Don't fail to attend the Fome Guard Meeting it a, P. Hall on S&u.1ay evening Tp. ArCrT ifrl MEWS L VOLUME 0, 13 RICHLAND, OREOOV. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 7, L918 $1.50 A YEAR MUTUAL CREAMERY CO. IWYHUS OK Cream, Milk and Eggs It. M. Kirk, Resident Murmur RICHLAND - OREGON W. H. STRAYER Attorney at Law Fourth Floor SoTtmsra Building Baker, Oregon Irvine Lodge No. 86 Knights of Pythias Meiit every Friday nlglit ut thulr Cnntlu llalllii Richland, Oregon. Vlnlt lug HrotliurH timdo witi-omu. : it. coiiiiit.o. a V. C. itAI.HV, K. of It. A H, W. E. BAIRD i FUNERAL DIRECTOR LICENSED I iBALMER Cl.vti itliil Sliiouilo l Ml AlOlp III Mi mi. I'liono; Two khorlf, Out) long W. R. USHER 1 Notary Public Conveyancer Olllai.Fecond mill Walnut StH. J Opwnito CliriHtiuu Church C. E THORP Notary Public1 All kinds of legal blanks on hand Your patronage solicited What Is Home WITHOUT ONE OF CHASE'S LAMPS ? Got one nnd you will know. If they nre not satisfactory they wont cost you a cent. J, M. CHASE, - Richland Renew Your Subscription NOW THE HOME GUARDS Around twenty citizons met at the K. I'. Hull on Sunday after noon for the purpose of taking steps towards organizing a com? pany of Home Guards in Eaglo Valley. C. E. Thorp was chosen temporary chairman and N. B. Anhcrafl secretary. The purpose of the organization was explained and olx teen of the men present Hignilied their willingness tojon. Another meeting will be held o:: SAl'UUDAY NJGH'l Rt 8 o'clock, i istead of on Sunday hfternoon as announced, thin chungc in lime being conm'dereu advisable on ac count of so many farmers being busy feeding stock through the day. To those who are not fully posted on the matter we will say that Homo Guards are being or ganized in every county in the United States. They are not un der federal control or subject to federal ca'l; but are subject to the orders of the cour.ty sheriff (as a company, not as individuals) lo fl -si.u in quelling not or foi guard duty, should occasion aris . Jt wi'l take an enrJ'.nent of G5 to for.n ;, company or 35 a platoon. Any ni.t'.e person between tl taaes of 15 and C5 years may joit- ten payment of 1, th.' funds Unit secured to remain in the treasury of tho local company. All officers will be chosen from Wi ranks b ballot. No ono cun tell when tho need of a I ody of drilled men may be needed to defend our own com munity, therefore it is the duty of every loyal American within the age limit and who i3 physic ally able, to enlist in the Home Guards. Not only will it tend to strengthen home defenses but ai;o prove o our enemies that we stand back of our boys at the front. Come out Saturday night nnd enroll your name; don't let your neighbor show moiv patriotism than you. No Bank for Him "I don't put my money in any oank," says Slothful Sam. "My inside pocket is good enough for me and 1 am going to keep it thero instead of lotting the other fellow carry it." But dees ho keep it there? He does not. The butcher, grocer, clothier and.druggist get Sam's money nnd thoy put it in the bank. Sam don't know where his money goes. But somebody puts it in the bank. Who is putting your money in the bank? If it is good for tho other fellow to have money in tho bank it's good for you and tho other follow gets rich at it. ad) Eagle Valley State Bank Our supply of "Ferry's" gar den seeds have arrived; get yours now so ycu'lliavo them ready. Raloy's.nd Fred Gover has purchased the Win. Mastorson ranch west of Richland, , OVER Thfi TOP! Eagle Valley Outdoes Baker City in Con. tributions to the Baker-Cornucopia Post Road---?md Is Still Going Eagle Valley $6000. Baker $5500. Pine Valley $3,500. (Otrnuru; ia inc.ude ') Messrs. John Frtt-;er and A. N. Ingles arrived from Baker Mon day and in company with J. C. Bowen, Thos. Seigol, Goo. M. Moody, Bert Rogers, W. E. Bar her and L. Y. Matthews, canvass "d this section the first of the veuk for subscriptions to the itakcr-Cornucopia road. That our citizens heartily en !orse the movement was shown their liberality; with but few xteptions every man solicited ignrd up most willing'y. While lagle Vai.ey's allotment was but 3,00, the sum total v.ovv reaches X000 after two das v.ork ano (HmVH b.j more forthcoming. No effort was -made to secure -ntributions from any but the .vell-to-do class and. nothing less ihan 25 was accepted, however, s there are a number of men in this vicinity who favor the roa 1 and wish to show their loyalty to the community but who are not nnancially able to contribute sc 4 rent a sum, we have had the committee leave a number of the Will This Order Get You? Milton A. Miller, Collector of Internal Revenue at Portland, has issued this warning: "Somebody is going to tell on you if you don't pay your income tax. Congress has fixed it so that somebody must tell, whether iie wants to or not." Ono section of the War Income Tax Law, exhaustively compre hensive in scope, requires overy person, without exception, and overy corporation, partnership, association, and insurance com pany, in whatever capacity acting who paid ?800 or more to another person, corporation, partnership, association or insurance company, as interest, rent, salaries, wages, compensation, remuneration, etc. to report the name and address of tho person, corporation, etc., to whom the payment was made together with the amount of pay ment, to the Commissioner of Internal Revenue at Washington. Form 1099 must bo fiiled out and returned on or before March 1st, 1918, accompanied by Form 1096 which is a letter of transmittal and affidavit certifying the accur acy of Form 1099. Buy your Candy at tho Rich land Drug Store. Stock always fresh. ad Come, hustle up, Pine Valley; it's nice to bo over tho top. . blanks at the News office and an; nounce that anyone so desiring may call and fib out game for any amount they wteh. The names of j;jiih contributors will be pub lished Inter. 'J h's is as it should be, for no one will deny that better roads are needed in this section, and never before has such an oppor tunity been presented to get so much assistance from the state. Tho more wo raise the rrore in fluence it will have on the State uumiiiisaiuii lunuius uaa idling the completion of the road. Wo are unable to secure a list of the contributors at this time bat wi'l endeavor to publish same next week, so that all may know tho names of the business men ii 1 vci!-to-('o farmers who favor the further development of Eagle, Va!!-y. j While the federal government asked that less work be done on "I ighways," it urges that more attention be given to build ing good roads into farming com munities distant from railways. This is dirdct encouragement to the Baker-Cornucopia post road which will traverse from end to end the lichest agricultural, stocktaising and mining sections of Ea3tern Oregon. Wheat-Corn Bread Wheat-coin bread is nioiv iiutrlilo: tl'ian bread baked with wheat Hutu ulotie. Thousands of American fam ilies today are using this mixed Hour bread, and In so doltiK arc eimbllii America to provide more wheat iln.u for the allies. Here's a tested re-ii -for this bread: Take, one and u ball' cuius of nil'!;, water or n mixture : tno 4vo ; ono-hulf cake eoiniivsn'd yeast, one and a half teaspoons suit, dtio tnblcsp'X'n stiKnr, one tnblespeon of fat If deal rod, ono cup cornmeal nnd two cups wheat Hour. Put one and a half cups of wnter. the cornmeal, salt, supir and fat (If used) Into a double, boiler nnd cool: twenty minutes. The water Is sutll dent only to soften tho menl n little Allow the meuWto, cool to about the temperature o.Mthoroom nnd add the Hour and yenM'-Ynlxed with tho rest of tho water. Knead thoroughly, make Into loaf, place In pan of stand nrd size, allow to rlso until nearly lllls the pan nnd bake 15 or 00 min utes. It Is hardly practicable to use n greater percentage of cornmeal than this even lu emergencies, for bread so made differs very llttlo from baked mush. Less cornmeal can bo used ami In sucn a case the general meth od given nbovo may bo followed. It Is posslblo to niako a yeast raised corn bread without first cooking tho cornmeal. In this caso not more than ono cupful of meal should bo used to four cupfuls of flour. In other ro spects the bread Is mixed and baked as in tho abovo reclpo. E. S. Taylor is reported serious ly ill this morning. When in need of a Tooth Brush buy it at the Richland Drug Store Eagle Valley is unanimously in favor of the Palmer route on the B-C post road. FREDERICK R. WILSON Physician and Surgeon Richland, ;-: Oregon Night 'phone, one long ring orj all lines. Day 'phone call central office. &)e Rogers Baker's Popular Hotel NEW MODERN CLEAN Under Direct Supervision of The Owner POPULAR PRICES Special Kates to I"nanent Guests American Restau rant 0. H. FONG AND BROTHER, Props. Cleanest and Most Up-to-Date Restaurant in Eastern Oregon WE CONTRACT BANQUETS Tclfphon.. No. 57 1827 First St. BAKER, OREGON Richland Pool Room Allan Binheimer, Prop. POOL AND BILLIARDS Soft Drinks of All Kinds, Cigars, Tobacqo, Confectionery Come in and spejjd your, jdje time We'll treat you right The Oregon Voter Says: "Politically Irresistible. "That's what Eastern Oregon will get to be if it keeps up its, present gait. "It has led Oregon in every patriotic drive when compared with Western Oregon as a whole, although there have been isolated instances like Benton or Douglas counties where tremendous re cords have been made. "Eastern Oregon is demonstra ting that it has the highest typo of leadership in the state men who enjoy the confidence of their townspeople and the farmers. "The people in Eastern Oregon are not suspicious of each other. "Eastern Oregon can come to Portland with nearly a solid vote for any candidate or any measure that catches the enthusiasm of its people. If it can secure some support in the bif city and a lot of co-operation from tho live counties of Southern Oregon and the Coast, it will do big things politically. "One thing that makes Bob Stanfield's candidacy so formid able is that he typifies the pro gressive, forward spirit of East ern Oregon. "Let 'er buck, Eastern Oregon; what you are doing to the balance of the state isn't hurting it a bit. "