-7
All prisoners of war interned
in tho United Stntes will harc
nftor bo compelled to work.
Buy lubricnting oil for your
autoat Richland Drug Store. -ad
Do You
Want Tailoring? w
THEN visit our Custom 'Tailoring
department and have us show you
the incomparable selection of fashions
and woolens from
Episode No. 1 in
"The Silent
Will shown nt
Richland, Thursday, May 16th
New Bridge, Friday, May 17th
Defying Death Itself
Virginia in her marvelous hcrobm, Laps from n IiIeU powered
speeding automobile to the observation platforn c." r.
lichtninc expres3 train, riskins life and limb to gain her
goal. This is but one of numberless wonderful feat3 cf daring
performed by fearless
In the Thrilling
"The REB A
the Universal Serial extraordinary that hae gripped city and
country alike. The serial for everyone between the
ages of 8 nnd 8o. The serial of adventure, love, romance,
that t3 bringing more genuine entertainment to millions of photo
play fans than nny serial now before the public. See. it
week. See it every week nt i
Don't Miss The Silent Terror!
Next Thursday Night, May 16th
The hifih school play to bo given, 1
here tomorrow night is billed fori
Cornucopia Saturday night
our famous Chicago tailors, who will
deliver you the finest workmanship
in tailorcd'tO'Order clothes you ever
lct us have your measure.
Ralev's Cash Store
"The Red Ace"
Universal Serial
Liggett's Grape Juice, 10c and
25c per bottle at Richland Drue
Store. ad
Dir. lor JftcqiKi Ja-nuaid -
Eagle Valiey's Favorite
Movie Star
You loved her as "Liberty Horton"
You'll love her more as
"Virginia Dixon" in The Red Ace
Baker County subscribed $563,
250 to the Third Liberty Loan.
I Going, over the lop by ?180,250i