Eagle Valley News Straight, Truthful, Direct C. E. Thorp .. : Editor Entered as secdrid Cldss matter Dec. 12, 1912 at tile post oifice at Richland Oregon, under act of March 3, iS79: Monibor Oregon Stnto Editorial Association SUBSCRIPTION .ONE YEAR . - : - - $1.50 SIX MONTHS - - - - .75 THREE MONTHS - - - - .50 SAMPLE COPY - - - FREE RICHLAND, ORE., THURSDAY. DEC. 13, 1917. JVol. 6. No. 5. Some Very Old Yule tide Celebrations rls certain that very early In tho Christian era Christmas was cele brated In Britain, mingling In its festivities some of the winter festlral customs of the undent Dritons anil the Roman Invaders, for traces of thoso celebrations are still seen In some of the Christmas customs of modern times. The ancient Goths and Saxons called their festival Yule. Throughout the middle ages and down to the reforma tion the festival of Christmas engraft ed on the pagan rites of Yulo continued throughout Christendom to be univer Hally celebrated with every mark of rejoicing. On the adoption of n new system of faith by most of the north ern nations of Europe in the sixteenth century the Lutheran and Anglican churches retained the celebration of Christmas and other festivals, whlph Calvlnlsts rejected absolutely, denounc: lug the observance of all such days, ex. cept Sunday, as superstitious and un crlptural. During the reign of Alfred tho Great a law was passed in relation to holi days, by virtue of which the twelve days after the Nativity of our Saviour were set apart for the celebration of the Christmas festival. Some writers are of the opinion that but for Alfred's Htrlet observance of the "full twelve holy days" he would not have been de feated by the Danes In 878, for It Is charged that his enjoyment of the fes tivitles of Christmas hindered him from preparation for the battle. "We Hud that In 901 King Edgar cel ebrated the Christmas festival with jrreat splendor at York, and lq 1013 Ethelred kept his Christmas, with tho brave citizens of London who had de fended the capital, with a siege wid Htoutly resisted Swegen, the tyrant king of the Danes. Edward the ponfessor, It la noted) elebrated the first Christmas festival of his coronation with great rejoicing; and In 1060 on Christmas day William the Conqueror was crowned king of England at Westminster. The Nor man klngH and nobles who now be- ame rulers of England displayed their taste for magnificence in the most re markuble manner at their coronations, tournaments and their celebrations of Christmas, Easter and Whitsuntide. At the Christmas feast minstrels played on various musical Instruments during dinner and sang or told tales fterward both In the hall and In the chamber to which the king and'ihls no blea retired for amusement;. Thus It la written of a court minstrel: Before the kins' he set htm down And took hia harp of merry sound; And, bm he full well'bftn, Many merry notes tw, began, In 1007 the CCriqneror kept a! grand Christmas in London .having Invited a number of the Karon chiefs to par ticipate, and ulso caused a' proclamd' tlou to be read lh nil the churches de claring It to bo his will that "all tho citizens of London should enjoy their natlonnl Ihwh as lh tile days of King Edwurd." In the hall tho serf and vassal ' Held that night their Christmas wasiall; Many a carol, old and saintly, the minstrels and the waits. -Philadelphia Press. ."The Man Without a Country" one of the most patriotic stories ever written, .abspj.utely FRE.E. Head display adv on last page. State oi Ohio. City of Toledo, Lucas County, ss. FranU J. Cheney makes oath that ?! Is senior partner ot the nrm of F. X Cheney & Co., doing business In the City ot Toledo. County and Statu aforesaid, and that said firm will puy the sum ot ONE HUNDRED DOLI.AH8 for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot tw cured by the use of HALL'S C ATA RIM! MEDICINE. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before mo and subscribed In my presence, this 6th day of December, A. D. 1SS6. A. W. OLEASON. (Seal) Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Medicine Is taken In ternally and acts- throuch the Ulood on the Mucous Surfaces ot the System. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo. O. Sold by all druggists. T5c. Hall's Family I'llls for constipation. We have received appointment as an associate editor of the Sol diers Weekly News Letter pub lished at Portland. The publi cation will not be run for profit, will carry no advertising or sub scription charge, but will be sent free to the Oregon boys in the trenches, thus supplying them with news from their own town and state. The paper will be published by the Northwest Pa triotic Press Association, of which we have been chosen an honorary ... , , ,, ' life member on account of "hav ing rendered distinguished ser vices to the soldiers and sailors of the State of Oregon." For Re-Publication. NOTICE. OF, HEARING. Department of tho Interior, United Stamen I .and Office. October 18th, 1017. Serial No. 017030 Contest No. 1110 NOTICE ie hereby given that the Com missioner of the General Land Office, by his letter of Oct. 10th,, 1017, has Allowed tho application of Marquess C. Lewis, j of KeatinK, Oregon, f ir a henring to de-' tennino the mineral or nonmineral char acter of the NE N WJ$ and W NE See. 10, Tp. 10 fc., R, 41 E., W. M. The records of this office shdw that said land wan adjudicated mineral in character bv Commissioner 'i Lotter"N" of November 21st, 1801 ao the result of a hearing "held on 'application by the Statt of Oregon therefor, to determine the character of said hnhnol flt-r.tlnn. nml that thu State lias selected and bad ap- proreaanu ceruneu'to it indemnity se lections based on its losses in said section. In his application for a hearing, it is aliened by the said Albert E. Kutter, and two witnesses, that tlio1 lands above de sc ibed are nonmineral in character. Any and" all persons, therefore,' who claim any right, title, or interest-in said lands, or any part thereof, or wtio may no claiming tno same lor mineral pur poses, by location, occupation, or other wise, or who may doe ire to object because of the mineral ciiaracter of the land, of fer any other reason, to tho disposal to applicant, are hereby notified to appear respond and offer evidence touching the character oi tho lapd above described, at 10 o'clock, A. M on Jan.2flth, 1018, be fore VY. h. Patterson, Notary Public, at bl office, at Baker, Oregon, and tbo final hearing will bo held' at 10 O'clock, A.M., on February 25th, 1018, before tho Regis ter and Receiver, at the United States Land Office at La Grande, Oregon. C. 8. DUNN. Register. NOLAN SKIFF, Receiver. Date of first publication Dec. 13, 1017. " ' second Dec. 20, 1017. " " third- Deo. 27,' 1817. " " fourth " Jan 3, 1017. For XMAS AN EDISON rnonograpn s AcUAftAUsiaAslAAlAAslssAslsl wVVwwVww VVVwOvVvwVwVwV No Needles to Change Indestructible Rscords Actually Re-creates tho Voico of the Artist The Best Money can buy or make Priced from $30 up to $250 WlUTE FOR CATALOGUE ADjLER'S jewelry and Music Store BAKER; OREGON NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. (Publisher) Department of thu Interior. U. S. Ijind Office at U Grande, Ore noil. Sept. 2Sth, 1917. Notice in hereby given that Ileriitco A. Staugs, hose pos't oflice address it Rich' Intnl.. Oregon, did, on tilt) 27th tiny of December, 1010, file in thin officii Sworn Statement mid Application, No. 01CS07, to purchaso tho.NE 1-1 NE 1-1, Sec. Ill, NW M Stt'.H Sec. 112, nml BV 1-1 SV M, Soitlon 20, Township 0 South, Range -i I Hast, Willamette Meridian, ami the timber thereon, muter the pro vision! of tho act- of June U. 1878. and acts amendatory, known no the "Timber and Stone Law,' at such value .in might he iixed by apjiraiscmont.and that, pur suant to such application, thu land nml timber thereon nave been anpruisiHi, iu 310fi' H1U V"i!?ur t'a.ti'ni)ir1 nt.:-i()-(KXJ I board feet at 75e and $1.00 per M, and the land 150.00 : that said applicant will offer final prcof in support of his appli cation and sworn statement on the 31st day of January, 1018, before Woodson I.. Patterson, United States Commissioner, at his office, at linker, Oregon. Any person is at liberty to protcstthls purchase ueloro entry, or initiate a con test at any. time before patent issues, bv filing a corroborated affidavit, in this office, alleging facta which would dufent tho entry. C. S. DUNN, Register, C. T; GODWIN ATTORNEY Sominer BIdg. Bnkor, Oregon WOODSON L. PATTERSON ATT'Y AT L AW Li.,s. commisiGKe6 RAKER - OREGON Neighborhood Silel Wright's Corral M6riday)Dec.l7 . Household Goods Furniture Harness Hogs Implements Sale begins at one o'clock prompt. Get your stuff in early. C. E. THORP, Mgr. "1' Christmas Gifts Before making selections elsewhere look over our line. You will find Dolls Toy Soldiers foovelty Toys look's beautiful Framed Pictures Games Stationery in Boxes Gibson Cards and Gift Dressings Pocket Knives Handkerchiefs and Hankcrchicf Boxes Brushes House Slippers Novelties Perfumes Vases Albums Pccolators sliavinji Sets Fancy Work Sport Sets Ribbons Candy Nuts oo crxi Also hundreds of other articles that will make sensible and acceptable gifts. Let us help solve your gift problems we will be glad to make suggestions. SAUNDERS BRO'S. NOTICE pon PUDLlCATION. (Publisher NOT COAL LAND. .Department of the Interior. U. S. Land Office at Lu Grand?, Ore (ton, November 10, 1017. . , Notice is hereby given tint John t). Urn, former husband and heir of Myra L. Jacobs, dfC"iieil, of Richland, Ore con, wiio, on November 27, 1011, made HoinoHuid Entry. No. ODIUM), for SE 1-1 SW l-l. See. 8. N 1-2 NW SU I I NW 1-1, Sec. 17, Tp. OS , R. -H E., and inlv'J. Hill, iiiiuln Ail. II. H Nil 011111. (or SW M HV 1-1, Sec 8, SW LI NW J. I. See 17. E 1-2 NE 1-4. Ser.- ,tloii 18, Township 0 South, Rang" -II .East, Willnuiette .Meiidiun, has 11 led notice oi intention to untko rivn-yenr Proof, to establlMh claim to the html above ilem ribcil, before A 11. Combs, jr., Clerk of County Court, at Ids office in linker, Oregon, on the Dili day of Janu ary. HUH. Claimant names a witm-siTn: Josse Sinclair, John W. Ilycu, Harry Jacobs, Wllllnm Hitch, all nl Hlchlaud, Uregon C. S. Dunn, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. (Publisher.) NOT COAL LAND. Department of the Interior. V. S. Land Office at LaGrande, Ore gon, November 10, 1017. Notice is hereby given that Ferdinand G. (Jells, of Richland, Oregon, who, on May 1,1011, uiadu Homestead Entry, No. 012fl2.'i, for S 1-2 SE 1-1. See. 10, V 1-2 NE 1-1, SfC. 21, Tp. OS.. R. ME., urn! on Jan. -I, 1015, made Ad. II E. Nd. 011188, for W 1-2 SE I-l. K 1-2 SW l-l. Section 21, Townsl.lt) 0 South, Range 1 1 East, Willamette. Meridian, linn filed notice of intention to make Thrco.year Proof, to eatablisli claim to the laud above described, before A. I). Combs, jr., Clerk of Countv Court, at llakor, Oregon, on the 8th day of January, 101K. Claimant natnt-H as witnesses: J. W, lioyco, M. M1. Darren, ..Harry Jacobs, John Grey, all bf Richland, Oregon, i i 0,H, Dunn, Register. First publication. Doc. 0, 14(17. iJist publication Jan. 3, 191Hi - Rheurriatistfi Uho ANTI-URIO. tho Famous ROOT and I1ERRY renuxly, for the cure of RHEUMATISM. Catarrh of llioHtdin- nch and the purifviimof tlmb'ood. Con tains ho Opiates or Uhnmicaltv and thu fnost Dellcilto Stomauli call take it. An outfit (ttvo weeks' treatment) contains nn 8-otinco Pottle of liquid, a box of tab lets for internal hsu and a 1-ouhc" boltlo of oil especially prepared for MASSAG ING thu narts affected Results iziiar' anteod or money refunded. Price- f 1 CO per outfit. For sale by h. iv W. Chand ler, Richland, Oregon. Notice to Sheep Owners No frrazinp; or trena88inp; is permitted on the S 1-2 SE 1-4, NW 1-4 SE 1-4, S 1-2 SW 1-4, NE 1-4 SW 1-4, SE 1-4 NW 1-4, Sec. 7, Tp. 9 S, Range 45 East. Any and all violators will bo pun ished as the law provides. Take warning, n. r. L.amuert; auza 4 NOTICE FOR PUDLlCATION. (Publisher) Department of Din Interior. , U. K Utnd Olllco at Lu Grando, Ore gon, Sept. 'JHl), 11)17. Notice Ik hereby dvon that Ira D. Stairus, lio Mmt office address In Rich lanil, Ori'vun. did, mr tho 27th day of Di'cetnher, lllltl. II I o in this offlco Sworn Statement ami Application, No OlflHOHi to puronnno line's and M j...-1'rjion w. lowmn in in ninth. ituiiL.n 41 Last, Willrtinejtu Meridian, and the timber thereon, undi'r tho .previsions of till) act of June a. 187K. and iu-Im run. .ml. utnry. known us thu 'Tliiihff and Stonn ut rui'Ji value as might bu llxed liy appriilNiuneut, and that, piusuaut to such application, tho laud and timber wiiti'oii nr,vo neen apprniHeii, ntf iiio.UU, the tlmliiT ustlmnliHl at MO.OOO Imaril fetnt.'0'per.M,ndtlMi laud lHh),0); that said applicant will offer final proof in mipw)rt of his application nml sworn Ktat'iiient on tho Hint day oi Jantinry. 101s, befnru Woolson L. Patlemoii, L'nlte.1 States Commissioner, at his of. lice, at Haker, Oregon. Any person is pt, liberty tn protest this purchase before entry, or InltinM) a con teat nt any tlmo buforn patent issues, riy filing a nnrrobofated nflhlavlt In this office, alleging facts which would defeat the entry. C. S. DUNN, Register. NOTICE FOR PUDLicATlON. (PUBLISH EIL) . 4 NOT dOAL LAND. DEI'AR'IMENT OF THE INTERIOR. V. S. Land Office at La Grande, Ore gon, NovomlHir Illth, 1017. , Nolk'3 Ih hereby given that Alexander E. Simouis, of Richland, Oregnu, who, on December 1.', 1010, made Homestead Application, No.()HH7a. for N 1-2 SE l-l, Section LI. and IV l.'JSW l.l H..itlim I." TjiiwnsliillO South, liilngiMi East. WIN Uimettu Meridian, has tiled notice of in tention to nlako Five-year Proof to es tablish ol III III til lll'l lliml nlinVidlnuorllwi.l before Oharies .1. Sliiiiton, Uiiltui) Stottv OommleHloner, at Ilalfivav, Oregon, on urn mi uuy oi January, iwih. . CliiimiinL nutpi'H mh U'lf ru.uMHK .i T Wyatt, W. A..,Wptt, Jay SchulU, and' George Gordon, all ol Richland, Oregon. O. S. DUNN, Register. police, ol final SeCticninK I' Notice III hernliv ulvmi ili.li W II Rradford, tho duljr appointed, qualified' slid acting administrator of the estate of liiiciinrjira.lloni, dcceaieil,. liud 11 led In the Countv Court of llm MH fori the Countv of I Ink nr. din II ii ! I nn. tount and ruport of and doijrofrrilng hia administration oi said esUto lind that January the nth, 1018, at tho hour 10 o'clock In thu forenoon of -told day, is tho time fixed dnd appolntml for u final hear ing and adjudication thofcof. Any and all pprsons interested In said ostuto ore hereby notified to be and appear In i aid fcourt oil or before said day and hour and fillOW Cailse. If lldv ilwmi lin wliu u.l.l final at-'cotint nnd report should not bo Ai.llf.,f1 Hit llln.l ll... .! 1 .. f . . " i"" , niw iiiiiiiiiiimriuor uiH charged hia UdnJsmen uxonnrntod and aald istato folly and finally sottlod anil closed, " W. II. BRADFORD, Adinlatstratof W. U.Htruyer, Attornoy. First nub. lien. II. 1(117. Last pub. Jan. 3, 101K