4f nr. a7e Fai News Straight Truthful, Direct C. E. Thorp Editor Entered as second class matter Dec. 12, 1912 at the post oilice at Richland Oregon, under act of March 3, 1S79. Mombor Oregon Stato Editorial Association ONE YEAR - - THREE MONTHS - SUBSCRIPTION - $1.50 SIX MONTHS - - .50 SAMPLE COPY .75 FREE RICHLAND, ORE., THURSDAY. APRIL 25, 1918. Vol. 0. No. 21. . Buy More Bonds. Tomorrow (Friday) has been set aside by President Wilson as Liberty Day, and in his procla niation asks that effort be made in every community to secure ad ditional subscriptions to the Third Lihc: ty Loan. We have gone over the top in Eace. yet there are hundreds of subscribers who can well afford to double the amount bf their purchase and they sK'oUl'd do so by all means. Our soldiers In France are proving themselves heroes; the world commends their gallantry; the nuns fear them and won-'er at ther courage and good spirits; let us at home show bur appre ciation of the great sacrifice the "boys over there" are making by lending more of our money to Uncle Sam, and DO IT NOW! A New Swindle. A telegram is sent informing that the soldier has a furlough and requesting funds by wire to come home, waiving identifica tion. The rest is a mere matter of detail. Parents and friends are warned of this game, and ?f a similar one where the tele graphic request is to mail money to the soldier care general deliv ery. At a meeting of the directors of the Eagle Telephone Co. he'd Saturday, it was decided, to in crease the service rate to $1.00 per month on account of increas ed cost of operating expenses. The new rate will go into effect July 1st and will continue for one year. Constipation and Indigestion These aro twin evils. I'eryons Buffering froth indicesticti are often troubled uith constipation. Mrs Robert Allison, Mat toon, III., writes that when she first mov ed to Mattoon die was a jjreat eafferer from indigestion and constipation. Food distressed her and there wa-j a feeling like a heavy weight pressing on her ftom acli and chest. Sue did not rest well at night, and felt worn out a cood part ol the time. One bottle of Chamberlain's Tablets corrected this trouble so that she has since felt like a different person. -ad To Whom It May Concern. Notice! The Belgian Stallion NERO will make the season of 1918 at the Gibson Ranch one quarter mile south of Richland. Terms reasonable. T. J. TOLLY, Owner and Manager. ad v22-4t gCall for Bids. Sealed bids will be received by the undersigned for fifty (50) tamarack telephone poles, 26 ft. in length, 6 inches through at top; all to be butt cuts. Poles to be delivered in Richland on or be fore July 1st. All bids to be in by May 20th and will be opened oh that date. The right is re served to reject any oi all bids. Address, "Bids for Poh s," care Eagle, Telephone Co,, Richjand, Oregon. ad2i-27 $100 Reward, $100 Tho readers of tills paper will bo pleased to learn Unit there Is at least or.o dreaded disease, that science, has been able to cure In all Its stnKo and that Is catarrh. Catarrh belnc sreatly tnfl't'nccd by constitutional conditions requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Medicine Is taken Internally and acts thru the Blood on the Mucous Sur faces of the System thereby destroying the foundation of tho disease, Rivlne tho patient strength by building up the con stitution nnd nssls'lnir nature In doing Its work. Tho proprietors have so much faith In the curatlvo powers of Hall's Catarrh Medicine that they offer Ono Hundred Dollars for any caso that It falls to cure. Fend for list of testimonials. Address I J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo. Ohio. Sold by all Druggist, Tic. W. P. Williams was recently appointed 'road supervisor for this district but resigned when he learned the wages the county court had decided to pay. As there has been so little won: done on Eagle Valley roads tho past few years, tHey are in a wry bad shape and are likely lo be impassable ere the sumirier traffic is over. Beginning May 20th and ex tending through the week to May 27th, a drive will be made in the U. S. to raise One Hundred Mil lion Dollars for the Red Cross War Fund. Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Stuelman and baby returned yesterday fiom a visit at Sparta. ' Miss Dessio Sharp spent tho week end with her parents in the upper end of the Valley. 1 have a few tops of good clean barley that I will sell in, lots to suit purchaser. W. R. Uslior.-ad Sim.ll amount of wheat for dale in lots of 100 pounds or more at 3 l-3c pel pound. Geo. W. Mar tin, Richland. ad N. H. Ingels. levelsmnn with the survey crow ni the Baker Cornucopia post road, left Satur day for his home ;.t Salem, hav ing been called to army service. Capt. C. II. Craig arrived Tues day evening from Roseburis whore ho had spent the winter at tho So'diers Hoine. Ho was accom panied by Mrs. Annie Barnum who will act as housekeeper for the Captain. We hnva been informed that a number of parties wore usirig ex ylosives in Powder River east of town Sunday for the purpose of seiuriug lislu bucii wot'K 13 n violation of the law and someone is likely to find himself ih trouble. Elmer' Simbnis and Albert Dunn returned Saturday tb Bilker Val ley after several nays visit in this neighborhood. They Wore accom panied by Airs. Fred Simonis and Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Simonis, who spent Sunday at the county seat. Dogan Siunders writes to have tlie address on his paper changed to Ahsarorfee, Montana, care of L. H. Goss, saying: "We need the News of Eagle Valley to keep us in good spirits, and I may as well add that we have a fine 7 1-2 pound girl porn April 14th. All doing fine." 9999 MMMIttl 9999 099 9999 999 9 9999 ft -AUrJum v i-v. a LIBERTY m ii mm, i mums. UN I istf33W II. Ii IfSi3 i nvs'H i rai Much HELPING TO FIGHT THE CAWC OF RIGHT mmm 1 HP i , These Bonds Mean So More Than Money Your money would be of little use to you if the Germans should win the war abroad and come over here to complete their work of tybrld subjugation. Invest your money in Liberty Bonds one Bond arms a soldier and may save his life. "It's civilization against devilization" THIS SPACE PAID FOR AND CONTRIBUTED BY john B. Perry Made to Fleasure Clothins 8 CT q We are loo! representatives of the t International Tailoring Co g of Chicago ? The largest manufacturers of Made-1 co-Measure (Joining in America 9999 Suits from $20 to $50 I A Perfect Fit and Satisfaction Guar anteed or Your Money Back co We have hundreds of samples to select from, some of SI the finest fabrics and swcllesl natterns ever shown in 8 Eagle Valley. You arc invited lo call and look them over, whether or not you are ready to order a suit; 0 J 9999 t SAUNDERS BRO'S. LIKE BACON VOU know how cooking brings out all the rich pungent flavor bf bacon there's nothing that tastes better. But you. wouldn't like w it raw. IT'S TOASTED So we toast tho Burlcy tobneco used in LUCKY STRIKE Ciga rettes for exactly the same reason to Wing out the rich, solid flavor If your dealer dota not curry litem, tend Sl.20forncarlon ol 1 2 pachadea loTiicTopacco Company ol California, San rranclico. Ql Guaranteed by 06 11 $20.00 is your quota of Thrift Stamps How many have you bought? WAR CAVINGS CTAMPS WILL OAVE OI $20.00 BUFFERING if.' :t