t 1 p A nT TP IT AT T TP"V TNJTlirf VOLUME 15. NO. 25 RICHLAND, OREGON. THURSDAY, MAY 2, 1918 $1.50 A YEAR. MUTUAL CREAMERY CO. IHYI?lt" OK Cream, Milk m Eggs H. M. Kirk, Resident Manngcr RICHLAND - OREGON W. H. STRAYER Attorney at Law Fourth Floor Sonmors Building Baker, Oregon Irvine Lodge No. 86 Knights of Pythias Mfot vry U'ctlncwlnv night nt thflr CiiHtti) Hull In Kluliluml, Orou'iil. Vlnlt IliK llrollitTH iiihiIc uolcoiiio. c. it. eounit.c.o. V. l ItAI.HY, K.of lt..tS. C. E. THORP Notary Public All kinds of legal blanks on hand Your patronage solicited W. E. BAIRD FUNERAL DIRECTOR LICENSED EMBALM ER Cmkf t nilil KliiuuiJa ti( All "liot ,ljr l Mock RICHLAND, OltKOON I'liono: Two BhortH, Onu low: mum km it 1 1 ii 1 1 nirrat-ri-MBBE I W. R. USHER . t Notary Public Conveyancer t Olllco, Pvcond nnil Walnut .Sin. o OppOHlto ClirlHlltm Church S FREDERICK R, WILSOfi' Physician and Surgeon Richland, :-: Oregon SMS HE'S GETTING FAT Rolla Lang writes us ua follows; I am Htationod at Camp Fre mont, Calif., and Rotting fat. We have four and a Half hours drill in the morning and tlneo hours road hiking in the afternoon. I gueBH we will get on the target range with the big guns this week and 1 sure will be glad of it as I am anxious to get used to the big fellows. This outfit I am in is one of the oldest organized Held artillery regiments in the army. Thoy hud just came from the Phillipine Islands when I gut assigned to the regiment. Wo are sure feeding good. Our breakfast this morning consisted I of grapo fruit, pork sausage, hot cakes and coffee. Dinner included roast beef, stewed peas, celery, green onions, potatoes, gravy, cold slaw, loganberry pie and lemonade. Our week day meals are in the same line-, but our bread is brown bread for three meals u day and seven days a week. Wo have pork only in sausage except for Sunday dmner once in a wh'le. I wanted to enlist in the en gineers but the 10th and 18th regiments wore full up. 1 did care to onhst in the other engin eer regiments because thoy. arc sappers. .'... . I Uon't know how long We will be here, but am in hopes it will not bo for long because I sure don't like this place. California is fine for the boosters of this supposed sunny state, but anyone coming from Eagle Val ey will soon get tired of it. The sunkist oranges are well named the sun stays out only long enough to Kiss them and then gets behind a cloud. With regards to all, Private R. I. Long. Bat. D, 2nd F. A. Night 'phone, ono long ring on all lines. Day 'phono call central office. &e Rog'ers Baker's Popular Hotel NEW MODERN CLEAN Under Direct Supervision of The Owner POPULAR PRICES Hpoclul Itnttin to IVriimni'iit Gmmts O. T. GODWIN ATTORNEY Sonunor Bldg. Hnkor, Orogon WOODSON L. PATTERSON ATT'Y AT L AW U.S. COMMISSIONER Jjakeii - Oregon A SERiOOS OFFENSE While layman Swisher, Lucky Matthews and Mr. McWatcrs wcro riding m?pr the Swisher ranch on IlibUard Creek last Sun day, they came across a Greek herding a band of sheep on the premises. When the tjirce men got near, the fellow threw a shell into his rifle and threatened to shoot if they did not go back. Being unarmed, the men made record time to the nearest phone and notified Sheriff Anderson. A deputy was 3ent out and fellow arrested and taken to Huntington and given a preliminary hearing before the J. P. and bound over to await the action of thf grand jury. K. of P.'s Attention On next Wednesday evening, May 8th, a delegation of Brother Knights will come over the hill from Halfway to meet with the Richland lodge. They will bring along four or more candidates for the different Ranks for us to work on. Dr. Sanders is treating the bunch to strengthen their nerves and toughen their feet, so we're suro to have lots of sport. Keep the date (May 8th) in mind and don't fail to be present. P. S. A light lunch will bo served. P. P. S. Come prepared to do some hard scrapping for most of Pino Valloybunch will bo husky follows.1 Nufsed. OurMarswell Vacuum Washing Machine is the lighest running machine on, the market. A trial will convinco you that it also doe's the best work. ad E. & W. Chandler. Mr. Auto Owner: buy your Lubricating Oil at Richland Drug Store. ad Former Resident Dies. Mrs. Francis Allen-Masterson, wife of W. M. Mastcrson, died at her home in Cornuccpia on Mon day, April 29th, and was buried in the Pine Valley cemetery on Tuesday afternoon. The deceased was born in Prine villc, Ore., on April 17th. 1885, and was married to W. M. Master son, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Mastcrson, on October 13, 1905. She was well kno'wn in Eale Valley, having resided here for over a year at qne time and after wards making frequent visits' here with ralalives and friends. Those from here attending the funeral: Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Mastcrson, Mr. and Mrs. II. A. Mastcrson, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mastcrson. Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Bert Poulson, Mr. and Mrs. John Chapman, Bert Mastcrson and Mrs. W. E. Farley. I. W. W.'s Busy at Baker. Saturday afternoon the rumor reached the Baker police that an attempt would be made to burn the White Pine Lumber plant that night. The Homo Guard was called out and kept watch but nothing happened. On Sunday nighthowever, the Sumpter Valley Ry. car shops were burned with a loss of about $10,000. Fearing further trouble from the I. W. W.'s and pro-Germans the authorities are maintaining a strong guard around the water works, reservoir, lumber mills, etc., at the county seat, and all suspicious characters will be tak en into custody. At the Christian Church. Rev. W. H. VahDeusen of Ohio will preach at the Christian church next Sunday, both morn ing and evening. Mr. VanDeu sen comes highiy recommended as a minister of the gospel, a worker and lecturer on Liberty Bonds, and also as a vocal soloist of some note. The- public cor dially invited to attend both services. Creamery Butter, lunch meats of all kinds, lard, bacon etc., at Richland Meat Market. ad24-5 The Plain Duty of Every American Your duty, as an American citizen, is plain, definite, and imperative. Your sons and your neighbors' sons are going abroad to fight for their country, their flag, their homes and for YOU. They cannot fight without food, shoes, clothes, bread and bullets. The Government looks to you for the money to buy these things. Your Duty is to lend not give this money. It is more than Duty more than patriotism it is a privilege to buy War Savings Stamps The money you pay for them will help win the war help keep our soldiers fed, clothed, armed, and protected help keep your country safe for Democracy. The United States Government guarantees to pay your money back. It pays you interest on your money, 4 per cent, compounded , quarterly. You can buy War Savings Stamps at post offices, banks, and' other licensed selling agencies. BUY ALL YOU CAN TORSJCVIHGSSTAMP3 ISSUED BY TU3 UNITED STATES .GOVERNMENT THIS SPACE CONTRIBUTED BY E. & W. Chandler THE RICHLAND HOTEL L. S. KELLY, Manager Clean and Comfortable Rooms Properly Cooked Meals Prompt and Efficient Service Reasonable Rates Sunday Dinner a Specialty Your Patronage Solicited McDowell Bros. & St John APIARY Bee Keepers Supplies of all kinds All orders filled promptly and satisfaction guaranteed Write, phone or call for prices. C. C. St. John, Manager, - Richland, Oregon Will Help Win the War. Two of Eagle Valley's most proficient school teachers leave this week to take up new voca tions. Miss Ada Martin will take a few weeks instruction at Wallace, Idaho, and then enter the rail way service as ticket agent. Miss Merle Simon is goes to Portland whore she will study telegraphy, having been guaran teed a position in the railway service on completion of the term Young Men, Attention! Having secured the agency for The Puritan Tailors, one of the leading made-to-measure cloth ing firms in the country, I solicit your order for your new suit. I have had years of experience in garment measuring and fitting and guarantee my customers per fect satisfaction in every detail. Call and examine my extensive line of samples. Frank Clarke. Try our kraut and sausage, fino for lunch. Raley'st ad