Eagle Valley news. (Richland, Or.) 191?-1919, January 10, 1918, Image 5

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10 15 !
Vrtfcrs'ooooooOO 0 OOOOOO&tfOfcfJ-.
C. J. Dud'ey is in from Hakur.
Kal is fuel for IlKlitoru uavu it.
Huy your toilet eoaps ut the
Drujr Store ad
TIioh. Sulftol trammeled buai
ticHH at Sparta Monday.
Gnu and one-fourth cupH of corn
Byrup or honey oquul ono cup of
tiiiuar in cooking.
Koxall Shampoo raffle, just
the thiiK for dandruff, 25c per
jar at Urun Store.- ad
Mr. and Mih. Kd Hartley and
Hon returned Monday from a visit
with relatives atCambridKC, Ida.
Tiio. SoiK'ul IwiH Hold the lower
II) acres of his home ranch and
the Hert MasterHon ranch to Burl
For nioatlesB day use "Otter
Brand" salmon, shrimps, oystors,
damn and tuna; freah'stock on
hand. Ualey's. ad
Mr. Clint KoKor of Vinita,
Okla., is visiting here with hits
brother Bert. We'll tip the jrirla
the information that Clint is un
married -nufsald.
A hard times dance is billed for
New Bridge tomorrow (Friday)
night. "Glad rnifs" aie barred,
JK) wear your old clothes and brinK
a "Hoover" xupper. A nood time
its assured.
We are told that the fields t f
fall rain in the Sparta district
present a most beautiful appear
ance; a IW-aerR field of fall wheal
on Virjol Weir's ranch resembling
ths season of June far more than
The warm weather has resulted
in tho saving of thousands of dol
lars for our stockmen in tho way
of feed. Hundreds of cattle are
ranninjron the low hills and un
less spring is exceedingly late
an enormous (piantity of hay will
be left unfed.
Miss Winifred Thompson, ac
companied by Dr. Anna Pelham
of Union, arrived in Los Angeles
on Dec. 25th. and was married
tho same evening to D. Walter
C. Pelham by Bev. Clark of the
M. 12. church. Tho bride is a
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. T.
Thompson of New Bridge, and is
well known to the young peop'e
of Eagle Valley who extend con
gui ligations.
Just a Mistake, Yhal's All
Tho Richland correspondent to
tho Baker Democrat had an item
in a recent issue that was far
from being true, so we are in
f armed by one of the parties men
tioned. "John l Jones has bought no
interest at all in my holdings on
Snake River," said Mr. Seigel,
"and the statement regarding
80,000 sheep and tho irjmber of
acres of land, shows that tho in
formant know very little about
what he (or she) was writing."
Prefers Chamberlain's
"In tlio coitrMi (if n uonverHntion with
Olmiiilxirliiiii Ml'ilIcliHiCo.'Hi-onri'mmtu.
II vo today, M'u hiul occhhIoii to diHcriHH in
n K(iii(ral way tho intirltH of tlmir differ
ent priipiirutions. At his. iiikkuhUmi 1
(rtko ploaHiiro In oxpreHairtij my Pntliiui
tlon of (Jliuinhurliu'H Cough Hoinody.
I lia'vu ii family of hIx chlldron and Imvu
fixed thin rmnody In my homo for vuiuh.
1 coiiHldor it tlionnly couch remoily on
tho nuirkut, un I linvo trlud nuurly nil
klmlH," Karl L. KosaH'ulilieliur Main
Itoii, County Uooubllcnn-Nows. Sjrru-,
cuia, KaiiBna. ftilr ,
Auction Sale
1 iron bod
1 pair uprlngrt
1 dresser
1 chairH
1 rocking chair
1 round extension tabic
1 round stand
I cook stovo
1 heating atovo
Stovo pipe and elbows
A lot of dishes
Anyone wishing to buy any of
above may do so now; articles re
maining will be sold to tho high
est bidder at 1:110 p. m. on Fri
day, January 18th, in front of my
Whew! Some colder isn't it'
Save food and help win tho war
Did you get one of our calen
ders? Raloy's. ad
Why not send the News to some
Fagld Valley boy in service?
Complete assortment of pocket
knives at Drug Store. 50 to $.'.
Monty Miller came in from
Baker. Tuesday, driving his new
Hudson Super-Six.
Anyone having small beef ready
now or will be soon, will please
call at Richland Meat Market.-ad
Sam Martin got the top price
($10.50) for one car of bis cattle
at the Portland market last week.
"Shorty" Hall of Sparta and
Barney Alexander have leased
the lOd Augustus ranch for the
coming season.
We have just received a new
line of crepe du chine and messa
lino in black and two shades of
blue. Saunders Bro's. ad
Chas. Barber showed a proper
spirit by having a number of
loads of gravel placed in thestreet
in front of his store, and without
any cost to tho town.
Our Clearance Sale is now in
progress; bargains in numerous
lines: millinery, mackinaws and
sweaters, sport sets, mens' and
boys' clothing, stag shirts, shoes
and other odd lines.
ad E. & W. Chandler.
On Tuesday evening Imbrie
Temple No. ;.', Pythian, Sisters,
installed the following officers:
Dora Matthews, M. E. C; Mar
garet Wright. E. J.; Ethel Hill,
Mgr.; Ifa Chapman, M. of R. C. ;
Belle Bennehoir, M. of F.
J. C. Bowen recently purchased
a band of 125 owes, which he was
told would lamb in February. He
informed us yesterday that live
fine lambs had sdready arrived
and from all indications the crop
would be finished before Febru
ary. "J. C." believes ho has set
a new dato for lambing in Eagle
To ihc People of Eagle Valley:
I wish to thank you ono and all
for tho generous manner in which
you have supported tho Christ
mas Red Cross Drive, and 1
specially thank tho people that
assisted mo in making tho drive
a success. Wo have "gono over
tho top" with 502 names added
to the roll, and $522 for the cause.
I thank you again.
John M. Chase.
Are Your Sewers Clogged
Tho IiowuIh uro tho Bowurage syfltem of
tho body. Yon can woIlimuKiue tho re
Hiilt whim thoy nro stopped up at ii tho
cao in constipation. As a purgative you
will find Chamberlain's Tablets oxcollcnt
They arc mild and aoutlo in their action.
Thoy hIso Improve th digestion. adr
Save food and Bbrvc your coun
try. M. A. Weir wad n visitor from
Sparta yesterday.
Ptirola Stock Tonic 25c. 50c and
$1 per pkg at Drug Store. ad
Mrs. Mary Howard has been
quite ill, but is now improving.
Save sugar by using more honey
and syrups. Saunders Bro's.-d
"Dig up" for the road improve
ment and you wont have dig out
oi the mud much longer.
Three good milch cows; will
be sold at a right price', Mrs. W.
W. Barber, Richland, Ore. ad9
Come in and look over our bar
gain table; many seasonable items
at reduced prices. Raloy's.---ad
Owing to the government tak
ing charge of tho railroads, the
Union Pacific and other lines have
cancelled advertising contracts.
A few of our subscribers have
not yet renewed their subscrip
toinf to these we wojld say that
we will appreciate a prompt re
mittance. We have received from Secre
tary of State Ben Olcott, a num
ber of blank applications for auto
and chnulFcur licenses. If you
need one come in.
Business meeting of the Ladies
Aid Society on tomorrow (Friday)
afternoon at the home of Mrs.
Winter Wright. All members
are urged to be present.
O.JA. Corson and Cully Trickle
left yesterday noon for San Diego.
Calif., where the former will go
to work in the ship yards and the
latter enter an auto school.
Ira Bradford writes that he has
been transferred from the infan
try to the field artillery, and that
John Conrad was -ecently sent to
California with other troops.
Taken Up One dark colored
bull calf, around 9 months old.
Owner can have same by proving
property and paying for keep.
See Nicolescue on J.R.Lee Ranch.
Sam Martin arrived from Walla
Walla and Portland Tuesday, he
informed us that the roses are in
bloom and buds on fruit trees are
bursting open in those localities.
F. S. Morrison handed us a
check for $3 last Saturday; $1.50
to apply on his own subscription
and the balance tosendthe News
to his father-in-law II. M. Durrett
at Montrose, Mo.
Alexander Si.r.onis went to
Halfway, Monday, to prove up
on his land before U. S. Com
missioner Shelton. P. T. Wyatt
and Jay Sehultz accompanied him
to act as witnesses. j
Since our last issue tho follow
ing have renewed their subscrip
tions: Carl Carnahan, R. Guyer,
Eli Stanciu. J. II. Holmes. W. C.
Jaspor, Henry Williams, W. P.
Williams, M. A. Weir,
. The cabins on the homesteads
of Nick and Milt Spiroplis on Con
ner Creek were destroyed by fire
about two weeks ago. Although
no one was living on the places
at tho timej both cabins were fill
ed with household goods and all
were destrpyed. v Arrests may
Ije made in n few days, as evidence
points strongly towards certain
Stomach Troubles
if VOU llttvn trnnllln with vnnr atnma
you should try Ohsmborlsin's TabUts.
H(l maiivliavu Imnn rnunril tnlinilili l.
the uro of those tablets and tbeir cost is
s9V'8l zo-cents, -that it-is wor.th while
to give thorn a trial. adr
In guing over our stock we find
many broken lines of seasonable
goods that we are unable to re
place owing to heavy advances
in the market.
We are offering these lines at
reduced prices, many for less than
we can buy them today.
But we want to move them and
get our stock in shape for new
spring lines.
Come early.
Riley's Cash Store
ill i I I rmsYTi i i i i i i i J
Are You Eatio:
To Win the War?
This Newspaper recommends
Today's Housewife to every patriotic woman
who wishes to help win the great war
Today's Housewife is especially needed by every homemalcer
in the present war-crisis, because the seven Courses in Domes
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better select, prepare and conserve food supplies, to cut do
waste, and at the same time to add to the health and welfare
oi the entire family.
Today's Housewife is tie only-magazine tnat maintains a model home
where cookery recipes, new household devices, cleaning methods, etc, are
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The monthly fesson on "Cookery, Foods and Nutrition" under the
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Favorite Magazine of Horne-loving Women
Lctt.r boc- nailing it
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iuevnr !) r!.:nned-for
poni. I'-1 n lK.r.jnik.
inf; in :tt lutfc; teste,
with i! tjJKitjtl ud
tuental no Imj t'-sn the
ru'.t'ial !..; Jj oi tlx
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cf Wiwnaa's eppe '.un
ities rather than hcjsc
Leep!tig at the mo4t
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Jilii !
woman tor vwtoiy ljyf
While Today's House
wife itandt ia a dan
by itself in il: piaciici
value tc hnnieaiakeit,
it it ' noteworthy
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trations and covert by
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one million women
agree that TODAY'S
worth several times
the price of 10 cents
per copy.
You c-n save AV cents by subscribing by the year through us instead of
buying sincie copies. CM! X our office and examine the current issuct or mail your
(new or renewal) subs ription to us ct once. Remember, a year's tubaaiptioa lo only
75 cents for the ctegczine that would be cheap at $1.50.
For $1.95
wo will send both the Eagle Valley News and
Today's Housewife for one full year, new or
renewal subscriptions at this rate.
the Youth's Companion - - $2.00
McCall's Magazine - - - .75
The Eagle Valley News - - 1.50
For only
hrotu "A BABY BOND'