Eagle Valley news. (Richland, Or.) 191?-1919, December 13, 1917, Image 7

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Apparition That Appoarcd to
Royal Children.
Otorv nla(i.r4 i.u nu-.... n
!uL n.," ... 0Vcrne" f nu'
i i MiniKi Mir ana uxar
Ina Oellcvc Supernatural Fla.
ure Really Was Visible.
Oriind Dnlio Kriitmt of lleftxo hnil it
Very pretty Ilttlo daughter by bin Unit
wlfi, I'rlnccMK Victoria Mcllln of (Ircnt
Britain mill Cohurg, now married to
urmul Duke Cyril of KukmIii. TIiIk III-
tlo glrl'n miinu uiit) Kllxnhcth, unit on
niTiMint of bur beauty anil uprightly
ciovurni'jw Miv was it universal fnvnr
lln mill tlio only tlo between her par-
iincr tlio estrangement, I'. Cun-
iimt Owen write In tho Now York
While slaying with Inv uncle mnl
mint, tho prem-nt czar mitl czarina, at
thi'lr plcturoiiiio country sent In l'o
I i . . .
iiiiiii, fiio micciiinneii wiii'ii seven yenra
oiil to poison ptoumliio polKon, ac
cording to some, but according to cith
ern iiriiKi conveyed into rood or
lrink by the Nihilist for the puriMixo
or takliiK tho Hfo of Kniperur Nlch-
A remarkable nccount of tho affair
i given ny mi i-.iigllMi wouiiiii of tho
iiiiiuu of Mis I.ugcr, who, after spend-
ing u number of yenrn In tho m-rvlco
iif the emperor unit empres of Hum
hla n tho nursery govcrnosi of their
young children, puhllHlicil on her re
turn to England, with thu full author
Ity ami approval of their majestic, a
volume entitled "Mix Years at tho
Court of Russia.'
According to her, lljtle I'rlnceKN
Elizabeth, or "Kiln," of llenNO wu
taken III one afternoon or nlclit anil
tiled beforij the following morning.
I let ween nine o'clock and ten o'clock
two of tho little girl of the cznrlnn,
who were sleeping together In a room
adjoining that of their seven-year-old
cousin of Hertxo, suddenly nlnriiied
every one within bearing by tho mottt
frantic scream.
When tho empress, Mis Knger nnd
the doctors rushed In they found tho
'two Ilttlo grand duchesses Htaiidlug up
tn their beilH, ahrleklng mid Blinking
iwlth terror. It wn hoiiio tlino before
'they could ho soothed, 11 ml then they
related that they had seen n mnn with
lowing robes and huge wings In their
room. While they were Mil II talking
the eyes of both children suddenly
filiated with terror, mid both pointing
do the stiiuo direction, they cried
"Look I Look I There ho Ih again.
JIo Iiiim gone Into KIIii'h room. Oh!
J'onr Kiln I I'oor Kiln!"
Neither Miss Kager nor tho cznrlun,
nor yet tho pliyslcluns, could hco miy
.thing. Hut a fow momenta Inter
l'rlneess Ella suddenly sat up In her
bed, crying: "I am choking. I nm
choking I .Send for inninma!" Three
Jiour afterward the child, who had
Immediately lifter the cry for her
mother fallen Into a atato of coma,
punned away, In tho absence, of course,
of her pareutH.
Minx Kager oxprcxHcd her firm con
vlctlou that the Ilttlo grand duchesses
had Keen n Hiiperntitiirnl apparition
nnd that the apparition In que
tlon wax the migel of dentil
That tho czar and cznrlun shared her
Impression Ih shown by tho fact that
they had authorized her to publish
thu story In her book, iih well as by
the clrcumstmico thnt sherutiiln their
favor nnd cood will and Is In ro
celpt of mi annuity from them for the
remainder of her days.
Not the Man.
Arduppo My lovo for you, dear MIhh
Itoxley, Ih a consuming llro thnt burns
everything In ItH path.
.MIhh Itoxley Then I four It would
bo uiiwIho to chooMo mich a bushmiil
to hmnllo my money.
New Dug Killer.
A nuw plcco of agricultural appa
ratus him been developed for tho pur-
Poho of combating tho destructive hugs
nnd unik'Hlrablo vegelnblo growths by
.1111 implication of Htoam to the oll
penetrating hoiiio ill.stiinco below tho
.surface, Tho innchliio carrloH a mcmu
generating plant nnd moves over the
mirfiico on a largo drum, thu periphery
of which Ih Htnggerod with protruding
Ntremu outletH In thu Hhapo of blades
or HpluvH. Ah tho upparatUH It) drawn
over tho ground tho tipliicH Imbed them
hoIvch In tho null mid while In this po
rtion tho Htcniu it) released mid penu-
trntcH tho noil for soinu distance
around thu outlet, killing tho worms,
larvae nnd hugs nnd tho undesirable
crop of weeds wjilcli seed themselves
from ono season to miothcr.
Four and a Half Ton Mirror.
Tho 100-lnch-dlmnotor rollector for
tho Mount Wilson observutory In Call-
fnrnlii. ivlileli will tin llnlnlieil enrlv
next yenr, will ho tho Inrgost mirror M"8' tho foot with n powdor composed
over cast. It will bo 13 Inches thick
and will contain, In ono solid plcco,
4ft tons of glass. Engineering Itoo
klmo Arrives at New York With
Thrllllno Account of Encountor
With Qrlnly Dear.
Illubborlng with Joy, Aawatuk, nn
lskiiiio, to ho known on tlio I'cnnayl
vnnln farm, whither ho has gono, by tho
"u,r" J'ntronym of Morris Ivy, woo
released from ICI1U Inland In charge
of Minn Martha I.lnlngor, a nurao nt
ma Hronfoll mission, In Ijtbrudar, nays
tho Now York Horald. AHwatuk (until
ho rcnchoH Pennsylvania) ban only
ono foot Tho othor, tho loft, was
chawod off by a grizzly bear, whoroln
lies tho Nlory.
Aawatuk which moans "tho chilly
bnby" Ih sixteen yenrn old. but, no
cording to tho atory, ho'a bo bravo
that Ijibrndor In probably rollovod to
bo rid of ti In daring spirit
Allan 1clnliiKor, who brought him
buck with hor, had troublo getting him
Into tho country, but Dually appeals to
Washington woro answered, and Aawa
tuk la off to tho farm.
Hut to tho tulu of that missing foot
On a cold, windswept night In Holster's
Hock, Labrador. Ilttlo Anwatuk and hi
mother huddled about tho whalo oil
lamp, wondering If Papa Aawntuk, the
oaring fisherman, wan riding tho gnlo
Suddenly from outaliln tho Igloo thoro
camo a scratching and tho heart of
Aawntuk and bin mother congealed
They know It was tho dread scratching
of a polar bear scratching hi way In
to make a meal off them.
Sundries In tho way of dried moose
meat nnd mission trneta wcro used to
bolator tho fnat weakening wall of tho
Igloo, but all In vain,
ThrouRh a ragged aperture gloomed
tho horrid foco of a grizzly boar. Ho
yawned .In anticipation of Ilttlo Aawa
tuk a plump youth Juat as Aawatuk
kicked with hla loft foot. Tho foot
reached tho onon mouth lust as It
closed, and Just ns Aswntuk'a' mother
dropped, tho whalo oil lamp on tho
benr'a head. With a groon of pain nnd
anger tho grizzly loped llRhtly away,
blazing with wrath nnd whalo oil. but
still clinging to Anwatuk'a foot.
Aawatuk was taken to tho hospital
at 8t. Anthony's, whoro ho rccovorcd
sufficiently to bo brought to this coun
try. So goes tho talo of Aawatuk aa
told by himself,
Preventing 8oll Erosion.
Soil oroslon la doing business dam1
ago constantly, and fow pcoplo know
how to nnnly nravantlvo measures. In
tho annual roport of tho bureau of
soils of tho department of agrlculturo
a ntmplo method of handling ono class
of erosions la described. TIiIh la tho
caso whoro tho soli la being washed
away In Bullies, and tho romody Is to
build a dam across tho Inclplont gul
ly, through which a sowor plpo la
pnssod, connecting with an upright
plpo situated nt tho uppor sldo of tho
dam. Tho hollow formed by tho dam
will fill with wntor In Hood conditions
until tho top of tho upright plpo Is
reached, whon tho excess of water runs
off quietly Into tho noxt Hold or Into
another impounding apneo below. Tho
cutting icurrcnt of tho draining water
Ih stoppod and tho acdlmont carried
by it settles abovo tho dam, thus tend
ing to repair tho dntnngo previously
dono. A sultablo tlio drain located
under tho dnm will dlsposo of tho wa
ter Impounded below tho opening of
tho upright plpo.
Realistic Maneuvers.
Tho TurklBh army might possibly bo
putting up a hotter fight Just now hnd
It boon trained according to tho moth-
oils adopted by ono of Us earlier com
manders. Ird Droughton notos In his
diary of January IS, 1833, that bp "mot
Nnhmok Pasha, tho Turkish nmbna-
imdor, at tho lord chancellor's dlnnor
tnblo. Ho gavo us nn account of tho
present grand vizier, whom ho de
scribed ns bolng very 'vlf whon
maneuvering his troops In shnm bat
tles; so lively, Indeed, that ho mado
thorn flro bullets, nnd charge with bay
onets nnd kill ono nnothor, although
In prlvato Ufa ho was a mild man."
Says Hla Wife Could Tell.
Most men nro queer, but boiiio are
quooror, osnoclolly In Now York. A
prize winner In tho second class drow
tho oyes of tho entlro company upon
him In amazement ns thoy Bat around
a tablo In n downtown restaurant at
luncheon. Thoy had boon discussing
npnrtmont houso llro, whon ono of tho
party turned to tho man noxt to him
nnd asked: "Hy tho way, Jim. how
many rooms linvo you in your flat?"
Now York flats nro so amnll you would
imnglno thnt any mail .who had to
pay rent for ono could, answer right
off. Hut Jim snld: "niossod If I know,
my wlfo enn toll you I can't. Novor
counted 'om." "Woll," whlsperod a
mnn oppoBlto, "Isn't ho a bird. Won
der If ho knows how many Angora and
toos ho has?"
For Sore Feet.
Wash tho, foot with soap and wntor
nnd dry thorn gently, without rubbing.
Thon dip a plcco of soft cotton in
mothylntod spirits and apply oxcopt
whoro tho skin is brokou. Whon dry,
J,U"1 i""lB u' Bluruu uu orou
UK historical and political Ira
portanco of Ireland has cre
ated In tho minds of many
Americana nn exaggerated idea
of tho Islands physical proportions
and tho density of Its population, two
vital factors In England's task of sup
pressing tho rebellion which had Its
Inception In tho capital and largest
city, Dublin. According to the Na
tlonal Geographic society's bulletin
tho wholo of Ireland embracos an
area allghtly less than the stnto of
Maine, but with a population almost
six times aa donso. In comparison
with tho governing country, It is
throo-flfths as largo as England and
Wales, with ono-nlnth tho population
Tho Island Is ono of tho very fow
actions of tho civilized world where
tho population has shown a niarkod
ocrcaso during tho last contury. Tho
first census of tho Island, taken in
1821, recorded a ponulntion almost
0 per cent larger than at tho pres
ent tlmo, whllo the census of 1841
showed tho high-water mark of more
than eight millions, nearly twice tho
prosont population of 4.375,000. This
romarkablo docrcaso, duo largely to
migration, began after tho famlno
brought about by tho destructive dis
ease which attacked tho potato crops
of 1845. This calamity resulted in
tho withdrawal of nioro than a mil
lion acres from cultivation within two
years. Incldontally tho potato, which
as playod such an Important rolo in
tho llfo of Iroland during tho last 300
cars, is not Indigenous to tho lslnnd,
hut was ono of tho food gold mlnos
discovered by tho Spaniards in their
conquest of Peru. Tho country is dl
roctly indobted to Sir Walter Ualolgh
torc cascade
for Its "Irish" potatoes, ns It was ho
who brought thorn from what is now
North Carolina and plnnted thorn on
his ostato noar Cork In 1585. ,
Mountains, Dog and Lake's. '
Iroland Hob on tho wostom rim of
what was onco a part of Continental
Europe, It has numorous mountains,
tho hlghost bolng tho McOUUcuddy
Rooks (3,414 foot), In tho Klllarnoy
region, but thoro Is no mountain chain
or olovntod "backbone" Thoro Is a
mora or loss wolt-doflnod control
plain, however, tho distinguishing fea
ture of which is its bogs tho black
bog producing tho famous peat fuel,
ninorcntiatca from tho nrown bogs
01 me mountains, ir mo wnoio lsiana
1 1 1 I.
, "","k,u lu ,D,U "
wotild rlso 400 feet abovo tho sea.
Tho lakes, or loughs, of Ireland are
among Its most widely appreciated
physical characteristics, tholr scenic
beauty being tho inspiration of poets,
painters ana musicians. Nor navo mo
lrisn riTerB Been overlooked in ap-
. . . 1 1 1, , m 1
jraiflui 01 luo mianu a ueauues. 1 lie.
onannon, wnicn nows ior sou miieei
from the county of Cavan In the
northwest to tho Atlantic In tho
southwest, is the longest water course
in tho United Kingdom. It is navi
gated by largo steamers for half Its
length, nnd is connected with, Dublin
by means of the Grand and Royal
Although coal Is found In most of tho
32 counties into which the Island Is
, .. , ...
I III, o.
. , . j ,
ndustry. Gold was be ng mined in
. , , , ,uuw ,
a modest way in County Wlcklow at
tho time of the rebellion of 1798, but
tho works were destroyed and the
sourco of tho metal has never been
Industries of the Island
Agriculture and stock raising are
tho chief occupations of tho inhabl
tants. At ono time the woolen manu
factures of the Island wero formid
ablo rivals of English fnctorlos. but
hostile legislation gave tho industry a
chock from which It has nover rocov
cred. As tho Irish havo raised flax
ior ccniunus mu mmiuiutiuro 01 iiuuii
enrij uocamu unu ui mu iiupunuui 1
inuuBirics 01 mo country. msn
wntsKy is an important nmcto or ex-
port ana ono 01 tno largest Drewenes
In tho world is located at Dublin. The
Island's production of beer is three
anu a nan million uarruia uiuiuuiiy.
1 - 1111 1 I . I
Shipbuilding in tho great yards at
Belfast is ono of tho most widely
Known or lrisn activities, anu tno ticqp-
soa and coast fisheries afford a live-
llhood for many thousands.
Thnnks to tho tompernto intiuonco
of tho west winds from tho Atlantic,
tho thermometer rarely reachos frcoz-
Ing point In winter, whllo tho aver-
ago for a summer day is CO degrees.
At Toor Head on tho north tho dts-
tnnco to Scotland (Mull of Cantlrl)
Is only 13& miles. Tho Giant's Cause-
way, a short nistnnca to mo cast ot
this point, Is tho outcropping basaltic
formation which In a
former age
Joined tho two Islands.
Water Seemingly Flows From Tree.
At Mount Lowo. Cal.. tho thlrstv vis
itor has onlv to turn on n faucet nro-
Jectlng from a largo troo near tho ho-
tel and wator begins to flow, No wa-.
tor wIdcs nre to bo seen, nnd curios -
Itv is aroused at onco. Tho lower nnrt
of tho treo Is hollow, and the pipes are
run undorKround and up throuch the
hollow part to a knotholo, whoro a I
faucot Is attached. MomH tho fnucot
tho holo Is plugged up with comont
which looks llko tho treo itself. 1
vyiso r-rav.nv.o u( uia incaa.
mi.. 1 . ...1 I
lliu 1UIU9, - "luio Ul mm,
woro ono 01 mo uaruesi nutnontio ex-
nmplos of tho high ougonio develop-
mum ui iuo uuuiuii luco, inoir sys-
torn qi cnuouiiig uucu year me nnest
. --v - - - "---a cuuiHu-
hood from .all classes to become
''tirlnna tt rtif atin " n, w wa. n , v. I
. ui mo
ruior, naving quite- an opposito offoct
j iui ui iuu ituiiiuu mm uutortunate
uiuir.uiuuiu. cuaioms 01 preaeni aay
lujrtuiy. 1
Janitor Had Lost Nothing and Had
Made Something of a Reputation
for Urbanity.
Ono day Crown lost his temper and
determined to discipline tho Janitor.
"Why Is it." ho said, "that every
tlmo anybody in this building lose
anything you ask us if wo know what
has becomo of It?"
"Because," tho Janitor replied, "you
are tho only folks that novor lose any
thing." Next morning Drown shouted down
tho dumbwaiter shaft: "Wo'ro short
a bottlo of milk; whero is it?"
"I don't know, sir," tho Janitor an
swered humbly. "I'll seo If I can
And It"
Why," said Mrs. Brown, "wo got
our milk."
"Don't worry," said her husband.
Of courso ho can't find it. but It will
do him good to stew around a little."
About 15 minutes later Brown was
summoned to tho dumbwaiter.
"Here's your milk," said tho Janitor.
I'm sorry 1 made a mistake."
Brown was bewildered. "Now,
whero on earth did tho fellow get it?"
be said.
He has taken it from ono of the
neighbors," wailed Mrs. Brown.
Next day Brown complained of tho
loss of a Dackage of sugar, which.
though purely Imaginary, so far as the
Browns were concerned, very soon
materialized in the bonds of tho re
sourceful Janitor. Even Brown got
uneasy then; but, being bent on ven
geance, he subsequently reported as
lost bread, a head of lettuce, and a
bag of potatoes, all of which wero im-
mediately produced by tho Janitor.
m.n nmwn nnM tit n wit
I - - r
ior tho month, Mrs. Brown, who 1b a
systematic hmipWoBnm- ornnno th
"Why, they havo mado a mistake,"
she said. "They have chanted us for
milk and sugar and things we never
Brown went hark tn tho ernrKnr to
I -
1 Inquire.
'It's all right," ho said; upon his
roturn. "Wo got the stuff. The Jan
itor ordered IL"
Activities of Women.
Russia has over 3,000 women physi
Tho Woman's Trade Union of Amer
ica has over 65,000 members.
. . '
mans in uerlin, Germany, are women.
Miss Jean T. Moehle, an automobile
I saleswoman, recently showed that she
I ,...,'.,'' ,, ,,
could handle machinery as well as sell
cars. In a leather apron and blue Jean
coat she stood on a platform in a Now
York salesroom ana dismantled and
assembled a motor taken from a car
she had driven over ten thousand
The wearing of a skirt which was so
tight that it interfered with tho free
uso of hor limbs caused Mrs. Delia
Wilson of Kansas City to lose her suit
for $5(000 damages against the Chi
caeo. Burllncton & Oulnrv mttmnrt
The jurv contonded thnt n nkirt whtM,
waa only 32 nches w,do waa entlrely
too narrow for free uso of tho feet in
boarding a train.
wonderful New Reslstanr. ann.
A new .ji, for ... ni!1i.in iOP,
trlc resistance was put on the market
ln Germany shortly hPfnrn th wap
- - - -
and ,a said to ho of, nt .. ,n
tho resistance wires or striD3 need to
bo worked at a hlKh heat: for tho new
ai oy of chrom urn and nickel can ha
run at oven a bright red heat without
suffering damage, and such heatinK
does not mnke tho metal brittle upon
long use.
Specific gravity of tho alloy is 8.25,
and it has a specific resistance per
motor length and square millimeter
section of 1.10 ohms. It can sunnort
a tempernturo of 1110 degrees C. on
constant run. The molting point is
1400 degrees C.
The Exception.
A. noted English suffragetto said
the other day to a New York reporter:
'Your idea of us militants is that
wtf aro vixens, tartars nnd man-haters,
but, as a matter of fact, wo havo In
our nia BOmo ot tho most elegant
antl fascinating women In London so-
"No, tho militant Is not like Mrs.
"lane, who said to her daughter one
"ay -
1 ara certainly easy on shoes. Look
nt th,s Pnlr ot omilo sides. I've worn
them three years and they're still as
Good as now. I'm easy on clothes,
too. Thoro s my tweed Just as fresh
And !, cWn. HtnnVlnWon r.M
' ' o "
I'm nnav nn nvnrvllilno
'"KrrAnt fnthop nhr nM h H,.nh,
ter, without looking up from her book."
Looked Pretty.
t j r 1 n n e f. 1 ni I v nn m rnnv nnrt n
hlghly - pollshod hardwood floor up
.... .
wnero suo caiioa.
Patrice And did she say It looked
"Why, of course. She said sho
B0Uid soa harsnlf tn It"