J the suir that gos to waste ill the bottoms Of American tea-cups swfeeienS the dreams of the kaiser EAGLE VALLEY N VOLUMIC , NO. 10 RICHLAND, OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 17, L918 $1.50 A YEAR EWS MUTUAL CREAMERY CO. MfYHHH OK Cream, Milk and Eggs It. M. Kirk, Resident Manager RICHLAND OREGON W. H. STRAYER Attorney at Law Fourth Floor Sommers Building Baker, Oregon Irvine Lodge No. 86 Knights of Pythias .MiM't ctvury I'rliliiy nilit itt tliclr Oimllit Hull In Klclilnml, Orison. VIhU ItiK llrnllKTM mmlc wclcomo. i.. Y..M.rnii;VH,c. a W. ( ItAl.KY, K. o It. A K. w srr ntm tmiT. UAiga Mescal ! W. E. BAIRD FUNliRALMRICCTOR LICKNSKD ISMIJALMKR c.Vel ii ml Hliroudu of All Mitt Aluayt In Stock UfOllLANI, 0UKC50N I'hunu: TwoHfiortfl, Oiui low? I W. R. USHER Notary Public Conveyancer Officii, Frcoml mid W'nlnut Kts. J OpHaito Christina Church 2 C. E. THORP Notary Public All kinds of loyal blanks on hand Your patronage solicited What Is Home WITHOUT ONE OF CHASE'S LAMPS ? Got one nnd you will know. -If they arc not satisfactory they wont cost you a cent. J. M. CHASE, - Richland Renew Youf Subscription NOW ANOTHER PIONEER GONE Word was received hero Tues-' day of ti e death of Alexander J. Tarter at Weisor on Monday of this week, of ailments incident to advanced age. The remains arrived last even ing and the funeral services wero held at the Methodist church at 11 o'clock this morning, Hev. J. M. Johnson oHicujUng; and the body was laid to rest in Eagle Valley cemetery, where his par ents, his wife and other relatives are buried. A granddaughter, Miss Lou tacia Tarter, and a niece, Mrs. W. T. Henn;hoiT, are among the relatives residing in this section, If obtainable we will publish a synopsis of Mr. Tarter's life in a later issue, as he was anions the first settlers of Eagle Valley, living on Little Eagle Creek near tho present home oT Mrs. Nora Moody when I. N. Young arrived here in 1871. Never Say "Enough" An Irishman who was getting the worst of it in a fight was ask od if he would say "enough." II' replied: "If I had strength left to say that, I wouldn't be licked.' Tn.t' the proper Spirit. Never irH. A quitter never gets a i . !) a..- If hard luck strikoa you, brace up and go on just as bravely as you can. However, a little savings account at the bank has carried many .a man through a tight place. Hotter begin now. befpre hard luck strikes and open a little saVings account with us. We v ill guard it carefully for you. ad) Eagle Valley State Bank Mr. Haaschj station agent at Robinette,; has estimated the amount of freight handled the past year for Eagle Valley at 8,000,000 pounds. This is an av erage of more than 33 tons per month, and includes both incom ing and outgoing freight, but is exclusive of mail, express and passenger business. These figures should convince tho most skep tical that the expending of $20, 000 on a road between Richland and Hobinetto would result in much benefit to every resident in this section. The Red Cross workers will meet at the home of Mrs. Wesley Saunders on next Tuesday nfter" noon Plenty of work for all who come. Now is a good' time to rcfinish your furniture; use "Chi-Nnmel" nnd insure a good job., We have tho color you Want. R'aley's.--ad A preliminary estimate 6f the production of metals' from Ore-4 gon mines in 1917, compiled by Chas. G. Yale of the. San Fran cisco office of the TJ. S. Geolog ical Survey, shows a material de crease from tfiat of i91G'. Tho largest output of gold and other metals came, as usual, from' Baker county, which nroduces annually abput 9p per cent of all tho gold mined in Oregon. TUESDAY, JANUARY 22 ; At 8 o'clock in the evening on tho above date, the semi-monthly nr iiim4 Snn r f rtAlinnSI ttti 1 1 r held at the town hall, and the meeting promises to be of more than ordinary interest. Every citizen ut all interested in the welfare and development of our town should be present. Tho "12 o'clock ordinance" will be given a third reading and will call for some spirited discussion. In our opinion the ordinance is as rank fanatical closs legislation as could be framed in a community of this kind. We believe that our present mayor and council men are top broad minded to vote for such a law, as it would result in still less amusements for our young people, and no one will deny that there is little gnough in tho way of entertaintr.cnt for them oven with an "all night dance" occasionally. A plan for putting down a deep well, installing a power pump and stand pjp?, as a means of giving Richland a water supply for do mestic use and fire protection, wdi also bo discussed. This is a matter of utmost importance to every citizen, and alone should be the moans of drawing a large crowd to the meeting. Under the automobile law it is made the specific duty of all police officers, sheriffs and constables, within the limits of their respec tive jurisdictions, to enforce its provisions. The council will in struct MarshallMcDowell as to his duties in regard to speed limit, lights and license plates, etc. Where Are They Now? In all 7-1 men who registered in Baker county were riot at the ad dresses filed with the local board at Baker(consequently their ques tionnaires were returned and the men listed as technical deserters. Among the names are the follow ing from Eagle Valley: Roy Chamberlain, Richlandjdid not register here. . R. B. Dun ford, registered at ;Now Bridge. Hugh Jackson, registered at Richland. Hershel Wymore, registered at Richland nnu later went to Iowa. AChallenge for Civil Discussion lsti Resolved that the serip- t.UPPS f-pnnll Hint Mm L'fnnrilnm nf ..tv v..w itlllMUdl Jl God was set up on tfe Day of renticost or during tho natural life of Christ and His apostles. The opponent may affirm: I will deny. . 2nd: Resolved that Hi 0 Rprtn. Cures teach' Hint tho kitifirinm nf God would be et up at Christ's second advent or at tho overthrow 6'f tho Roman empire. T ...ill !.'! ." II.' " . i win uuinn; mo opponent may deny. (pd adj G. -W. Jones, Richland Ball Brand overshoes nnrT rub bers, for metii wonifin nnrl d'reii ot Saunders Bro'a, ad' WILL BE WORTH HEARING Major C. L. Palmer, chairman of Baker County Defense League, has written us as follows: "I am requested by the State Council of Defense to ask you to give the greatest publicity possi ble to a meeting to bt held in Baker on Saturday, January 26th, at 2:30 in the afternoon and 8:00 in the evening, at the Baker Theatre. At these meetings, by consent and authority of the Canadian Military Division.' Capt. F. B. Edwards, Capt. E. J. Cook and Lieut. Gol. MacMillan. with two mi itary orderlies; men who have fought in the front ranks and some of them badly wounded one losing both hands will ad dress the people. The message they will deliver will be direct from the front It is expected to be of great benefit to the people in general to have these educated men present the true conditions as existing today. Please make it plain that there will be no admittance fee, no solicitation of funds for any pur pose whatsoever. The object is to get all classes of people to hear tliis wonderful story." Bank Directors Elected The regular annual meeting of the stock holders of the Eagle Valley State Bank was held on Thursday evening, January 12th. The following airectors were elected for 1918: I. N. Young, C. J. Duffey, John B. Perry, Bert Rogers and John F. Herr. Mr. Rogers was elected director to fill vacancy made by Mr. L. E. Chandler, who is at present in California and undecided as to his future residence. Mr. N. Young was elected president to succeed Mr. Chandler It was with deep regret the board was compelled to take this action on account of the law regulating residence of president, in which capacity Mr. Chandler served with untiring efforts for seven years. We wish, at this time, to thank- all of our customers for the kind patronage and for cooperat ing with us in making 1917 the banner year of this institution. Soliciting the continuance of your valued cooperation, we ask you to make this Your Bunk a Home Bank for Home People. I. N. Young, President, John F, Herr, Cashier. Buy a rlew Tooth Brush for 25c at tho Drug Store. ad Frank High returned Monday from a visit to points in Idaho. Now is the time to buy that new Hot Water Bottle at Drug Store. Cattlemen were busy the. first of the week rounding up and sorting out cattle. New shipment of whife porce lain ware will arrive in a few days look up your wants 'and come early as this shipment will not last long. Raley's. ad ' Buy a BABY BOND for your Boy FREDERICK R. WILSON Physician and Surgeon Richland, :-: Oregon Night 'phone, one long ring on all lines. Day 'phone call central office. 2?6e Rog'ers Baker's Popular Hotel NEW MODERN CLEAN" Under Direct Supervision of The Owner POPULAR PRICES Special Katoa to Permanent Guest a . American Restaurant 0. H. FOHG AND BROTHER, Props. Cleanest and Most Up-to-Date, Restaurant in Eastern Oregon WE CONTRACT BANQUETS Telephone No. 287 : 1827 First St. BAKER, OREGON- Richland Pool Room' Allan Binheimer, Prop.. POOL AND BILLIARDS Soft Drinks of All Kinds, Cigars, Tobacco, Confectionery Come in and spend your idle timc We'll treat you right Look Here! If you want Life Insurance ' For Protection Come in and let me show you a contract that will meet with your approval C E. THORP C. T. GODWIN ATTORNEY i Sdmmer Bldg. BflRer, Oregon w OODSON L. PATTIsftSON . ATT'Y AT LAW U.S. COMMISSIONER' BAKER . . OREGOI1