Eagle Valley news. (Richland, Or.) 191?-1919, January 31, 1918, Image 5

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Will be at Richland Hold
Saturday ami Sunday
Feb. 9 and 10
If your oyoB need attention don't
fail to call on him
Don't misB the movies tonight.
Mm. M. 13. Heck is Beriously ill
with Ingrippe.
Huy your Lamb Nipples at the
Richland Drug Store. ad
The county board have com
menced Lite examination of all
men in Clans 1.
Goorgo Triekel has been trans
ferred from the Spruce Division
to the Aviation Corps.
When you need a new Flash
light Mattery got it at the Rich
laud Drug Store. ad
You'll need one of our oil heat
ers to keep the spare room warm
or possibly the cellar. Kaley's.-ad
There is some talk of trying to
organize a Y. M. C. A. in liable
Valley. Are you for or against
such a movement?
Mrs. .Iiio. F. Herr invited a
jolly crowd to her home last
Thursday evening, to help cele
brate Miss Hanoi's birthday.
John Perry and Ralph Saun
ders returned from Sparta the
first of the week, having finished
logging at the Perry sawmill.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Simonis
.were called to Baker this week
by the serious illness of their son
Elmer, who is in the hospital
Buffering from pneumonia.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Bo wen's
baby daughter was operated on
at the Raker hospital Tuesday
morning for adhesion of the in
testines. Late advice is that the
little patient is getting along fine.
I layman P. Swisher and Sam
Martin were initiated into the
rank of Pago in the K. P, lodge
last Friday .night and on tomor
row evening will be given the
rank of Esquire. Every Knight
should nutke a special effort to be
Owing to such large attendance
at their meetings recently, the
Richland Red Cross will meet at
the K. P. hall hereafter. A num
ber of sewing machines have been
installed and work meetings will
be held this afternoon and .on
Tuesday and Wednesday after
noons of next weeki
The second semester of Ene,le
Valley Hifch School begins Mon
day February 4th. Pupils who
have finished tho eighth grado
may enter at this time if they so
desire. Tho following subjects
will be open to them: English,
Ancient History, nnd Physiology,
also a course in free hdnd draw
ing will be offored providing sev
eral deslro it.
Arc Your Sewert Clrfjtfcd
Tim lunvultf nro tho BowuraftoHystom of
tlio body. Ybii'can well iinnulho tlio ro
milt when tluiy nro Htoppod up nn la tlio
fcneu In constipation. Ah a ptrRativo you
will find Ohnniborlnln'a Tablets excellent
'hioy nro.hdM-Mayontlu:lnthi!l?'tn!t!oii.
Tlioy hIho improve tho digestion; dv
ban Govor remembered us with
a renewal this week.
Get a box of Cough Drops at
Richland Drug Store. ad
Knights of Pythias work in
tho second degree tomorrow night
Some goftd bargains in mack
inawa nnd slag shirts at Haley's.
Mrs. F, L. Strnngand son Her
bert were visitors from Sparta
Buy your Stock Tonic at Rich
laud Drug Store. 25c, 50c, and
$1 packages. ad
Williani Widman, jr., of Baker
was in tlio Valley yesterday look
ing for stray cattlo.
Mrs. Oliver Corson went to
Baker Monday, to consult a phy
sician in regard to an operation.
Lawrence Evans, John Dima
and John Thompson were culled
to Baker for examination the first
of the week.
"Conservation as the Doctor
Sees It" is an article in Hearst's
Magazine for February that is
well wortli reading.
Found an auto chain. Owner
may have same by proving pro
perty and paying for this notice.
W. P. Williams.-ad
Mr. B. F. Locke of Carson,
Justiuq of the Peace of Pino Pre
cinct No. 2, has ordered tho News
sent to his address for the com
ing year.
.Mrs. John F. Herr announces
that she still has plenty of Rod
Cross yarn for knitting sox. All
wishing to help in this won;
should call on Mrs. Herr.
Miss Lillie Sullivan lost a purse
a few weeks ago somewhere bu
tween Halfway and her home in
Eagle Valley. Finder will please
return same to Mrs. E. Sullivan
and receive reward.
Mrs. Harry Herr has been the
recipient of many social favors
tho past week. Miss Maude Hal
ley entertaining in her honor last
Friday evening, and Miss Maggie
Dickie and Mrs. Ethel Brown on
Tuesday evening.
C. R. Coger has opened a shoe
ivpair shop in the Corson build
ing and is now ready to fix that
pair of shoes for you. Dick is a
good workman ami no doubt will
have all the husini-Bs ho can look
after, for a place of this kind has
long been needed here.
True economy is buy'mjr tho
right goods at the right time and
at the right p-ice--you do that
when you trade with us. We have
seasonable goods at all limes and
always priced right. A lot of
unify yarn just received, just the
kind for sweaters, sox, mittens.
ad E. &. W. Chandler.
A big dance will be held in the
Community Hull at Sparta on
Saturday, February 9th, tho pro
ceeds to go towards paying for
tlio piano for tho Spurta school.
Solders orchestra will furnish tho
music and u cafeteria supper will
be served in the hall. If you want
to have a good time don't miss
Ibis ev'ent.
Prefer Chamberlain's
"fn tdo cbured ot a conversation with
Clminborlnln ModlclnoCo.'a roprosouta
tlvo today, wo had occasion to discuss in
a gonoriU way tho merits of thoir differ
ent preparations. At his suggestion 1
take plcftHiira In expressing my estima
tion ot Clmmberlain'H Cough Iiomody.
I havo a family of alx children nnd lmvo
need this remedy in my homo for years.
I consider it tho only cough remedy on
tlio uinrkot, ria I have tried nearly all
klndrf."'-lifirl C. Hobs, Publlahor Hum'
lltoii tonnty KopubUcnrf Ncws Byrn-
Val Herring is now stationed
at Ft. Crocket, Texas.
Jonteel Cold Creum COc per jar
dt Richland Drug Store ad
Eat "Otter" brand string beans
as good hs thoy grow. Haley's.
Burney Eidson has completed
Noble Holcomb's new residence.
Buy your next box of Choco
lates at Richland Drug rftore.-ad
Have you tried any of that de
licious saner kraut sold by Saun
ders Bro's. ad
Roy Campbell will receive the
News for a year as a gift from
brother Knights of Pylldas.
Sharpies Tubular Separator No.
2, good as new, for sale cheap.
Mrs. W. E. Barber.-udlOtf
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Carrouth
ers received a fine baby boy at
their home ot RoOinettc on Sat
urday, Junuary 29th.
Mrs. Zuo Claflin of Prairie City
returned home last Thursday af
ter a short visit at tho home of
Mrs. Eugene Brown.
Mrs. J. V. Solders, who was op
erated on for hernia about two,
weeks ago at Hot Lake, is re
ported as getting along nicely.
Our line of canned goods is com
plete; come in and see for your
self the many things offered to
assist in food conservation. Our
prices are right. Saunders Bro's.
J. N. Carroll, who is feeding
Stock for Walter Saunders, ad
vanced his subscription this week.
He said ho expected to put in dt
least forty acres of grain this
spring on his Sparta homestead.
A million checks a month will
soon be going forward from the
bureau of war-risk insurance to
safeguard our fighting forces and
their families. Applications from
soldiers and sailors for insurance
are neur $4,000,000,000.
Use less wheat, cat more corn
meal, corn flakes, corn puffs, rye
flour, hominy, rolled and flaked
oats, buckwheat, corn starch,
rice, etc., and help win the war.
We can supply you.
ad E. & W. Chandler.
It s reported that three prom
inent young ladies were seen on
our streets Tuesday night, dress
ed in male attire. We would say
that their mission could not be
learned possibly they intended
to burglarize a residence or hold
up some of our citizens.
W. M. Babcock, who had been
visiting at Bakersfield, Calif., re
turned home Saturday, accom
panied by his sister, Mrs. Emma
Hobbs, who left Eagle Valley
twenty-eight years ago and who
will spend several weeks here
with relatives and old friends.
Stomach Troubles
If yoil lmvo trouhlowith your stomach
you tdmuld try Chamberlain's Tablets.
Ho many lmvo been restored to health by
tho use of these tablets and their cost ia
bo little, 2T cents, thai It ia worth while
to glvo tholn a trial. adv
Estray Notice
Taken up about 3 weeks' ago
one bay-roan gelding, wt. around
900 lbs., indistincc brand on left
shoulder; 1 whitb hind foot two
rinp bones; Baddle Or pack horse;
had chain on frorit leg. Owner
will please call and pay charges;
W. Si Butterfield,
adll-2t Sparta Oregonj
For rent March 1st four room
jtottagQ.. -Catf on Qr. address Mrs.
Oliver Corson adiat'f
why she should huy
Folger's Golden Gate
TEA: it's the same reason
why she should huy our
finest huttcr, freshest eggs,
and highest grade of canned
fruits; the tahle answers:
You should also use
Golden Gate Coffee
1 Pound 45c; 1 1-2 Pounds $1.5o
Raley's Cash Store
in! ,, ... . n
In the
Tho American IIouso Mnnncer la
today u member of tlio nrniy that
Is IlKhtfnR to snvo democracy In
-the world. More than 11,000,000
ninnnKcrs of Aniocjcan homes
havo enlisted for tho duration of
tho wnr nnd iiledRed themselves to
support tlio flghtlnK men by tho
wny Uioy buy, cook nnd serve food.
Food will win the wnr, nnd theso
women wilt help to win It. Amer
ica must send food to Europe
Tho nrmjes cannot hold oU if wc
vfall to send it Only certnln foods
Leonard Jones went to Baker
Mr. and Mrs. Chet Evans are
Baker visitors. , . , y
Ray Schultz added his name to
our subscription .list thisveek.
Fresh slock of Krause's Choco
lates just received at the Drug
Store. ad
Just received a supply of Eagle
Valley popcorn try some of it.
Raley's. ad
Josephine Ayres entertained a
number of lady friends on Tues
day evening of last wsek. Mrs.
Harry Herr being the guest of
oW0A I
80c Tea; 80c Quality
(Copyrlsht by Life Pub. Co.)
Courtesy ol Life and Charles Dana Gibson.
enn be shipped those that pack
tho most food vnlue into the small
est shipping spnee. These foods
nro wheat, meat, fats, sufinr. AVe
cannot eat them nnd send them
too. We cannot eat them nnd
send others. Wo must send these
foods, nnd In order to do that wo
must oat other foods ourselves.
Tho American House Mnungcr
will see to It thnt no food comes
Into hfcr hopie tbn.d(esjiot do Its
full -duty under lier management
. In winning the war.
Officers Installed
At a special meeting of Irvine
L,odge No. 86, K. of P., held on
Monday evening, the following
oflicers were installed for the en
suing term by Deputy Grand
Chancellor. E. A. Bennehoft:
C. R. Coger C. C. ;
J. H. Evans, V. C;
W. B. Cooper, M. of
Ohas. Murphy M. of A.
Wm. Chandler, M. of F. ;
Carson Gover, I. G.
L. Y. Matthews, O. G.
A complete Hne...of. canned fjsjbi
for meatless days at Raley's. "-ad