POULTRY B6XS MORE CHICKENS ARE WANTED Farmtra Aro Urged by Department of Aorleulturc to Otoek Their Farms With More Poultry. (From the Unlte.1 (Unit Department of Aifrlculltira.) Tho United Wales department of ag riculture urge iin tunny nn pofwlhlo of tho farmers uho havo not mixed chick run to stock their farms thin yenr with fowlN, enough at li'iiNt to supply tho need of their own households. Thin will lio a hit; factor In tho nntlon-wldo campaign which will endeavor to clou hlo thin year the chicken tmil egg pro duction of tho United Htntoii. Accord ing tO thO IlINt CtftlKUN, of tho 0,37l,MK! fiirnm In (ho United States, 127,7-U1 rejKirted no egg production. Tho tnoro-chlcken-nnd-tnoriM'KK campaign Is ex peeled to dlnplnco millions of pound of beef nnd pork In American menus nnd send tho released product nrroHH tho ocean to our soldiers, tho allien, and tho huiiKry pvoplu of tho lands ilovMMinti'il hy tho Prussian war torch. Tim deparltneiit doeH not advise that tho general fanner embark In cxten Hlvo raiding of poultry, hut warns aualiiNt such venturer. Hut It sees no reason why every farm should not produce enough chickens and eegs for It own line, and why thero should not ho enough surplus to tuako chickens and eggs available to tho general pub lie at reasonable prices and In such miantltle that thcro wilt ho markedly lent domestic demand for tho meat J that tiro needed abroad and that can ho transported there. LIMBER NECK IN CHICKENS Affliction Cnuied by Ptomaine Potaon- Ing Prom Eating Decaying Flesh Try to Prevent Umber neck In chtckcutt In canned by ptomaine poisoning from eating do cnylng Ilenh. Whero fowls run at , Jarso they frequently pick up dead ratH, mlco or other animals and In thin way hecomo nffected with tho germs, which quickly cnuso death. Wholo flockH aro sometimes wiped out In tho course of a few weeks. Prevention In tho best remedy. If you aro losing chlckenn from thin catiNO ttbut, up tho ttock and feed them on sound, Nweet Kraln and feed. A slmplo etTectlvo treatment In to uno liormatiKauato of potash. Put an Dad Case of Wry Neck. ounce of tho crystals In a quart hot tlo and 111! It with water. Add enough of tlil to tho drinking water to glvo It a rich purple color, and allow the fowla no other wntor to drink. Fowls which hIiow symptoms of tho dlsenso nhould bo given a done night and morn l"K. ATTENTION TO BREEDING PEN If Fowls Cannot De Kept In Qood Health dive Range Improve Quality by Culling. If n yarded breeding pen cannot bo kept I" vigorous health, then It la hot ter to glvo fowla range, and depend on Improvement In quality by careful cull Iiik and grading up with tho beat pos sible mules. Hil l HtWHtH H-M-H-H-H; WHY HATCH EARLY. :: (Prepared tiy tho Unltcil RtntoB Ho- . ! , imrtnient of AtrrlctiUuro.) Chickens hatched early In tho i spring aro largo In tho summer, I maturo early In tho fall, and lay '. '. ' eggs In tho winter. They will I nit early tho following spring, !! produco earlier chickens nnd ;; tho process will bo repented by . . tho offspring. ; Hut tho chickens hatched Into In tho spring will not maturo un- ; III lato In tho fall bo Into that thoy will not lay In tho wlntor. ; ', Tliey will not sit until lato In . ." tho following Bprlng-nnd ngnln ; ; tho process will bo repeated. . Tho Jury finds thnt Uio nrgu- ; ; ment Is nil In favor of early - hatching especially this year. 1 1 f 6 f fttff j M C I it THE COMING JOFWE 11 II. K. O'NHII nj W. H. Ktrkpatrlck. Of supremo moment is tho issuo of tho war. Tho prico of wheat nnd tho turn of Kill tics aro serious matters but tho Third Liberty Loan mcami more than all. It means Slacking up tho boys who have been sent to tho overseas battlefields. Prompt and abundant loans of spare cash to tho war treasury, in local trade terms, is tho translation of money into airplanes, guns, ammunition, provis Reserves, Long Ready, Expected to Turn Tide for Allies. HUN LOSS ENORMOUS German Advance Checked Situation Optimistically Viewed Events Show Withdrawal Planned. With tho British Army In Franco Tho nritish and French who co-oporato nt tho junction of tho two armies. aro viewing tho trond of the Gorman offensive with optimistic eyes. Hard fighting was In progress, but tho latest roorts showed littlo or no chnngo in tho situation in favor of tho enomy sinco Sunday, whllo on tho other hand tho defenders had pushed tho attacking forces back after a bitter struggio and wore holding strongly nlong tho whole now front to which thoy had with- drawn. Fighting of n most dospornto naturo has been continuous sinco tho initial attack, but so far tho British Imvo used few troops other than those which wore holding tho front linos. These shock troops have boon making as gal lant u defense as was ever recorded in tho annals of tho nritish army, and ns a result thoy havo enabled tho main body of tho forces to fall bnck dolibor- atoly nnd without confusion and occupy positions which had boon prepared long boforo tho Gorman ofTonsivo began. Tho Germans, on tho other hand. oporating under tho eyes of tho emper or and tho crown princo, Imvo boon hurling vast hordes into tho frav with uttor disregard for llvos and Imvo fol lowed Into tho abandoned positions. getting fnrtfior and farther awuy from tnoir suppiios and tinding their com munlcations'lncroasihgly dlfikult. Moro than GO Gorlnnn divisions al ready Imvo boon identified by actual contact, and many of thoso mon woro simply given two days' rations and sent over tho top Into tho frightful maelstrom mado by tho alllod artll- ran ,.,. T 1 llffl Bll COUNTER ATTACK IMPENDS 3D LIBERTY LOAN ions, ships and ovary device of modern war for tho American. War expendi tures reach every avenuo vt business in tho Northwest. ' - Prepare- or tho Third Loan which open Saturday, April 0, with Victory celebrations ovcrywherc. Tho governor and mayors will pro claim tho significance and urgency of participation in tho raising of our local share of his .defense fund. Rallies. I Icry, machine guns and rifles. The j slaughter of tho enemy infantry as it advanced in close formation' over the open has been appalling. Tho British losses hnvo, been within tho bounds expected, duo to the tactics of thocommandors. Tho allies havo lost a considerable number of men in prisoners and a certain number of guns. But very few pieces. of arttllory. havo boon taken by tho Germans since tho first day. In fact, tho'wholo with drawal has been executed in' a master- ly manner, showing now tnqroughiy tho British bad planned for tho, yexj events which have occurred. It Is permitted to say now what some havo known for a long timo, namoly, that tho British never Intond ed to try to hold tho forward positions in this region If tho Germans attacked In tho forco expected. There is every reason to believo that harder fighting than has yet taken placo will dovclop shortly. Tho Ger mans, in tho British view, cannot now hesitato in carrying on their attack. and it Is a case of break through or ad mit dofeat. HUNS DRIVEN BACK Fresh Attacks Fall and Foe is Forced to Rccrosa Somme American Engineers Aid in Battle. British Army Headquarters in Franco A furthor advance lato Sun day by tho Germans at bo mo points along the bnttlofront is reported. American engineers havo again boon in tho throes of fierce conflict in which thoy havo dono excellent work in transportation. London FVftftti nttni-kR liv tlm flnr. mnns hnvn tinvnlnnral nnrthwnnl ami southward of Bapaume, tho war oflko announcos. Tho Tirltlnh rnlilllflfil nnwni-ful nf- tacks Sunday afternoon northward of Bapaumo. Tho British droyo back to tho east ward hank nf thn Rninrun IkvIIas nt Gorman troopa .which had crossed tho rivor botwoon Llcourt and Brio. Rnuth of Poronno. Tho Btntomont follows: "Tho battlo continues with trrnnt violenco on tho wholo front Powerful attempts dolivorcd by tho chomy Sun day afternoon 'and evening north of Banauma worn lirmvllvrhnnlmul Dnlv at one, point did tho Gorman infantry i until uur icncuus, wiiuncu inoy wore immodlatolv thrnwn nut Rlnnwtinrn tho onomy'B attacks woro stopped by rlfllo, machino gun and artillery firo in open air gatherings, speeches, parades, illuminations, the Ring-it-Again Lib erty Bell on tho door of every house hold, and bjr jBveryjneans, the citizens 6roufcbmmurnfy aro urged to forsake all other activities and join in tho spirit and tho work of tho day. Begin buying a bond tho first dayl This Is tho fast of, a series of car- Ifwinft nnd itntrnna hv wnll known' Illiis- tratora'anoT writers which will bo p"ub- iisnea-in tnis paper. PARIS SHELLEB BY LONG RANGE i Berlin, via London Paris has been bombarded by German long-distance guns, according to tho German official J ,i , t i r , , , t communication issueu aunaay nignu Paris Tho German "monster can non," 'which has been bombarding Pans,, has been located in the forest of St. Gobain, west of Laon and exact ly .122 kilometers (approximately 76 miles) from tho Paris city hall. The gun bombarded Paris during the greater part of Sunday. The day was ushered in by loud explosions from the 10-inch shells, and immediately tho alarm to tako cover was sounded front of our positions and his troops wero driven back with great loss. "During tho night and morning, fresh hostilo attacks havo again do veloped in this neighborhood and also to tho south of Hapaume. ''South of Peronno bodies of German troops who crossed the river between Licourt and Brio wero driven back to tho east bank by our counter attacks." Persistent attacks with strong forces of infantry and lavish uso of artillery have not enabled tho Germans to break through tho British dofonso, and, after four days, tho great offensive blow in Northern Franco has not yet brought a decision for the attackers. Heavy fighting is in progress nround Bapau mo, near Poronno and whero tho Brit ish and French fronts join. U. S. ARTILLERY HURTS HUNS Destroy Communication Lines, Ammu nition Dumps and Billets. With tho American Army in France On tho Toul front thero was consid erable artillery' activity during Sunday night American guns heavily shelled tho German front lino positions. En omy bntteries replied, using many gas sholls. Later photographs wero taken from airplanes of tho damage, inflicted by tho Amoricans. American artil lory on tho Toul sector continued to pholl ofTectively enomy first-lino and communication trenches, tho town of St Baussant and tho billots and dumps north of Boquotoau. Many of the American shells havo fallen in tho Gorman tronches and tho first two lines In at least ono placo have beon virtual ly abandoned. UN $24,814 IN PREMIUMS Awards at LcwUton Stock Show This Year Will Double Those of 1917 Medals Alone Cost $1100. Lcwiston, Idaho Tho Northwest Llvo Stock show this year will offer premiums totaling $24,814, as com pared with $12,185 last year. In ad dition to the cash prizes tho directors voted to award medals to the value of SHOO. "This means that the Northwest Live Stock show will bo placed on a standard with Chicago as to classifica tions, that our goal is to take a posi tion with or close to the greatest live stock shows of the country," said Sec retary Hcndershot, who with President Thomas Wren and General Superinten dent D. S. Wallace, is inspecting the . live stock grounds and buildings this week to decide upon improvements. Wilbur Aims to Lead in Crops. Wilbur, Wash. Wilbur farmers are seeding their crops, with hopes of lead ing this county again. In 1917 Wil bur ranked firstjn Lincoln county and Lincoln county was fourth in rank for wheat shipping in the state. Grain, handled hero last year totaled 331,500 bushels. One carload of flour from the Columbia River Milling company of this place was on the Tuscania, accord ing to Henry Davenport, who was also on board. In the last few days this point has yielded over 1,000,000 bush els. To Seed Every Granger Acre. Granger, Wash. Every available acre of ground is being prepared for seeding during the coming spring. Many farmers, however, are discour aged over the potato situation, many of them purchasing seed potatoes last spring at $80 to $100 per ton and now receiving from $16 to $20 per ton, and so closely culjed that enormous quan tities aro being rejected and wasted. NORTHWEST MARKET REPORT Wheat Bulk basis for No. 1 grado: Hard white, $2.05. Soft white, $2.03. White club, $2.01. Red Walla Walla, $1.98. No. 2. grade, 3c less; No. 3 grade, 6c less. 'Other grades handled by samples. Flour -r- Patents, $10; whole wheat $9.60; graham, $9.20; barley flour, il313,25 per barrel; rye flour, $10.60 12.75 per "barrel; cornmeal, $5.75 per barrel. Millfeed Net mill prices, car lots: Bran, $30 per ton; shorts, $32; mid dlings, $39; . mixed cars and less than carloads, 50c more; rolled barley, $77 79; rolled oats. $76. Corn Whole, $77; cracked, $78 ton. Hay Buying prices, delivered, East ern Oreogn timothy, $27 per ton; val ley timothy, $2425; alfalfa, $24 24.50; vaiiey grain hay, $22; clover, $18; Btraw, $8. Butter Cubes, extras, 47c pound; prime firsts, 46c; prints, extras, 49c; cartons, lc extra; butterfat, No. 1, 51c delivered. Eggs Ranch, current receipts, 35c per dozen; candled, 3637c Poultry Roosters, old, 2022c per pound; stags, 2426c; springs, 27 28c; broilers, 35c; ducks, 3235c; geese, 2021c; turkeys, live, 2627c; dressed, 3537c Veal Fancy, 2020c per pound. Pork Fancy, 2121c Vegetables Tomatoes, $2.75 per crate; cabbage, 34c per pound; let tuce, $22.25; cucumbers, $1.25 1.75 per dozen; cauliflower, $1.50 1.75 per crate; artichokes, 85c$l per dozen; garlic, 7c; celery, $3.75 per crate; peppers, 40c per pound; sprouts, 21c; rhubarb, 1012c; aspar agus, 1517c; peas, 17c per pound; spinach, $1.25 per crate. Sack Vegetables Carrots, $1.25 1.50 per sack; turnips, $1.50; pars nips, $1.25. Potatoes Oregon Burbanks, 90c 1.10 per hundred; Yakimas, $1.25 1.35; sweet potatoes, 8c per pound. Onions Jobbing prices, lljc per pound. Wool Eastern Oregon, 4465c per pound; valley, 5055c; valley lamb, 4550e. ; mohair, long staple, full year, 50c; six months, 40(350c; burry, 3540c Cattle March 28, 1918. Med. to choice steers. . . ,$11.0012.00 Good to med. steers 10.0011.00 Com. to good steers 8.5010.00 Choice cows and heifers. 9.0010.00 Com. to good cows and hf 8.00 9.50 Canners 4.25 6.25 Bulls 5.00 9.00 Calves 7.5012.00 Stockcrs and feedors. . . , 6.50 9.50 Hogs Primo light hogs $16.8517.00 Prime heavy hogs 1G.6016.85 Pigs 14.7515.75 Bulk 16.85 Sheep Westorn Iambs $15.0015.50 Valley lambs 14.5015.00 Yearlings 13.0013.50 Wethers 12.5013.00 Ewes 9.0012.00 4