Eagle Valley news. (Richland, Or.) 191?-1919, January 31, 1918, Image 8

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    4 Vil-U
E. & W. Chandler
T!i Different Store
Annual Clearance Sale
of broken and discontinued lines
We offer in this sale
Women's, Misses' and Children's Winter Hats
Sweaters and Wool Scarfs
Children's Hoods and Wool Caps
Men's, Women's and Children's Underwear
Women's, Misses'- and Children's Coats, Dresses, Aprons
Men's, Women's and Children's Shoes
Furs in Sets and Single Pieces
Boy's and Youth's Suits and Seperate Garments
Men's and Boy's Overcoats and Rain Coats
You will save money by taking advan
tage ot this sale, as prices will
not o lower but higher
H Rcjnl Chowinu PluC
tl(or tht Invtnllon
of our l'ttnt Air Proof I'oueh
Mn Uoiltfi Could Nut fe
tht rionJ rraihnatl In
Now the l'tanl Pouoh Koipi It
Troth nd Cleon end Good.
A Lltllo Chow of Gravity U Enouoh
and Loiti Lonotr lin big ohtry
of ordinary plug.
n ... !,..., fi "flsr'
frffl - . i. r - 1
Loo;cipon.THH photixtion im'ai.-it is not iuiaugravbly wrr icur this hrav
Will You Help?
Oregon residents nre again ask
ed to contribute to a worthy cause
the support of 2,150.000 ref
ugees and '100,000 orphan children
in Asia Minor. For three years
the Armenians and Syrians have
passed through untold sufferings,
the limit of their endurance is
reached and it is up to American
generosity to keep these people
alive. Help must come plenti
fully and at once.
Gov. Withycombo is a member
of the National Committee for
this relief work, and is personally
contributing cash and time. He
asks that everyone in Oregon help
generously. Send your "mite"
to Ben Selling, Treasurer Oregon
Committee for Armenian and
Syrian Relief, G13-4 Stock Ex
change Building, Portland.
War Wastes Europe's
Meat Supply.
American Stock Raisers Cooptrata
With Food Admlnlotratlon In Con.
crvatlon Measure.
Eight per cent Interest
Long Time
No Extra Charges
If you desire a loan call and we'll
talk the proposition over
I C. E. THORP, Richland
Parker's Movies
New Bridge on Friday night
Don't Fail to Come
Admission: Adults 20g Children 15c
Soon Over Ills Cold.
Evaryono speaks well of Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy niter having lined it. Mrf.
George Lowlc. IMttatlold, N.Y., has thin
to ay regarding it : 'M-nat winter inv
liltlo boy, flvu years old, wan Hick with u
cold for two or three week. dootored
him nnd uno.l various cough medicinex
but nothing did htm much good until 1
began using Chamberlain's Cough Hem-
edy. Ho thou improved rapidly and in a
fow days was over his co'd." ad
Farm Labor, Crop and Live
Stock Survey to Be Taken
in Baker County
The Federal Government is de
manding of the county agricul
tural agent that a labor, crop and
livestock survey be taken of every
farm in Baker county between
the dates of Feb. 11 and Feb. 1G.
This same survey is to be taken in
every countj in the United States
during this time.
Each farmer must state in de
tail the amount of livestock on
nana, number ot acrss in crop,
and the amount that will bo seed
led and planted this spring.
The purpose is to find out the
' amount of labor that will be need
ed to harvest this year's crop; to
assist the farmer in obtaining
labor to conduct the farm.
In Baker county there are 11504
farms and the government has
sent the same number of blanks
and requests that a complete 100
per cent returns be made. This
survey will be made by the mem
bers of the county agricultural
council and the county schools in
cooperation with Henry E. Tweed
county agricultural agent. In
some cases tne questionnaires
will be sent direct to the farmer.
Dr. M. D. Fleming, Optome
trist, will be at Richland Hotel,
Saturday and Sunday, Feb, 9 & 10 'amply repaid for the trip,
It In irotmhln that ICuropo for tunny
years nftur tho war will look to it
grent cxleut to Ainurlcu for It meat
Kuropo's herds tiro dwindling utidor
wnr's domnnds faster than they ctin bo
When tho Oerinnn armies retired
from occupied portion of Franco mid
llolglum itppruxltnotely 1,800,000 head
of cattlo wore npiiroprlatud. This ad
dition virtually safeguarded (ionium)
from cnttlo shortage other tmtiotiH nun
In Ungland Homo 'i.100,000 acre ot
gross lundn hnvo by conipulHory mens
uri'S buan forced Into Kriiln production
thu.i reduchiK pautuniKo nnd hay lundn
A declining ncal of maximum moat
prices for llvo cntUo wita onlalned tu
HiiKlaiid, an follows : Tor Hcptcmbcr,
$17.70 per hundred poutuln; October,
$17.28; November und December,
$ltl.08. nnd for Jnnunry, IM.IO. 'l'lie
evident Intent of this mennure wnn to
drlro tho heef nlumln Into mnrket nn
noon ni noHjtlliln
AccordliiK to oillclnl French llnuniff
tho cnttlo of Franco have decreniicd to
a total of l'A-'I'l 1,000 nn comiared with
K8O7.000 In UHB. Today, duo to luck
of foniKe principally, Franco Is pro
ducltiK only one Kallon of milk where
beforo tho wnr two and ono half K"l
Ioiih were produced,
Mcnntlmo tho United Stnten food ad
ministration has taken utepu to cou
fiorvo our Docks and herds and to In
creaKo their numbers. Tho stock breed
ers of tlds country show n disposition
to co-operato with tho Kovernment In
For many years It has hoen a prac
tlco anioni? many of tho dairy people
of this country to kill male calves at
birth and In ninny Instances tho fo-
limits If not needed to replenish their
herds rather than o to tho expense of
umtiirltiK them Into veal. The IiIkIi
prices of meat caused tho virtual din
continuance of this killing. Another
encournKliiK fnct la 75 por cent, of
calveH killed for venl this year wero
Homebody has very aptly said that
tho wars of tho world hnvo been won
with Krense, meanliiK that bacon and
lard have, been as essential to success
In wur as powder, which In true.
The Iioks of Uttropo hnvo been very
greatly sacrificed to present day needs.
This malum tho American burden all
tho more heavy and makes doubly es
sential an Increased pork production
In this nation. In Italy kiiiIii Is now
forbidden to be fed to Iioks. In Den
mark under a recent order one-fourth
of tho Iioks wero ordered to bo killed.
It Is estimated that one-half lmvo now
bocn killed.
Thu government has never consid
ered any plan of selrlm; foodstuffn
owned by householders. Nor Is thwro
any policy of this kind suKKt'Ntcd for
tho future.
In splto of this fact, tho United,
States food administration has been
obi Ik I'd repeatedly to Issue otllclnl do
nlals of rumors, that tho Kovornmeiit
Intends commaudeerlui; preserves and
canned k'ooda put up In American
Thesu rumors wero originated partly
by pro'durmau propagandist nnd part
ly by conscienceless grafters, who
sought to profit through buying from
misinformed houtnuvlves.
Tho year lOlfi will sco homo canning
nnd preserving practiced on greater
scale than over beforo In tho nation's
history, otltclals In Washington believe.
And they are assuring all patriotic
housewives that foods so saved nro
theirs, and theirs nlone.
Those from this section who
went to Baker Saturday to hear
the lectures given by tho Cana
dian officers, report themselves
Ono New York hotel has nrninged
a thoroughly patriotic corn bread
recipe. It combines common! with
ryo Hour, both of which are being con
sumed In greater quantities this year
In order to rolottvo wheat Hour for tho
allied nations, This recipe tills a
largo pan 10 by Inches - and con
tains the following iimvttlftits; Ono
quart mill,-, four miners huttr-r substi
tute, ten ounces light sjrup or honey,
three eggs, pinch mm It. two pnumlH
common!, one pound i.ve Hour ami two
ounces Imklng powder.
Tho butter and syrup are thorough
ly mixed. Then odd the e--, gradual
ly, pout' In the milk, then add tho ryo
Hour mlved with the common! and
baking powder. lvh in u hot oven.
Strayed Three Yearlings
1 yellow heifer, 1 brindle heifer.
one dark ml bull calf part Jersey,
no ear marks, all branded r: D
on right hip. Please notify
ndlltf C!. A. Bernard. Itichland
Tho 1017 wheat crop In Franco wns
leas than half normal, using tho crop
ot 10111 ni n littHlu of comparison.
Thero was it shortage of 170,000,000
busliols, or oa.a iter cent. Tho potato
crop was only within one-third of nor
mal. Tho sugar boot crop showotf n
deficit of 07.0 por cont. Ilor moat
hords In tho early fnll showed a ohorN
ao of 1,800,000 onlmtiU.
Thoia nro a fow of tho ronaonn
Amerlcn must food hor associates In
tho wnr. Thoy nro no longer nblo to
feed themselrei, and unless we cotno'
to tho roictto nre face to fnco wlttt
starvation. And starvation menna to
tHt In the ar.