Eagle Valley news. (Richland, Or.) 191?-1919, March 28, 1918, Image 2

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    rxrte orzAMZ 'mssaavzsssiL; 77,tilva-mo." wawaA,H:M
gryryByyyyifyrrin oa'o'a'a'a'a'aTnnrg's'o'g's aa a yowa'o'o'a'yyo 1
Suppose that you, aroused tonight by the etealthy presence of a
masked prowler In your bedroom, covered him with your pistol Just as
he was about to plunge a long knife between your ribs and dlscov.
ered he was an old friend. Would you turn him over to the pollco
and prosecute him, or would you assume he was craiy and have him
sent to an asylum? Perhaps you will find an answer to such a prob
lem In this Installment.
Previous Installments told how Hugh Whltaker, thinking he was
about to die, married an Innocent girl to save her honor, and left
the country Immediately. Five yeare later he returned to New York,
healthy and wealthy, and found the wife, now a famous actress
known as Sara Law, engaged to marry Orummond, his old friend. She
disappeared. Drummond supposedly committed suicide, as her previ
ous lovers had done. Whltaker was assaulted In the dark, and while
recuperating at the country horns of his friend, Martin Ember,
discovered spies, fought them, and was helped by a charming and
mysterious young lady living nearby.
fcp p, Q o q o oPOOOOQgopoOvPP g - 0 - C.g.O.g.B
CHAPTER XI Continued.
Ember pushed back his chnlr and,
rising, strolled to the door. "Moonrise
and a fine, clear night," he said, star
ing through the wire mesh of the
screen. "Wish you were well enough
to go riding with me. ITowever, you
won't be laid up long, I fancy. And
I'll be back day after tomorrow. Now
I must cut along."
And within ten minutes Whltaker
heard the motor car rumble off on tho
woodlnnd road, lie wasn't altogether
sorry to be left to his own society, but
In spite of his hnlf-hearted perturba
tion and dissatisfaction, the wenriness
of a long, full day was so heavy upon
him that he went to sleep almost be
fore Sum Fat had finished making him
Extinguishing the candle, the China
man, moving with the silent assurance
of a cat In the dark, closed and latched
tho shutters, then sat down Just out
side the living-room door, to wait and
watch, sleeplessly alert
An hour passed In silence, and nn
other, and yet another. Sum Fat sat
moveless In the shadow, which blended
so perfectly with his dark blue silt
garments ns to render him almost In
distinguishable a figure as patient
and Imperturbable as any bland, stout,
graven god of his religion. But In tlrao
there fell upon his ears another sound,
to which he stirred, If Imperceptibly
drawing himself together, tensing and
flexing his tired muscles while his eyes
shifted quickly from one quarter to
another of the darkened living room
and the still more dark bedchnmber.
And yet apparently nil that had
roused him was tho drowsy whistle of
n whlppoonvlll.
Then, with no other presage, a
shadow flitted past one of tho side win
'dows, nnd In another reappeared more
substantially on the veranda. Sum
Fat grew altogether tense, his gnzo
fixed and exclusively focused upon
that apparition.
Cautiously, noiselessly, edging Inch
by Inch across the veranda, the man
approached the door. It was open. A
full, long minute elapsed. Even Sum
Fat held his breath throughout that
Interminable rcconnolssancc.
At length, reassured, the man slipped
Into the room. Another minute: no
sound detectable more untoward than
that of steady respiration In tho bed
room; with a movement ns swift und
sinister ns the swoop of a vulture, tho
man sprang toward the bedroom door.
Leaping from a sitting position, with
a bound Hint was little less than a
flight through tho nlr, the Chinaman
caught him halfway. There followed
ri shriek, a heavy fall that shook tho
bungnlow, the report of n revolver,
sounds of scuflllng . . .
Whltaker, half dazed, found himself
standing In the doorway, regnrdless'of
his Injury.
He saw, as one who dreams nnd yet
is conscious that he docs' but dream,
Ember lighting candles calmly apply
ing the flame of a taper to one after
another ns he mado n round of tho
sconces. Sura Fat was kneeling on all
fours, nbovo something that breathed
heavily nnd struggled without avail.
Whltnker's sleep-numbed faculties
"Ember!" ho cried. "Whnt in tho
name of nil things strange "
Ember threw him a flickering smllo.
"Oh, thero you nro?" ho said cheer
fully. "I've got something Interesting
to show you. Sum Fat" ho stooped
nnd picked up n revolver "you may
let him up now, If you think he'a safe."
"Safe enough." Sum Fat rose, grin
ning. "Had plenty."
i ' Ho mounted guard beside the door.
- g.O oPQggPPOgooopOOO o o QqPj3
For nn Instnnt his captive seemed
reluctnnt to rise. Ember moved to his
sldo and stood over him, bnluncing tho
revolver In his palm.
"Come," ho said impatiently. "Dp
with you!"
Tho man sat up as If galvanized by
fear, got more slowly to his knees,
then, grasping tho edge of tho table,
dragged himself laboriously to a stand
ing position.
Whltnker's Jaw dropped and his eyes
widened with wonder nnd pity, no
couldn't deny the man, yet he found It
hard to believe that this quivering,
shaken creature, with his lean nnd
pasty face nnd desperate, glaring eyes,
this mnn In rough, stained, soiled nnd
shapeless garments, could be Identical
with tho well-set-up, prosperous and
confident mnn of affairs ho remem
bered as Drummond. And yet they
were one. Appnlllng to contcmpluto
tho swift, devastating course of moral
degeneration, that had spread like gan
grene through all tho man's physical
and mwitnl fiber . . .
"Take a good look," Ember advised
grimly. "How about that pet myth
thing now? What price tho astuto
sleuth eh? Perhaps you'd llko to
take a few more funny cracks at my
simple faith In hallucinations.
"I had a notion he'd bo hanging
around," Ember went on ; "I thought I
saw somebody hiding In tho woods this
afternoon ; and then I was sure I saw
him skulking round tho edges of tho
clearing nfter dinner. So I set Sura
Fnt to watch, drove back to tho village
to mislead him, left my car thero and
walked back. And sure enough I"
Without comment, Whltaker, unablo
to stand any longer without discom
fort, hobbled to n chnlr and sat down.
"Well?" Drummond demanded harsh
ly In a quavering snarl. "Now thnt
you've got me, whnt're you going to
do with me?"
There was a high, hysterical accent
In his voice thnt struck unpleasantly
on Ember's ear. lie cocked his head
to one side, studying tho man Intently.
Drummond flung himself n step
away from the table, paused, nnd ngnln
faced his captors with bravado.
"Well?" ho cried again. ."Well?"
Ember nodded toward Whltaker.
"Ask him," ho said briefly.
Whltaker shook his head. It was
difficult to think how to deal with this
trapped anlmnl, so wildly different
from tho cultivated gentleman ho nl
ways had In mind when ho thought of
Drummond. Tho futility of attempting
to deal with him according to any codo
recognized by men of honor was
wretchedly apparent.
"Drummond," ho sold slowly, "I wish
to Cod you hadn't dono this thing."
Drummond laughed discordantly.
"Keep your mealy-mouthed compnsslon
for yourself," ho retorted, sneering.
Whltaker gave a gesturo of despair.
"If you'd only been content to keep out
of tho way ... I If only you'd lot
me nlone "
"Then you let Saro Law alone, d'you
Tho Interruption was little short of
a shriek. Ember motioned to Sum Fat,
who quietly drew nearer.
"I swear I don't know whnt to do or
say "
"Then shut up"
"Thnt'U bo about all," Ember Inter
posed quietly. At a glanco from him,
Sum Fat closed In swiftly and caught
and pinioned Drummond's arms from
A disgusting chnnge took placo In
Drummond. In nn Instant ho was strug
gling, screaming, slavering; his fifco
congested, eyes staring, features work
ing wildly as be turned and twisted In
tils efforts to frco himself. Sum Fat
held htm ns tin would ttnvo hold nn un
ruly child. When a break In Drum
inoud'n ravings camo t length, together
with n gradual weakening of tliu man's
struggles, tho detective turned to Whlt
aker. "Sorry," ho said. "1 didn't dnro toko
any further chances. He'd have been
at your throat in another minute. It
Isn't ns If wo had simply tin everyday
crook to deal with," Kmbor went on,
approaching the man. "He's not to
bo trusted or reasoned with. He's Just
short of u raving morphoumnlnc, or I
miss my guess,"
With n quick movement ho caught
Drummond's left arm, pulled tho sleovo
of his coat buck to the elbow, unbut
toned nnd turned hack his cuff.
"Hmnt yes," ho continued, bending
over to Inspect the exposed forearm, In
splto vof Drummond' efforts to twist
awny. "Deadly work of the busy little
needle. Good Lord, he's fairly riddled
with punctures 1"
"That explains . . ." Whltaker
muttered, sickened.
"It explains a lot." Ember readjust
ed tho sleeve ami turned awny. "And
It shows us our path of duty, clear," ho
continued, despite Interruptions from
tho maddened drug lleud. "I think n
ntco llttlo sojourn in n sanatorium
"night," Whltaker agreed, relieved.
"We'll boo what a cure does for him
before we Indulge In criminal proceed
ings shall we?"
"Uy all means."
"Good." Ember glanced at his watch.
"I'll have to hurry along now must
bo In town not later than nlno o'clock
this morning. I'll take him with mo.
No, don't worry I enn hnndto him eas
ily. It's a bit of a walk to tho vil
lage, but that will only help to quiet
him down. I'll bo back tomorrow;
meanwhile, you'll be able to Bleep
soundly unless"
Ho checked, frowning thoughtfully.
"Unless whnt?"
Ember Jerked his head to Indlcato
tho prisoner. "Of course, this Isn't y
any chnuce tho fellow you mixed It up
with over on the bench nnd so forth?"
"Nothing like him."
"Queer. I can't find nny trnco of
him the other one nor can I nccount
for him. no doesn't secni to fit In any-
The Chinaman Caught Him Half Way.
where. However" his expression
lightened "I daresay you wcro right;
he's probably only some Idle, light
Angered prowler. I'd keep my eyes
open for him, but I don't renlly bellovo
you need worry much.
Within ten ndnutes ho wns off on his
lonely tramp through two miles of
woodlnnd and as many moro of llttlo
traveled country, nt dead of night, with
a madman In handcuffs for solo com
"You ask me, I think very excellent
quick cure."
Sum Fat tenderly adjusted tho can
vas brace, and then with Infinite enro
Inserted tho foot in a high-cut canvas
tennis shoo.
He stood up, beaming with benovo
lent Interest. "You tnko It easy one
day or two no walk much Just loaf
no go sco protty ladles "
"Go wny, you heathen go clonn
your teeth 1" cried Whltaker, Indig
nantly. "and I think bo all well and
sound," concluded Sum Fnt
Ho waddled dwny, chuckling. Whlt
aker got up, and with tho nld of a cano
mado a number of tentntlvo experi
ments in short-distance pedestrlanlsm.
Tho results wcro highly satisfactory;
ho felt llttlo or no pain. On tho other
hand, ho felt tho advlco to which ho
had JUBt listened was Bound; It would
be unwise to attempt a neighborly call
within at least another twenty-four
Ho resumed hls.chnir on tho veranda
and sighed. It was late afternoon, and
ho was lonely. He Inclined to sulks.
The trouble with him was (ho begaa
to renlUo) thnt ho had lived too long
n hermit. For six yearn ho had been
practically delated and cut off from
tho bettor half of existence; femininity
had formed no factor In his cosmos.
Hut now, of a sudden, ho had boon
granted a Hash of Insight Into the true
slgnllleuneo of companionship between
a man and a woman who had some
tiling In common aside from commu
nity In their generation. Not two hours
altogether of ouch Intercourse had
been his, hut It had been enough to In
fuse all Ids consciousness with a vague
but Irking discontent
lie had lashed himself Into a very re
spectable transport of resentful rage
when, chancing to lift his eyes from
their absorbed study of tho planks
composing' tho veranda floor, ho dis
covered a motor boat nt tho landing
stage. At onco a smllo of childlike
serenity displaced tho scowl
Tho woman made tho llttlo vessel
fast nnd, turning, enmo swinging up
the Tontlo slope to tho veranda, vase
nnd strength und Joy of living Inherent
In every flowing movement.
No Imaginable consideration, how
ever solush, could hnvo kept Whltacro
nny longer In his chair.
nnroTTB'a-o 8 roTra'a'tra'iriroTo'o'BTiq
u What co you think was Drum- g
o mond'e purpose In killing Whit- Z
o aker? Is thero any connection o
o between Miss Flske and Drum-
o mond? o
fn a B 0 B o o o a n o a o o o o o o oo o o q g
She Was Just the Same as Her Ultra
Modern Daughter In the
Way of Qaddlng.
Mother dually beenmo tired of tho
way daughter wns acting, according
to a writer In tho Fort Worth Star
Telegram, and she mild to her: "You
never do anything but gad about
When I wns your ngo I tried to tnko
somo of the work off my poor moth
er's back. I didn't want to spend alt
my time with somo silly, giggling girl
like that chum of yours." After lis
tening to this, daughter went to grand
ma and said to her: "You must hnvo
had an uwfully easy time when mnm
mn wns growing up. She stayed nt
heme almost all tho time, nnd helped
you with tho cooking, milking, wash
ing und other work." Then said grand
ma: "Sho helped mo with the work?
I'd llko to kuow when sho helped
me. Day and night, week In and week
out, she was running around with
somo silly girl, and sho never onco
turued her band to help mo with any
thing. I made every stitch of licr
clothes, did all her washing and Ironed
every rag sho ever wore. Now, when
I wus n girl I really worked. In my
tlmo girls didn't run nround llko they
did In your mother's day."
Why Ho Was Sick.
A mother whose son was sentenced
to the Marlon county workhouso re
cently from Juvenile court, entered
court n few duys ago, and said that
sho wished to speuk to Judge Frank
J. Lnhr In regard to her son, says the
Indianapolis News.
"Judge," said tho woman, "I was out
at the workhouse yesterday, und my
boy tells me ho Is not gutting enough
to eat. I think something ought to bo
dono about It."
Judge Lnhr assured tho woman Unit
the son's ussertlon could not bo true,
but when sho Insisted, ho culled the
superintendent by telephone und In
quired. "Hold tho phono a minute," said tho
superintendent, "and I'll look him up."
"Hello, Judge," finally camo back
over tho wire, "that man Is working
ns a cook, nnd Is sick today from eat
ing too much at his work."
Cause for Alarm.
"My nephew, Virgil Pucker, had
been sick for quite awhile," related old
Itlley Itezzldew. "and as soon as ho
was able to totter around In tho houso
ho wabbled out Into the kitchen. Pres
ently wo heard n thud, and run thero
to And him senseless on tho floor.
When ho camo to himself ho told us
that It was practically all over with
him ho now ho would never bo uny
better, for his faco was so bulged und
twisted out of shapo that nobody could
possibly look ns ho did and Ilvo longer.
It wnB sometlmo beforo wo discovered
thnt ho hud been looking nt himself In
tho old mirror over the sink." Knnsns
City Stur.
The Bargaining Instinct
"You took your boy to n circus to
rownrd him for being good?" "Ych.
And then he decided it wasn't much of
a circus and tried to bo bad enough
to mnko Buro ho wasn't being
Perfumery From France.
Franco exported to this country last
year moro than $3,000,000 worth of
perfumery and soap. This was nearly
doublo tho amount bought during tho
provlous year.
In a Dad Way.
When expenso nnd profit run neck
and neck then tho owner la not run
ning his business tho business la run
ning UUn. I
Hrlnr? Hack Ha Color nnd Lustre
with Grnmlnm'H Siiko
Ten llccipc.
Common garden sago browod Into n
heavy ten, with sulphur nnd alcohol
added, will turn gray, ntronkod and
faded hnlr bonutlfully dark and luxuri
ant Mixing the Sago Tea and Sulphur
rcolpo at homo, though, la troublosomo.
An easier way Is to got tho roady-to-tuo
preparation Improved by tho addi
tion of othor Ingrodtonts, costing about
CO oanta a largo bottle, nt drug stores,
known as "Wyutli'e St go nnd Sulphur
Compound," thus avoiding a lot of
Whllo gray, fadod hair Is not sinful,
wo nil dcslro to retain our youthful
appearnnco nnd attrooi venous, lly
darkening your hair with Wyoth's
Sago nnd Sulphur Compound, no ono
can toll, bccauBo It does It so naturally,
so ovonly. You Just dampen a sponge
or soft brush with It and draw this
through your hnlr, taking ono small
strand nt a tlmo; by morning all gray
hairs havo disappeared. After anotlior
application or two your hair becomes
beautifully dark, glossy, soft and lux
uriant and you appear years youngor.
Wyoth's Sago nnd Sulphur Compound
Is a delightful toilet requisite It Is
not Intondcd for tho ouro, mitigation
or prevention of disease Adv.
Advanco by Retrogression.
Tho rooklo was bolng taken to tho
guard house.
"Quick promotion," ho muttered to
himself. "I am nlrondy in chnrgo of a
squad of mon." Iloston Trnnscrlpt
HELP 18 OFFERED, and Is froely glv
m on to ovory nervous,
Wf dollcato woman, by
JK jflfe Dr. l'lorco's Favor
BfrA Ito Prescription. Ho
JB mombor Ingrodtonts
on label In Tablot
or Liquid form.
4B ( In ovory "female
H complaint," Irrogu
H larlty, or weakness,
flH JH nnd In ovory ox-
" haunted condition of
tho femnlo system, tho "Prescription"
never falls to bonoflt or euro. Hearing
down pnlns, lntornnl Inflammation nnd
ulceration, wonk back, and all kindred
ailments nro completely cured by It
It's n marvelous remedy for nervous
nnd gonornl debility, Insomnia, or In
ability to Sleep, Spasms, Convulsions
or Fits.
Dr. l'lorco's Medical Advisor (1000
pages) will bo sont froo on receipt of
GO ono-cont stamps to pay cost of
printing and mailing only. Address
Dr. Pierce, IJuffnlo, N. Y.
Constlpntton causes many serious
diseased. It Is thoroughly cured by Dr.
Pierce's Pleasant Pollots. Ono a laxa
tlvo: two or throo aro cathartic. Adv.
Temperamental Science.
"Do electrical wires havo to bo mado
of woll-tompered motnl?"
"I don't know. Thoy soorn to got
into mlschlof ovory tlmo thoy'ro
crossod." Exchange.
Dr. Plcrco's Pellets nro best for liver,
bowels ami stomach. Ono little Pollot
for a laxative thrco for a cathartic.
Why Dald So Young?
Dandruff and dry scalp uxually tho
cause and Ctitlrurn the remedy. Hub
tho Ointment Into scalp. Follow with
hot shampoo of Cutlcura Soap. For
free sample address, "Cutlcura, Dept.
X, Iloston. At druggists and by mall.
Soap 2.1), Ointment 1!5 nnd CO. Adv.
His Simple Request
"I am now prepared to answer nny
questions you may caro to ask," said
tho lecturer.
"Any ono barred?" askod a man In
tho nudlonco.
"Cortnlnly not" ropllod Uio man on
tho platform.
"Then Just wait a fow minutes, will
you mister, till I run homo and got
thnt four-year-old kid or mlno. Ho'a
got a fow hard ones that I'd llko to
havo you answer for mo." Dotrolt
Froo Press.
It takes Congress to sottlo a strlko,
but an unruly stomach is subdued by
Gnrflcld Tea. Adv.
.Allen's Foot-E, the anUsepUe powder. Makes
tight or new shone feel tay, IUlleve Corns,
Ilunlons. Hot. Hwollxn, Tender, Aehlntr Knet. Bold
everywhere, 26e. Don't accept any substitute.
HampleHtKK. Address, Allsn 8.. Olmsted, Ix
Hoy, N. Y.
Ship Your Produce
For ft stuff of (cood qualltylwsCwIII payfiu fol
lows: Dressed pork, 20c.
Hmsll, dressed veal, I Be.
Hilt veal up to 800 lbs., !2o
IJve roosters, 22e.
Dressed small iroats, 12c.
Wo do not ask commission, Immediate pay
'TlghUnir the Ileef Trust."
228 Alder St., PORTLAND, ORE
Soothe Um Irritation and yoa rdleve the
distress. Do both qalcklr ami effectively
br promptly nln a dependable remedy