Eagle Valley news. (Richland, Or.) 191?-1919, January 31, 1918, Image 4

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Eagle Valley News
Straight, Trutnmi, uirea
Entered as second class matter Dec. 12, 1912 at the post oilice at
Richland Oregon, under act of March 3, 1879.
Member Oregon State
- $1.50 SIX MONTHS -.
RICHLAND, ORE., THURSDAY. JAN. 31, 1918. Vol. G, No. 12.
Little bits of sugar,
Little grains of wheat,
Give the fighting soldier
Energy and heat.
Cheer up! There are plenty of
thrift stamps left.
Autos should be exceptionally
cautious at railway crossing on
"meatless" days.
Don't spare the corn because it
costs a little more. What's a few
dollars compared to the welfare
of our soldiers' in France?
Now that Secretary Baker has
been forced to make public our
war forces in Europe, the kaiser
is enabled to change his plans ac
cordingly. . Did it ever occur to you when
you are trying to get ahead a bit j
financially, that it isn't so muchf
what you earn that counts its
what you save.
The wise man knows much and
says little Senator Borah for .in
stance. The fool just keeps cn
spilling the beans like a certain
senator from Oregon.
The two-bits you spend for a
savings thrift stamp sticks to you
just as long as the stamp sticks
to the thrift card upon which you
stick it. And still the two-bits
goes on doing its bit for Uncle
Sam and the boys "over there."
The Secretary of the Treasury
has issued a statement cautioning
investors of Liberty Loan Bonds
against exchanging for unknown
securities the bonds which they
may have purchased, and advis
ing permanent holding of Liberty
Ben W. Olcott, present Secre
tary of State, ha3 announced his
candidacy for nomination for gov
ernor on the republican ticket at
the primary election, May 17th.
Among other things mentioned
in his announcement, he says:
'As the proper performance of
my duties as secretary of slate
ireouires my undivided personal
vatte.ntion,,. I imalUpejuI no time
campaigning over the state.
Editorial Association
Catarrhal Deafness Cannot Bo Cured
ly local application, a they cannot rcacrv
tho illstasoti portion of the ear. There la
only one way to cure catarrhal slcafnss,
and that U by a constitutional rrmeily.
Catarrhal Deafness l cauitd by an In
earned condition of the mucous llnlnc or
tho Eustachian Tube When this tube 1
Inflamed you havo n rumbling sound or Im
perfect hearing, and when It la entirely
closed. Deafness la the reault. t'nless the
Inflammation can be reduced nnd thla tubo
reatored to Ita normal condition, hearing
will be destroyed forever Many ciaea of
de.tfneas are caused by catarrh, which la
nn Inflamed condition of the mucous sur
faces. Hall's Catarrh Medlclno acta thru
the blood on the mucous surfaces of tbi
We will give One Hundred Dollars for
any case of Catarrhal Deafnesa that cannot
be cured by Hall's Catarrh Medicine. Cir
culars free. All Drucelsts. Tsc
F. J. CIIEXUY & CO Toledo. O.
Murder, Pillage and Arson Pari
of Deliberate Scheme of
No Possible Evasion of Responsibility
for Bestial Acts Which for Centu
ries Have Had No Parallel
Officially Indorsed.
The people of the United States
are beginning to learn the truth con
cerning the conduct of the war by
Germany. Proof in offered that Ger
man officials deliberately lied in
their statements concerning atroci
ties committed by the Belgians and
allies. 'That their own soldiers were
disgusted by the cruelties practiced
at the order of high officers of the
kaiser is shown. Extracts taken
from pamphlets issued follow:
Tho Vorwnerts of Berlin, October 2'.',
1914. said:
"We have already born nolo to es
tablish tho falseness of a great number
of assertions which have been iniule
with great precision and published
everywhere In the press, concerning al
leged cruelties committed, by the popu
lations of Hie countries with which
Germany Is at war, upon German sol
diers and civilians. We are now In po
sition to silence two others of tlie.se
fantastic stories.
"The war correspondent of the Her
liner Tageblatt spoke a few week
ago of cigars and cigarettes lllled with
powder alleged to havo been given out
or sold to our soldiers with diabolical
Intent. He even pretended that he hud
seen with his own eyes hundreds of
tills kind of clgiireltes. We learn from
an authentic source that this story of
cigars and cigarettes Is nothing but a
brazen invention. Stories of Holdlers
whose eyes are alleged to havo been
torn out by frnncH-tlreurs are circulat
ed throughout' Germany.'- Not a Blngle
ense of this kind has been ofllclully es
tablished'. K
"It matters little that reports of this
nature bear ah' uppearnnce'of positive
certitude, or(ore oven vouched for by
eye-wltnesBei.' The desire for notoriety,
the absence of criticism, and personal
error play an unfortiinuto port in tho
days In which we are living. Every
nose shot off or simply bound up,
every eye removed, Is Immediately
transformed Into a noso or eyo torn
'rrway by the francs-tlreurs.'Alrcady tbei
Volkszeltunnpf Cologne haw bee,n able
contrary to tno Very categorical nauor
Hour from Alx-ln-ninpello. to prove
t lint thrro wns no subtler with tits eyes
torn out In tho Hold ambulance of thin I
town. It was said, also, that people
wounded In tills way were under treat
ment In the neighborhood of tterl)n,
hut whenever Ititltitrles have been iniido
In regard to these reports, their abso
lute falsity lias been demonstrated. At
length these reports were concentrated
lit (Iross lilchterfetde. A newspaper
published at noon mid widely circu
lated lu Merlin printed it few days ago
In large typo the news that at the
Lazaretto of t.lchterfelde iilouo there
were 'ten German .soldiers, only slight
ly wounded, whose eyes hud been wick
edly torn out.' Hut to a request for
Information by Comrade I.lebknecht
tho following written reply was sent
by the chief inedlnil otlleer of tho
nbove-inentloned Held hospital, dated
the eighteenth of the month :
'"Sir: Happily there Is no truth
whatever In these stories.
'Yours obediently.
German Soldiers Protested.
Thus the teachings of the German
War Hook and of the German apostles
of frlghtfulness, suspicion and hatred,
had now begun to hear their iatiiral
fruit. Hut tho voice of protest was
not entirely llcnt. A considerable
number of letters by German .soldiers
who were shocked by the Gorman
atrocities were sent to Ambassador
Gerard, because he was the representa
tive of the Called States, tho leading
neutral nation. The three letters
which follow, lu translation, were re
ceived by the American ambassador
from German soldiers.
Here Is the protest of a German sol
dier, an eye-witness of tho slaughter of
ItusMnn soldiers In the Masurian lakes
and swamps :
"It was frightful, heart-rending, as
:hese masses of human beings were
driven to destruction? Above the ter
rible thiunbr of the cannon could In'
heard the heart-rending cries, of the
Hits-Inns: 'O I'ru-e-l.'.ns : O L'rus-.Innsr
but there was no mercy. Our captain
hail ordered: 'The whole lot must die;
K,i rapid lire.' As 1 have heard, live
taeii ami one officer "ti our blc went
nail from these heari-n-mling etles.
Itut mot of my comrii'l s uii'l I hi otll
ers Joked ns the unarmed and helplesv
Itusslans shilcked fr imrey whlh
-hey were being MiiT.iented In the
-.wnmps and shot down. The order
.wis: 'Close up'ntAl at It harder !' For
days afterwards those heart-reudlnc
veils followed me and I dare not think
if them or I shall K" mad. There Is no
God, there Is no morality and no ethic
mv more. There lire no human being
my more, but only beasts. Down with
"If yoti are a truth-loving mai.
.lease rceehe these lines from a com
mm Prussian soldier."
Following is the testimony of anolhei
German soldier on the eastern front:
"Itusslnu Poland, December 18, Ml.
"In the name of Christianity I semi
you these words,
"Wounded Itiuslaiis are killed with
the bayonet according to orders.
"And Itusslans who have surrender
ed are often shot down In masses ac
coidlng to orders, in spite of their
heart-rending prayers.
"In the hope that you,' as the repre
sentative of a Christian state, will
protest against this, I sign myself,
The third letter, from the western
front, shows the same honor of the
system of uhich the writer was a wit
ness. "To the American Government,
Washington, U. 8. A.
"Kngllshmen who have surrendered
are shot down In small groups. With
the French one Is more considerate. I
ask whether men let themselves bo
taken prisoner hi order to be dis
armed and shot dow'ii afterward? Is
that chivalry In battle? It Is lio longer
n secret nmong the people; one hears
everywhere that few prisoners aro
taken; they are shot down In small
groups. They say naively: 'We don't
want any unnecessary mouths to feed.
Where there Is no one to enter com
plaint, there Is no Judge. Is there
then no power In tho world which can
put nn end to these murders nnd res
cue tho victims? Where Is Chris
tianity? Whord Is right? Might Is
For Hent: the Cobb ranch above
New Bridge. Call at News office
for terms and;other particulars.
45 tons of hay for sale: good
feed ground! plenty of water.
Oliver I'rancis, Baker, ure. aa
"Never Before Have I Seen
Such Beautiful Corsets"
Ynn will kiiv that. too. when vou look over
our lino of Uossnrds. Wonderful
wonder I ul values. No woman canniiord to
ignore tho savings offered by those Goss
urds savings without saerillco --because
tho simplest gmvn is given grace, (limine
tion. vogue, over tho fashionable silhouotio
of a Gos.sard. ,
Hemember that the Gosaard - the original
front-lacing corsetgently and with per
fect comfort molds the flguro into tho nttw
Untight back and hit) linos and smartly in
dicated waist. Wo havo tho Gosaard that
will enable you to become tho ideal of your
'ypo-one of the nine ideal figures.
Come in and examine our line of Gosaarda
priced from .$2 to $3.50.
Hundreds of thous-
fimlu nf lenmim in
all parts
See our line of 50-cent Gossard Brassieres.
1,1 the Justice's court for the Piccinct of Pine
No. 2, B3kef County, State of Otcgon:
t'ornuropi.'i Trading Coin-')
imny, a corttoration,
l'laititiff .SUMMONS
T. 1). Akin, liefendant J
To T. I). AKIN, the above named de
fendant :
In the inline of tho State ol Oregon,
wil are bereliy rcipiired to nppear and
anser the complaint filed i.gultiHl you
in the above entitled action within 1J
lays from the date ol the son ice of thin
summon upon wiu, or suffer judgment
to be taken agaiiiHt you lor lliu miiii of
Uno Hundred Sixteen Hollars, with tbi.
diihurncmeutx of thin iiclioii.
(iiven tindur niv band this Slh day of
January, A. I. 11US.
II. '. LOCK K,
v .luetlco of the Pence
for I'ino I'recinct No. J, linker Co., Ore.
KirHt piibliiatiun Jan. 31. mih.
I.ant publication March 7, HUH.
lii Hie Justice's Couit for the Piccinct of Pine
No. No. 2, Baker County, State of Oregon:
Cornucopia Tradinu Coin-
pnnv, a cor nora llun,
' - l'lituitif! ! SUMMONS
vh. I
itiy Throe, Defendant I
ID (iu V TMKOI., too aliove iihiiiou lie
fendant :
In tint name of the State of Ore -on,
von aro hereby renuired to appear and
answer the complaint llli d aaina you
in the above entitled action wiuun -
lavH from tho date of the pur vice ol tlilH
summons upon you, or miffer judgment
to I). i taken au'iiiiihl you for the ftiiiii of
One Hundred Sixty Threo and IIUMI
DollPrd, Willi IIIO lllrtniirHumuniM m nun
action. . .
Oiveii under my band IIiIhSIIi day ol
.lanuary, A. D. I!UK.
.luhtlco of the Peace
lor I'ino l'recinct No. '1, linker Co., Oro.
l--irt pub. .Ian. ill, I'JIh.
IjiHt pub. March 7, 1UIH.
Department of the Interior.
IV K. Lund Office at I.aUrando. Oru-
Hon, January 17th, HUH,
NOTIUI'. 18 liereny kiviiii mai rreo
Thorn pHOii, of linker, Oregon, who, on
A.,,.,,ui tail, 1(11.1 Hindu I liiliip'Hlelld ICn-
., v ni'm-.u ,,r hh KH I.I. N 1-2
Sn'l-1,' NH 1-1, Sec. 15, and NW 1-1
NW 1-1, hOCLlonil, iowiihmjmj nmuiif
t Wllliiini.Mn Meridian. hllH
filed notice of tritentioii lo innko Tlfroo
year 1'roof, to eHtallllHh claim to the land
abovodescrlbod, before A. H. Conibtijr.,
(;irW of County Court.nt linker, OrcRon,
on tho 1 1 tli duy of March. 1018.
Uiaiuiuill namen an wmiutnen. uucufii
Mohb, of KeatiiiL', Oregon ; John Irby, of
linker, Oregon ; I'rank Henner, ol linker,
Oreon : Liniiio Henner)ol Itiiker, Oregon
0. S. Dunli, Hofclster.
FirHt iiubllcntion Jan. 31, 1018.
Lust publication Fob. 28, 1018.
Get them
Th&LacQ In Front bro 3
of the United States will buy one
ol the Gosaard eorseis wiuun ino no.i tew
days. Ono of the models is Till-: corset for
ycu and tno price win prove sausiactory.
Gossard Brassieres
like Gossard Corsets, ate made to meet
I ho individual requirements of every typo
of figure. Perfection in design is no less
important in Gossard Hraasieres than beau
ty of materials, fabrics and materials.
For Nearly 50 Yearsl
U'n Hie IflBOfta women wtio turn to
M' CALl.'.'l evrxy monlli fur correct fusli-
i, for t'litrrin. fur tcoitunilcol Luyinc,
i r fjney iieotllrwoili, fur cooU storlos lur
uaut9, fir lirlp, lor style.
McCALL, Patterns fit.
i. ..r a rojTAi. auo ako ask ro
P ' ; '. ' " .r S:ATt.'i: rr lisro fS.
., .' s . - . ii rl .r,ini4iri.n
. t c I ..- I ii M l 15 ;-r ( . irm n.
ii. . I- ' . ti.ii .! .ft. . r niir
i v' ' ' v-.J.l. t,r $m l'ni uitfr l-i
VX H..U f 1, 1 111-3 Win 3 It, Sum!. Km T .1. N. Y.
Sunday School at 10:00 a. m.,
K. E. Holman, Htiperintendent.
Preaching at 11 a. in. and 7:U0
p. m. Epworth League at (5:!10.
Prnver meotitiir overv Wednea
day evening at 7:110 o'clock.
Choir practice at 7:510 Thursday
Tho Woman 'h Missionary So
ciety meets the third Thursday
afternoon of each month.
The Hoard of Stewards holds'
its regular meeting Tuesday eve
ning after the first Sunday of
each month.
l!vrvhndv cnwlinllv invifpd 1ft
attend all of the services of tho
A; -Thomas, Pastor
Our services until later notice
will he as follows:
Bible School nt 10:00 a. m. -u
Communion und preaching, 11:00;
Christian Endeavor, 7:00 p, m.
Preaching at 8:00 p. m.
Prayer meeting on Wodnesday
evening at 8:00.
Ladijes,Aid Friday afternoon.
You are cordially invited. ,
William E. IJoanJ
!0c lS&P Vjc