JOIN THE RED CROSS NOW Our boysqver hohh need your liclp I LOCALS roooooooooMoooooooo A Merry Christmas to all. Kd Blue cnliBtod In the nuvy last week. Huy your Christmas Cigars at tlio Drug Store. ad Elmer Wart added hs name to t!,o News list Monday. Now Bridgo schools arc having n two weeks vacation. Rooms for Rent. Addroua P.O. I!ox Richland. Oregon. ad-l Mr. and Mrs Human and Mrs. Gliot Evans are Haker visitors. Renew your subscription so y? editor may havu a Merry Xmas. In our Crockery Dept. you will find many useful gifts. Raley's. Miss Mary Fraser left Tuesday for Raker to spend the Jiolidays. Bronchial pneumonia is quite p-evalont in Now Bridge and vicinity. The W. II. M. S. mailed a lurg number of Xmas boxes to the home boys in service Monday. A masquerade dance will be hold in Richland on Monday and one at Now Bridge on Tuesday night. Wheat for salo-200 bu. Blue Stem and Forty Fold. $2.20 per bushel at Win. Riteb ranch on Powder River. ad-ltf Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Owens of Sparta went through Richland Monday enroute to Copperfield wlicro Mr. Owens will work in a mine and his wife cook for the miners. Posters are out announcing thf annual Now Year's ball of the local K. of P. lodge, which will be held at the Richland opera housa on Tuesday night, Jan. 1st. Elaborate preparations are being made and the occasion promises to be the greatest social event of .he kind ever held here. Mrs. P, G, Dowiib h n;uto sick, Ira Jolliuon has enterod the aorvlce. Now Bhlpment of sweaters just jn at Saunders Pro's. ad A basket ball gamo is billed for the opera house Xmas eve. Huy your X,maB Perfumes and Toilot Waters at tho Drug Store. Mrs, Tracy Sheridan of Wciser is visiting with Mrs. Jas. Fergu son. Cowan Cover received some uevoro bruises Monday when at tacked by a cow. I-ost Carburator off of motor cycle. Return to News olbce or V. J. Pearce, Richland. aJG7p G. A. Rernard and family have moved to a house on the G. M. Mcody place where they will re side this wintur. Thomson's Chocolates and Hon Rons, 5 lbs. assorted high grado goods in fancy gift box for $1.50 atlSuundora -Bro's. -ad There is no periodical that ap peals to every member of tho family as does The Youth's Com panion, and our combination offer given on another pnge is a bar gain seldom to be secured. The High School entertainment Saturday night drew a fait Bized audience and a neat sum was cleared which will be applied on yie indebtedness against the school piano. The program was well received. .1. W. Farley, J. II. Arthur and Levi Ewing left Sunday for Cali fornia where they will spend the winter. Mr. Farley will go to San Diegp to see his son Len, who is in the aero service but is in very poor health. For Sale or Trade Dairy Herd Durham and some part-Jersey milk cows; also 2-yr-old heifers. Will take young caitlc to turn on range or sheep. Will sell on pay ments with secured notes. adG J. C, Bowcn. New Bridge Owing to the change from Sat urday to Thursday noon in the time of enlisting several local young men were included in the number that arrived "too late," among them being R. I. Connall, Lawrence Derrick, Henry Mor rison and John Patterson. R. C. Mack was turned down on ac count of being a rancher, Pete Masterson failed to pass medical examination. S. II, Peach has gone to Hot Lake. Huy your Holiday Stationery at the Drug Store. ad Frpd Cover was at tho county seat tho first of the weok. Look over our lino of holiday goods. Saunders Bro's. ad Calves Wanted Will pay the going price for weaning calves. Geo. W. Martin. A call wll soon bo issued for volunteers between the ages of ill and 45 years. Delayed shipment of toys just received; will bo sold at special prices. Saunders Bro's. ad Rev. J. M. Johnson will preach at Pleasant Ridge at 11 o'clock Sunday morning. All are invited to be prosent. For that Christmas dinner we have lettuce, celery, sweet pota toes, cranberries, mince meat, oranges and lemons. Raley's.-ad Several of our young men have received questionnaires this week and a few went to Haker to have legal assistance in filling them out. Airdale Pups for sale. Two males at $15. each; one female at $10. These are thoroughbred and eligible to registry. Call on or ad dress II. L. Zeigler, New Bridge. You still have a few days to do your Christmas shopping and we have the goods to fill your wants. Our store has been crowded all week with satisfied customers we can please you. Join the Red Cross today. Lot it be your earnest Christmas thought. (ad) . E. & W. Chandler. Allen Wright arrived home Saturday and will remain until next Tuesday when he will leave for Ft. Lawton, Wash,, having enlisted jn the aero service as an. electrician. He informs us that Gill is still in Seattle and is study ing auto mechanics at the Y. M. C. A. Carl Mason has rented the Rich land Meat Market and will soon open same. He will endeavor to handle none but the very best of meat, and all who are acquainted with Carl know that everything will be clean and that honesty will govern each transaction. He will handle fish, oysters, clams, etc., as well as lard and butter, and will always pay the highest cash price for hides, pelts, etc. 10 Gift Buying Time is Here This year we are better supplied than ever with Practical Christmas Gifts 15 FOR MEN We have Jerseys, Mackinaws, Hats, Caps. Ties, Garters, Suspenders, Arm Bands, etc. FQR THE LADIES Nifty Handkerchiefs, Glassware, Granitevvare and Earthenware. We have not forgot the Kiddies We have a big display of NEW TOYS 'ffi RED CROSS now We Have! Wont You? Q Raley's Cash Store 20- 25 W. E. Martin went to Baker Sunday. Lester Holcomb left for Rose burg today. There will be a "turkey shoDt" at Densley's pasture Sunday. Frank Hatt has advanced his subscription until Jan. 1, 1919. Get an Eastman Kodak for a Christmas Gift at the Drugstore Miss Edith Zeigler has been suffering from a slight attack of pneumonia. Treat the kiddies; Xmas candy 25c per lb., mixed nuts 30c lb. Raley's. ad Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Lee and children have gone to Portland for a month's visit. Send the soldier boy one of our "Tru-Blu" fruit cakes or a box of our mixed candy. Haley's. ad In spite of the disagreeable weather a good sized crowd at tended tho auction sale Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Clark spent Tuesday with Mrs. Richard Kirby. This is the first time that Mr. Clark has been away from home for four years. The official visit of Grand Chan-, cellor Crouch and G. K. of R. and S. Gleeson to the local K. of P. lodge last Thursday evening was one of much benefit and pleasure to all. Although the weather was extremely disagreeable a goodly number of Knights were present and the meeting declared a sue-, cess. In our last issue we failed to. mention that the local Red Cross, presented each young man going out to enlist witha "comfortkit" containing many toilet requisites; that are not furnished by the. government. A similar kit has, also b-aen sent to the local boys, already in service. Harland Bennehoff and Chas.. Murphy returned home yesterday evening, having failed to pass the physical examination at Vancou ver, Wash. See our nifty ties, suspenders, sox, arm bands and handker chiefs; just the thing for gifts. Raley's. ad The High School will have two. weeks vacation. 3 Join the Red Cross Today; A Dollar Does the Deed Make Your Selections Early Only 9 Shopping Days Our Stock of Christmas Gifts is Still LargeCome In intoyland for the children we have Dolls, Doll Buggies, Kitchen Sets, Furniture, Wagons, Auto Trucks, Delivery Wagons, Express Wagons, Sandy Andys, Sand Pails and Shovels, Toy Wash Boilers, Tubs and Wash Boards, Pile Drivers, Rail Road Trains, Pastry Sets, Bell Toys, Aluminum Tea Sets, Trumpets, Whistles, Kiddie Kars, Embroidery Sets, Tops, Sleds, Air Guns, Games of various kinds, Bibles and Testaments, and Books of all descriptions. Don't fail to take the kiddies through Toyland. Hats, Caps, Shoes, Mackinaws, Overcoats, Sweaters, Bath Robes, and many other Useful Presents FOR THE "GROWN UPS" WE HAVE Tics, Arm Bands, Suspenders, Handkerchiefs, Hose Supporters, Coat Hangers, Ear Rings, Knitting Bags, Bead Necklaces, Purses for ladies and children, Dresser Scarfs, Table Runners, Silk Waists, Hair Receivers, Silks, Fancy Colored Silk Hose, Fancy Stock Collars, Towels with Fancy Borders, New Ties in all Colors, Ribbons Takes Sport Sets, Sweaters and Jerseys, Silk Camisoles, Knitting Bag Frames, White Ivory Sets, Manicure Sets, Silver and Plated Ware Fancy China and Glassware, And Everything in the Line of Useful Presents E. W. CHANDLER " s s s tore m